• Published 1st Sep 2023
  • 208 Views, 0 Comments

Fay's Tale: Family - Lil Sunny

A young filly finds herself on the streets all alone. But maybe a new parent can turn her life around.

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Fay's First Birthday

After the rest of the weekend went well Fay returned to school on monday. Fay was at Rarity’s house after school doing her homework with Sweetie Belle when Starlight clocked out early and went to see Cheerilee.

“Oh Starlight, it’s nice to see you again. How’s things?”

“Things are good Cheerilee, how’s Fay getting along?”

“She’s fantastic, I’ve never seen a student so keen to learn. She starts her speech lessons with Sunny tomorrow after school. He said he’d pick her up. His cottage is on the edge of the Everfree Forest, you can’t miss it.”

“Great, well I wanted to ask you something. You know who Fay’s friends are here right?”

“Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, Pipsqueak and Silver Spoon have all been great at helping her adjust to school life, why? Are you planning something?”

“Wednesday is Fay’s birthday and I wanted to throw a party after school for her and her friends, Pinkie’s already got everything all set to go. I just need to invite her pals. You think you could ask them tomorrow?”

“Certainly Starlight, no problem.”

“Thanks a bunch. I’ll see you around. I have to go pick up Fay from Rarity’s boutique.”

Starlight left and collected her filly who did well with her homework and slept peacefully that evening. During class the next day Cheerilee stood up with a smile.

“Alright my little ponies, could Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, Pipsqueak and Silver Spoon please stay after class? Oh and Fay? You’ll be starting your extra lessons with a nice Kirin stallion this afternoon, he’ll be taking you to his cottage so make sure you listen to him, Starlight will pick you up as usual.”

“Ok Miss Cheery.”

The six named students stayed after class as Fay waited outside the door.

“Well Miss Cheerilee, whatcha need us for?” Apple Bloom asked.

“After school tomorrow Starlight is throwing a birthday party for Fay and she wanted me to invite all of you, but keep it quiet, it’s a surprise. It’ll be at Sugarcube Corner. Rarity will be accompanying you all. I hope you have fun.”

Diamond Tiara smiled. “I heard the poor filly never had a real birthday party before. That can’t be fun.”

“Absolutely Di, so let’s make it the best party she’s ever going to have shall we?” Her marefriend Silver Spoon said with a similar grin.

Outside the schoolhouse a strange figure approached Fay, he was yellow aside from his fluffy brown mane and leonine tail. He also had red scales on his nose, back and hooves, and a large red horn on his head.

“Oh, hi there. I’m looking for a filly named Fay.”

“Hi I’m Fay! Are you my tutor?”

Sunny chuckled. “I wouldn’t say tutor, I’m going to help you learn to talk a little better. We were all in your shoes once little gal, but I think I can help.” He ruffled her mane. “Come on, this way.” He led the way back to his cottage and held the door for the filly.

“You live here? Wow, this is cool!”

Sunny smiled. “Glad you think so, would you like something to drink?”

“Do you have juice boxes?”

“Of course I do, I like a little juice now and then myself. Some ponies think it’s childish but I don’t care.”

He went into the fridge and retrieved two blackcurrant juice boxes and gave one to fay.

“So Fay, we’re going to learn how to speak properly alright?”

“Ok Mr Sun Sun”

“Come on now Fay I know you’re better than that. Try saying my name right.”

“Uhh, Sunny?”

“There you go, was that hard?”

Fay smiled. “Sunny! Sunny!”

“You’re getting the hang of it. Here, I wrote down a few sentences for you to try out. Try this one.”

“Heh, lo, my name is Fay, it’s veh, ree, nice to meet you”

“Not bad, but try it again. There’s no breaks in each word.”

Fay concentrated. “Hello, my name is Fay, it’s very nice to meet you.”

Amazing! Good job. You’re a natural.

After a short while Starlight came to pick her up.

“Hello mommy, how are you toe day?”

“Today Fay, you’ll get the hang of it eventually.” Sunny chuckled.

“I can tell she’s getting better already. Thank you sir.”

“Starlight we talked about this, It’s Sunny for my friends, and I’d like to think after you sat here and heard my life’s story a few months back that I can at least call you friend.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. Thanks Sunny. Come on Fay.”

The two of them left the small cottage and returned home. After school the next day Fay waited for Sweetie Belle as usual but was confused when Rarity showed up.

“Huh? Miss Rarry? Why are you here?”

“Hello Fay, we’re going somewhere different today. Follow me.”

She stood beside Sweetie Belle and followed Rarity with the other five ponies close behind. They approached a darkened Sugarcube Corner and Rarity ushered them inside. Once there she flipped a light switch and….

“SURPRISE! Happy Birthday Fay!”

The bakery had been decorated with pink and blue streamers, and a huge “Happy 6th birthday Fay” sign hung above the tables. Three small presents were laid out along with another one each from all of her friends behind her. A big cake stood in the middle of the bakery and small paper plates with finger food were set at the tables. Everything looked bright and colourful.

“B-birth day? What’s that?” Fay was embarrassed and confused until Sweetie Belle put a hoof around her shoulder.

“The day you were born, Starlight found your birth certificate at the orphanage and knew when it was, then she got the town’s premier party planner Pinkie Pie over there to throw this party just for you.”

Pinkie Pie grinned wide and popped a party hat on Fay’s head.

“Just for me? Wow, I don’t know what to say”

Apple Bloom hoofed her forward. “How’s bout, thanks. Now blow out yer candles filly.”

Fay smiled and took a deep breath before puffing enough to extinguish the candles. Everyone was happy and smiling as Pinkie Pie put on some music, they danced, ate and played party games until finally it was time for presents.

Fay opened the first box and found a golden jewel encrusted tiara.

“Daddy bought the gold.” Diamond Tiara said.

“And Mom engraved the jewels.” Silver Spoon smiled.

“It’s our gift to you.” They both said together.

The next box contained a smaller box inside which was a homemade apple pie.

“Applejack does most of the bakin’ for us, but I know my way ‘round a kitchen too. Happy Birthday!” Apple Bloom beamed as Fay smiled at the present.

“Open that blue one next Fay, it’s mine.” Scootaloo said as Fay opened it and found a small pegasus pony figure and a remote control.

“It flies. Dash showed me how to make it and some guy in town was able to wire it up for us. Calls himself The Doctor or something. Happy Birthday!

The next box contained a pirate’s Halloween costume.

“My very first Nightmare Night when I went trick or treating I wore a costume just like that. Mum thought it would be right good if we gave one to you. After all, once October comes again you’ll have your first real Nightmare Night too.” Pip smiled wide as Fay looked at the costume all over.

“Trixie got you something very nice my little filly.” She said confidently

Fay opened the box and inside was a bright blue cape.

“You don’t need to be a magician to look stylish. Happy Birthday honey.”

“And there’s one more Fay, that one is from me.”

Fay opened the large box and inside was a blanket. It was hoof stitched, on it was Starlight’s cutie mark and Trixie’s cutie mark.

“No matter where you go, or what you do. Remember your mommies will always be here for you, waiting for the day when you come back home. Your old blanket was worn out and done, so I got this new one for you. Do you like it.?”

Fay stared at the blanket for a solid minute before she sniffed a few times and hugged it tight and began to cry.

“Fay are you alright my filly?”

“Fay, loves her new blankie. Thank you so much mommy Starry.” Fay held on to the blanket with a death grip like it was the only thing in the world she owned, Pinkie Pie began to cut the cake as everyone took a seat and got a slice. After putting Fay’s presents into a big bag her friends all left except for Rarity and Sweetie Belle who stuck around for a little bit. Pinkie Pie brought them all out plates of hayburgers and salad and sat with the five other ponies.

“So silly filly, how was your first real party? Momma Pinkie always does em real good huh?”

“It was great, thanks miss Pinkie.”

Starlight looked at the food quizzically. “I didn’t know this place did food.”

“We’re trying to branch out into a cafe. Nothing fancy like Gustave’s or cheap and fast like McHayburger, but it’s still good food. On the house for your little filly’s big day of course.”

“Oh Pinkie you never cease to amaze me, how long have we known each other and yet still you surprise me with your generosity. I guess I’ve rubbed off on my friends after all hmm?”

“Absolutely sis, you’re a great inspiration to others. You should be proud.”

The ponies enjoyed their food and Pinkie gave them a box to take the rest of the cake home.

“Well I suppose this is where we part. Though I shall see you tomorrow of course Fay, after school as usual.”

“Yeah, I’ll see you at school Fay. Have a good night.”

“Bye bye Rarry, bye bye Sweetie, bye bye Pinkie.” Fay waved as they all left together and split to go their separate ways.

When they got home Fay played with her toy pegasus for a little bit before a loud yawn caused Starlight and Trixie to giggle.

“You’ve had a busy day today sweetie. Did you enjoy your birthday party?” Trixie asked.

“Mhm, it was really wowee. All the presents, and the games, and all my friends were there too.”

“Well I think the best thing to do after a busy day is get a good night’s sleep don’t you?”

“Hey Mommy. When you told me the story of Princess Twilight you said she changed the life of another pony like her, who was that pony? They must be really nice too.”

Starlight sighed and looked away as a single tear fell.

“Her name was Starlight Glimmer.”

“But that’s your name mommy.”

“Yes, I wasn’t the nicest pony back then. But she showed me the real power of friendship, that no matter what, good friends will stick together to the bitter end.” She hugged Fay. “I’m so proud of you, proud that in only a short while you’ve already made so many friends. You’re kind, sweet and trying so hard to be the best you can be. You’re an inspiration my little filly, never forget your true self. It’s the brightest part of you. You might be a little silly and a little bit of a joker at times, but you always try to guide ponies down the right path. That’s what I think.”

Fay’s flank began to glow.

“No, it can’t be. No way!”

The two mares stood stunned as the light faded and a set of fairy wings now adorned Fay’s flank.

“Fairies, the fey creatures that guide lost travellers and sometimes play a little joke on them. It’s perfect for you my filly.”

“Huh? What happened?”

She looked around at her flank. “Is that a cutie mark?”

“It’s not just a cutie mark Fay, it’s your cutie mark.” Starlight hugged her tight, her eyes full of tears of pure pride.

“Come on, let’s get you to bed my little Fairy Filly.”

Starlight tucked her in tight and kissed her forehead as she yawned once more.

“I’m so proud of you, goodnight Fay. May you always dream sweet dreams.”

“Goodnight Mommy.” Fay smiled as she drifted off to sleep.

So ends this chapter of Fay’s life, from orphan to beloved filly. But I’m sure she has many more adventures ahead of her.

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