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The CMC make an attempt at splitting their haul on Nightmare Night. It goes about as well as expected.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

The fact that you wrote an entire story about Halloween Candy without taking the easy path and dunking on Candy Corn shows some real restraint. :rainbowwild:

That was the most difficult part of writing this lol.

Staring at the page and thinking:

Don't talk about candy corn! Don't talk about candy corn! Don't talk about candy corn!

That Smithers part. Love it!

At times i cant tell who is talking to who

A fair point. It was deliberate. Honestly, it was even more vague in the initial draft. I had each pony that wasn't the CMC remain unnamed and was going to use only dialogue to distinguish between the other characters.

I scrapped that and moved to naming pretty much everyone.

The Starlight, Trixie, main character part is just supposed to be a confusing mess. In fact one of the jokes was taken out because it was simply confusing. This part here...

"Trix... Trixie... that's a... that's a cereal."

Originally said...

"Trix... that's a cereal."

The joke being the reader doesn't know if Starlight is saying Trix as in Trixie's nickname or Trix as in the cereal IE Starlight can't believe that Trixie gave such a ridiculous reply or she's just reminding her friend it's a breakfast cereal.

I was going to keep the sisters vague too, but even then I decided to clean it up a bit.

For the Trixie part Starlight refers to Trixie as Trix except to clean up that joke.

For the sisters part Luna talks with a bit more elegance and less edge and Celestia is pretty blunt. Also the main character refers to Celestia as Highness and Luna as Majesty.

Thank you for reading and commenting!

That can only go so far without sacrificing clarity though

Oh, I agree. However, clarity is a bit up to the reader sometimes as well. How about this, what might you suggest? Or where exactly did I lose you?

Story still fun just that really. Just add on whos actually talking. Clarity from a reader shouldnt really be used on unless you are doing some thriller or mystery or calling onto a subtly of dialogue or scene. Not on who is asking someones favorite candy just for the sake of it.

Well, therein is where I'm struggling. If you mean non dialogue in the parts where it isn't the CMC it kind of kills the theme of those parts being only dialogue. I even went off that a little with thoughts towards the end. I guess what I'm asking is, where are you not understanding who's talking? I assumed it was at the Trixie part because like I said that was the vaguest and the easiest way of "fixing" that would be to add in "said Trixie" "said Starlight".

That was it. Mainly one the parts without the cmc cause at first it seemed random. Thats my only complaint really

Alright. Starlight/Trixie part is rewritten as best I could while maintaining the jokes.

Let me guess. Spike likes Rock Candy or Ring Pops.

i get the rock candy but why ring pops

It's kind of like jewelry and Spike likes Diamonds

right ok i see now.

Good choices. But when I was going to write him in he was gonna say he just prefers gems, lol.

D-F #18 · Oct 22nd, 2023 · · 2 ·

"Now hold on one cotton-pickin' minute, Scootaloo!" Apple Bloom was already on her hooves, a righteous fury on her face. "That ain't fair! That's way too much!"

the fuck kind of phrase is 'cotton-picking'? i made a double take there because i thought you made a racist - not calling you one - joke there

Huh... you learn something every day.

Never looked into it. Southern drawl I heard in cowboy movies and the like before.


Not a racist so I never knew. Guess I'll change it to be less offensive.

D-F #20 · Oct 22nd, 2023 · · 1 ·

oh, i didn't mean it like that, i doubt anyone would get offended by it - just hilarious in hindsight - only got confused since i've also never heard that phrase before

edit: LMAO nevermind, just read what you linked, i am cackling so hard right now - i had no idea that it was exactly what i thought it was - what the fuck did you think it meant?! :rainbowlaugh:

Like I said, heard it millions of times in old cartoons and cowboy movies.

I'm old lol. Heard it a million times. Also I'm a Mexican, I don't really think of things in racist terms that way.

"Are... are ya real, Sweetie?" Apple Bloom reached a hoof out to try and verify that her unicorn friend was, in fact, not simply a figment of her imagination.

Well AB, she is real, but she’s also an android made of cobalt and silicone, hence why she is being so dense.

HA! It was a processing malfunction!

but candy corn matches with the cmc's colors :applecry:

OMG! PERFECT! That made me laugh harder than I should have.

Thanks for checking out my story!


the fuck kind of phrase is 'cotton-picking'? i made a double take there because i thought you made a racist - not calling you one - joke there


edit: LMAO nevermind, just read what you linked, i am cackling so hard right now - i had no idea that it was exactly what i thought it was - what the fuck did you think it meant?! :rainbowlaugh:

Have you ever heard of cotton candy? It looks like cotton, except that it's candy and you can eat it. And you pick it off a stick, but it's still candy and not actual cotton. It's usually pink, but sometimes comes in different colors, too.
So what could Applebloom have possibly meant with "cotton-pickin' minute"? Oh, yeah, she was talking about black slaves picking cotton.....

This is a story about sharing candy on Nightmare Night. The context is clear. Just because Applebloom's a farmer doesn't mean that her saying "cotton-pickin' minute" is offensive. And if you really read a rascist reference into this (you do, but I say "if" because it is so surreal and absurd that you really read it like this in, again, a story about sharing candy and when there is a candy that's literally called cotton candy), you should spend a considerable amount of time thinking about various meanings of phrases, context mattering in a functioning society and the importance of creative phrasing in storytelling. And spending less time (or better, none) in those parts of Twitter.


Please change Applebloom's phrase back to "cotton-pickin' minute". There is no need to be so woke about this. It's very clear what is meant here, in the context of the story. But changing phrases and sentences to appease people who get easily triggered because they have no understanding of context nor ability to apply context to something they read is doing actual harm to the craft of storytelling. It limits the ways how something can be creatively expressed in a story.
"Cotton-pickin' minute" was a much more creative choice than what you have in the story now. And it made, because of its reference to cotton candy, the story significantly funnier than the dull replacement of "gall durn minute" that Applebloom is saying now.
Please don't sacrifice good storytelling in favor of appeasing an absurd ideology that witch-hunts for rascist terminology and bring back Applebloom's original phrase instead.

That is a compelling argument. Changed.


Oh, thank you so much! You have no idea how tired I am of the logic-defying mindset that comes with that ideology. I'm so glad you're making a decision for the creative quality of your story here. :heart:

Thank you, for commenting and for making your voice heard.

I try to follow logic as best I can and your comment was very logical.

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