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Chapter 1

(Quick note - writing and replanning an existing story has been rough, so I'll be attempting a new idea in order to get my creative juices flowing. It's worked before on other authors, so here's hoping it'll do something for me.)


The man eyed his surroundings to search for something - anything with the use of handheld binoculars. The hand of a mobile suit was raised into the air, just above the treetops to provide a clear line of sight to survey the area.

The man wore the standard issue Earth Federation ground pilot uniform - gray pants and black boots paired a white shirt and a blue short sleeve military jacket. He was rather tall and lean and in his late twenties, with short brown hair, a stubble on his chin, as well as fairly pale skin. On his jacket was the name tag: ‘J. Monroe’ in engraved lettering. On the side of his right thigh was a holster for an M71A1 service pistol, with magazines in his belt.

Nothing. All the man could see were green and very dense forests - ones that went as far as he could see. Anything else beyond that was too distant to make out. So far, all he could identify were mountains. He continued to look around, his head on a swivel as he continued to look around.

A few more moments passed before the man lowered his binoculars, revealing dim green eyes behind them. “Nothing! We’re good! No mobile suits in sight!” the man called out loudly. He turned and waved - and the mobile suit’s hand lowered. The large and bulky frame of an RMS-106CS Hizack Custom came into view, the large mobile suit's arm raised high above it.

The mobile suit sported the two toned dark and mid shade of green and gray colors of the Titans, sitting against the rock wall of the hole they were in. On its left lay its weapons - a sniper beam launcher and a BR-87A beam rifle. Its large spiked shield on the right shoulder carried a pair of beam sabers for close quarters combat as well. On its left arm was a standard issue Hizack shield with the golden emblem of the Earth Federation on its green armor. The other side of the shield mounted two additional e-pacs for the beam rifle.

Monroe gripped the finger of the mobile suit’s hand as it brought its hand over to the second mobile suit: a standard issue RMS-106 Hizack painted with the two tone navy blue and gray Federation colors, sporting a tall commander's fin on its head. It was sitting against the rocky structure next to the Hizack Custom - its empty cockpit hatch hung open and its mono-eye was switched off. Its right hand gripped a 120mm machine gun - fed by a large 150 round drum magazine. The mobile suit carried a triple missile rack on either side of its waist connected to a hinge point behind the suit, and on its left arm was the same standard issue arm shield as its slightly different counterpart.

On the back of the shield held two additional drum magazines for the machine gun. Its frame differed slightly from the Hizack Custom - with a shorter 'mouth vent' on its head, red fins on the outer edges of the leg thrusters, and the addition of two thin thruster arms on either side of the backpack. Both mobile suits sat in a wide rocky crevice that was almost a dozen meters deep, providing some decent cover from ground level as long as they sat.

Monroe hopped off the hand of the Hizack Custom and landed on the thigh of his own mobile suit before climbing up - clambering into the cockpit before closing the hatch behind him. As the metallic cover hissed, the man sat down in the pilot’s seat of his mobile suit - switching levers and buttons as he began to power the machine on.

The Hizack’s mono-eye flared, its pink light letting out a deep hum as the cockpit’s panoramic cockpit flickered to life. As the many screens of the cockpit interior powered on, the man strapped on his seatbelts before turning to his right. The Hizack Custom stood up, turning to pick up its weapons as the Hizack began to get on its feet as well. Servos whirring and air hissing was all that could be heard before the noises all droned down to a steady hum, their ultra compact Minovsky Fusion Reactors working smoothly to power the mobile suit and all of its factions.

“Are you certain it’s clear to move, sergeant? There isn't a lot of cover if we continue to move,” a female voice over rather short range radio asked. “We still don’t know if those Remnants could be spying on us. Or if there are any AEUG mobile suits are around.”

“Nothing as far as I could see. Instruments are working fine but you can never be too careful nowadays,” the man said as he gripped the control sticks for his suit. The Hizack responded to his minor commands, the fore grip of the large 120mm machine gun swinging left for the mobile suit’s left hand to grab.

The man pulled on his helmet, swinging the mouthpiece of the built-in headset down as he secured it. “We’ve been moving west for about a day now. Our provisions won’t last us more than a few weeks, not even with rationing,” Monrow said.

The Hizack Custom lifted up its sniper rifle - the large beam weapon raised to use its high performance electronic targeting optics to scout ahead. As the area was deemed clear, the mobile suits were free to move about without getting targeted.

“Nothing yet,” the Hizack Custom’s pilot sighed. “Our maps still aren’t working. Not picking up a single ping from any sort of IFF indicator either.”

“Comms are out of the question,” Monroe reminded. “As long as we’re lost, stragglers like us will be easy to pick off. Better not give them any reason to track us.”


The two mobile suits walked, covering ten to eleven with every step they took. The forests weren’t that tall - with most of the trees going up to ankle or lower knee height. The large feet of the mobile suits pushed through the trees, knocking several over as they made their way through.

As the mobile suits walked, Monroe couldn’t help but think to himself. It was hard not to - especially because he and his wingwoman had no idea where they were. One moment they were fighting in the sky, and what happened next was nothing short of...insane.

- Flashback: one day ago -

The Garuda-class Aerial Assault Carrier Atlas had been investigating a clue on a hidden group of Zeon Remnants, having spotted what was possibly an old aircraft in use by Zeon from the One Year War long ago. Having followed the clue into a storm, the crew was likely expecting little to no results with how rough it was.

It didn't take long before the before the Atlas got ambushed - dozens of fighters and bombers surrounded the massive carrier in an attempt at a pincer maneuver. Now the Atlas’s crew and her mobile suits were forced to defend the much smaller and agile threats as they attempted to escape through the harsh weather.

“Enemy fighters to our flank! Kiro, deal with them!” Monroe ordered, his Hizack machine gun firing volley after volley at the enemy attackers swarming the ship. One of the Zeon fighters - a Dopp, veered off before getting cut down by a single 120mm high explosive round.

“Understood!” The GM II fired at the incoming Dopp attempting to flank the Atlas, a burst of low output mega particle beam bisecting the old Zeon fighter before it exploded in midair. “Scratch one!” the pilot called before turning to attack a few more Dopps veering to attack once more.

“Missiles, missiles! Port side!” a shout from a crew member yelled. Some of the Atlas’s manned point defense turrets quickly readjusted to counter the threat - the storm of light cannon rounds cutting apart the small salvo. The Dodai YS that had fired them veered off towards the dense cloud line - its attempt at a sneak attack thwarted.

It would never make its escape - getting a massive hole bored into it by the blast of a thin and yellow beam coming from the Garuda’s port side doors. The Hizack Custom lowered its beam sniper launcher before turning to combat another incoming threat. “Mobile suits incoming, port side!” the pilot called out before firing again.

“Shit! Making my way over - the starboard side is clear!” Monroe called. The blue Hizack quickly reloaded with a magazine handed over by an RX-77-3 Guncannon Heavy Custom before joining the mobile suit sniper on the other side of the Atlas. “I see them, there’s three mobile suits - a Zaku Cannon and two Goufs. They look like Customs,” Monroe quickly said.

Sure enough, the three Zeon suits were heading directly towards them - with the Zaku Cannon and one of the Gouf Customs armed with a bazooka flying atop a pair of Dodai IIs while the last Gouf Custom flew on a Base Jabber painted green, armed with a Gatling shield.

“Target the Gouf on the right. His craft has a mega particle cannon,” Monroe quickly ordered as he took aim with his machine gun - the high powered optics lining up with his Hizack’s mono-eye as he locked onto the enemy machine. “Fire!”

The two Hizacks fired - the sniper beam and the machine gun’s 120mm rounds spat out at the incoming suits. The Zaku Cannon and a Gouf Custom veered off to its left, leaving the last Gouf Custom on the Base Jabber to veer upwards, attempting to cut across the Atlas’s axis and avoid more incoming fire. It didn’t take long for the Jabber and the suit to drop - the Gouf firing its Gatling shield towards the Atlas’s wing before it got struck in the shoulder by a successful burst of fire from Monroe’s suit. “Got it!”

The Gouf was sent falling as the Hizack Custom finished it off with a piercing beam shot through the center mass of the chest causing it to explode. Their celebration didn’t last long, however.

“Missiles, a lot of them!”

Monroe looked up to see a pair of Dodais veering off, having launched over a dozen missiles at close range with the Atlas. There were too many for the Atlas’s gunners to shoot down right away - and none of the suits currently facing it had any Vulcans. “Shi-”

The Garuda-class Transport shook violently. Monroe slammed his head against the back of his seat as he tumbled. Was it an explosion? What if the Atlas got hit? The thoughts raced through his head as he tried to stabilize before he was struck by a flash that was so bright that he went blind for a few moments. His head was pierced by a lance of agony as he yelped, and the suit suddenly tumbled forward while the man had his eyes reflexively closed. Before he knew it, the Hizack was sent plummeting off of the Atlas, falling through the clouds as its pilot lost all sense of balance.

"Sergeant!" a voice yelled. Whether it was a member of the Atlas's crew or if it was a fellow mobile suit pilot, the Hizack operator didn't know. All he knew was that he was falling fast - enough to shatter the mobile suit to crumbs upon impact with the ground if he didn't slow himself down.

“Shit, shit, shit!!” Monroe yelled as he tried to regain control. The mobile suit spun and flailed as it continued to fall, its thrusters burning for split seconds at a time as it attempted to reorient itself. Up above, the Atlas continued to fly, with the pilot barely able to manage directional thrust long enough to see a glimpse of it in his panoramic cockpit.

"Slow down, dammit!!" He slammed his pedals hard, and the thrusters in both the backpack and the legs burned - cutting his descent speed in half as he managed to stop his suit from spinning in the air. Panting as he felt gravity return to normal and his vertigo leave, he looked around.

Only to widen his eyes in shock.

The area they'd been flying above had been mostly rocky areas with the storm overhead, if he remembered the briefing. What he saw was a near opposite of that - baring witness to distant mountains and forests that resembled an area more like a countryside. The storm was nowhere to be seen as well, since the surrounding area looked almost like that of a summer day.

"How long have we been flying? Did we cross country without realizing it?" Monroe thought as he took the time to gather his senses. He landed a few moments later, his descent slow enough that he was able to drop the last few dozen meters with no issue. "Ammo and propellant..." Monroe mumbled as he checked his mobile suit, deciding to focus on figuring out what he had.

The missile pods on his waist had gone unused, with no particularly large aircraft to use them on in that short battle in the skies. His Hizack machine gun was currently at 96 rounds out of 150 - though there were two full drum magazines stored against the backside of his shield. The propellant tank in his mobile suit's backpack and leg units were mostly full, at around 94% capacity. "Not bad. Though if any Zeon Remnants or AEUG bastards try coming after us, I won't be able to hold my own for long..." Monroe thought, his mind flashing to the newer mobile suits he'd seen the Anti Earth Union Group field both in space and in the attack on Jaburo months ago.

he looked under his seat to find the emergency supply kit underneath. The kit primarily consisted of basic tools - enough to repair minor damage or perform maintenance on a mobile suit, medical supplies, a pair of flare guns, water and a week's worth of rations. Behind the seat on a small rack was an M72A1 Bullpup Assault Rifle: the standard issue firearm of the Earth Federation's Ground Forces. Next to the rifle on the other side of the seat were smaller racks for additional 30 round magazines. The day he'd need a gun over a mobile suit would truly be the end of days...

His thoughts were once more interrupted when the sound of an alert was heard. The loud beeping on his secondary monitor warned him of another mobile suit, and he quickly looked up. He pulled back on the stick and aimed the 120mm machine gun back up into the sky...

Only to see a green Hizack Custom come crashing against the ground with an explosion of dirt and trees flying everywhere, landing not as cleanly as the mobile suit before it had. The blue Hizack lowered its machine gun and turned as bits of tree trunk bounced off its armor.

As the sounds died down, echoing throughout the forests - Monroe sighed. "You fell off too, huh?" he asked.

- Flashback end -

That was over a day ago. Monroe sighed as the mobile suits continued to walk - their mono-eyes swiveling as they kept surveying the area. "More forests. Not a single village in sight, let alone a runway or even any coast," he thought to himself. "How will we find the Atlas at this point?"

"Sergeant..." a voice came from the radio. "Can we stop? We...need to talk face to face."

The Hizack Custom stopped walking and knelt on the ground as Monroe's mobile suit halted its steps as well. The cockpit of the green sniper suit opened up as a wire descended from a small winch at the top of the hatch. The pilot stepped out of the Hizack Custom - placing her one of her feet in the ringed handle hanging at the end of the wire before it began to lower her to the ground, her hands clutching the wire tightly.

Monroe did the same, tiredly unbuckling his seat belt and opening his mobile suit cockpit hatch before a wire lowered from the top of his hatch. Stepping on the handle, he lowered himself to ground level, where his wingwoman was waiting for him a few dozen meters away.

The pilot of the Hizack Custom stood against the foot of her mobile suit. She was a slim and athletic individual in her very early twenties, with short lavender hair and bright hazel eyes. Her skin was a shade darker than Monroe's pale complexion, and she had a scar on her left cheek. Her slim fitting uniform had a name tag similar to Monroe's, with the name 'K. Rosa' engraved neatly on it.

"Sergeant. I...I think I figured something out," Rosa said. Her helmet rested against her side between her body and her arm, and Monroe noted the rather uncomfortable expression on her face.

"What is it? And why couldn't you say this over the radio?" Monroe asked, arms crossed.

"I...I need to know that you're going to consider what I have to say. And I need eye contact for that," Rosa said. "We...might not be on Earth anymore."

There was silence for a moment. "I figured," Monroe said.

"You did?" Rosa asked quietly. She looked a little surprised - though not at all disappointed. Monroe figured that she expected some denial or arguments over what had to be an outrageous claim.

"Not really out of the question. I mean...we go from a desert to a countryside in the span of a few minutes? Plus our maps won't connect," Monroe said, tapping his helmet. "Our hardware's linked up to analog satellites in space and hard signal beacons in cities and other locations, remember? The only way our maps wouldn't work is if the system in both our suits are down or if the beacons are down."

"And we did hard reboots on both our systems," Rosa finished before looking around. The treetops above them were just like the ones on Earth - and it was hard for both of them to truly believe they were no longer home. "I see. But...then what is this place?"

"I don't really know. Looks enough like home. But without beacons, we can't exactly let anyone know that we need help. The Atlas is probably long gone now, and Minovsky Particle interference won't let us do jack shit anyways," Monroe said. "Any ideas?"

Rosa thought hard, with Monroe patiently waiting. He and Rosa had been squad members in training - having used mobile suits for three years for the Earth Federation's Ground Forces. Despite the history, Rosa was still a bit of a mystery, not talking much about her past or her origins, simply insisting upon keeping her secrets and focusing on her career as a Federation pilot.

They'd gone through a lot together over the relatively long course of their military careers, piloting the now old RGM-79 GMQ Quel and the RMS-179 GM IIs before the RMS-106 Hizack came out, and racking up a handful of combat sorties against the Zeon Remnants and even the AEUG on rare occasion. While the two didn't get along one hundred percent - with a small rivalry forming over Rosa's significant combat skill that earned her the high performing Hizack Custom - they were still close friends regardless.

But right now, the two couldn't afford to be friends or rivals over rank and skill. They had to be soldiers - soldiers who needed to cooperate and focus on surviving and regrouping with their allies. He knew the Atlas was likely still flying around, considering that he'd seen it while falling to the ground of this new land. Even so, it had to be thousands of kilometers away by now.

"I guess...we should just keep walking, huh?" Rosa whispered. It was clear she was hoping to come up with a better answer, something that didn't leave them so much in the dark.

"Hey. We'll get back somehow. I bet the captain will be pleased to see us again once we do, huh?" Monroe reassured. He patted Rosa on the shoulder affectionately before turning around to head back to his mobile suit. "Come on. Eat an energy bar and let's get moving again. We're burning daylight."

Rosa watched as the man made his way back to his Hizack, hoisting himself up with the wire back to his cockpit hatch before she turned to do the same. Even with his confident assurances, she still felt uneasy. Something about this place seemed...wrong, somehow.

Regardless, she made her way back to her Hizack Custom, being lifted back to her cockpit hatch before she got moving once more - the door closing. Both machines moved once more, their footfalls shaking the local ground with every step that they took. As the mobile suits continued their walk, they continued to maintain a constant watch of their surroundings. After all, anything and anyone could come after them...

- Elsewhere in Equestria: ten minutes later -

A pounding headache was what greeted Twilight Sparkle as she woke up. The Element of Magic, also known as the Princess of Friendship rolled over in bed and groaned tiredly, her hooves coming up to nurse the pain that continued to bounce around in her head.

She barely remembered what happened. Everything felt fuzzy...why was she hurting so much?

"Twilight! You're awake!" a voice cried. The volume made the agony grow in full force, and she flinched hard. Her discomfort must have shown, because she heard a much quieter "S-sorry!" right after that.

Twilight Sparkle slowly opened her pained eyes, her blurry vision slowly clearing up to see Fluttershy leaning over her. "Ugh...what happened?" she moaned. She looked around, seeing that she was currently in her own bed, specifically in her room in the Castle of Friendship. Fluttershy was next to her, her teal eyes wide and her eyebrows creased in what was clearly concern.

"Spike said you were doing some spell...some sort of teleportation or retrieval spell. Then he said there was some big bright flash of light and you just...you just collapsed! When he came back to you with me, it was so scary!" Fluttershy whimpered, her frightened tone tugging at Twilight's heartstrings. "You were just lying on the ground..."

Twilight Sparkle felt more than a little bad for frightening her friend, but she didn't even know what had happened. "The spell...right! I was testing a spell..." she thought. Then her memories came back, one after the other. She recalled a test about teleportation, which included all sorts of calculations and smaller trial runs for the real thing. She remembered trying the spell out after checking things with her notes a dozen times before things went black. "What happened...all I remember was that spell and...did anything show up?"

"No. Nothing was there. Nothing's shown up for the past day," Fluttershy said, looking Twilight over just to be certain over her state of health. "That's how long you were unconscious."

The words made her eyes widen and she sat up quickly - at least before her head was pierced once more by a lance of pain. "Ow...one day? It's been that long?" Twilight asked.

"Yes," Fluttershy before a knock at the door was heard. "She's awake, you can come in," the shy Pegasus quickly said, quietly as usual. Thankfully, it was still loud enough to be heard, as Spike opened the door with a tray of sandwiches cut into quarters, alongside a few water glasses.

"Oh, good! You're awake..." Spike said with a relieved grin. "You almost gave me a heart attack when you dropped to the ground."

"Sorry. I didn't know that would happen...or that I'd be out of commission for an entire day," Twilight said as she slowly climbed off the bed, landing all four hooves gently to keep from sparking another nasty headache. "But...was there any success from the spell testing? Anything at all?"

"Did you not hear?" Spike asked, his tone both tired and incredulous as he set the food tray on the nearest table. "You just passed out, and you're still thinking about the test? It's alright to take a break, don't you know that?"

"Spike is right," Fluttershy concurred as Spike took a water glass from the tray. "We can talk about what you were attempting to do later. You need to make sure you're healthy!"

"The others visited yesterday. They wanted to come by when you got better, so you'll probably need the rest to deal with them," Spike chimed in as he handed the glass to Twilight, who drank it eagerly. "Pinkie Pie will probably come up with some big party named 'Glad You Survived Your Botched Spell Test' or 'Congratulations On Sleeping For Over Twenty Four Hours Straight', something along those lines, I think."

Twilight Sparkle pouted for a moment before sighing, letting Spike take back the empty glass. "You're right. As always," she said before turning to look at Spike with a pleading expression. "Can you please bring my notes here, at least? I need to make sure I considered all possible variables for the spell test."

Spike shrugged. "Alright. Reading doesn't seem like it'll hurt. At the very least, you won't get bored of it," he muttered as he made his way out of the room, closing the door as Fluttershy let out a little giggle.

"He does seem a little bit concerned," the shy animal loving Pegasus said after a moment. "But you should eat. It's been a whole day, so you have to be feeling hungry;"

Twilight's stomach grumbled lightly, and she reluctantly conceded her friend's point. With her magic, Twilight carefully lifted a sandwich from the plate into the air before bringing it to her. There was no pain or struggle, but she noticed that she felt a little bit weak - likely from passing out the other day. Thankfully, she managed to levitate it long enough to eat the small sandwich in one bite.

Sighing at the explosion of flavor in her taste buds, she momentarily shelved her plan on reading up on her notes, as well as figuring out what exactly happened with the teleportation spell gone wrong. "Ah, well. It isn't like something big got teleported or anything along those lines. We surely would have seen something if that happened - at the very least, noticed something was wrong," she thought as she chewed - using her magic to bring a glass of water before sipping it. "Everything's fine. Probably."

Up in the skies and remaining completely unseen by the residents of Equestria, a monstrously large winged contraption soared above the clouds.