• Member Since 13th May, 2013
  • offline last seen May 28th


Just this Scottish Gryphon, y'know?


Equestria has always been ruled by two Princesses, but that's not always been the case, has it? Even years after being freed from exile on the moon, Luna feels that her place is no longer in Canterlot. Perhaps it's time for a change. Perhaps it's time for something...radical. Perhaps it's time to quit.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 51 )

Pretty sad, to be honest. A nice little one-shot… if it remains that way.

So far good and Truthfully Luna thoughts about her limelight are the same as mine. What exactly does she do that the kingdom needs Luna for. Celestia managed for a thousand years without her and erased her to point where even her well read student never heard of her before that day so that says you don't matter.

Ok this is something that I have always wanted to see, I have had the same thoughts all the time that Luna really didn't have much of a reason to be in Equestria anymore, that being said I in no way think this should be a one shot it should be at least a couple of chapters long and I want to see Twilights reaction to the news and find out where Luna is really going, don't stop dude I'm so happy it's out but I can't see it over.

there another fic called and so i left, same idea except it Au where Luna never became nightmare moon

>The Only Chapter
There's a possibility one of those is wrong, but it's nice to imagine the implications of both being correct.

Ehh i can kinda see it kinda dont. But for me i felt decisions wise, it would have been Celestia who leave and Luna stay.
But this is good either way.

Well not completely the same idea, in And so I left Luna leaves because of anger and despair it this story she leaves on good terms with Celestia and with a certain sense of finality about the entire thing, granted Celestia is a jerk in both situations but here a little less so.

You know the story about Luna could have been part of the "forbidden knowledge" Sunset was reading when Celestia expelled her, food for thought 🤔.

Glad to see another card-carrying member of the "Luna would be so much happier if she just fucked off and did something else" club.


Eh. Never say never. :) I do love writing Luna so...you never know. Maybe one day I'll sit down and add some more.


There is! That's the story that reminded me I'd actually written my own take on it and inspired me to try and finish it. (also it's rather a fun story!)

Glad to hear that you took inspiration from my story. I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your story, if you choose to continue it.

I love this little tidbit, but in all honesty, I think that show timeline Celestia won't be opposing Luna if she desires to leave. Celestia will just go: "Okay. Have fun," and will smile sadly, because they both are mature enough to know when you need to let go, and definitely had thoughts or even discussions on the matter.
Sometimes simple quiet moments are just more powerful. Hell, Celestia might even expect that, and Luna might know that too.

It is bittersweet...but the fact they both eventually and peacefully concede to the reality of the situation keeps it from truly being sad. One of those "don't be sad it ended, be glad it happened" kind of things. Maybe not even that.

I've actually seen a couple of fics that explored themes such as this before (heck, the argument one of my own did it can be made, though it does it in a dramatically different fashion), but I like this one's approach to it because there's no big drama, no big arguments or fights, no bitterness or hurt feelings between them, no rejections of the others thoughts or feelings, Luna doesn't even really make that much of a scene. It's all just Luna going "this will be for the better for me" and Celestia having to ultimately concede she's right and peacefully allow it to happen. Further, Luna does it not really blaming Celestia, and instead praises her for all she, and she alone has accomplished, and well as express strong faith that Celestia will continue to do so on into the future. It's just something that will be best left to Celestia, not to try and shoehorn in Luna after the fact as if she actually had or could meaningfully contribute to it when she isn't really...or so the argument here is made.

It's a nice little fic. Would like to see more of Luna's travels hereafter, if the chance ever comes, but I can be content enough with this too. :twilightsmile:

There is a little blame even she not doing it intentionally because the fact is that Luna is right they don't need her and things haven't changed in a thousand years when it comes to her being needed. Celestia knew that Luna felt unwanted when she turned nightmare but instead making sure she had a place in the government that mattered when she got back she was erased from history.

That was a good story. Luna does have a point Equestria prospered without her hopefully she will find happiness away from it.

This needs a bunch of chapters, or even a sequel.

Sisterhood of Karn, "Luna, tell me, what do you need?"

Luna, "Warrior.."

Sisterhood, "I took the liberty of preparing this one myself."

Luna chugs the stuff and regenerates into... Flufflepuff. "Ptttttthhhppp ptthhhhppp ppttthhhhhhhp!" (Translation: "Princess no more.." :pinkiegasp:

Oh, I didn't say Celestia isn't guiltless. My point is that Luna clearly isn't holding a grudge over it this time and, if anything, wished her sister the best in continuing her endeavors anyway, having faith enough to fully entrust Equestria's care and well-being in the hooves of her sister.

So this story wasn't really about assigning who was to blame, it was more about conceding to the facts and pursuing a more worthwhile solution that was better for them both. And I think that's worth praising. :twilightsmile:

It'll be interesting to see all who get this reference. :trixieshiftright:


<Steve Rogers> I got that! I understood that reference. </Steve Rogers>

An intriguing story.

I know you said you may not do another chapter, but this really is good. Have you considered a chapter with various times timeskips to show how things are going in Canterlot during Luna’s travels? With a post card added to each timeskip for Celestia to read?

11712799 Fluffle-luna goes on to battle the cherngelerngs..

If only chapter, then why not marked as complete?

Because maybe I'll write more.

You certainly nailed canon Luna and Celestia.

Favourited in case a new chapter is added.
It is marked as "Incomplete" after all.

Thanks for the opportunity to read what you've stashed away for eight years.

Hear hear, way too often you see toxic situation in stories where she chooses to me miserable and stay instead of making her own way. She has so many options to abdicate, take her own seat of power somewhere else or just build her own powerbase with business, mililtary or whatever she would take her fancy to.

This one was very well done, mature peacefull decision. Not sure if cutting off all the resources and going for a travel is the best solution, but likely very appealing as an idea.

I will say this, a nice bit of writing. Rather than me trying to make sense of this major plot-hole in the story's canon, I'll keep my remarks to myself, rather than attempting to over-think the entire scenario. I could probably spend a few thousand words with such, so I'd better keep it simple by saying it was a nice fic.

:twilightblush: :yay: :moustache:

There are rumors that she was told that there is a special creature across a rainbow that can help her feel better and know a lot about such ponies.


Wanderer D

I wasn't very convinced by Luna's declarations at first. They did seem resentful and petty, but once the room was cleared and it was just the two of them, it made sense. That following honest conversation really makes the story, and looking at it from the need of privacy, I can see how she'd set up a show. I'll keep an eye on this fic and read the next chapter later tonight. Well done!

"Celestia's sainted tits".
You win the Internet.

“Twilight hasn’t accidentally opened a portal to some other universe where there’s alternate versions of us that walk around on two legs and wear clothes has she?”

No, no, that'll come later. :trollestia:

“Once she has moved far enough from the safety of the castle, we will strike. We will overwhelm her with more drones than she can hope to repel.”

Ehhh, gonna need a whole lotta drones then, Chryssi, because something tells me it won't be that easy to snag Luna like that. She is still a powerful alicorn, first of all, and one often believed to be more combat trained than the likes of Celestia, so...(and that all assumes you really CAN catch her alone in the first place)

Sure, if you throw enough drones at her all at once, you can still take her down. Nothing is so powerful that numbers can't still overwhelm it if you have enough of them. It's just getting enough numbers with which to do that with that'll be the tricky part, and I can't help but think that whatever number of drones you plan on sending, Chryssi, it's still not going to be enough.

“Now what kind of newspony would I be if I let that slide?”

A respectable one, maybe? :trixieshiftright:

Truthfully for all their fuss has anyone actually bothered to think about Luna. Her guards only want her because she is a princess. Shining is more interested in security than her. Twilight is caring about Celestia. And none them care to make Luna feel needed.

Ha you weren't expecting it to be so well received were you, but I have to wonder why you didn't it's a Luna fic and an interesting idea did you think it was going to be ignored by the fans?


Her guards only want her because she is a princess.

"...Let’s be honest, nopony here should be surprised by that. We’ve all talked about it, gossiped about it. Even heard the Mistress herself grousing about it when it’s just been her and us together. We knew, WE KNEW, this might happen.” She raised her voice again to drown out a rising murmur from the ranks. “We knew,” she repeated, “and plans have been made. She’ll argue with us. She’ll fight about it, but in the end we’ll win. We all know what will happen the moment she sets hoof outside of Canterlot, don’t we?”

Heads nodded and looks were exchanged. None of the Night Guard were fools and, bless their Dark Mistress, she could sometimes be a little headstrong when she got an idea in her head. To think that she could just walk away and be one of the common ponies? There were too many threats to Equestria lurking in the shadows, too many enemies who would see a lone alicorn as an opportunity too tempting, a prize too precious to pass up. And they would take chances where otherwise they might have held off.

Her guards likely understand why she's stepping down, but still realize that she's an important figure in the world and Equestria's enemies aren't just going to let her walk around freely. There's a reason why former US presidents still have Secret Service details.

Yeah but do they want her to stay and be unhappy. If they want her to stay and be safe then make her wanted by the people.

Poor Chrysalis she has no clue about what she is walking into. I kinda hope this gets her hive to start defecting faster.

:facehoof:Wrong story Rahs!

This looks very promising.

Principal Celestia turned to look thoughtfully at Vice-Principal Luna. “You aren’t thinking of quitting, are you?”

Luna paused, setting her pen down and looking up from the pile of papers she had to grade. “I…No. No, I had not. I am quite happy here. Why? Has someone said something?”

Celestia pursed her lips. “No. The idea just suddenly popped into my head.” She tapped her lips with her pen. “Huh.” She gave a little shrug and turned back to her own stack of paperwork.

Great story

Aaww . .
i would have liked to read some more.
Especially when she gets to pony ville.
Or when twilight gets to the telescope.
Or maybe Celestia telling off the ponies
for once again taking her sister from her.

There's also the aspect of magical ability. To my knowledge Cadance is the only alicorn who hasn't bothered/managed to learn teleportation.
Surrounding and trapping Luna with overwhelming numbers isn't possible. She can always just turn into a little dust cloud or teleport away entirely.

It's a nice short story. Some parts felt a bit too drawn out while other interesting aspects were glossed over ...
The biggest issue imho is that, like many open ended stories with an interesting premise, this feels like the prologue of something bigger and the "complete" tag adds a bit of disappointment to the experience.
No conflict gets resolved. The story's already over before a proper conflict is even defined.

The fact that Celestia "called Twilight back" to Canterlot as an "advisor to the throne" ... I mean, Twi's a crown princess of Equestria. The sisters' equal according to Celestia herself. So it seams that Celestia really has a big problem with sharing power in general.
TyrantLestia, the lesser princess, and the princess in name only. So much potential for an epic story.

That was a good story.

Well we come to a peaceful close and a last farewell.

Huh, wasn't expecting it to end so soon... But there's nothing wrong with wrapping it up here rather than dragging it out if you have no solid plans for more.

Thank you for the entertainment!


Yeah, it was really just this random scene I wanted to flesh out a bit. I'm not good with writing novel length stuff, honestly. I prefer short stories.

Thank you for this little story. I really enjoyed it.
The idea that there was no real place for Luna after her return is quite popular. And I like how you took in all the little things that supported that fact.
I would have loved to see the dynamic between Luna and Celestia a bit more, but I respect that you left Celestia acting like she appeared in the first seasons of the show: aloof and distant.
Luna leaving is a clear accusation to her sister. I was a little surprised to see Celestia give in that easily. She is used to get her will for millenia now. In my opinion she would not capitulate that quickly.
But that's just the Celestia I have in my head.
It now would be interesting to know how Luna copes with the downside of freedom, that is quite often loneliness.
Really nice story with lots of possible plots to explore.
Thank you again!

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