• Published 27th Aug 2023
  • 1,172 Views, 61 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Blind Forest - Dragonfan101

Spike wakes up in a dark decayed forest, he then meets a spirit named Ori, and he and her team up to go on a emotional journey to save the forest from destruction.

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Interlude: Missing

The sun had risen in Equestria, but it wasn't a normal day, everypony in the village were freaking out and asking questions on what that light was that appeared in Twilight's castle. We cut to a room in Twilight's castle and twilight was pacing back and forth while Celestia, Luna, and the rest of the mane six looked on with worry.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S GONE?!" Rainbow dash asked scared.
"I mean he's gone!! I searched everywhere in the castle but i couldn't find anything!!!" Twilight said yelling at her.
"Twilight calm down" Fluttershy said as she tried to help her.
"HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?!, DRAGONS DON'T JUST VANISH LIKE THIS!!!" Twilight said shouting even more shaking the room.
"Twilight..." Celestia said trying to be calm herself.
"What if he's hurt?! What if he's in danger?! How can he handle be alone?!" Twilight asked multiple questions in panic
"Twilight!" Celestia shouted scaring her, she soon realized her tone and calmed down.
"We'll find out what happened, we need to be calm and try to find out what that light was" Luna says trying to keep things calm.
The princesses and mane six then decided to go outside to get some air and think this over.
"Do you think Spike's okay" Applejack asked with worry
"Oh i sure hope so." Rarity said with worry.
"how are we going to be able to find him" Luna asked her sister
"I don't know but we'll find a way" Celestia said with worry.

Just then a royal guard came down and went to the princess's.
"Princess Celestia, Luna, Twilight I've gotten reports from other kingdoms." He said with a stern voice
"Please tell" Celestia ordered.
"The light that was seen was apparently seen from all over, just about every kingdom saw it and it's caused a lot of concern whether or not its a sign of a threat." The guard began explaining.
"What's happened in the other kingdoms?" Luna asked.
"The Dragon Lord Torch has sent dragon scouts out over Equestria to ask questions on what the light was that night, The griffon's has sent other scouts out as well for information. A lot of ponies are concerned whether or not it was a threat of attack." The guard explained.

They all looked at each other in worry before Celestia asked
" Is there anyone else that went missing?" Celestia asked with worry.
"Fortunately not, only your dragon friend Spike has gone missing" the guard answered
"At least no pony else went missing" Fluttershy said a little relieved.
"Anything else to report" Celestia asked
" No, nothing else right now" The guard answered
"Good, please leave us be and give us any new reports that come in" celestia ordered.
"Yes your highness" the guard responded and he left them alone.

"How are we going to get everything to settle down" Pinkie asked
"We'll tell everypony that it is something we are taking care of and they don't have to worry" Luna answered.
"What about the questions from scouts from the other kingdoms" Rainbow dash asked with worry.

"We give them the information that will help put the other kingdoms worries to rest for now" Celestia responded
"how do we explain to the dragons that a child of their kind disappeared?" Twilight asked concerned
"Leave that to me Twilight I know the dragon lords, i know what to do" Celestia assured her calming her down.

"Okay but how are we going to find Spike?" Rarity asked extremely worried.
Celestia then stopped and closed her eyes to think for a moment, she then got an idea and looked at twilight
"Twilight do you have a few shells of spikes eggs left?" Celestia asked curiously
"Yes i do but why do you need it?" Twilight asked confused
"you all go and gather the shells, i think i have an idea of how to find our friend" Celestia said with a little confidence.
"Whatever it takes to find him, come on girls lets go!" Twilight said seriously and they all went into the castle. The sisters then sighed in worry as they aren't sure on what to do.

"Sister what do you think that light could've been?" Luna asked curiously
"I have an idea on what it was, It might've been the light of The Spirit Tree?" Celestia suggested
"Spirit Tree?" Luna questioned
"yes the spirit tree of the land of Nibel, but i want to think it's something else" Celestia said sadly.
"Why" Luna said with concerned
"Because that land is thousands of miles from Equestria, i only went there once centuries ago, i don't think i could go back because it took months for me to travel there and months to go back, and i was worried about the kingdom because it didn't have a proper ruler to watch over it after so long, i was lucky there wasn't any attempts of over throwing." Celestia explained.
"What if it is?" Luna asked concerned
"Then we'll have a LONG journey to that place" celestia answered in annoyance as they both went into the castle.
Unknown to them two dragons were hiding in place and heard everything they then flew back to the Dragon Lands without being seen.

The dragon lands were pretty shaken up after that light had appeared, there were dozens of arguments all over the place, the two dragons then made their way to the dragon lord to report what they heard.
"Dragon lord torch we have news on what happened" One of the dragons said seriously
"Report" He said with a stern serious tone.
"The light had apparently appeared in one of the castle's and a Dragon child friend of theirs named Spike had vanished.
"Why was that child living with the ponies" torch asked confused
"He may have been hatched by Celestia or one of her friends." the other dragon suggested
"I'll have to question her about this later, any ideas on where he could've vanished to?" Torch questioned
"Celestia said he might've gone to this land called Nibel, summoned by something called the Spirit Tree" One of them explained.
Torch's eyes widened in surprised as he knew what he was told.
"Thank you for this report, I'll figure the rest of this out, go and continue to find more information" torch ordered
The two dragons bowed in response and flew off.

Torch then went to get the Bloodstone Scepter, he grabbed it and used its power.
" Alright kid, lets see where you are.." torch said with concern as he used it's power to locate him.
Torch sees the image of the land of Equestria it zooms out further and further and it moves far away from it and it moves far across the seas until a large continent and it zooms in and he sees spike and ori making they're way to the Gisno tree.
The image then fades away and his eyes widened in worry as he knew where he was, he had heard of Nibel before in his life, he knew of the Spirit tree, and he was worried on why the land was in a near dead state.
"That kid could be in grave danger." Torch said with worry, he then saw a nearby dragon and called to him.
"You there!" Torch yelled, the dragon then went down to him and bowed.
"Send a message to Princess Celestia telling her i want her to come here for a meeting!" Torch ordered, the dragon bowed in understanding and flew off to Equestria to give her the message leaving torch alone with a concerned look
"I hope that little drake is able to hold on till we send help" torch said praying that he will be able to help.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this interlude part. I plan on having the mane 6 being able to see what Spike's been going through, I wanted to have the older characters like Celestia and Torch being able to know about Nibel and the Spirit Tree, I also wanted to rewrite torch so he can be more caring and understanding because he was only in the show for one episode and then never again and he wasn't really likeable, so i wanted to rewrite him to be more caring and make him seem like a proper ruler. Thank you all so much for the support on these stories I've been making! and I hope you look forward to what's next.
Stay tuned for next time!