• Member Since 17th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Alden MacManx

If you're living on borrowed time, do you have to return it?


The Mississippi Voyager, after dealing with the dragons who tried to claim the meteor, head back to New Orleans for refit, reassignment, rest, recreation and repair. The reassignment leads them up the Ohio River, to seek out where the dragons came from. What they find is not what they expected...

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 36 )

The Mississippi Voyager, after dealing with the dragons who tried to claim the meteor,

What meteor? Is this a sequel or something?

Sounds like some dragon who really like the power of horde and hoard is pulling back or at least centralising most likely to Yellowstone, co with the right dogs meal works there can make it utterly inhospitable, rich in resources and self defending very easily?

I thought the Mississippi paddle steamers were that design because the origional pre army works river was so shallow it was the best way to get enough drive reliably, like an undershot waterwheel is about the worst way to get power but if you only got two foot of head, its the only one remaining, if you cant do ducted thruster or horzontal kaplan, Frances thrusters?

Not anything I'm familiar with. I'm presuming a 2' draft, with screws.

shrugs It's what I'm familiar with.

Plus, it's a former barge equipped with motors and a propulsion system based off of river tugs. Cut out of one, install in the other.

🎶...Where have all the dragons gone? Gone to ...blank.., every one...🎶

I always enjoy seeing my state make an appearance in any work of fiction.

Huh, interesting start. Some mystery to unravel and dragons to track : )

Out of curiosity, do you know why Merchant Mariner interrupted his story?

What is the situation with the Abrahamic god in this story?
I mean which image of the Abrahamic god is the real one in this story

As of now, the Abrahamic god is hurrying to catch up with the other deities. His influences are geographically in the Holy Lands for now, with few true, sincere worshipers. Other deities moved first. He got caught with his divine britches down.

I'm more interested in which Abrahamic religion (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) is right.

I have an idea that the reason Yahweh is considered the supreme deity is due to the blatant self-promotion contained in his best-selling book. Each different pantheon has its own supreme god, and in a world where multiple pantheons coexist, I see no reason why one should be more or less powerful than the other. The basic difference is that Abrahamism is mostly monotheistic, but even then we have a Christianized Holy Trinity and Angels who are equal to any other normal god in any other religion, for example you have the Angel of Death, the Angel of War, the Angel of Medicine, for everything you have god.

I have an idea that the gods worked more or less like in the series of books (Percy Jackson) where we were shown that the Olympians had a split personality into Greek and Roman personalities.
I imagine that with all the beliefs and theological differences from the Abrahamic religions that have gathered over the millennia, Yahweh would be very powerful, but largely incapacitated and unable to act directly much of the time.

the Abrahamic god himself would have had his origins as the Canaanite deity El. for all we know, the God of Abraham is an evolved Canaanite god because the original Israelites were Canaanites who settled in the highlands, and their culture, language, and religion gradually evolved from Canaanite culture, language, and polytheism, creating a unique identity.

They originally worshiped gods from the Canaanite pantheon called Elohim (meaning "children of El"), including the sky god El (Heavenly Father), his wife Asherah, and some of their children, such as the storm and rain god Baal. The Israelites added their own war god Yahweh to the pantheon as one of the sons of El. They later combined El and some of his sons such as Yahweh, Baal, and Jamm to become the god called God/Elohim/Yahweh. At this stage their religion had become monolatristic, not yet monotheistic
Later, during and after the Israelites' fifty years of captivity in Babylon 2,500 years ago, they borrowed the concepts of messianism, good and evil, heaven and hell from Zoroastrianism, an older monotheistic religion than Judaism, and Judaism eventually became monotheistic

Oh dear. Behaviour not conducive for recovery of civilisation or survival in the long term.

One Griffin Ball coming up?

Or just how good is Sniper?:trixieshiftright:

Good to see you back!

That catbird is more pretty than smart, isn't he?

and tell me how big the world population is at this point in history, in your opinion?

My estimate is about 100,000 widely scattered. Louisianne has maybe 2000, and that's only because if one Returns in her territory, she knows it and finds them.

At least if Equestrian Dragons work the way I think they might, would bea easier to clean up a lot of mess from chemical works etc, differen dragons would like different desserts?

Really hope Bert isnt ego enough to try it back down the river before heading outways to avoid Voyager returning.

“Tell me if I got this right. I can ride with you back to New Orleans, then catch a ride to the Netherlands where I can find a job with the WSU, or, if the Queen would have me, work for her. No obligation to any one at any time?”

Hmmm... Come to think of it, I wonder how native English speakers like brits and yanks would fare in the WSU's colonies? Sure, English *is* the lingua franca for the WSU, but the vast majority of them aren't native speakers, and the accents vary wildly... As does the overall knowledge of English.

I'm not saying it's a deal breaker, but that's bound to get on one's nerves, right?

Anyway, great chapter as always.

Thank you for saying so. I have not done much on Chad's background, but seeing as he had spent time at a Buddhist temple, odds are he has picked up some sort of southeast Asian language, plus whatever else he might already know.

As is said, stay tuned for further developments!

How much longer without regular desilt gate openings before teh dams either straight fail or fill and fail through erosion? Or wont really reach that point because the locks will fail first, leaving the ship to run the rapids once more?:unsuresweetie:

Good question, one which I am totally unqualified to answer.

Glad to see this journey continues : )

I wonder if they are about to find a diamond dog who works great with dragons in ways that the average returnee really wishes thet wouldnt? :pinkiesick:

Commander Adama okay when did we get a battle wing of Vipers?

a good looking story. things are moving along.. i have a idea of were the dragon's are held up as there are two big tunnels and one smaller one near Pittsburgh.

Frack uses First Rule?

Never interupt the enemy when they are making a mistake? :trixieshiftright:

Well, the dragons already HAVE made several mistakes with this crew already, right?

a amazing chapter and having George Carlin talked about just make is better.
he was a attest of the word.

Heartfire was well within his rights to give Bart a Darwin award before sticking him on that cloud?

At least Bart will have plenty of mountain food to hunt down and feed off, though it will be intresting given teh style of region what sorts of returnees would be there, Diamond Dogs, Changelings, Dragons ?:trixieshiftright:

Indeed. We'll see what happens, if I need another story hook.

coffee good decaf bad.

thank you Alden for including my OC in you amazing story.

i am hopping Bart does not make his way back but if he does he will never fly again.:pinkiehappy:

i like how this ark all plays out in the end.
were too next. evil grin. time to bother the author.

Because of Two Way Rock sitting on the continental divide, its possible to keep your feet in the water from New Orleans to I forgot where between California an Oregan? :twilightoops:

The main walked path followed a line sme miles away?

This was a nice story, I'll be waiting for more : )

Thank you! Comments like that will give me the kick in the backside I'll need to get the next story started!

Glad ya like!

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