• Published 23rd Oct 2023
  • 413 Views, 5 Comments

Interdimentional Pony Tournament - raven618

When Princess Twilight learned that someone was gathering representatives from different dimensions for a once in an epoch gathering, a fighting tournament wasn't what she was expecting.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Test of Strength

Princess Luna took a defensive stance as her opponent began circling. She had heard from her sister and young Twilight about how humans normally didn't have any magic. The fact that this Flash Sentry was wearing enchanted armor meant that he must have received outside help.

Flash had waited long enough and lunged forwards with his sword, aiming for the Princess chest just below her regalia. Luna flapped her wings, pushing herself out of reach from the blade. She then lit up her horn with a gentle sleeping spell, intending to end this fight quickly and painlessly. Yet when she cast the spell, the blue haired human stopped the spell with his shield.

"You'll have to do better than that, your highness." He taunted, before charging forward with another attack.

"Wow! The other Flash is really good with that sword!" The human Pinkie Pie said.

Luna put up a magical shield to protect herself for the moment. It seemed to do the trick, as Flash's blade bounced off the barrier harmlessly.

Down in Universe G's area, the demonic looking Sunset is joined by another corrupted highschooler. Midnight Sparkle, being tended to by a mind-controlled Crystal Prep student. "Looks like your little experiment is a failure." the dark angel chided. "The hero hasn't been able to land a single hit on her."

"Patience, my dear. This fight is only just getting started."

Luna dispelled her barrier with a wave of magic, throwing her two-legged opponent back a step. The equestrian royal capitalized on this and fired off her sleep spell again, this time with more force. The spell connected, but it appeared as if the boy's armor was enchanted the same as his shield, as he remained awake.

"I guess it's back to basics then." Luna said with a smile. She then conjured a pair of magical swords made out of moonlight. Charging forwards, the two fighters exchanged blows, their weapons clashing, blocking, and parrying almost faster than the eye could follow. What the audience could follow, was that Luna's attacks were pushing Flash backwards.

"I must admit, I haven't had this must fun in a very long time. But it's time to finish this." She put her two weapons together, merging them into a single greatsword.

But Flash wasn't done. He drew his sword across his shield, coating the blade in yellow and blue electrical energy.

Both drew their blades back, bringing them down on each other. As they clashed, the electricity arced down Luna's blade, jumping to her armor and shocking her. But her blade, being magical instead of solid, passed through the other weapon and cut through Flash's armor.

Both Flash and Luna were left shaking from their injuries, but it was Flash who fell first. After 30 seconds, Luna was declared the winner. A pair of Hippogriffs in medical uniforms came to take the injured human away.

"Will he be alright?" The Princess asked.

"It looks like he'll be fine. Your blade didn't cut deep enough to cause any real damage."

Luna sighed and returned to her Universe's waiting area.

"Way to go, Princess!" Rainbow cheered.

"Very nicely done." Shining complemented.

The announcer spoke again. "Our next match is Skuut, of Universe A, against Rainbow Dash, of Universe Z!"

"Another Rainbow Dash!? Awesome!" The Rainbow of Universe P (Our Rainbow) said, trying to get a good look at her double.

Setting down in the ring was indeed a blue mare with a rainbow mane, but her wings emerged from where her neck should have been, but where a humanoid torso started. This centaur Rainbow was smaller and had a far leaner build than Tirek did, and she wore a short shirt the same color as her cutie mark over her chest.

Being carried into the ring by a pair of Hippogriff helpers, was a large green creature. It stood on four hooves like a pony but was covered in heavy scales like a turtle or a pineapple. A pointed helmet with red glasses covered the creature's head, leaving only its jaw exposed.

"Well, you certainly look strong." The centaur doppelganger taunted. "But I should warn you, I'm the fastest thing alive." to prove this claim, she leaped across the field, pulling her arm back for a punch, but as her strike connected... "OOWW!" She reeled back, clutching her injured hand.

"Faast," The creature drawled, "Buut noot stroong eenough." With more speed than one would think a creature like that could posses, it threw a punch of its own, connecting with the meeting point between the centaur's two torsos. The strike sent her flying backwards and off the planetoid arena.

After crashing into an invisible barrier that protected the audience, Rainbow was very winded. "Okay. So we're doing it like this, huh?" She then spread her wings and returned to the fight. Not waiting for her opponent to throw another attack, she threw her hindlegs forwards, and kicked. This attack did succeed in pushing the armored warrior back. "Yeah! How do you like that, Ugly!?"

Skuut appeared unfazed, only walking forwards at a slow pace. Rainbow wasn't a patient mare in any universe, and met her opponent halfway, rearing up to kick at him with her fore pair of hooves. But she wasn't expecting him to reach up and grab the sides of her head with his hooves. Nor was she expecting the sudden blast of cold that engulfed her.

The green warrior dropped back to the ground, his opponent seemingly paralyzed by his attack. Once the cloud of white disappeared, it was revealed that Rainbow Dash's head was encased in ice. A thirty-count left Skuut the winner.

The Rainbow of Universe P was left speechless. Her comrades less so.

"It's like that crystal spell Starlight used on me and Twilight!" Spike commented.

"Except this guy didn't use any magic." Starlight pointed out. "What is this guy."

"An Ice Warrior." Said a voice. The ponies of Universe P looked at the crowd behind them. Leaning over the edge was a brown stallion wearing a green tie and dress collar.

"Doctor Hooves?" Rarity asked, recognizing the stallion from when he, or their universe's version of him, shopped at her boutique. "What is an Ice Warrior."

"To make a long story short, they're reptilians from a planet called Mars. Very tough, and very aggressive. That mare was lucky she had help nearby." he said, pointing towards the centaur, who was being dethawed by a Kirin.

"Yeah, well just wait until I get in there!" Rainbow yelled, snapping out of her daze. "I'm going to beat those Ice Warriors into next week and show them what Rainbow Dash can really do!"

"You're taking this awfully personal, Sugarcube." Applejack commented.

"Of course I am! An insult against any Rainbow Dash is an insult against all of me!"

"All of us." Twilight corrected.

"Now that the ring is empty." The announcer said, "We can begin the next match. Pharanx of Universe Q against Bright Mac of Universe L!"

"Pa!?" Applejack yelled in surprise.