• Published 16th Sep 2023
  • 607 Views, 40 Comments

Pokémon: Fire Ruby - MechaTomX

Welcome to the Pokémon world, in this story, a boy will travel through the Equestria Region on his way to becoming a Pokémon Master.

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Draconic Battle

The arrival at the gym was quick, Spike, Cozy Glow and Mr. Torch got off Gyarados.

“Thank you very much Gyarados,” Spike thanked.

“You did a good job buddy,” Torch told him as he returned him to his Pokeball, “Alright, do you two want to take on Gym Leader Ember?”

Cozy Glow shook her head, “Oh no, not me, just him, I’m just accompanying him.”

“Well Spike, I must warn you, Ember is a very tough trainer,” Torch told him.

"You know her?" Spike asked.

“Hehehe, know her, I trained her myself,” Mr. Torch replied, “She's my daughter.”

“Oh,” Spike said surprised, “You must be proud of her.”

“And I am, so if you want that badge, it's going to take a lot of effort,” Torch told him.

Spike nodded and they gladly entered the cave gym.

The interior was amazing, there were gems of different colors embedded in the wall.

“Wow, that's beautiful,” Cozy Glow said as she looked at the gems.

“Yes, this cave is rich in gems,” Torch told them, “We thought it would be a good place to put the gym.”

After walking for several minutes, they arrived at a huge room, made of stone, in the center was an arena, Spike knew that those arenas were the ones used in the Pokémon League, they had reached the battle room.

“What do we have here,” they heard a woman's voice.

Spike looked up, a girl of about 16 years old jumped from the roof of the cave, landing a few centimeters from Spike, the girl had light blue skin with long dark blue hair, orange eyes and was dressed in a jacket similar to the one Spike wears only yellow, black pants and black boots.

Spike knew her since he had researched her because he liked Dragon-type Pokémon so much, the Gym Leader of Draconia, Ember.

“Nice presentation,” said Cozy Glow who was watching sitting on a bench in the distance.

“My name is Ember, the Gym Leader of Draconia, I specialize in the Dragon type, I would like to know the name of the trainer who comes to challenge me,” Ember introduced herself.

"My name is Spike, and I am on a journey to become a Pokémon Master, please Leader Ember, accept my challenge."

“Okay, but first I need to know how many badges you have,” Ember told him.

That made Spike feel nervous, “Umm, well, if I win this would be the first one I get hehe.”

“Are you serious? Don't you have any badge yet?” Ember asked him.

“Is that something bad?” Spike answered with another question.

“No, but it is recommended that you have at least 4 badges to challenge this Gym, of course that is not mandatory,” Ember responded.

“Oh,” Spike said.

“But, I suppose that you and your friend with the curls come from very far away, so it wouldn't be right to refuse,” Ember told him, “Very well, how about a battle with a single Pokémon, the winner will be the Pokémon let it remain standing.”

Spike nodded with a smile, “Yes, I accept, thank you very much.”

Ember smiled, “Alright, then go get ready.”

Spike headed to his place, at one end of the battlefield, Ember did the same at the opposite end.

“Hey Spike,” Cozy Glow called, looking nervous, “Tell me you have a plan.”

“Well, no, hehe,” Spike laughed, making Cozy's eyes narrow.

"But don't worry, I know how Dragon Pokémon work, resistant to Fire, Water, Grass and Electric types, so Treecko won't be an option for combat," Spike said then he looked at Peewee on his shoulder, "I could count on you Peewee?”

“Fletchling,” Peewee nodded determinedly.

Cozy smiled, even though Spike didn't have a plan, that didn't dampen his spirits, "Then we wish you two good luck."

“Misdreavus,” Dilcy told them with a smile.

It was time for the battle to begin.

“Are you ready Peewee?” Spike asked his partner who nodded, both of them were excited.

“Very well, in a normal case I would be the referee,” Torch told them, “But since it will be a single Pokémon battle then there won't be many rules, Ember choose your Pokémon.”

Ember nodded and at that moment she threw a Pokeball into the air, “Dracozolt, prepare to fight.”

From the Pokeball, a kind of Dragon appeared whose yellow upper part was very small and the green lower part was very large, also It had a red tail with many thorns.

The Pokémon roar, "ZOLT."

“I've never seen a Pokémon like that,” Spike said in surprise as he pulled out his Pokedex.

Name: Dracozolt.
Type: Electric/Dragon.
Info: Dracozolt, the Thunder Dino Pokémon, Dracozolt produces electricity with its robust tail musculature, the size of its upper body pales in comparison to its lower body.

Peewee's eyes turned completely white as he saw electricity coming out of Dracozolt's leather.

“An Electric type,” Spike said through gritted teeth, he looked at Peewee, “Peewee, I'm sorry, I'll need to change plans.”

“Fletch,” Peewee nodded, he knew that being a Flying type who is weaker to ab Electric type, the best option was Treecko.

“Poor Peewee, he wanted to fight this battle,” Cozy Glow said hugging Dilcy.

“I promise you'll be in the next battle Peewee,” Spike said to his Pokémon as he pulled a Pokeball out of his pocket and tossed it into the air, “Treecko, I choose you.”

Treecko emerged from the Pokeball ready for battle, “Treee.”

“A Grass type? "Do you only have 2 Pokémon?" Ember asked him.

“Yes,” Spike answered, lowering his head, but then Spike responded with encouragement, “But that won't stop me, Treecko can fight anything.”

“Treecko Tree,” Treecko said ready for action.

“You can win Treecko,” Cozy Glow encouraged.

“Very well, begin,” Mr. Torch told them.

“Spike, I'll give you the first attack,” Ember told him.

“Thank you,” Spike thanked and at that moment he ordered his Pokémon to attack, “Treecko, use Pound.”

“Treeckoooo,” Treecko shouted as he used his tail to hit Dracozolt.


The hit was direct, Dracozolt suffered a lot of damage, “Zolt.”

“Now it's our turn,” Ember said as she gave an order to her Pokémon, “Dracozolt, use Thunderbolt.”

“DracoZOLT,” Dracozolt shouted which launched a kind of electric thunder which hit Treecko.

“Treeckooooo,” Treecko shouted as he received the attack.

“Treecko,” Spike shouted, worried for his partner, but Treecko stood up and assured him that he was fine by giving him a thumbs up.

“But of course,” Spike said, realizing something, that Ember made a mistake, “Electric attacks are poorly effective against Grass-type Pokémon.”

“How strange, Ember is a Gym Leader, how could she make a mistake like that?” Cozy Glow thought.

“Time to recover, Treecko, use Absorb,” Spike ordered and at that moment Treecko began absorbing energy from Dracozolt which he made no effort to dodge.

“Hmm, Absorb, steal energy from a Pokémon to heal itself,” Torch thought, “It's nothing Ember can't overcome.”

“Dracozolt, use Thunderbolt once more,” Ember ordered to which Dracozolt launched that same beam again, “ZOLT.”

“Treecko, dodge it,” Spike ordered and fortunately Treecko reacted in time, managing to dodge the thunderbolt.

“Don't give up, keep attacking it with Thunderbolt,” Ember ordered while her Pokémon continued launching lightning bolts.


But Treecko had already gotten used to most of the attacks and continued to dodge most of the bolts.

“Keep it up Treecko,” Spike encouraged him.

“I don't understand, why does Ember keep insisting on Thunderbolt?” thought Cozy Glow.

But at that moment, Treecko had been backed into a corner.

“Thunderbolt,” Ember shouted.

“ZOLT,” Dracozolt shouted as he launched his beam which hit Treecko.


“Treecko, Treee,” Treecko said as he was hit by the lightning, obviously not feeling it as much as he was a Grass-type Pokémon.

“That's not enough, Treecko, use Quick Attack,” Spike ordered, but something happened…

Treecko found it difficult to move.

“Wait, what?” Spike wondered.

There he saw Treecko with a few flashes of electricity surrounding him, “It can't be.”

"Why do you think Dracozolt kept using electric attacks even though they were ineffective," Ember told him, making Spike gulp, "Because it has a chance of paralyzing the opponent."

“That's why she kept using the same attack,” said Cozy Glow.

“Tree Treeeckooo,” Treecko said as he tried to move but it was useless, his speed had also been reduced.

“You can't escape now,” Ember told him, “Dracozolt, finish this with Dragon Pulse.”

“DRAAAAA,” Dracozolt said as he began charging energy into his mouth.

“Treecko, try to resist, use Absorb,” Spike ordered.

Treecko, even with paralysis, obeyed his trainer and with his last strength absorbed energy from Dracozolt hoping to resist.

“That won't be enough, Dracozolt, now,” Ember told him.

“COZOOOOOLTT,” Dracozolt shouted as he released the Dragon Pulse, it was a purple beam which took the shape of a Dragon and headed towards Treecko at great speed.

Treecko being paralyzed could not dodge it, “Treeckoooooo.”


A large cloud of smoke covered the battlefield.

“TREECKOOO,” Spike shouted, worried for his partner.

“It's all over,” Ember said with her eyes closed.

“Oh no,” Cozy Glow said, worried about Spike and Treecko.

When the smoke cleared, Treecko could be seen on the ground with spirals in his eyes.

Torch sighed, “Treecko is unnable to battle, the winner is Dracozolt, the victory goes to the Gym Leader Ember.”

Ember smiled, then she took her Pokeball and returned her Pokémon, "Thank you very much Dracozolt."

“Treecko,” Spike shouted as he approached his weakened companion, he was okay but tired, Spike smiled at him, “You did very well.”

“Treecko tree,” Treecko said still with spirals in his eyes.

“This was your first battle right?” Ember asked, Spike nodded weakly.

"I noticed, it's obvious that you know a lot of things, but experiencing them is something different, now that you've learned that, you will grow as a Pokémon trainer," Ember told him.

Spike returned Treecko to his Pokeball, then he looked at Ember, "I know I lost, but, I will come back here stronger, when I do I hope you will allow me to have a rematch."

“I'll be waiting anxiously, come back when you're ready,” Ember told him with a smile.

“Spike,” said Cozy Glow who walked up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

Spike smiled, but that moment was interrupted by a sinister laugh.

“Hahaha, what the hell was that?” A trainer of about 16 years old with black clothes appeared, he had red skin, thorny orange hair and dark purple eyes.

At his side, he was accompanied by a girl entered who seemed to be the same age as Spike, she had spikey purple hair, orange skin and indigo eyes with a similar style of clothing as the red trainer.

Ember looked at the boy, she made a sneer indicating that she already knew him, “So you're back.”

“Hehe, it took Equestria so many years to finally have its own league, so I, The Great Garble has returned from his trip from the other regions to participate in the Pokémon League of his home region,” said the boy named Garble.

“Has he traveled to other regions?” Spike wondered.

“I assume you want a Gym Battle,” Ember asked, she seemed to dislike Garble, but a Gym Leader had to accept battles from trainers registered with the Pokémon League.

“In this gym, please,” Garble scoffed, “I have no reason to earn a weak badge from a weak gym.”

Ember frowned and gritted her teeth.

Spike frowned, he didn't like this boy.

Torch approached him, “Watch your language boy, you can't disrespect Ember.”

“Why should I respect her?” Garble asked, “I saw your fight against that weakling, seeing your performance I'm better going to other gyms cause I don't plan to waste my time here.”

Ember and Torch gasped.

“Don't you dare insult them,” Cozy Glow told him angrily.

But the girl next to Garble interjected, “And what are you going to do about it?”

“I suggest you back off, for it being his first battle, Spike did very well,” Ember told Garble.

“Your first battle?” Garble asked, then he turned to Spike, “Brat, why did you think it would be a good idea to challenge a Dragon-type Gym Leader for a first battle?”

“I actually thought about it a lot,” Spike responded.

“And you were thinking of fighting it with those loser Pokémon you have, give me a break,” Garble said.

That was the final straw, Spike snapped, “THATS ENOUGH.”

“How dare you talk to me like that?” Garble asked him but Spike interrupted him.

“Just shut your mouth for a few seconds,” Spike said angrily, angering Garble even more in the process, “I'm not going to let you insult my friends like that, so I challenge you to a battle.”

“You're wasting your time,” the orange girl told him, “My brother doesn't have battles against weaklings like you.”

“Its okay, Smolder, I'll accept,” Garble said with an eerily calm tone.

“Huh?” Smolder asked.

“Since I won't have a Gym Battle here, at least I can show off my skills,” Garble responded, then looked at Spike, “Okay brat, and since you only have one Pokémon left, then it will be a 1 vs 1 battle.”

“I agree,” Spike replied seriously, Peewee was determined since he couldn't have a gym battle, “FLETCH FLETCHLING.”

“Spike, are you sure about this?” Cozy Glow asked him.

“Your curly friend is right, Garble has been a trainer for 3 years,” Ember told him, “It's going to be a tough battle.”

“I know, but I have no choice, I can't let him look down on my friends,” Spike said as he and Peewee got ready.

A few minutes later.

Ember and Cozy Glow were sitting on a bench near Spike while Smolder was sitting on a bench near Garble.

“Good luck Spike,” Cozy Glow encouraged to which Spike smiled.

“Alright, it will be a 1 vs 1 battle, please bring out your Pokémon,” Mr. Torch told them.

“Peewee, I choose you,” Spike said as Peewee jumped off his shoulder and flew across the battlefield, primed and ready.

“Charizard, you better get ready,” Garble shouted as he threw a Pokeball into the air, an orange Pokémon came out that looked like some kind of Dragon, it had fire on its tail and wings that looked majestic.

“It can't be,” Spike said, surprised when he saw Garble's Pokémon, “It's a Charizard.”

Author's Note:

Just as some of you were thinking, a Dragon-type gym is not suitable as the first gym, and Spike learned that the hard way.