• Published 15th Sep 2023
  • 1,442 Views, 114 Comments

Spike's Frontier - Dragonfan101

Spike awakens on the Starfall Islands after being sucked into an ancient device, He meets Sonic the hedgehog and they go on an adventure to save Sonic's friends.

  • ...

25: Finding The Emeralds And The Master King

Knuckles Tails and Amy and their Spike clones had met up with eachother to discuss what to do. They looked into the sky and see the thing was starting to appear way more.

"That thing, in the sky, it's corrupting everything on the island! Even the Koco" Tails said worried.
"We can't allow that thing to harm them, we need to hurry!" The spike clones said at once.
" I won't stand for it!" Knuckles said bashing his fists
"Guys? Focus, Knuckles and his Spike clone need to weaken that things hold on the emeralds, and Tails needs to break them free, me and my Spike clone will handle the Koco, i have a feeling they'll be crucial to the plan." Amy told them and they all nodded in agreement and headed off with their clones leaving Amy alone with hers.

"What do we do now?" Spike asked.
"we need to bring the Koco we've found to the elders for safety, they we'll search for the Emeralds" Amy explained and Spike nodded in understanding.
"Got it, let's go!" Spike said ready, Amy then looked at the thing forming.
"You will not harm this world! I won't allow it!" Amy shouted angry with Spike nodding in agreement.

Spike and Amy nodded in agreement and started heading off around the place, the Koco they found were looking really scarred.
"Don't worry little guys, i'm here for you." Spike said picking some of them up.
"Shh, shh, it's alright. it'll be alright." Amy said calming them down.
"We're gonna take you somewhere safe, this way little ones." Amy said kindly leading the Koco somewhere safe.

"You know amy, you remind me of my friend Fluttershy, she always tended to the wildlife with such kindness" Spike said with a smile.
"She sounds like someone i'd get along with, i hope your friends are alright" Amy said a little worried.
"Me too, just hope nothing bad's happened while i'm gone" Spike said hopefully as they kept moving.

Spike and Amy proceeded to carefully bring the Koco somewhere safe, gathering as many as they could for safety, Spike used his sword to take down any enemy's that would try to harm them while amy stayed close with the Koco, they headed to a nearby vault where an Elder was.
"Her you go little guys." Spike said with a smile as the Koco went over to him
"You two have my thanks, i will look after the little ones." The elder said keeping them close.
"Let's find the Hermit Koco now, hope he's okay" Amy told him and Spike nodded as they continued on.
"We're running out of time, Knuckles needs to hurry!" Tails said worried as he and his Spike had deactivated another device

They proceeded to gather more Koco and do more challenges in order keep them safe, Spike and amy both had learned a new moves, Amy and Spike could now do the Spindash allowing them to travel around at high speeds, they stopped near a gate and Spike was feeling a little dizzy.
"How does Sonic handle going this fast all the time?" Spike asked .
"he's been at this for so long, i'm honestly surprised you learned it this fast." Amy told him as he recovered
"well at least we can get around faster, the Hermit Koco's nearby, come on!" Spike said as he and Amy were heading to the next Koco.

They had to pass through a gate and did some more platforming, they had to dodge more enemy's while doing so and finished it off by jumping through rings and landing near the Hermit.
"There you go guys." Amy said kindly as the Koco walked up to him.
"I don't like crowds... but very well" It said as the Koco came to him.

"Alright now that that's done, we have to find the next emerald!" Spike told her.
"Right, let's go!" Amy said as they ran off to find it.
"Thanks for handling things Amy, we'll take it from here!" Knuckles said confidently.

Spike and Amy proceeded to run through the island some more trying to find the next Emerald, they eventually found the yellow one in a vault near some old village ruins.
"Thank goodness!" Spike said happy as they walked up to it, Amy was about to reach out for it but a red energy was starting to come from her and she groaned.

"Amy!" Spike said worried trying to help her.
"This.. this is what you two were suffering from, handling the Koco is affecting me the same way.." Amy said worried looking at her hands.
"I know, it was really painful, but don't let this stop you, we're so close!" Spike said trying to encourage her.
"Your right! Too bad for this, they need us! I won't give up!" Amy said confidently.
"I'm here for you Amy, don't worry" Spike said helping her up.
"Thanks Spike" Amy said gratefully as they looked at the sky hoping the others were doing well.

Tails and Knuckles and their Spike clones were currently near eachother with Tails looking worried.
"Hey kid focus. we aren't done yet." Knuckles told him with the Clones nodding.
"He's right, we have just a little more to do, i know you may be feeling nervous, but don't worry you'll have us by your side!." One of the clones said trying to encourage him
"Your right, Sonic needs us, what do you need us to do." Knuckles asked, Tails listened to Spike's advice and nodded looking at them.

"I think our opponent has repurposed the constructs to bolster the distortion's defense measures" Tails explained and they looked a little confused.
"Meaning?" Knuckles asked.
"Smaller words Tails" One of the clones said with the other nodding in agreement.

"In other words, keep smashing things guys, so we can start accessing Cyberspace again" Tails told them and they nodded with a smile.
"Heh, i like the direct approach!" Knuckles said bashing his fists.
"Leave it to us!" Spike said next to Knuckles, they all nodded in agreement and Tails and his Spike clone ran off to do their job.

"Ready to wreck some stuff?" Spike asked with a smile.
"Heh! Bring it on!" Knuckles said as they ran off to do their job as well.

Spike and Knuckles traveled around the place some more, finishing more challenges and getting more skills, now both Spike and Knuckles could do the infinite glide, where they can boost through the air while gliding without coming down, allowing them to traverse the island much easier.
"You sure are a good explorer knuckles" Spike said as they flew across the island.
"Comes with being a treasure hunter! I see an impact form below us, let's wreck it up!" Knuckles said as he went down with Spike following behind.

It was on a platform in between the islands and like before Spike and Knuckles repeatedly smashed their fists at it until it broke weakening the hold.
"Great work, just a couple more!" Spike said happy.
"Doesn't seem much of a problem, more wrecking is good for me!" Knuckles said as they went to the smaller island.

"we'll keep looking after the Koco, you just focus on helping Tails!" Amy said still weak from the corruption.
" Look for more of the corrupted constructs! Hurry!" Tails said worried.
"I can feel one nearby, come on!" Spike said as he and Knuckles rushed over the place, they went to the top of the hill and glided over to some nearby red platforms, they then wall climbed up the things avoiding enemy's as best they could, and they eventually reached the top of the thing where they found another impact form. They repeatedly smashed the thing once again before destroying it once again and Spike sighed in relief.

"Talk about a great way to relief stress!" Spike said stretching himself.
"I know, it's why i like to bash rocks a lot, great way to test my strength" Knuckles said bashing his fists a little.
"Okay, i think that's all we needed to do, let's find the next Emerald!" Spike said as he started flying off with Knuckles following behind.

"I'm.. i'm fine, just keep doing your thing." Amy said a little weak.
"It's working! just a few more and i can hack my way in!" Tails said as he and his Spike were searching for the devices.

Spike and Knuckles glided over to the tower where they had to go through more rings in a narrow path, going up more springs and trying to get higher, they then climbed up another red wall and flew through another path before they found the next Emerald in a vault on a red platform.
"That makes 2 more to go!" Spike said as they landed on it.
"Like i said, leave it to the pros!" Knuckles said with a smile.

They were about to walk up to it but Knuckles's body was starting to become corrupted to and Knuckles was feeling really weak.
"Knuckles!" Spike said with worry trying to help him up, but Knuckles just laughed it off trying to get up but he was feeling weak.
"Oh no you don't, Sonic and Spike handled 4 islands in this mess. i'm not going down to just one!" Knuckles said not giving up.
'I'm not about to let down my friends! Im with you Knuckles!" Spike said helping him up and Knuckles kept a good hold.
"You hear that?! This isn't over until we win!" Knuckles said pointing at the sky, Spike and Knuckles looked at eachother and nodded and looked on over hoping Tails was doing okay.

Tails and his Spike were currently near a cliffside and nodded in agreement and got ready to go.

Spike and Tails were currently running through the place trying to find the devices.
"I think that thing is trying to create more defense thingies, i'll keep hunting them down you just get us those emeralds!"
Knuckles said as Tails and Spike were flying to a nearby tower.
" Don't stop now you two, we're counting on you!" Amy said as they kept moving.

Spike and Tails currently had landed on a yellow platform and needed to destroy cannons in order to open the door above a similar web to Kronos, they walked over to the device and quickly hacked their way through and it gave them access.
"Darn, that weakened it, but it's still holding on to the Emeralds" Tails told them.
" I think we need to hack a couple more let's continue searching the place." Spike suggested and Tails nodded in agreement.

They proceeded to do more challenges getting more skill points, now they unlocked the ability to use Tails's cyclone and they could fly over the area at high speeds.
"Wow! Did you make this by yourself?!" Spike asked as he was trying to keep a firm control on it.
"It took me a while, but i eventually made it, can't tell you how many times i had it shot down though.." Tails said remembering all the times his previous versions had been destroyed.

"it's alright buddy, the fact that you made so many amazing things is amazing enough!" Spike said making him feel better.
"Thanks Spike, im glad to have you beside me" Tails said gratefully.
"No problem buddy, with these it'll be much easier to find the devices" Spike said as they continued flying.
"Your right about that, let's go!" Tails said as he and Spike continued to find the devices.

And easier it was, thanks to the cyclone they were able to fly over most obstacles that they were meant to take on personally but the device made things to easy, they found another device on a floating platform and landed down and Spike hacked his way in once again. The device shone blue as the thing was hacked.
"Argh, so close! One more should do it!" Tails said as he looked at the thing.
"I can feel the device is close, let's go!" Spike said as they summoned their cyclones and flew around again.

They kept on flying more taking care of more challenges and getting more views of the map, it was way easier thanks to the skills they now had, they eventually finally found the last one above the large structure in the middle of the island, the white emerald was in a vault near another device which Tails hacked his way into.

"Done! That should do it!" Tails said as he finished.
"Great job, now the others should get the others as well!" Spike said looking at the vault.

Tails was reaching out for it but his arm was becoming corrupted.
"Every time i interact with Cyberspace i'm getting more corrupted.." Tails said weakly.
"Tails!" Spike said worried trying to help him up.
"This... this is what you two were dealing with the whole time, i knew you two were sick, but i never realized it was like this.." Tails said holding his arm while Spike was helping him up.
"I know it's looking bad, but it will get worse if we don't get these Emeralds." Spike said worried.
"Your right, if i'm gonna be at your sides, then i have to keep up at your pace! I won't let this stop me!" Tails said determined getting up.

The vault opened up and the White Emerald came to Spike's hands, and he grabbed it and they heard a loud voice again.
"You never stood a chance against Sonic and Spike, now your up against all five of us, you should have quit while you were left behind!" Tails said looking at the sky.
" I won't rest until your destroyed! I will avenge my mother and the Ancients!" Spike said determined looking at it as well.

Spike and Tails nodded in agreement and headed back down to meet up with the others, the same thing happened with Amy and Knuckles, with their Spike clones grabbing the Emeralds as well.
That make's 6, let's hope Sonic and Spike are doing their parts" Knuckles said hopefully, they all looked on at the sky and the noise could still be heard.

The camera comes down to Sonic and the real Spike as they were at the foot of the tower ready to go.
"Last one! You ready?" Spike asked.
"You kidding? Let's go!" Sonic said ready, they nodded at eachother and headed up the last tower.

This one was really tough for them, it felt like they were going through a fortress, they had to jump across multiple floating platforms and grind rail they're way upwards, each phase felt like it was putting all they had learned to their max.
"Man, and i thought the last towers were tough!" Spike said as they kept climbing.
"Yeah, really pushing our limits, just hope we get to the top soon!" Sonic said hopefully.

They continued to climb the last tower even more, it was the toughest thing Spike had done at this point compared to the other stuff that had happened back home, but him pushing through it is proof that he's far tougher then any other dragon for going through this tower and trial. They kept on running across more platforms getting closer to the top.
"How's this for 20% cooler rainbow dash! "Spike asked as they were getting higher.
"This another one of your friends back home?" Sonic asked.
"Yeah, and given our new high speeds, she'll definitely want to race us." Spike said and Sonic chuckled at that.
"Bring it on! We're almost there! come on!" Sonic said as they were nearing the top, they then finished it off by running across one more obstacle dodging enemy's and then landed on the top.

"That was great!" Spike said feeling great from that.
"It's not over yet, one more thing to do' Sonic said as they looked at the large Koco.
"Right, you ready?" Spike asked seriously.
"Let's do it." Sonic said walking up to the Koco with Spike walking up as well with Sage right behind.

"Begone invader!" A voice said as it was talking directly to Sage, she knew that she needed to leave and teleported away.
"Enter, heroes" The voice said to Spike and Sonic as they were teleported to another place.

When they opened their eyes they had found themselves in the trial areas again, but they were in front of a large Ancient, it's face was in the shadows and couldn't be seen.
"This must be the king" Spike said looking at it with Sonic nodding in agreement.
" You two may call me " Master King" It is as close as your limited language will manage" The Master King spoke and they nodded in understanding.
" Wow, somebody's feeling high and mighty. Anyway, Sage said your the one who can turn our Cyber corruptions into new powers right?" Sonic asked.

"The Interloper is correct, I am loath to acknowledge her, but i must if i am to preserve my legacy." he told them.
"I am the leader of my people, i led them away from their doom and oversaw the colonization of this planet, and with the help of a kind soul that took care of little ones." The king explained and Spike nodded as he knew who we was talking about
" I directed the instillation of Cyber space and dimensional travel, i ordered the construction of the Titans" He explained while Sonic was a little impatiant.

"And now your a rock in a chair" Sonic told him and Spike slapped him hard.
"Ow!" Sonic said rubbing his head.
"Show your respect, he's the literal ruler of the most advanced civilization we've known! Spike said upset at that.
"Right! Sorry!" Sonic said as they turned back to him.

"Glad to know her child is able to show respect while you are insolent!" The king said to Sonic.
"Yeah and we're short on time, so if you want us to save your legacy, your going to have to fast track this new power process" Sonic told him with Spike nodding in agreement

" You two remind me of another, they vexed me as much as you do now. They also gave everything off in the end" The king told them and opened its eyes.
"Very well, step forth and i shall turn you two into my finest weapons." He told them.

"How are we going to do that?" Spike asked.
"You must pass my trial, it will be grueling, but it is to prove your worth" The king explained.
"Whatever it take's let's do it!" Spike said ready to go with Sonic ready as well.

Oh how Spike regretted saying it, the King's trial was the toughest thing he had ever done in his life, they had to face each Titan back to back with only a limited amount of rings that they couldn't replenish, making them only able to be in their super forms for seven minutes or so. Spike and Sonic had to reface Giganto, Wyvern which was the most irritating to them, and Knight once again, with Spike using his sword against him it was able to be a bit easier, but it did not excuse the fact that they had to parry right as it hit them at times which nearly screwed them over as they were at the end of the thing. But eventually after a grueling trial and 3 titan re fights later, they finally passed and they were both relieved.

"Thank Celestia! I've never felt so alive after this!" Spike said gratefully as they finished the last one.
"I've been through tough challenges before, but this.. this is nothing i ever wanna do again, not even that pinball machine was this annoying" Sonic said frustrated.
"Agreed, let's hope this was worth it." Spike said as they were teleported back in front of the king.

They had an aura surround them and they felt a huge power flow through them.
"I can feel it! oh man i can't wait to let lose!" Sonic said exited.
"Amazing..." Spike said feeling how much stronger he is now.
"But you must, that power is a fragile thing, it was not meant for you hedgehog, it was synchronized to your form as best it can, but if used recklessly, that power will leave you." The king warned before looking at Spike.

"You however are very lucky, we had designed this power for the child of Angel specifically, we knew that one day you may have had to face this monster, so we prepared it the best we can for you, it will allow you to become a giant like the titans but for a brief time ,use it well, and keep that power safe." The king told them.

"Huh, i'm not used to holding back" Sonic said a little disappointed while Spike looked at himself amazed it was meant for him.

"You knew my mother?" Spike asked curiously.

"Yes, she was a kind hearted soul, one that was pure and good, she had lived on this very island long long ago, when we landed here she was really protective, but after we explained why we were here. she felt extremely sad knowing that we lost her home, she allowed us to build our devices here, we all promised to repay her one day, and we had no choice but to send you to another world while she went safely into Cyberspace. We had made devices through multiple dimensions, which one were you from?" The king asked.

"I was born in Equestria, and i was raised by Twilight Sparkle, student and friend of Princess Celestia.' Spike explained.
"Ah, Equestria, though it has been many millennia since we had been there, i had always had interest in that world, our devices traveled through time as well sometime after the princess of the moon was banished to it, we had only met once for a little, but i had assured her that we would always keep things safe, very few structures remain in that world though, i hope she is doing okay" The king told him.

"She is, i guess it explained why that portal was hidden within that cave, i'm glad to finally know why things happened this way." Spike said gratefully, the King wanted to speak more but he had no more time.

"I cam feel the enemy's approach is nigh, go. you two have been given all we can give you, i can do nothing more for my people, i entrust the rest to you two." The king told them and they bowed in respect.
"When the enemy is done with, Angel will be freed from Cyberspace, and she will be able to find you, and you two can finally meet, send her my thanks and keep her happy, please" The king told Spike.
"I will thank you so much for this, we wont let you down!" Spike said confidently, they bowed in respect to eachother one last time before leaving to finish the job.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this! Two long chapters in a day i hope you liked them! Next up is the battle against Supreme/ The End hope you look forward to it. i think we can agree that pulling through that rage quitting boss rush is rewarded with that awesome fight, i cannot tell you how glad i was when i beat it, i hope you don't mind the extra lore i added with Spike's mother and the Ancients. Thank you all for coming this far into the story and hope you look forward to the rest, please leave a like and see you next time!