• Published 16th Oct 2023
  • 133 Views, 1 Comments

Nightshade: Into the Fire - JustPonyboy

Nightshade's reset the world, but somehow... It feels different.

  • ...

Chapter 4

"Hey, Ace, are you-?"

Nightshade stopped, seeing Ace sitting in the middle of the floor with the scroll Strike had given him, Ace looked up at Nightshade before doing a double-take and smiling sheepishly. Yeah, he's alright. Why was I worried?

"Whatcha got there, Ace?" Nightshade put his hand out and Ace handed it over, "How the hell did you even get this? I had it on me..."

He checked his coat pocket and pulled out the scroll, they were identical.

"How did you do that?"

"Am I in trouble?" Ace's smile faded, Nightshade glanced at Ace, and the prince flinched.

Nightshade frowned and furrowed a brow in thought. Does... Does Celestia hit him?

"Trouble? What? No! That's amazing! You can duplicate objects with just magic, does that mean you can do everything on this list?"

Ace silently nodded.

"Why would they tell you that you can't do these spells?"

"Luna said I can't safely conduct my magic because I don't have a horn formation. My own magic can injure me."

"I think I know someone who can help. We can go see-" Nightshade checked his watch, "Wow 5:30 am? Time flies when you time travel, I guess. Well, I guess there really is no rush. So, what do you want to do today, Ace?"

"I can do whatever I want?"

"That's how we do things here, yes."

Ace sat there in thought. Nightshade frowned a bit, I think I'm starting to piece together his childhood with Celestia. I can only hope he didn't have to experience Luna's banishing.

"I would like to visit the local places in Ponyville!"

"Where exactly would you like to go?"

"I don't know, usually Mom has Luna plan my day and Strike escort me."

"Well, if I could make a suggestion, maybe you could swing by the school? I'm sure Cherilee would love to have you. I'm sure you'd fit right in."

"If you think it's a good idea."

Nightshade watched as turned his back for a moment, and that's when he saw the claw marks. The swipe from the dragon never even fully cut through Ace's leather jacket, the marks were clear as day but were only surface level. Lucky bastard. Ace smiled as he handed Nightshade a hairbrush.

"I don't usually- "

"Style your mane? I figured as much, Celestia babies you too much. That's why we're gonna go see the school."

Nightshade brushed and flipped Ace's hair back, making him appear more boyish and allowing him to see Ace's eyes. They shone back at Nightshade with a deep mesmerizing ocean blue, Oh my lord this kid...

"Now you look like a true greaser! Those girls are gonna lose their minds. Now let's go, I'll give the teacher a ring first."

Nightshade sat with Cherilee in the front of the classroom as Ace walked in, the students' jaws dropped. Nightshade knew exactly what they expected, some posh, self-important finely dressed alicorn. Ace smiled radiantly at the class.

Cherilee stood and lightly placed a hand on Ace's shoulder, "Alright colts and fillies, this is our special guest. I doubt he needs much introduction, but this is Prince Ace O'Hearts. Why don't we give him a warm welcome?"

The class responded with a hearty 'Welcome, Prince Ace'. For someone who Nightshade saw as shy and reserved, he seemed to be loving the attention.

Ace bashfully chuckled, "You don't h-have to be so formal, just Ace will do."

A hand shot up instantly, "Miss, can we have Prin- I mean, Ace help us with our classwork?"

Cherilee looked at Nightshade who couldn't wipe the grin off his face as he nodded, "Then, by all means, Sweetie Belle. But he's here for everypony okay? Feel free to ask questions."

Nightshade watched as Ace genuinely enjoyed himself, talking with the Cutie Mark Crusaders about his mark and making conversation with everyone. The students never needed any actual help, they seemed to just want his attention. Nightshade could understand that, after all Luna could be a bit much at times and Celestia made everyone nervous. Ace was mellow enough, but did things that made him seem normal.

"Miss Sparkle lives here?" Ace's wings fluttered slightly, "I wonder if she still has her head buried in a book all the time?"

Nightshade tuned out for a while and actually ended up nodding off, he was awoken by the sounds of complaints from the students.

"Does he have to go?"

"Can he come back tomorrow?"

"Ace, you can't go back to Canterlot now, right?"

Ace put his hands in his pockets, clearly not used to people enjoying his presence.

Nightshade stood up, "Alright. To answer your questions in order. Yes, yes, and no. Plus you'll see him around town from time to time, he's staying for a bit. But for now, he's gotta go, Teach you have my number for whenever they want him back for a visit. Feel free to speak to him whenever you see him. Bye everypony."

Ace gave a small wave before following Nightshade outside, he had a bit of pep in his step now.

"Is it safe to assume Celestia never put you into a school?" Nightshade said as they walked towards the town hall in the midday sunlight.

"No. The most I ever got was helping out Miss Sparkle with her studies."

"Well consider that your first day of school, usually schoolchildren do work though. But I'm just glad you enjoyed yourself."

This felt different, Celestia wants to shield him from the world? I'll show him everything it has to offer!

"Hey, isn't the Gala at the end of the month?"

"Yes, yes it is. Celestia wants me to wear another extravagant dress, it is an amazing dress, but I don't want to be the center of attention at an event held for everyone there."

"I know a gal we can get some classy clothing from, she'd love to meet you- "

A blackish-green stallion crashed into Nightshade, dropping the books.

He put his head down as he got on the ground to pick them up his short silver mane was spotless, but he dirtied up his shirt and pants as he did so, "Sthorry, I'm stho ver sthorry. Sioux wasn't- I wasn't watching my sthep."

Nightshade raised an eyebrow at the strange accent? Or was it a lisp? He couldn't tell but as he was uttering out a 'no problem' he stopped. The pony had milky green eyes. There's a changeling LIVING in Ponyville? Nightshade covered his shock with a reassuring smile. He's not doing a good job of covering up his speech or his eyes, how has he not been caught?

"Wow, those are some exotic eyes you got there. Are you from the Crystal Empire? I heard Crystal ponies look different."

"No. Sioux has an eye condition. Sioux takes medication for it. Was a nice meeting. Must go now."

Ace watched as the strange pony scurried off, "Aww, I didn't even get to really talk to him. Must have been in a rush?"

Nightshade facepalmed and sighed heavily, he was gonna have a chat with Ace when they got back home.