• Published 2nd Oct 2023
  • 445 Views, 71 Comments

Family Trip - TheKing2001

Sunset goes on a strictly family only roadtrip, learning about her mother and aunts in the process

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Chapter XXIII

Blueberry Cake

“Wanna go do something else? We got a bit longer till we gotta go home and Sunburst wants to explore a bit more,” Sunset commented as we all walked out of the restaurant and Diamond Tiara leaned against the car.

Sweet Leaves made sure to avoid the vomit from early that Sunburst produced and shrugged.

“I’m down. There’s a park down the street we can go to. This is a residential area after all,” Sweet Leaves commented. “We can walk there.”

“Sure,” Sunset shrugged as she started walking. “It’s just down the street. Saw it as I drove past.”

It was a fairly quiet walk. The only sound being cars driving past or birds overheard. I didn’t live in the greatest area of Canterlot like Aqua Blossom did. Sunset was kinda in the same boat as me. I only knew where she lived because I dropped Sweet Leaves off a few houses down and we both watched Sunset help Miss Cheerilee bring groceries in. That was a few weeks after the Fall Formal. Sure, we may not have liked her back then but it’s not like we would ever leak her address to the other students. Especially the ones with a bigger grudge than us.

“What’s that?” Sunburst asked curiously and pointed at a tornado siren nearby.

“Tornado siren,” Tennis Match answered with a smile.

“What’s it do?” Sunburst asked and looked at her.

“If there’s a tornado, it makes a really loud sound like this. Hold on,” Starlight said as she pulled her phone out. A few seconds later, a tornado siren played as Sunburst flinched. “Do you have tornadoes where you come from?”

“We do but they rarely ever get out of control. The pegasus are really good at controlling the weather,” Sunset answered and nudged her brother with an elbow. “You’re lucky, you have people to tell you all this. I didn’t have that. The first time I heard a tornado siren go off, I was terrified.”

I had forgotten she was homeless for a bit there. She seemed so much like myself or any of my other friends, it was easy to forget. The fact she survived a tornado while being homeless was mindblowing. Don’t even get me started on the Canterlot winters.

“I call the swings,” Sunset smirked as she sat on one. “Reminds me of when Spitfire and dad would fly me around.”

I gave a chuckle as I sat on a bench as Starlight joined me. Tennis Match and Diamond Tiara sat on the swings as Sunburst wandered around with Sweet Leaves.

“Hey Aqua,” Sunset said suddenly as she moved back and forth on the swings. “Weren’t you the girl Lavender and Fuchsia caught sleeping with Lavenders boyfriend awhile back?”

Aqua and Diamond turned red as I bit back a snicker. We had all been pissed at Aqua Blossom about that for a while there.

“Yeah I was,” Aqua Blossom admitted and sighed. “Yeah, that wasn’t my greatest moment. Especially considering he broke up with me about a week later to get back in Flashs band. Apparently Flash is keeping him on a very tight leash so he doesn’t sleep with former fans.”

“You deserved it in my opinion,” Tennis Match grumbled under her breath. Aqua Blossom shot her a dirty look as she picked up a tiny pebble and chucked it at her arm. “Ow!”

“Really?” Aqua asked flatly. “That pebble was smaller than my ear ring.”

“Shush,” Tennis Match blushed as she jumped off the swings and landed on her feet. “Bet ya can’t do that.”

“What, jump off a swing?” Aqua Blossom demanded as we all chuckled.

“Hey look over there,” Starlight nodded subtly in Sweet Leaves and Sunburst direction. “Five dollars on them getting together.”

“Oh I’d kill him,” Sunset grumbled as she watched them intently. “Especially after the last potential relationship.”

“Why?” I asked and propped my head up. “Is this like a sibling thing?”

“Oh absolutely,” Diamond Tiara giggled. “I would always tease Silver Spoon about her crushes and she would do the same about me. If I knew Scootaloo’s crush, I’d tease her.”

“Oh that’s easy,” Sunset commented idly as we watched Sunburst intently.

“Who? Tell me!” Diamond Tiara grabbed Sunset’s face with both hands.

“Five dollars.”

“Seriously? You have a job, I don’t! All the money I get is from chores or that time I helped Octavia at her family’s music shop.”

“Fine, a piece of gum then.”

Diamond Tiara grumbled as she pulled a gum packet out of her pocket, handing one to Sunset who tossed it in her mouth and balled up the wrapper.


“I knew it!” Diamond Tiara shouted and we all snickered as she rubbed her hands together eagerly. “Oh I’m so getting them together. Just you wait and see.”

“Good luck,” Tennis
Match smirked as she tossed a pebble at Aqua Blossom.


“How do you like it?” Tennis Match mocked and the two started an impromptu pebble war. “Why don’t you want Sweet Leaves dating your brother?”

“Sweet Leaves is a nice girl. Sunburst is the Royal Crystaller so he won’t be here much if at all after this. A majority of his time is going to be spent in Equestria like Princess Twilight. I don’t really want to see Sweet or Sunburst hurt,” Sunset explained as she jumped off the swings and landed on her feet as Tennis gave an approving thumbs up. “And besides, what kind of sister would I be if I didn’t get all up in my brother’s business?”

I didn’t have any siblings so I couldn’t relate. If I had to venture a guess, Starlight was the closest thing to an actual sister. I do tease her fairly often about Micro Chips. Surprisingly nice guy. Never talked to him before I don’t think.

“Fair point,” Starlight admitted as we watched Sweet Leaves pat Sunbursts hand. “But what’s a royal crystaller?”

“The main job of a Crystaller is to perform the Crystalling, a ceremony celebrating a new life in the Crystal Empire, which can be sporadic and completely random,” Sunset explained with a proud smile. “It’s a big responsibility.”

“So a baby sitter?” Diamond Tiara asked curiously.

“Essentially. But don’t let him hear you call it that. He gets rather feisty if you do Spitfire said.”

“Wow someone in Sunset’s family getting feisty. Now who would have thought that?” Diamond Tiara commented with a smug grin.

“I know right?” Sunset snickered as she flicked Diamonds hair. “Definitely not you at all.”

“Oh not at all,” I agreed with a smirk as the others laughed. “So what do we do about them?”

I gestured out towards the two as Sunburst pointed at the sun.

“I’ll handle it,” Sunset said with a nod. “Fluttershy seemed slightly interested in him too.”

Now that I didn’t entirely expect. Fluttershy was the most shy girl I know next to Sweet Leaves. But hey, if it worked out for her then more power to her.

After all, who am I to judge about who people date?