• Published 26th Mar 2024
  • 380 Views, 12 Comments

The Markless Wonderer: Origin - OllerusTheFailure

The tale of a usual colt with an exceptional thought. One that doesn't belong in the mind of a young pony. But that's the dilemma. He's a pony of Equestria.

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Chapter Two: Their Perspectives

After eating dinner and watching the buckball game, we ascended the stairs to check on our son, Nature Thorn. He was always different from how I pictured my child being. Not that that’s a bad thing; His mother and I love him to the moon and back. But I have never been able to express my feelings well because back in my day, I did not have somepony to call a father. I just hope he is aware of how much I care for him.

We arrived at his door. He said he would hit the sack a few hours ago, so we expected to find a small pony dozing off. My hoof froze mid-air, hesitant to turn the doorknob. I glanced at my wife and looked into her eyes for reassurance. She nodded. With Misty Fleurs by my side, I can do anything. This was nothing. He’s my son… He’s my son. Perhaps the weight of that fact is why I’m so anxious.

After sorting through some more thoughts, I was ready. It creaked a fair bit, but I opened the door. We walked in cautiously to ensure we did not wake the growing colt. We didn’t approach too closely but got close enough to see Thorn snoring in his disheveled bedsheets. The first to whisper, breaking the silence, was Misty Fleurs. “He’s as adorable as the day he was born.”

“Do you think we’re doing a good job?”

“There’s not a doubt in my mind.”

Seeing his tranquil face, I could not help but picture him as a foal. I reminisced about the memories we made together all these years. Something inside of me just kept saying that this colt would be extraordinary. Maybe it's a father’s bias?

I should have made a name for myself outside of our small town, but I failed. I came to accept that. I came to accept who I was. There was no better Woodspony around Luna Bay—perhaps even Vanhoover. As for Misty Fleurs, she has a natural talent for growing and nurturing flowers. Together, we helped provide Luna Bay with a wood supply and beautiful greenhouses. Because of this environment, things were more challenging for Misty Fleurs, but she could bring the most withered plants back to life with her expertise.

Currently, I am on a work break, having gathered more than enough wood to sustain the town for a while.

Whatever specialty Thorn adopted, we would support him through and through. Heck, I’ll even help push him further whenever he falters. I’ll help spread his name throughout Equestria. Then nopony will ever be able to escape the name, Nature Thorn! Our family is not one that gives up on fulfilling its roles and duties. No matter what, we make things work. I did it, and his mother did it. We would even assist each other if need be. So, we'll be there if he needs or wants our help.

But if he wants to do things independently, that’ll be okay, too. All that matters is how far he will go. That will come with time. The critical factor was my ability to be patient. “We should step out before we wake him up.”

“Agreed,” Misty Fleurs concurred. We left the room and closed the door, allowing it to creak that night for one last time.

Reality was cruel as I awoke, the daylight glinting on my face, which meant a five out of a seven chance of embracing another day of educating this town's young fillies and colts. All the parents, grandparents, other family members, and ancestors depended on me to teach their kin the dos and don’ts and academics. I tried to leave my bed, but exhaustion had other plans.


“Mmhhh…” Falling off my bed face-first onto the floor and scarlet tush in the air, I stayed in that position, contemplating my life for sixty seconds. Afterward, I exerted strength into my sluggish legs and trotted to the bathroom sink to look at myself in the mirror. The reflection showed me a beautiful crimson mare. I noticed my messy purple bed hair and figured it needed an excellent combing. Still, I would need assistance, so I called out to my only helper. “Oh, Hazellll!”

“Woof!” Hazel was my charming not-so-little dog, a Borzoi, to be exact. She already understood the assignment, as this was a common occurrence. The products would have already been in the bathroom waiting for me, but I had to go shopping for fresh supplies, and when I did, I left them back in the living room. Hazel knew what to fetch. She grabbed and brought my hair products, a brush, and a decoration: the cutest green bow.

“Good girl! I forgot I had this bow. It’ll look so good in my ravishing purple mane.” I combed my hair out, using the hair products as intended in the proper order, and topped it all off with the adorable green bow. I witnessed the ultimate results in the mirror, and wowza! I looked good. “Scarlet Petals, you look fabulous in green ornaments. Truly, you should wear it more often.”

That was enough dilly-dallying about my appearance. Unfortunately, I wasn’t on a date with a dashing stallion today. No, today was a day of learning! Technically, every day is, but it doesn’t matter.

Then it happened again today. Hazel had a random pair of brown slippers in her mouth... I don’t own a pair of slippers. “Hazel! Bad girl! You stole something from a neighbor again?!”


“Ohhh, youuuu!” I attempted to pounce on the naughty Borzoi, catching only air and the hard, fibrous flooring beneath. I peeked up, and there she was, glaring straight into my soul with those derpy black orbs for eyes.


You’re mocking me. I can feel it down to the marrow of my bones!

“Why, you little—” I stood up and started chasing her around my house. After a few minutes of trying to capture her, Hazel took things a step further. She jumped onto my rose-dust-colored sofa and placed her forelegs on the thick window ledge behind. She turned, making sure we made direct eye contact. You bet your furry little dog ass I’m glaring back. Then I realized I made a simple mistake. I should have recognized the meaning of her actions instead of being so focused on our staring contest. One of her adorable paws raised like she was about to shake a hoof. Then, her movements halted in mid-air. I caught on to her plan. She aims to rush out the window and escape to the outside world. Something I cannot let happen.

That unruly Borzoi’s hind legs stood on the cushions while her forelegs were atop the thick window ledge. And there it was—a latch. She’s up to no good, no doubt! It was a simple mechanism; you only had to flip it upwards. “Don’t. You. Dare.”

“Woo.” With the simplest movements, her paw flipped the latch, causing the window to unfold outwards, and then she leaped out of it.

“Hazel!!!” I jumped out the window in hot pursuit, the chilly morning air biting all over.

It looks like I’ll be late for work again. Darn you, Hazel.

Bmm! Bmm! Bmm!

With its tiny cone-shaped beak, a snow-bunting bird pecked at my window.

It was early morning, and I had difficulty sleeping last night. Yesterday, my close friend Nature Thorn looked into the bay and didn’t see a mirror image of himself. But how was that even possible? The probability of it not showing his ‘reflection’ should have been... absolute zero. In the vast history of Equestria, there has never been a report about a pony without an eventual cutie mark, purpose, or talent. Nature Thorn should be no exception; he was, in fact, an average earth pony.

That’s just one of many problems. He knew. Nature Thorn already knew and never told anypony, which is understandable considering our initial agreement. But why did he never tell me? We have been friends since we were little foals—practically brothers. Nature Thorn didn’t tell me til I cornered him. Until the moment he was caught. “Does he not trust me?”

No, I don’t think that’s it. Was Thorn embarrassed? That might be more accurate, but the guy only gets sheepish if it concerns his parents. No, I’m sure Thorn is a little embarrassed, but that is not the feeling Thorn gave off when he admitted to already knowing. Nature Thorn was sad, but if he already knew that was just a result of being reminded... then telling me should not pose much of a problem. He knows I would do everything I can to help. If it’s not trust, sadness, or him being shamefaced...

Ice Whistle, you dunce. Why did you have to analyze this? The answer is so simple. “Thorn... you’re infuriated with yourself, aren’t you? So displeased, you’re trying to conceal it.” My sight locked onto the dark brown ceiling. An old wrinkled poster my elder sister got me was taped there, featuring some old blue stage magician named Jack Pot.

I left my bed's warm, soft confines and grabbed a momento off the hook rail attached to the door. “I could really use some of your advice, Freeze Breeze,” I whispered, then wrapped the momento around my neck, also putting on a matching beanie.

A black and grey striped scarf was acquired.

My sister moved to the great City of Baltimare to attend a university. Unfortunately, asking for advice was not an option. If I want to communicate, I can only do so by writing a letter, which is time-consuming. Even so, my letters have yet to be answered to this day. But now was not the time to dwell on it. No, I must stop fixating on what I can't do and emphasize what I can do.

“Ice Whistle, come down here and see what your father made us for breakfast,” Mother said, coming by my door.

With the scent of brunch, I stepped out the door leading to my room and prepped for school. I had a friend to see.

“Rise and Shine!” my older brother announced, rather than my alarm clock waking me.

“...Why didn’t you just let my alarm go off?”

“Silly filly, because I’m your big brother and llllove my adorable little sister! I must look after and be an exemplary role model to you, Starry Vision.” I’m sure he sapped all the potential enthusiasm that could have gone to me the day he was born. I really could have used it since I’m more of a shy pony than anything. Improving myself was a goal, starting with talking to Ice Whistle. “Alright, my Little Star, get ready for another super duper day at that fa-cil-i-tay of ed-u-ca–tion!”


My brother, Stargazer, was always like this. The super caring sibling I can’t escape or get rid of. He has a good heart, though. His curly mane shared the same color as mine, but his fur coat was more of a dark powdery blue.

My preparations for the day began, and Stargazer started preparing breakfast. But I couldn’t stop thinking about a particular pony in my class – Ice Whistle. I wanted to tell him yesterday, but he must have made plans with his friend Nature Thorn already because it seemed they were in a hurry. My timing could not have been worse—neither could my brother's. “Little Star! Breakfast is served!”

I went to the kitchen and sat at the family table decorated with a white and blue tablecloth. Our parents were on vacation, leaving Stargazer in charge. “I have a surprise breakfast treat for you.”

Oh, please, Celestia and Luna, help me.

“It’s a special recipe from Ponyville!” The oven dinged. Using his oven-mitt-covered hoof, he opened the range, retrieved what was inside, and presented it on the table. “Voila!”

The peculiar, peppery aroma assaulted my nose. I was seriously going to have this for breakfast on a school day. I spent considerable time figuring out what I was looking at until Stargazer revealed the answer. “It’s a jalapeno red velvet omelet cupcake. The thought of it intrigued me, so I just had to make us some.”

At first, my mouth formed an upside-down V. Still, after noticing my brother’s eyes and their growing anticipation, a forced smile crept up—roughly meeting at the halfway point. I grabbed the monstrosity he gave me and slowly closed the gap between it and my mouth. With every inch it came closer, the more excited Stargazer became. Whichever came first, I was afraid he would either explode or implode from elation.

I steadily sank my teeth into the breakfast dessert, chewed twice as slowly, altogether experiencing the cake’s fluffiness, the egg’s richness, and the jalapeno pepper’s tangy crunchiness, and combatively swallowed.


It was like a bomb had detonated. It seems I’m going to school perplexed today. I wanted to tell Ice Whistle what I couldn’t say yesterday, but after seeing what Stargazer baked me, I was scared I might not live to tell the tale. My best friend, Mint Spring, would have been concerned about my sudden disappearance. However, I’m not sure what was more terrifying. Talking to Ice Whistle, or that this jalapeno red velvet omelet cupcake was delicious.

A beautiful morning here in this town by Luna Bay it was. I am currently reading the Equestria Daily outside, sitting in my white beach chair, and drinking a relaxing steamy cup of jasper tea. I adjusted my reading glasses and filled my mouth with the warm liquid. Then a dang oversized mutt leaped over me, knocking the mug out of my hooves and causing the tea to slosh and spill all around.

“Classic.” I paid no further attention and poured some more, trying to resume reading the newspaper. However, the paper was too wet and flimsy in certain areas. Screw it, I’ll enjoy the view and drink the rest of my te—

Ting! Splash!

“Sorry, Brisk Prize! I’m trying to retrieve your slippers from Hazel!” Scarlet Petals yelled as she galloped astray. Like the oversized rodent, the owner, who is also the teacher at the local schoolhouse, leaped over me and knocked the drink out of my hooves. Jasper tea spilled everywhere again.

“Noted.” I know she didn’t hear what I said, and I didn’t care. That part is irrelevant. I’m more focused on why the mutt had my slippers to begin with. It just had to be me today, you darn thieving rat. Correction, rats.

With the spattering of water from the faucet hitting the sink, I was in the kitchen, and the day was just starting. Last night, my husband and I checked on our son, Nature Thorn. He wasn’t lying when he said he would ‘hit the sack’ early. Forest Seed still had doubts about our parenting—apparent in his eyes. Still, I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. Nature Thorn is a good kid. He has never done wrong or anything disobedient. Heck, I can’t remember the last time we had to dish out discipline for his sake. As Forest Seed always says, he’ll be quite the young stallion one day. But I’ll call it a mother’s intuition instead.

“Aaaahh.” Forest Seed yawned and stretched.

“Still tired?” I asked.

“Heck ye—” he must have recognized what I was alluding to in my tone. “N-no, heck no, of course not! Those hayburgers are going to keep me active all day!”

I could see the sweat glistening on his forehead. He could never admit to being wrong. That’s just how he is. Even then, he didn’t want to accept his errors in life. But he has changed, and I will always be here to support him through thick and thin. I would shoot him a raised eyebrow, but we didn’t have time for our status quo.

I had to prepare breakfast for Nature Thorn so he wouldn’t be starving until lunchtime rolled around at school. If he was starving in class, what if some young pony saw and told their parents? What would they then think of me? I’m not trying to be seen as that mother in town who doesn’t feed her kids. On that note, what if, instead, Miss Scarlet Petals saw? If she noticed our Nature Thorn on the brink of collapse trying to make it through her lessons when lunch is still a few hours ahead? Would she call us and give us a stern talking to? In that case, I would offer my profound respects. Or, worst of all, would she tell the authorities? Again, I could not help but respect her for being such a caring and responsible young teacher looking after the well-being of our children.

“DARN, YOU HAZEL!” a mare’s voice shrilled.

The scream interrupted my thoughts. What exactly is going on out there? “Dear, did you hear who that was?”

Forest Seed peeked out the window and answered, “Nope...”

“That’s odd. They didn’t sound very pleased, that’s for sure.”

“Certainly not...”

“Forest Seed dear, do you ever think the ponies of this town could use a little lightening up?”

“Yeah... things have dyed down here a little, and that one neighbor of ours, Brisk Prize, grows grumpier by the day.”

“If only we could get that one party pony... Cheese Sandwich, was it?” I asked, wracking my brain around trying to remember.

“That’s the name! I can recall that amusing night. Boy, I wish Nature Thorn could have seen it.”

“That’s true, but he wasn’t born then, so there’s nothing we could’ve done.”

“If I contacted Cheese Sandwich, you think he’d come and throw the town another huge party?”

I gave it an abrupt thought and put the sentiment to rest just as quickly. “I don’t think we should, dear. He has a filly of his own to take care of now.”

“Rust buckets, there goes that idea, a grand one too.”

Enough of that. I returned to prepping breakfast before Nature Thorn arrived. What would he do without us?

Sorry, I can’t take you any further than this. I wish you both the best of luck!

That was what the kind stallion said as we parted ways.

The snowy landscape seemed to extend without end, except for the silhouette of a town in the far distance and snowy mountains towering above others. The air made us shiver, particularly Spike. Luckily, the snow fell lightly, like faint kisses from Breezies.

Speaking of cute creatures in Equestria, a cute winterchilla slept in a nearby burrow. It appeared to be resting comfortably. Which made sense, considering they were built for such an environment. A few igloos were settled far off to the side. Whether anypony was using them was not of concern to us, though. In the end, I could not help but wonder. I notified Spike, and we took a brief detour to make sure. The dense snow domes were barren of life. Only dull brown knitted rugs and dolls blanketed in a white powder.

Afterward, we continued traversing the white landscape, paying no further attention to any distractions, crunching the snow beneath while the frigid air burned our noses.

Author's Note:

I intended the last chapter to be primarily about the daily life of Nature Thorn, with some unusual drama added in. The aim is to exhibit an average life; therefore, SOL should be expected throughout this volume. In this chapter, I thought of showing some of the characters' lives after they wake up (for fun). Hopefully, it helped you connect with them a little more. At first, I wasn't going to because I did not plan to do much with most of the characters, which I regret. Though I also initially planned for this fic to be under 20k words.

Nevertheless, some of the characters in town have grown on me, and they help the town feel more alive. Now I'm curious about what I'll do with them. I hope to find out along with you in the upcoming chapters.

Now that we have established who these characters are, we’ll be able to meet some new ones!