• Published 13th Sep 2023
  • 383 Views, 16 Comments

Three walks of life in Equestria - autobotfan15

A human and his four bad neighbors from two sides of societies in Equestria.

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Curious Minds

Friday's are special to everyone. For me Fridays are not only nights I enjoy myself, but the true fun comes from me doing something in the school house. Cheerilee and I made a deal that every Friday I get to teach the class something about my world. Not only because I'm her assistant but also because she trusts my worldview better than my neighbors. After giving Sparky plenty of water and food, I left carrying a small box of some of my model locomotives. I figured today would be the day I teach the kids about the railroads of my home and how different they are compared to the trains they have here. I didn't make it far past my fence when I heard a voice. "Hey Matt what pointless knowledge you teaching those kids today."

Oh dear lord no. I turned to see Cletus sitting on the porch holding a glass bottle of Cider. I tried my best not to look annoyed as I answered. "Well Cletus if its any of your knowledge, I'm teaching the children how different the railroads of Equestria are compared to the ones back home."

Cletus scoffed. "You shouldn't be teaching them that. You should be teaching how can they keep out dangerous immigrants, earlier today I saw that same Zebra speaking in rhyme. She should be back where she came from."

"No, he should be teaching them about the disadvantages of living in a patriarchy society." I turned to see Jesse on her side of the fence watering her garden. I groaned knowing where this was leading.

"Listen you guys, I'm not teaching these kids something that they are too young to learn."

But they weren't listening as they were now yelling at each other, ignoring me. To me it now sound like gibberish as I left my front yard. It was there I saw my good friend Twilight Sparkle. Like Cheerilee, she trusted me to share my knowledge with her. She had to have seen the fight as she was walking alongside me and noticing my downed expression. "Don't worry about them Matthew. Everypony knows the things they say barely make any sense."

I sighed. "We may have been on this world for a couple months, but we've been neighbors for nearly three years now Twilight. Sometimes I wonder, despite them being older than me, when are they going to grow up?"

I felt her hoof touch my side in comfort. "I'm sure someday my friend. We just need to give it time. Now how about we get to the school house? I'll actually be joining in on this lecture."

I smiled "Hmm... sure I guess you can come, might save my breath from having to repeat everything to you."

"Alright class, take your seats so we can get started." Said Cheerilee as she tried to start the class.

I stood by her desk as I opened the box and took out three of my model locomotives. A Central Pacific Jupiter steam engine, a Santa Fe F3 Diesel and a Pennsylvania GG1 Electric. All of which were Lionel O gauge trains. To be honest this was probably the most desired thing I wanted to talk to them about. Although the first lecture I ever gave was the one about how the earth revolves around the sun. Their reaction looked liked they just saw a meteor crashed in front of them. Twilight wouldn't stop asking me questions when I told her.

The class soon quieted down and some started looking at my engines in fascination. I only shown a few ponies my model railroad but I've never shown off my collection to the children. Maybe I should offer a layout tour or something. I cleared my throat and began talking. "Good morning Students. Today's lecture will be the railroads of my home, particularly my country's."

I picked up the Jupiter model. "When the concept of steam powered propulsion was pioneered it was soon used to-"


The class jumped at the loud banging noise coming from the door. I was confused and did a visual headcount. Everyone is here, no one should be absent. Twilight, who was standing next to Cheerilee at her desk, walked to the door. "I'll get it."

But the moment she started opening the door. She was suddenly forced out of the way by Cletus, much to my shock. And to add more shock he had a strange case with him. Judging by the shape I was scared to know what was inside. "And just what do you think you're doing buster?!" He snarled.

"Teaching these kids about trains from America?" I said nervously.

"I told you we should be teaching them about the threat of immigrants taking over!" He then turned to the class.

"Alright you foals ignore this weakling as I'm going to teach you how me and my wife deal with real problems back home." He said as he put the case down and pulled out what I feared was in there. Twilight and Cheerilee gasped in horror, I told them about the weapons of earth and he just had to pull out a shotgun.

I immediately stood up. "What the heck are you doing?! Don't bring that in here!"

"Why you a wimp like those ladies next door?" He scoffed.

"No that is too dangerous to be showing around children and you know it."

"He's right, you know." Said a voice. Oh heaven please no.

I looked over to the door to see Alison carrying a box. She placed it down and opened it and pulled out what looked like spray paint cans. "I should be teaching these foals about how to make their voices really heard."

"What? With your vandalism methods that's a petty move." Said Cletus

"Oh and your violent ways are better?" Asked Alison

"They've always been better than what you did at the Local University. Didn't your teacher had to resign because of you and Jesse being an embarrassment." Teased Cletus.

That set her off. "Why you little son of a-"

The two began wrestling. Alison was fighting to take the shotgun. Their hands were dangerously close to the trigger and I don't think the safety is on. I immediately turned to the class. "Uh fillies and colts for your own safety, duck your heads below your desk."

The class did so as did Twilight and Cheerilee. I quickly hid with them under the teacher desk. Twilight soon calmed down enough to try and use her magic but she was a little too late to act when...


There was soon silence and we slowly peeked out. Cletus and Allison, who were both still holding the gun with both hands on the trigger, were looking towards the children desks in shock. Oh no. Please tell me they didn't.

I looked only to see the students slowly peek out from hiding. I then saw a row of desk that had three ponies looking at something in their hooves. Apple Bloom had a burnt red bow, Diamond Tiara had a destroyed tiara and Button Mash had a propeller hat with a hole in it. Slowly the shock turned to anger from one of the fillies. "HEY! This had real diamonds!" Yelled Diamond Tiara.

Twilight Immediately grabbed the gun with her magic and took it away. Cheerilee just stared in shock before clearing her throat. "Class is dismissed for today. Extra credit for ponies who tell the police everything."

I sighed in relief and collapsed in a chair.

Later that day, I just sat upstairs slowly watching the Santa Fe Super Chief roll by my view on my layout. Cletus and Alison have been taken away and are now locked in the Sherriff's office for the fifth time this month. I never knew Cletus actually owned a gun. Luckily it was taken away and some guards from Canterlot are confiscating any fire arms in his house, much to Karen's annoyance. All in all this day had me feeling drained from all the shock and disappointment. Luckily no one was hurt, except maybe our ears from the gunshot noise. Sparky just sat in a dog bed and watched me from the floor. She knows how much of a bad day I had so she left me alone.

Suddenly her ears twitched and she looked to the stairs. Then came a knocking. Who could that be? I went downstairs and saw, to my surprise, Twilight Sparkle, Cheerilee, the three fillies who are the cutie mark crusaders, as well as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Looks like Diamond and Bloom had spare tiaras and bows to replace the ones that were shot off. "Oh hello, what brings you all here?"

Twilight Sparkle smiled "We know you wanted to share your railroad knowledge with the students."

"And we thought instead of waiting until next Friday we thought a little field trip here would be nice staring with these five. Since I know your upstairs can only handle so many guests." Said Cheerilee.

I looked at the five fillies, they all looked excited just to see my miniature railroad empire and maybe learn a thing or two. I looked back at the two grown mares and I smiled. I guess life does have a way of making things work out in the end. "Come on in."