• Published 18th Oct 2023
  • 1,161 Views, 227 Comments

Saiyan Of The Sun - IndigoStorm27

12 years before the return of Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia encounters a being from beyond the stars. Despite the less than formal first impression, Celestia decides to take him in to her care. How will Equestria fare with its new resident?

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Chapter THREE: Bage Learning Friendship? A Kinship is Born!

Bage Learning Friendship? A Kinship is born!

Unknown Location

Bage found himself in a dark void, barely able to see 2 feet in any direction. As he strained to see anything, he heard a dark, cruel laugh behind him. He spun around, but couldn't find the source of the laugh, almost like it came from all around him. "Well, you are certainly a strange one. And powerful too, a warrior to be sure, I respect thee," the voice echoed through the void, yet almost felt right in his ear.

"Where the hell am I? And who are you calling strange?" Bage called out, his voice also echoing. The voice merely laughed in response, and it pissed him off. "Stop toying with me, damn it!" he yelled, firing a blast off in a random direction. The light from the blast illuminated a small area around it as it shot off, but it was quickly consumed by the darkness.

"This darkness is all-consuming, creature. Your magic will do thee no good," It spoke, and Bage could see strange figures appear in the darkness, then again it could just be his mind playing tricks on him. "You may call me, Nightmare Moon. I am the rightful ruler of Equestria, my throne was stolen by my sister. I am sure you have heard of her?" The Nightmare asked.

"Sure, but what does that have to do with me? Don't tell me you want my help, 'cause I'm not gonna help someone who won't even look me in the eyes," Bage shouted, prompting the darkness to shift.

"Such an attitude, but I can understand the distrust. As for why you cannot see me, my power is weak, my true form is sealed away. I could only reach out to you due to your connection to my moon. Your 'Oozaru' form requires a full moon, correct?" Nightmare Moon asked, to which Bage nodded. "Well, I can allow you to transform anytime you wish, once I return to the throne. I shall bring about night eternal, and you can stand by my side. A warrior for a Queen, What say thee?" Bage considered the offer, it was tempting. He wouldn't have to play along with Celestia and her student plan. But then he thought of his father and remembered that he was a saiyan warrior, not some lapdog for a pony boogeyman.

"So you want me to help you beat your sister, just so you can take back the throne, and doom the planet to freeze? If you were such a good ruler, why haven't I heard of you? No deal, miss doom and gloom," He told her, and he felt the darkness constrict. Like she was trying to strangle him, but didn't have the appendages necessary.

"Tch, so you would decline my offer, in favor of HER? And here I thought you to understand conquest, but you are poisoned by the sun's touch. Very well, saiyan, but know this, when I break free from my imprisonment, you will not see mercy from me. I shall make your death painful." Nightmare Moon's voice faded into the void, and his vision went pitch black. His eyes flew open and he shot up in bed, panting.

"What the hell, was that? Great, now I'm having nightmares, this place sucks." He grumbled, flopping back down. He looked up when the door opened, and Celestia walked in, with that motherly smile that he was very quickly finding irritating. "What do you want Princess? Unless you're here to tell me I can leave this bed, I'm not in the mood to talk," he groaned, but Celestia said nothing, simply closing the door behind her, and locking it. Bage thought this was odd, as locking the door seemed unnecessary. Suddenly, Celestia burst into green flames, startling him. In her place was a small, black bug-looking pony, simply staring at him with its big greenish-blue eyes. "Alright, that's new. I get the feeling you aren't Celestia," he said, as the bug pony approached his bed.

The bug pony opened its mouth, and emitted a strange sound, like a chitter and a hiss mixed into one sound. At the look of confusion Bage gave, the bug lit on fire again, this time looking like a guard. "There, can you understand me now?" The bug-guard-pony asked, and Bage nodded, still horribly confused.

"What in the name of Ginyu's jockstrap are you? And can I punch you? All the guards here are just really punchable." Bage said, and the bug guard shook its - his - head.

"Listen, I've been told to keep an eye on you, by order of my queen. You are Bage, correct?" The buguard asked. Bage nodded. "Good, and to answer your question, I'm a changeling. A race of insectoid equines that can change their form at will. I must ask that you keep our existence a secret, as the Equestrians are very hateful towards our kind." the changeling explained, Bage giving a slow nod in response.

"So, why exactly are you being asked to watch me? You aren't working for that Nightmare Moon bitch, are you? Cause I don't like her," Bage said, still reeling from the nightmare a few moments ago, in more ways than one. The guardling tilted its head, before shrugging it off.

"Uh, no. We have a hive out in the badlands, where one of our scouts witnessed you face off against the Sun Princess. It caught the queen's attention when the scout reported in," the changeling explained, making Bage's eyes widen in realization at the thought that these 'changelings' had possibly been watching from right in plain sight, and Celestia didn't even realize. "We felt that your power would benefit the hive. As such, Queen Chrysalis has decided to make contact with you and keep tabs on your activities. Before you go thinking we'll be following you around, don't worry. We're very good at maintaining secrecy, " the guard said, making Bage snort in derision. "Do you find something amusing about what I said?" Bage nodded, making the changeling frown.

"So, you say you're good at maintaining secrecy, but then you just waltz in here, looking like Celestia, don't check to make sure we're alone, and just reveal your true self to me without taking the time to see if I'm trustworthy? Right, real good at secrecy," Bage chuckled, causing the changeling to grimace.

"Okay, perhaps I was a bit careless, but if you weren't trustworthy, why did you not immediately shout for a guard?" The changeling asked, and Bage simply stared at him, before snorting again.

"Well, that's because the guards don't like me. They say I'm 'a threat to Canterlot's security' or something like that. Besides, I'm stronger than all the guards so they don't need to stand close by. Speaking of which, how did you get through the guards to get here?" Bage asked, but the changeling turned towards the door and flinched.

"I can not stay any longer the Sun Princess draws near. I trust you won't betray my presence," it hissed before lighting up with emerald fire and disappearing. True to the bugs' word, the real Princess Celestia walked through the door not a second later, and looked at him strangely.

"Bage, why was this door locked? It must remain open at all times, in the event of an emergency," Celestia chided him, and Bage just rolled his eyes.

"Maybe because I wanted some privacy. Is that a crime now? Besides, I don't need to sit in this bed any longer," Bage told her, taking off his bandages. Celestia raised an eyebrow at this and watched as he jumped up, and started stretching his limbs and cracking different joints. "Oh yeah, that feels better. Now, didn't you say something about being a student? If we're gonna do this I'd rather get it out of the way now," Bage said, slipping his armor back on.

Celestia shook her head and gestured for him to follow. "Now Bage, this is not just a one-and-done sort of lesson. I'm going to be teaching you alongside Sunset and Twilight to learn one of Equestrias' greatest virtues; Friendship. I can tell you are quite like Sunset in that you feel you don't need to make friends, but I assure you that it is important to make at least one friend," Celestia explained, causing Bage to groan.

"Seriously? What makes you think I want to sit around all day and learn 'friendship' when I can spend that time doing something that I can benefit from? Like training, or fighting, or training?" Bage said while counting on his fingers.

"Bage, you said training twice." Celestia pointed out.

Bage just stared at her. "Yeah, and?" He countered, and Celestia deadpanned, facehooving. They continued in silence, passing by several doors, before coming to a large open doorway, through which were a bunch of bookshelves.

"Welcome to the Canterlot Royal Library, this is where I shall be teaching you and Twilight most often," Celestia spoke and pointed to Twilight sitting at a table a short distance away.

"Wait, I have to read? Ugh, just kill me and be done with it. By the way, why didn't you mention Sunset in that? Isn't she your student too?" Bage mentioned, and Celestia nodded.

"Yes, she is. Unfortunately, however, she has been rather obstinate when it comes to learning alongside Twilight. She fights me at every turn when I try to help her open up. I had thought that having you here would make her change her mind since you two seemed to connect just a bit, but clearly, I was wrong," Celestia lamented with a sad look on her face. Bage plopped down into a chair, which immediately broke under his weight. He frowned and just crossed his legs, staring at the massive stack of books next to Twilight.

"So, you must really like to read, huh?" Bage grabbed a book from the stack as he asked this, and realized an issue. "Um, what kind of language is this, anyway? I can't make sense of it," he said, turning the book around in his hands.

"You mean you can't read? That's embarrassing," Twilight jabbed, causing Bage to grit his teeth.

"I can read just fine! Your books are just written in symbols and nonsense!" He shouted. Celestia grabbed another book, and cast a quick spell on it, handing it to Bage.

"Try this one, it might seem more legible. If not, we may have to teach you our written language," Celestia noted, and Bage studied the cover for a minute, before shaking his head.

"I can read a few words here and there, but most of it is still scribbles and symbols," He tossed the book over his shoulder as he said this, before standing up. "Maybe you can just tell me what I need to know, I'm not the scholarly type," Bage told her, and heard Celestia sigh.

"Bage, I'm far too busy ruling Equestria every day to sit and tell you everything you need to know. Then again, I'm also too busy to teach you how to read our language. Perhaps I could get Sunset to help teach you, being as she decided not to show up." Celestia muttered, both to herself and to him.

Right at that moment, as if summoned, Sunset walked in with a cup held in her magic, a frown spread across her face. "I'm here, I just slept in. I swear, it's like you raise the sun earlier and earlier just to mess with me." Sunset grumbled before shooting a glare at Celestia.

"Ah, good to see you join us, Sunset. Fashionably late as usual. You're aware that coffee is not allowed in the library, correct?" Celestia asked disapprovingly. Sunset just yawned and nodded. "Haaaaa... Sunset, I have a task for you. Bage is unfamiliar with our written language and needs someone to teach him. Would you be willing to do this?" Celestia asked, knowing Sunset wasn't nearly awake enough to comprehend the request, and would probably agree without thinking. Sure enough, Sunset nodded without looking up, before her eyes widened.

"Wait, What? NO! I-" Sunset tried to protest, but it was too late.

"Sorry, can't hear you, I have to start day court, Good Luck!" Celestia called as she galloped out the door. Sunset stared after in shock, mouth gaping and eye twitching.

"Huh, so teach what's the game plan?" Bage asked, trying not to burst out laughing. Sunset simply growled, before grabbing his ear in her magic. "OW, HEY WHAT GIVES?!" he screamed in pain.

"Come on, monkey boy. Let's just get this over with." Sunset spat, practically dragging him out of the library.

"OWW, LET GO! COME ON, THIS IS SO NOT FAIR, THAT HURTS!" Bage yelled through the pain. Twilight didn't even look up from her book.

"Wouldn't wanna be him, yeesh," Twilight remarked, grabbing another book from her stack.


Canterlot West Wing, Sunsets Bedroom

Bage massaged his ear, glaring at Sunset, who glared back. Being dragged across the castle did little for Bages' mood, and Sunset wasn't in the best mood herself. "Let's get one thing straight, I don't want to to teach you, I don't want to do anything with you," Sunset told him, stamping her hoof. "If I could ditch you in the garden maze, I would, but I feel like you would just run to Celestia about it."

Bage snorted, "Really? What do you think I am, some coddled child? If you can't do this just say so, and I'll leave," He told her, making her sneer.

"I CAN do this, I just don't want to. If you don't want to do this, just leave," she shot back, and he smirked.

"That sounds like quitter talk. I don't give up when it comes to a challenge, no matter what it is," he declared, and Sunset raised an eyebrow.

"Challenge? This isn't a challenge, it's teaching you how to read. Not surprising given your monkey nature," she jabbed, and Bage chuckled.

"I can read just fine, your books just don't make sense to me," He told her, crossing his arms.

"If you can read, why did Celestia say you can't? I think you're just embarrassed to admit you're illiterate. Aw, the poor monkey can't figure out words," Sunset joked, smirking.

"Big words for a little pony. Did you come up with that yourself? How original," Bage snarked, rolling his eyes.

Sunset grit her teeth, glaring at him. 'Why does nothing bother him? Anypony else would have run off by now. Then again he isn't a pony.' she thought.

"It's a wonder how Celestia keeps you around, considering you don't seem to give a shit. Maybe your talents would be better suited towards something of your caliber, like heating up homes in the winter with your hair, Hot Head," Bage cracked, causing Sunset to splutter.

"Hot Head?! Listen you dirty ape, before Twilight showed up I was Celestias' prized pupil. I've been under her tutelage since before you even got here!" She shouted, and Bage snickered.

"Keyword being 'was', now you've been thrown to the wayside and it hurts, doesn't it? Knowing that you were passed over by a kid almost half your age?" He asked with a grin, and that was it. Sunset screamed, picked him up with her magic, and tossed him out her window. Bage quickly righted himself midair, shaking glass shards out of his hair. He looked over at the window, and saw Sunset looking dumbfounded.

"You... can fly? How? You don't even have wings!" She pointed out, and Bage smirked.

"I could teach you, if you want. In return you show me how to read your confusing writing. Deal?" he proposed, and Sunset mulled it over, before nodding reluctantly.

"Fine, but I'm not going slow for you," She declared, and Bage hovered back through the window.


Canterlot Study Hall, Three Weeks Later

Bage found that despite Sunsets' attitude she was a very good teacher, and he had picked up how to read Equestrian rather quickly. He, on the other hand, had a hard time teaching her how to tap into her energy, and she wasn't very cooperative with the learning process.

"What's the point in learning how to use my 'energy' when I can just use my magic?" Sunset muttered, rubbing her temples with her hooves.

"Because you can't fly with magic, at least not as far as I know. If you can't do this, there's no shame in quitting," Bage told her, knowing she'd get upset and try to prove him wrong.

"I can do, anything, monkey boy. I'm not quitting," She snapped, and concentrated on her 'center of being' as he called it, to try and focus her energy.

"You're just gonna hurt yourself like that. You can't pull it out, you have to draw it out. It's not like magic, where it just flows and you can manipulate it at will. It's your lifeforce, if you're not in tune with it, you can't access it," Bage explained, and she growled in frustration.

"You're not helping! This is just pointless! How did you learn how to do this so easily?" She asked, and he shook his head.

"Saiyans have an innate ability to access their energy. Some saiyan children can shoot off energy bolts right out of the incubation tank. For me, It took a little while, and some instruction from my dad. It's just a learning curve that you have to try and get over. Once it clicks it's easy," Bage told her, and Sunset tried again, this time letting her mind go blank, and relaxing her muscles. She felt... something, like a warmth in her stomach. It was like a ball of heat in her gut, and she focused on it. She reached out to it, and felt something form on her hoof.

"Hey, you did it! Nice work!" Bage said, and she opened her eyes. In her hoof was a ball of light, about the size of an orange.

"It feels so weird, like water. So what do I do with it?" She bounced the ball back and forth between her hooves, and Bage grabbed it. "HEY!" she shouted but Bage held his hand up.

"You shouldn't go playing with it, this thing could seriously wreck anything it touches. You're about as strong as an average Saibaman right now, so this ball could probably blow a hole in the castle wall." he scolded, and Sunset frowned.

"You mean those things you blow up, and use for training?" She pointed out, and Bage nodded.

"They can be pretty strong for a saiyan fresh out of the incubation tank. You'd fit right in on Planet Vegeta though, trust me. Well, not totally but attitude wise, definitely." he chimed, and Sunset just huffed.

"You keep mentioning an incubation tank, what is that?" She asked curiously.

"Oh, that's what saiyan babies are put into so that their mothers can still go out on missions. It helped keep as many saiyans working for Frieza as possible, since down time was frowned upon," Bage explained, dispelling the energy ball as he said this.

"Wait, so you aren't born normally? You just get put into a tank, and grown like some lab experiment?" Sunset imagined that kind of thing happening in Equestria, and shuddered.

"Well, yeah. How else would you do it?" Bage countered, and Sunset blinked. He was either messing with her, or he really was that clueless. "Nevermind, now that you've got the energy part down, you can work on the other aspects. Flight for example, or even strength and tanking damage," he listed, the strength part catching her attention.

"You can use this to get stronger? Like, powerful?" She asked, Bage simply demonstrating by picking up a bookshelf with one hand.

"Yeah, see? You still have to train to get to this level, but you can amplify your power by a lot." Bage put the bookshelf back down with a thud, and turned back to Sunset, who was smiling excitedly.

"Train me," She demanded, surprising him. Bage crossed his arms, and stared her down. She stared back, waiting. The stare-off continued for a bit, before Bage shrugged.

"Ok, just don't be surprised when you get tossed around." He turned and walked off, leaving Sunset perplexed and irritated. She galloped after him, grumbling to herself.


Canterlot Armory, Blacksmith Forge

Bage strolled into the forge and waved at the smithy. The old earth pony blacksmith gave a nod in return, before going back to striking a fresh blade. Bage grabbed a pair of coveralls and goggles, and walked over to the anvil. Sunset watched, bewildered, as Bage talked with the blacksmith, though she couldn't hear what was being said. She saw the blacksmith nod and point towards a corner, and Bage gave him a thumbs up. He grabbed what looked like a chestplate, and walked back over to her. "Alright, I've been waiting for this. Lets go." Bage strapped the chestplate over his armor, and she noticed him visibly buckle when he did so.

"What is that, training gear?" She questioned, noticing he was walking slower now. Bage didn't answer, checking all the fasteners on the plate, before jumping a couple inches off the ground. The stone cracked when he landed.

"Weighted training gear, yeah. This is something I saw on a planet I was sent to a long time ago, and I wanted to try it. Now we can train properly without me being too strong for you. Give me a day or two to get used to this, and then we can train, ok?" He told her, and walked off.

"Great, now what am I going to do for two days?" She mumbled. "I need to stop talking to myself." Sunset face-hooved, and started walking back to her room.

Bage (Weighted Gear) Power Level: 1,000

Sunset (Ki Awakened) Power Level: 1,000

Author's Note:

I wanted to build upon the budding rivalry between Sunset and Bage in this chapter. I feel like I captured Sunsets attitude prior to her leaving Canterlot. As a side note, Equestria Girls is not going to happen, because I don't want to figure out how to include Bage without completely destroying the plot of the first movie and making it irrelevant. Also, he really wouldn't add much to it anyway. Edit: Forgot to add the Power Levels.

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