• Published 4th May 2024
  • 508 Views, 41 Comments

Kamen Rider Shifter - Banshee531

Monsters known as Mimics have invaded Canterlot and wish to wipe out humanity. Only a select group of heroes are able to stand against them. The Kamen Riders.

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Episode 1: A Shift in Life

Canterlot, a city of many amazing individuals.

The people of the city were living their lives, wondering what insane situation might happen next in the crazy city. Over the last year, many strange things had occurred in Canterlot. Most of it was situated around Canterlot High, but over time the strangeness began to spread out. But what nobody knew was that on that day, the most unusual thing ever seen was about to occur.

At Canterlot High, the students were all arriving at the building ready for another day of education.

This included a blue haired orange skinned boy named Flash Sentry, who had just arrived to the school on his pedal bike. The teen huffed in exhaustion, having not gotten used to needing to get up earlier now that he couldn't drive his car. Why, you ask?

Three days ago.

Flash let out a moan as he felt himself beginning to come around. His head was completely fuzzy but he knew one thing: He wasn't currently asleep on his bed.

Instead, he felt himself laid out on something hard. He opened his eyes and found himself looking directly up at the sky. His body ached as he pushed himself into a sitting position. He looked around and found he was actually in an alleyway, one he frequently walked through when he was heading home from where he parked his car.

He pushed himself to his feet, but ended up staggering slightly as his legs felt like jelly. He managed to regain his strength and looked around, trying to figure out what he was doing sleeping in an alleyway. "What happened to me last night?" He tried to think back, but the last thing he remembered was getting out of the car after parking it and heading towards his house. But everything after that was a total blank.

He reached into his pocket to grab his phone to check the time, but when he did he found it wasn't there. "What?" He began checking his other pockets but they were empty too. His phone, keys, wallet, all of it was missing. "I've been robbed!"

The police believed that Flash had been snuck up on from behind and knocked out, though he didn't appear to have any injuries that would result in a KO.

Despite his keys being taken, Flash's car remained where it was and nothing from it seemed to be taken. However, with his only key set gone he had no way to use it. So until he could get himself a new set, Flash was stuck riding his old bike to school.

Pulling up to the side of the building where the bikes were kept, he put it into place and used his bike lock to keep it from being stolen. He then swung his bag over his back and headed into the building.

"Flash!" He turned to see his friend Derpy heading towards him, "hey. You doing okay after what happened?"

"I'm fine," he told her. "Just wish I knew who it was that got the jump on me." Derpy nodded as they headed for their lockers and started getting what they needed, Flash placing his bag inside and taking out his books whilst Derpy grabbed everything she needed.

"I heard the Rainbooms managed to stop another magic attack the other day."

"Really?" Flash asked, "what was it this time. Did magic infect a coffee maker and turn anyone who drank from it into a magical being with super powers?" Derpy laughed at this, but shrugged telling him she didn't know what it was that they beat.

"All I know is it was pretty dangerous and the girls barely managed to stop it."

Flash sighed, "man I wish I could be like that. If I had magic, I could help those that need it like the girls." He imagined what life would be like if he had one of the girl's powers, even the slightly less useful ones like animal speak and reading minds. If he had something like that, he could help people like he always wanted to do. Unfortunately, it was highly unlikely something like that would ever happen to him.

"I bet it's not as great as the girls make it seem," Derpy told him. "I mean, they're constantly on guard for anything that might happen around him. That sounds really stressful if you ask me."

"Maybe," Flash nodded as Derpy headed off for her homeroom. Flash closed his locker and as he did, he turned to put his back against it to think about what Derpy had said. His hand then reached into his pocket and took something out of it. A device that he had found three days ago.

Three days ago.

"I've been robbed." But then, he felt something in his jacket pocket. Something that was too heavy for his keys and wallet and to big to be his phone.

He reached inside and felt some kind of glass screen in his pocket, which was connected to something thick. He pulled it out and looked it over, seeing it was just like Flash had felt. It was a glass rectangle with multiple dots covering it, which looked like they were actually lights. The glass was big enough that Flash could put his entire hand on it and be completely inside it. On the left side of it, there was a thick square-shaped rod of metal that ran up the side of it and had a button on the top of it. On the left side, between the rod and the dots, letters could be seen one on top of the other to make a word. S, T, R, I, K, E.

Flash looked the device over and pressed the button on top of the rod, which caused it to come to life. "STRIKE!" It cried, surprising him as several dots in the middle of the screen lit up and glowed orange. Doing so caused them to make the outline of an insect, which appeared to have a light on its rear end. Flash realised it was a lightning bug, the lights suddenly going out before other came on to make the same animal shape but in a different pose. It did this several more time, the lights flash on and off to make it look like the insect was flying all around the screen. It didn't stop until Flash pressed the button again, confusing him. "What is this thing?"


Flash stared at the device, still wondering what the heck it was. He wanted to show it to somebody, but every time he thought about doing so he got a strange feeling that made him think again. He was completely clueless about what the heck was going on, but he knew whatever this device was, it was important.

He put the device back into his pocket and began to make his way to his homeroom, the teen trying to get the unusual item out of his mind. But what he didn't realised was that the item in question would prove rather important to him in the coming days and weeks. Rather important to the entire town in fact, as time would soon demonstrate.

In the suburbs of Canterlot, inside a quint little home, a man was busy getting ready for work.

His wife and children were all laughing around the table, since it was there day off from work and school so they didn't have to hurry to get anywhere. "Daddy!" A two year old girl called out, showing her father a picture she had just drawn of the family together.

"Wow," he told her as he knotted his tie. "That's great honey. You're a young Leonardo." The girl looked confused by the statement, but could tell it was a compliment and smiled. "Well," he turned to his wife, "I'd better get to work." She nodded and reached up to kiss him, the kids letting out several disgusted looks as they did.

He headed out the front door, grabbing his briefcase and coat as he left. He stepped outside and took a deep breath of the fresh air before heading to his car. As he did, he noticed a tiny spider had made a home for itself on his wing mirror. He smiled, happy to see his car could keep a living thing safe and shot it the world.

But before he could get in the car, he heard something that made him spin around. Movement coming from around the side of his house, causing him to raise an eyebrow. "Who's there?" He asked, putting his briefcase down and taking out his phone. "Whoever you are, show yourself before I call the cops."

After a few moments, somebody stepped out from behind the house. He couldn't see who it was they were, since their entire body was hidden from view by a dark brown cloak with a deep hood that hid their entire face. The figure stepped around the house and slowly made its way towards him, the man feeling very weary about the figure.

"Who are you?" He asked, as the figure got right in front of him. "Why are you here?"

"I am here to remind you," the figure explained. "The time has come for our people to attack and claim this world." He lifted his hood and the man was met with a pair of green eyes. "Awaken and remember what you truly are." These words combined with the eyes caused the man's head to suddenly explode with information, making him grab his head and fall to his knees as he cried out.

"Gyah!" He was in tears as the information flowed through his head, his brain running on overdrive as he remembered everything. After a few seconds, he stopped crying out and looked up at the cloaked figure. "I am...Keel-Tra-Vull. Ready to receive orders."

"Good," the cloaked figure nodded. "Attack and destroy. Let all those in this world know that their time is up." With that, he turned to walk off whilst the man calling himself Keel stood back up. The figure vanished around the side of the house as Keel turned to the spider that was crawling on his wing mirror, the man reaching out and grabbing it in his hands.

As soon as he did, his entire body began to transform. His skin began to melt into a strange dark orange liquid, which consumed his entire form before it started reshaping.

Eventually, the reshaping finished and the liquid began to solidify and be absorbed by the body within it. And in doing so, a new creature was revealed. It was a fusion of a man and a spider, the creature's body being grey in colour with green stripes covering it. Its head was round and had eight bright red eyes, along with a pair of mandibles where its mouth should be. Its arms and legs were normal, but from out of its back had sprouted four spider legs that were large and spindly.

The creature looked its new body over before releasing the hand that had grabbed the spider. From it, a lump of orange amber-like substance fell to the ground. Inside the amber, the spider from before was trapped.

The door of the house opened up and the woman stepped out. "Honey, I thought I heard yelling and-" She stopped when she saw the creature, which turned towards her and let out a roar. The woman screamed as ran back into the house, the spider creature chasing after her but getting stopped when she slammed the door shut.

It pounded against the door, threatening to rip it down any second. But before it could, the sound of a motor filled its eyes and made it turn to see a motor bike rolling down the road. The rider looked over at the house and spotted the creature, almost losing balance from the shock of seeing it. The monster began to charge towards him and the rider let out a scream, riding away as fast as possible.

The monster chased after him as as it did, it let out a hiss as a chord of white sticky string shot out of its mouth. It barely missed the back wheel, the rider crying out and increasing speed. The spider kept up and the pair arrived at the more populated area of the city, the people of Canterlot hearing the man's screams and turning to see him being chased by the monster.

They wondered if this was some kind of performance, until the spider fired out a bunch of webbing that grabbed the wheel of the bike and caused the rider to be thrown from the vehicle. The beast then grabbed the webbing in its humanoid hands and began swinging it and the bike around before throwing it, the bike flying through the air towards a group of people.

They screamed and barely managed to leap out of the way to avoid getting crushed. As they did, the spider monster leapt up onto a parked car and let out a kiss roar combo that made everyone scream.

"Freeze!" A police officer cried as he rushed up and pulled out a gun, pointing it at the monster. "Put your hands in the air where I can see them!" The spider did so, raising its arms and the four spider-like legs. But then it spat out a glob of webbing that struck the gun and knocked it out of his hand. "Augh!" He cried as it fell to the ground, whilst the spider leapt into the air and landed in front of them. One of its spider legs swung down and slashed him down the front, the cop screaming as his cloths were torn and a large gash appeared on his chest.

He fell to the floor, whilst the monster turned to the people still remaining there. It hissed one more time and charged, the people screaming as they rushed off. The monster gained on them and as they ran, they preyed that somebody would show up to save them.

Flash was in class, his mind still on the strange device he had in his pocket.

He barely seemed to notice when the bell rang and everyone began to pack up, Flash remaining seated staring at his book. That was until he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. "Flash?" He jolted back to earth and turned to see Twilight Sparkle, the glasses wearing girl looking at him curiously. "You okay?"

"Yeah?" He nodded, looking around and seeing they were the only ones in the classroom. "I'm fine." He started packing up before getting to his feet.

"You sure?" She asked as they headed for the door. "You looked a little...distracted."

"I'm fine," he assured her. "Just...got a lot on my mind."

"Well try not to let it effect your school work," she told him. "I'd hate all the work I put into tutoring you to go to waste because you're not paying attention in class. You still up for our session later?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Flash told her as they made their way through the halls. "I need a lot of help if I wanna pass math and history...and science...and geography...and...you get the picture." Twilight laughed at this. "So I heard you and the girls ended up saving the day again a few days back."

"Yeah. Nothing to big. A little kid got their hands on a bubble blower that was enchanted with magic. Every time she blew a bubble, it was grow larger and larger until it touched something. When it did, it sucked it inside before lifting it into the air. We were able to stop it before she sent her whole school into orbit." Flash laughed at this.

"Man I wish I could do stuff like you girls. Super speed, super strength, telekinesis. I'd love to have one of those powers."

"Well you've got a lot of skills most would kill for," Twilight reminded him. "Even Rainbow would have to admit you're guitar skills are the best around. And you're the best driver in school. You're the only one who has a licence and hasn't gotten a parking or speeding ticket."

"Still not as cool as you what you girls can do," Flash pointed out. Twilight was about to argue back, but before she could...something happened.

All of a sudden, a wave of dizziness suddenly washed over Flash. The teen suddenly staggered to the side and had to lean against the locker, moaning as he did so. "Flash?" Twilight asked as he held a hand to his head. "Are you okay?"

Flash tried to block out the dizziness, but as he did he felt images appear on the forefront of his head. Images of down town Canterlot, which was being destroyed by something. A creature he had never seen before. He shook his head and when he did, the images vanished but the dizziness continued.

"Flash?" He blinked and his eyes began to focus again, allowing him to see Twilight looking at him worriedly. Several other students who were moving between classes were also looking at him, some looking worried whilst others seemed confused. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he told her. "Just...got dizzy for a moment." But as he said that, he suddenly got a very powerful urge. And urge to go see if what he had seen was real or not. He couldn't explain it, but it was like a hunger. A thirst begging to be quenched.

"Maybe you should go see the nurse?" Twilight suggested. Flash wanted to deny it, but he would rather do that then have everyone continue to look at him.

"Maybe you're right," he told her. "I'll head over there. You go get to your next class."

"Are you sure?" She asked, "I could come with." Flash shook his head.

"Naw, you go on. I'm just a little dizzy. I can survive on my own long enough to get to the nurse." Twilight frowned, but seemed to buy it.

"Alright." She began to walk away, "I'll come check on you at lunch." Flash nodded and began making his way towards the the nurses office whilst Twilight headed to her next class. But as he drew closer to the room in question, the drive to leave and go to the area he saw grew stronger and stronger.

He eventually arrived at the office and was about to knock, but once again the dizziness overcame him and his clutched his head as images of the monster attacking flash through his mind. He wanted to ignore them, but he could no longer fight the urge he felt. The urge to go to this creature and do...something.

Before his mind could make him stop, he pulled away from the nurses office and rushed down the hall towards the exit out to the parking lot. He jumped through the door and ran to his bike, unchaining the vehicle before pulling it out of the bike lock.

By the time his mind finally caught up with his body, he was already racing down the road on his bike and peddling like a madman. "This is nuts," he told himself. "Why am I doing this? I'm not gonna find anything there. And even if what I saw is true, what the heck can I do about it. I'm nothing special." What Flash didn't realise was that the device in his pocket was starting to glow, its power beginning to influence him. Whatever happened when he arrived downtown was gonna be big. Whether Flash realised it or not.

In a dark area, the figure in the brown cloak was watching something. A screen that appeared to have been projected into midair.

The figure stared at the screen, which was showing footage of the spider monster as it ran a muck in the city. "Perfect," he chuckled whilst watching. "Do more damage. Destroy everything you see." Sure enough, the spider monster used its four spindly legs to stab into a car and throw it towards some people. Nobody had been hurt yet, but they were running out of places to hide.

As the figure continued to watch, he was soon greeted by two more figures in the exact same cloaks. One was taller then the first and appeared more thin, whilst the second was a little shorter then the first but had more bulk filling out the cloak.

"Gule," the taller one said with a female voice, "how goes our first operation?"

The cloak known as Gule laughed. "Excellent Maya. I knew activating this monster would be a good start. The humans don't know what to think of him."

"Don't get too overconfident," the bulkier figure stated. "If we believe we've won before the final strike lands, then we'll only be inviting our own doom."

"Relax Frill," Gule told him. "We've been studying this world long enough to know the human's capabilities. There's nothing here that could destroy us, not even those seven magical girls."

Maya nodded. "And once this world has been conquered and purged, we'll move onto the world that the magic they wield came from. I look forward to wielding it myself once I've found a strong enough host."

Frill let out an uninterested hmm. "Let's stay focused on our main goal for now. Even if their weapons do little to no damage to us, a lucky hit could still spell our untimely demise."

Back at school, Twilight sat in her geology class taking notes.

But that stopped when the overhead speaker came on and Principal Celestia's voice echoed out of it. "Will Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity please come to my office." Twilight frowned and turned to Rarity, who looked just as confused, but both got up and left the room.

They headed down the hallway and met up with Fluttershy and Pinkie. "What's going on?" Fluttershy asked, "did we do something to get in trouble?"

"I don't remember doing anything," Pinkie stated.

Rarity also looked worried, but did her best to hide it. "I'm sure whatever it is, it's nothing too severe. And I'm sure we can talk ourselves out of it if we are." They arrived outside the hallway and found Rainbow, Applejack and Sunset coming from the other way. "Rainbow, did you do something to get us in trouble?"

"Not me," she assured them. "I've been on my best behaviour lately." Before the girls could say anything else, the door opened and Celestia stepped out.

"Good, girls, you're here."

"What's wrong?" Sunset asked, Celestia gesturing for them to come in. Luna was also in the room, which made the girls worry more since she wouldn't be there if this wasn't serious.

"Are we in trouble?" Applejack asked.

"No," Celestia told her before turning her computer towards them. "I called you in because I just received a news report." The girls stared at the image on the screen and their eyes went wide seeing photos and a few videos of some kind of spider creature attacking people.

"What the heck?" Rainbow asked when they looked closer, "what is that thing?"

"We're not sure," Celestia told them. "It just showed up and started attacking people. But one thing's clear, it's not something you would find in this world. So I figured it could only mean one thing."

"It's from Equestria," Twilight caught on before they all turned to Sunset.

She took a closer look at the creature, a frown appearing on her lips. "I've never seen anything like that back home. It must have been a normal person or object that was enchanted with magic and transformed, like Gloriosa and Juniper."

"Does that mean we have to go fight it?" Fluttershy asked.

"What are the chances of it being a hoax?" Luna asked, Sunset shrugging.

"It's possible, but I'd rather not take that chance." She turned to Celestia, "permission to leave school early and go check it out." Celestia nodded, "thanks. Let's go girls!"

"YEAH!" All but Fluttershy cried out, the pink haired girl letting a whisper version of the cry free. They all rushed out the office, Celestia telling them to be careful.

"I'll run ahead," Rainbow told them as they reached the doors. "I'll beat that thing to a pulp until you show up, then we can finish it off with a rainbow blast."

"No way," Twilight told her. "If this thing is using Equestrian Magic, it's not safe to fight it alone. Remember what happened with the mirror and the phone." Rainbow frowned at that, not wanting to get sucked away by the villain a third time. "We should all go together and attack with the rainbow blast as soon as we see it." The others nodded, agreeing that was the smartest move.

So, when they got out of the school, they rushed to their vehicles and began to drive down towards the lower city. All the while, they hoped nobody was gonna be hurt by whatever was attacking.

The spider monster had gotten a lot done since it first showed up. Vehicles had been destroyed, buildings had been trashed and even parts of the street had been demolished.

Several humans had been injured but still managed to escape, the spider looking for its next victim. But as it marched down the street, a sound filled its ears and made it stop in its tracks. That sound came from a bunch of sirens, which were connected to the police SWAT vans that had just driven up to the street.

They pulled themselves to a stop before multiple highly armed officers rushed out with shields and guns at the ready. The spider stared at them as they got in formation. "Surrender or you will be fired upon," the leader of the group called out as they loaded their guns and pointed them through the gaps in the shield wall.

The spider hissed before spitting out a load of webbing and hitting one of the shields.

The officers all let the shots fly, but the monster leapt into the air to avoid them and pulled the webs back. The shield was pulled from the officer holding it and the monster grabbed it, just in time as the police pointed their guns up at it and fired. But the shield protected the spider as it fell and landed in the middle of the ground. It pinned a cop to the ground and swung its legs around, sending those around it flying.

The lead cop pointed his gun at the monster, but the beast spun around and fired a blast of webbing at him that knocked him backwards until he hit the ground. It then fired another stream of sticky silk to pin him to the ground, the man crying out as he was trapped and probably left for a snack later.

The monster continued battling the cops, it only being sheer luck that none of them had been gravely injured. When the last one was knocked to the ground and thrown unconscious, the spider turned towards the lead cop. "No," he struggled against the webs but couldn't get free, "stay back." The beast snarled as it got closer, "HELP!" It reached out with its clawed hand and got closer and closer to his face.

Both were so focused on each other, they didn't notice the sound of a bike rolling down the street.

Flash looked around the destroyed street in amazement, carefully swerving around the destroyed vehicles littering it. The teen then spotted the monster and his eyes went wide when he saw it, pulling his bike to a stop and staring at the spider. "No way," he whispered. The beast looked just like the one he had seen in that vision and as he looked around, he realised he was in the same spot the vision had shown him as well. The urge to come here completely vanished, replaced with a new urge. Getting the heck out of there.

But as he was about to turn to leave, he heard someone cry out. He focused back on the monster and saw the man it had trapped, then looked around to see the other police officers scattered around. If he left, then they would all...

"No," he shook his head, "I can't let that happen." He looked around and spotted a piece of broken cane, the teen reaching down and grabbing it before throwing it as hard as he could. The metal spun through the air and slammed into the monster's head, though it didn't even seem to scratch it.

The spider looked up form its pray and spotted Flash, the teen completely terrified but putting up a brave front. "Come and get me!" He cried, the cop turning to him before fainting in terror. The teen turned to ride away on his bike, but the monster was faster and spit out a blast of webbing that hit the wheel and locked it to the ground. "No!" Flash turned back to see the monster coming, the guitar player leaping off his bike and running.

The spider gave chase and slowly managed to catch up to him.

It tried to slash at him with its spiked leg, but Flash managed to leap to the side to avoid it. This caused the leg to stab into the floor, causing it to dig into the ground and get stuck. He then ran as fast as he could, as the spider tried to pull its leg free. When it wasn't looking, he ducked down one of the alleyways between a pair of tall buildings.

The spider finally pulled its leg free and looked up, seeing no sign of Flash.

The teen ran as fast as he could down the alleyway. But as he got about halfway down, he realised he had made a mistake when he saw a large wall in front of him. "No!" He cried, reaching the wall and looking up at it. There was no way to climb it and when he looked back, down the alleyway, he spotted only a single door going into each of the buildings.

He ran to the closest and tried to pull it open, but it was locked. It was the same with the other door. He was trapped.

A hissing made him freeze and slowly turn to see the spider monster glaring at him from the end of the alley. He stepped away from the door and the pair stared one another down, Flash's heart beating a million beat a minute. The beast let out a snarl before it charge, claws and spikes ready to impale him.

Flash's body acted before he could think, rushing forward as fast as he could run towards the monster. It seemed to think he had gone nuts and prepared to kill him. But at the last minute, he leapt down and slid along the ground under the monsters legs and claws.

He slid to the other side of the monster and leapt back to his feet, attempting to escape by running as fast as he could. But the monster quickly spun around and fired a blast of webbing that struck Flash in the back. "Gah!" He cried at the impact, making him stagger forwards before the line went taught. The next thing Flash knew, he was being pulled backwards with enough force that he was thrown upwards. "GYAH!" He cried as he swung up in an arch and came crashing into the ground, crying out as he landed on the other side of the spider monster.

Flash rolled along the ground as something fell out of his jacket. He let out several moans as he laid on the ground, rolling to his front and looking forwards and seeing he was once again trapped between the monster and the wall. He beast hissed, looking ready to kill him any moment. And it was not going to fall for the same trick as before.

Flash then noticed what had fallen to the ground from his pocket: The device from before.

He didn't know why, but he was suddenly overcome by the sudden urge to grab it. And so, his body still aching, he reached out and grasped the screen in his hand. As he did, he felt the pain from before slowly begin to fade and he began to pick himself up.

The spider watched as he stood up and focused on the object in his hands.

He continued to stare at it and as he did, something happened. A sudden pulse flew through his head, causing him to flinch and clutch his head. "Ahh!" He cried, whilst the device began to glow. "Gyah!" Both hands grasped his head as he swung it around. "RAAAAAH!" Then, suddenly, his mind went blank and his body froze.

The spider watched as Flash's arms fell to his side, the device still in his grasp, as his head fell towards the ground and his eyes closed. He almost appeared unconscious whilst remaining on his feet, the teen just standing there limply.

The beast snarled at the boy, having had enough of being ignored. It charged forward, clawed hand raised ready to slash at him. But as it got closer, Flash's eyes shot open and let out a slight glow before turning serious.

And as the spider slashed at him, Flash's left hand reached up and grabbed its wrist. The spider was surprised by this, especially when the grip became so strong it actually hurt. And before it could attempt to attack him with something else, Flash threw its arm to the side before slamming a foot into its chest with enough strength to send it flying.

It hissed when it hit the ground, whilst Flash stood tall and raised his head to show a serious expression. All the fear he had been hiding before had completely vanished.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared around his waist that circled him until it created a ring. The light quickly took shape before fading to reveal a strange looking belt, which was bulky with a large metal case for a buckle that had a glass front. Lights ran around the sides of the belt and three small pipes were on the spot below his arms and on his back that pointed towards the sky.

Flash then held up the black screen-like object and pressed the button on the side, "STRIKE!" The dots appeared to create the images of the lightning bug in motion, whilst Flash reached up and pressed a switch on the left side of the buckle. Doing so caused the other side of the buckle to slide open like a draw, with the side of the buckle still connected to the buckle by a long piece of metal.

Flash placed the screen down so it was resting on the metal, then began to wave his arms around until he struck a pose. "HENSHIN!" With that, he thrust his right hand into the side and pushed the buckle back into place. Doing so locked the thick piece of the screen between the buckle's side and the glass. Now the screen could be seen through the glass, whilst the lights on the belt lit up and glowed orange.

"MIMIC! LIGHTNING BUG!" From out of the pipes, a strange dark orange liquid shot out and flew into the air. It then began to rain down on Flash and when it hit him or the ground, it solidified. Within seconds, his body was completely encased in a strange amber-like cocoon.

The creature stared at it in confusion, until the cocoon started to crack before completely exploding. The amber flew off before stopping in midair, whilst Flash's form was revealed.

He was wearing a black body suit, with a white circle in the center of his chest that had white lines that went to his arms and legs and eventually reaching reached white circles on the backs of his hands and the tips of his boots. His head was covered in a round helmet with a pair of black round glass eyes.

The amber then shot back towards him and hit his body, melting back into the liquid form that changed colour to become a much brighter orange. The liquid struck his arms, legs chest and head before solidifying and becoming transparent armour. His boots became orange whilst a pair of armoured orange gauntlets materialised around his arm from his wrists to his elbows, his chest getting covered by orange armour. On his shoulders, back of his wrists and top of his boots were flat round lights that glowed orange.

The amber of his head morphed into an orange mask that resembled an insect's head that covered the front of his helmet, with a pair of orange antenna that formed a V-shape above his eyes. Finally, the white lines covering his body changed to the same orange as his armour, whilst his eyes changed to a blue colour.

As the armour settled, the belt unleashed new words. "Illuminate the light, striking through the darkness!"

The spider monster hissed at the newly suited individual, clearly confused by his suddenly transformation. This confusion soon vanished and the creature rushed forward, its four spider-legs primed to stab him. But before it could reach him, the lights around Flash's suit glowed brightly.

One of the legs shot forward to stab him, but Flash suddenly leaned out of the way with so much speed that the monster couldn't track him. It then tried to randomly stab him again and again, but Flash kept managing to shift out of the way with ease. As he did, the orange lights around his body created trails of light that slightly blinded the monster.

Then, the armoured teen leapt forward and threw a punch that struck the beast's chest and knocked it flying backwards. It cried out whilst staggering back, then regained its balance before glaring at Flash. It then let out a hiss, firing a blast of webbing at him.

But once again, Flash managed to avoid the attack and rushed forward. He zigged, he zagged, he was an incredible orange blur. The spider fired a blast of webbing and hit a large section of the ground, hoping to get Flash stuck. But to its surprise, he leapt over it and did several flips before landing in front of the monster and unleashing a barrage of punches and kicks that caused the beast incredible pain. With each strike, the energy from the lights on Flash's energy was sent into the beast and burned it.

It leapt back and fired another web stream, but Flash simply reached out and grabbed the end and the energy from his arm light increased and made the string melt. He then leapt up and flew over to the wall of one of the building and bounced off it to charged towards the spider, flying forward and smashing a foot into it.

Back on the destroyed street, the Rainbooms had arrived to find the place in ruins.

"What happened here?" Rainbow asked, the others unable to figure it out. They then spotted one of the police officers laying on the ground and rushed over to him.

"You okay?" Fluttershy asked, the lot rolling him onto his back. He moaned and opened his eyes, sitting himself up but flinching in pain.

"What happened?" Sunset asked, but the cop didn't appear to be in any state to answer question. Instead, she reached out and touched him as her magic activated. Within second, her mind was filled with images of what caused the destruction. A horrifying monster that she had never seen before.

She gasped before pulling away, the others turning to her. "Well?" Applejack asked, Sunset unsure how to answer.

But before she could, an explosion from a nearby alleyway caught their attention. Rainbow was the first to react. "Come on!" Rainbow cried, rushing towards it whilst the others followed after her. The seven reached the entrance of the alleyway and when they did, they were met with the most bizarre sight they had ever seen. And that was saying a lot.

The spider monster Sunset had seen in her vision, staring down a strangely suited figure. And by the looks of things, the monster was in trouble.

Once again, the monster fired a blast of webbing at the armoured figure. But once again, he caught it in his hands. Only this time, he grabbed it in both hands and pulled it harshly. This pulled the beast towards him, as he slammed his right hand into the side of his belt. This pushed the device inwards, causing the belt to announce something.


The light on his right boot glowed, the energy unleashed from it surrounding the entire boot.

And as the spider monster reached him, he swung his leg upwards and struck the beast with enough force the send it flying into the air. After that, he stomped his foot into the ground and propelled himself upwards. He shot passed the spider, which became suspended in the air, then somehow shifted directions and shot towards the monster.

Silently, he thrust his glowing foot forward and smashed it into the beast's chest. The monster screamed in pain as the pair flew towards the ground and slammed into it, causing an explosion that filled the entire alleyway.

The Rainbooms cried out at this, covering their faces from the smoke until Rarity put up a shield that blocked it. They opened their eyes and looked into the alley, the smoke slowly fading to reveal the armoured figure. He stood in the path of the smoke, whilst the spider monster was nowhere to be seen. It had been destroyed.

The girls stared at the figure in amazement, clearly missing something as they slowly moved towards him. The figure heard their approach and slowly turned towards them, Sunset being the one to ask the question they all had. "Who...are you?"

The figure remained silent for a moment before speaking rather quickly. "Sheave-Far-Tar!" As he said that, Flash's brain seemed to reboot and he suddenly realised where he was, what he had just done and what he had told the girls.

"Come again?" Applejack asked, not having properly heard him. They watched as the figure looked around and seemed confused, then focused back on the girls. He then raised his arms and the girls were worried he was about to attack, but instead the lights on his armor unleashed a bright light that blinded them.

They all cried out and closed their eyes, forced to look away from the bright orange illumination. And when the light finally faded, they looked back and found the figure had vanished. "Where'd he go?" Rainbow asked, trying to see if she could spot him in any direction. But the figure was completely gone without a trace.

"What did he call himself?" Rarity asked the others, who hummed before Twilight spoke up.

"It sounded kind of like he said...Shifter." This name confused the girls, but they weren't sure what else he could have said. They were completely clueless about what had happened here, what that monster was and where they masked character was. "What's going on?"

Several streets over, Flash panted as he landed in another alleyway and looked himself over. He was completely lost about everything that had just happened and started looking his body over.

He then spotted the belt on his waist that had the device he had been carrying. After a little fiddling, he managed to get the belt open and pulled the device out of it. When he did, the armor he was wearing began to melt off of him and disappear into nothingness.

Once he was back in his normal cloths, he stared at the device and then at the belt on his waist. Said belt suddenly vanished, phasing out of existence and leaving him just as confused. "What happening to me?" He asked no one, terrified beyond belief. What Flash didn't know, what that he was currently being watched.

Up atop on of the buildings, a figure wearing a white hooded cloak stared down at the scared teen. Their face was completely hidden by the cloak, but a pair of green eyes glowing from beneath it. "So," the figure spoke with a male voice, "it has begun."

Author's Note:

Well, a lot of you were waiting for it and here it is. My Kamen Rider story.

How will this story play out? What other Riders will appear? What challenges will those Riders face. You'll just have to wait and find out.

For those wondering why the cover art and Shifter's suit is just a recoloured Zero-One, that's not actually what he's supposed to look like. The armor's right, but the mask isn't supposed to be like that. That's just how my artist made it. Think of the helmet more like a mix of Zero-Ones and Cross-Z Charge, if that makes sense.