• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 1,394 Views, 31 Comments

My Mother - Dragonfan101

during Spikes journey to the dragon lands he encounters someone he never thought he'd meet...

  • ...

4: The Visit

The sun had started to rise and the sky was clear, the rays of the sunlight shone into the cave as the crystals began to sparkle and shine, the rays had hit Skystar's eyes as she opened them. she looked out the window and smiled at the beautiful sunrise, she looked down at spike and saw he was still asleep, not wanting to wake him up she placed him where the sun wasn't reaching and put a blanket over him, she then smiled lovingly giving him a little kiss then she walked out the cave to make breakfast.

The smell of something sweet had hit spikes nostrils, the sun started shining in his eyes as the whole room was lit up in it's rays. Spike then yawned and stretched his arms as he got up, he then got out and the room and went to the kitchen because that's where the smell was coming from, he walked through the cave and looked in awe as the crystals shone through the walls, the beautiful colors shone around the walls and made it look like a night sky" This is something else, this must be one of the best caves in this village!" Spike thought while smiling as then he made his way to the kitchen.

He walked in as the smell got even better, he saw his mom cooking pancakes near the corner of the room" Morning mom!" Spike said happily, "Morning my FlameStar! Did you sleep well?" she asked,
" with you its one of the best nights I've had" He replied as he walked over to the table. Skystar then finished and put the pancakes on the plates( which yes dragons have plates and other cooking items ponies have) walked over and set them on the table as they sat right next to each other, eating and enjoying what she made.

"So other then seeing Nathen, anything else we're doing today?" Spike asked while taking a bit out of the pancake, " We may be going shopping for some extra supplies after the visit, your going to eventually use your own room, we could get some extra books and toys or something you might like that makes you comfy." She explained
" I like the sound of that, but I think I'd like to spend a couple more weeks sleeping with you first I just wanna make up the nights I wasn't able too." He replied," Okay then my hatchling, we'll wait on the shopping for now we'll head out in a hour. " She replied

They then finished eating and put the dishes near a large bucket with water and soap near for later cleaning( they don't have running water, so they have to have a few containers of it.) they then got ready them made they're way to the lava pools in the village to rest up for the rest of the hour, after the hour past, the sun was already high in the sky. Skystar then placed Spike on her back and she took of to the southern hot springs where Nathen said he lived.

The flight took a couple hours as the hot springs were pretty far away from the village, eventually though they made they're way to them, the grounds were full of dozens of pools of hat water, steam coming out in each of them, some dragons were relaxing in them. Spike looked down to see if Nathen was in one, eventually he found him relaxing alone in one hot spring a bit away from the others." There he is! Down there." Spike said as he pointed in his direction, Skystar then nodded as she flew down and made they're way to him.

Nathen's eyes stirred as he felt a sudden shake on the ground he looked up and his eyes widened as he saw Spike and Skystar had just landed near him. "Spike! Skystar! Great to see you too!" He said happily as he got out of the water, drops coming down as he made they're way to him, his scales shone as the water dripped, battle scars clearly showing from multiple sides. "What are you doing here?" he asked curiously,
" Came here to visit, thought you could use some company." Spike answered. " Well nice for you guys to stop by!, wanna come walk around for a bit?" he asked," "Of course!" they both replied, Nathen smiled as they began walking.

There wasn't much going on on this day, other then the dragons relaxing in the waters, or flying around there wasn't much to these parts of the lands other then the rocks and smoky clouds that eventually passed. " So, what have you two been up too since I last saw you?" Nathen asked curiously.
" Well yesterday me and my little Flame went around the village for a bit and I took him to the hatchling grounds while I went to get some food, he even made a new pal!" Skystar explained happily.
"Flame?" Nathen asked confused," Oh yeah FlameStar or Flame for short, it's my birthname." Spike explained, Nathen then nodded in understanding. "FlameStar, Spike, both great names for you." Nathen complimented.

"So who was this "pal " you made Spike?" Nathen asked, Oh just a girl that has similar interests with me like, you know, cooking and reading and other stuff like that" Spike replied." Oh really? Is she a pretty girl" Skystar teased with Nathen looked with a little smug," N NO! it's nothing like that, she's pretty looking but, I.. I MEAN,"
They both laughed hard when hearing that, Spike looked at them with his arms crossed" Ha ha very mature you too." He said with a pout.
" we're just teasing you silly! you look so cute when your embarrassed!" She said rubbing his head a little while still laughing. " Alright enough of that you too" Spike said still a little upset.

After all that they then continued to walk for a bit, it was around midday and they were both starting to get a little tired from the walk," Man midday already? does time fly this fast normally? because it feels longer mostly," Spike said tired," I know it feels like it was morning just a few minutes ago" Skystar replied tired as well. Nathen looked at them and saw they were both tired from all the walking,
" Would you too like to come to my cave to eat and rest for a bit? you two look like you need it." he offered. " That would be great/lovely" they both replied" Nathen smiled as he began to lead them" Alright come on you two its just a bit farther. they both groaned a little as they followed tired of all the walking.

Eventually they made they're way to Nathen's cave they sighed in relied as they arrived at the entrance" walking like that for that long sucks" spike complained " agreed" Nathen and Skystar said at the same time, they then looked at each other for a moment before looking away blushing a little. they made they're way into the cave, it was rather large, multiple rooms that had some treasures, kitchens, bedrooms, bla bla bla and all that.
" nice place" Spike complimented, Skystar nodding in agreement" its lovely" adding in." thank you, you too,
Spike why don't you look around a bit more while me and Skystar make some lunch?", Spike then nodded going in one direction, Nathen in Skystar going another room together.

" So you live here with anyone else?" Skystar asked," I used, to but not anymore" he said with a little bit of a sad look, Skystar was going to ask what's wrong but decided against it. as they made they're way to the kitchen Skystar looked around to see it there was anything interesting, she then noticed a framed portrait on a shelf. She walked over with Nathen noticing, she got a good look at it,
It showed Nathen happy with another dragoness right next to him smiling as well, she had dark blue scales, bright blue eyes and bright blue spine.
"Is this?" She asked," she was" he said coming up holding the portrait with a claw," My beloved sapphire." he said with tears starting to form in his eyes .

" What's wrong" She asked" i.. its nothing" he replied turning around before she placed a claw on his shoulder," i know somethings wrong please tell me, believe me I know the pain" She said practically begging him. he looked at her before sighing and looking back at the portrait." She was everything to me I remember the day I met her like it was yesterday" he said as we cut to a memory

It was a normal day in the lands, a blue dragoness was minding her business as she walked through the town," It was like any other day for me as i went to hunt, nothing interested me until I saw her" he said as Nathen was flying around almost ready to go to the forest until he looked down and saw her. The dragoness then began to be surrounded by a couple bigger dragons, she backed up and growled" Back off you punks!" She threatened, Oh? and what are you gonna do about it sweetheart? a black dragon teased," don't worry were just here to play a little rough" a red dragon said with a evil grin. they then started to advance forward ready to attack," I wasn't just about to let them harm her, so I stepped in" he said we cut to him as he flew down landing on the ground creating a large crater on the ground.

" BACK OFF YOU JERKS!!" he said threateningly with fire starting to come from his mouth. " Oh and what are you gonna do?" the black dragon asked with a grin, as he said that Nathen turned at him and shot blue fire from his mouth and charged at him, the dragon screamed in pain as he was being attacked and clawed at, the red dragon joined in as they both fought him, but Nathen was skilled and was able to put the hurt on them, eventually they both backed off in pain they then flew away in both pain in anger for losing." after i saved her we both knew we were for each other" Nathen narrated," You okay ma'am?" he asked concerned." Yes!, thank you so much!" she said as she started crying, Nathen came over and held her close as they nuzzled each other." I'm Nathen", "Sapphire" she replied still crying

"From that day we spent each day together, we were happy together, we spent time hunting together, flying, and just never wanted to leave each other." he said happily, before it turned to a frown. " But life has a cruel sense of humor, she eventually fell really sick like your mate did, i used as much medicine as I could but nothing worked". we then cut to a moment where Sapphire was laying down breathing weakly, Nathen looked at her tears coming from his eyes" Please! Don't go! your all I have!" he said crying, she looked at him, eyes really weak before saying" it's... gonna.. be.. okay" she said holding out her claw with Nathen taking it" Promise... me... something" she said weakly," What?" he asked confused. " Promise.. me... you'll... take... care.. of.. ones... who can't protect themselves" she said eyes starting to grow heavy, Nathen looked at her before sayin" I won't let any others suffer like what would happen to you if i hadn't saved you" he said tears pouring," I knew... i... was... with... the... dragon... with.... the.... heart... of... gold, I..... love you..... my gem......." she said as her eyes closed and her claw losing her strength. " no... NO! PLEASE! SAPPHIRE! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!! PLEASE!! Please! please... he said crying heavily.

We then cut back to Nathen having tears coming from his eyes" she was everything to me" he said somberly. Skystar came up to him " I know the pain. My mate Emerald, he had saved me from a large pack of timber wolves when I went on a hunt, you and i are one in the same in how we both met and lost our loved ones."
Skystar hugged him, and he hugged her back" I just don't know how to move on, even after all these years" he said crying," I still haven't moved on either, he meant so much." she said crying as well." You remind me so much of her, kind, caring, beautiful," he said looking at her," and you remind me so much of him as well" she said with her head on his shoulder.

They both stood like that for a minute before separating," Can you please come with me? I have something I'd like to give you" he said walking to another room, she nodded and followed. they enter what she assumes is his own room, Nathen went over to shelf and opened a little door,
" I meant to give this to her before she fell ill, it was meant to celebrate the years I've known her." he said as he held up the item he got.

She gasped at what she saw it was a beautiful necklace, it had rainbow colored gems in it, as well as a crystal heart in the middle." It took me a long time to make this, You've helped me a lot with my pain, and I want you to have this as thanks'" he said holding it to her." A... are you sure" she asked hesitantly.
" Yes, a beautiful necklace should go to someone as beautiful as you" he replied" She then took the necklace and put it around her neck, it was a perfect fit." you look amazing" he complimented," T.. thank you!" she said before coming up to him while nuzzling him, they were like this for a while before stopping they then smiled at each other.

They were about to go to the kitchen but they stopped as they both forgot about someone, they saw spike at the door with tears in his eyes,
" D... did you?" Skystar asked a little embarrassed," I saw everything, it was beautiful." he said before coming up to them and giving them both a hug and they returned it." would you two like to stay for tonight?" I'd like the company" he offered.
" Of course Nathen we'd love too." she replied, Spike nodding in agreement.

" Tomorrow we could go to one of my secret spots in the forest, it'd be fun." Skystar offered, they both happily accepted it, they then spent the rest of the day bonding with each other, the day had eventually gone by and they were all tired, Nathen showed them their guest room, which they both happily went in to. Skystar and Nathen both nuzzled each other for a little bit before they eventually stopped and went to their rooms, with Spike falling asleep in her mothers tail again, and Nathen went to his, they all fell asleep with smiles on they're faces.

Author's Note:

Hey guys sorry if this chapter feels a bit too long, i had a lot i wanted to add in this one. and i wanted the story to have a nice emotional moment to it. Sorry if it feels a little predictable and rushed, but please remember this is still my first story and I'm still learning, i have some more interesting stories planned after I'm done with this, but stay tuned for what's next! Feel free to leave me Story ideas for me to write. Also shout out to SpikeSmolder Fan for giving me the idea to add the Smolder appearance in chapter 3! have a great day and see you all later!