• Published 21st Oct 2023
  • 567 Views, 23 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship Blazes - Royal Pony Dude

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Chapter 2-From Dusk to Dawn Part 2

Previously on MLP: Friendship Blazes...

Twilight: Have you heard about the Mare in the Moon?

Sunset: That old pony tale about a nightmare alicorn named Nightmare Moon who wanted to bring the everlasting night to Equestria but was stopped by Celestia?

Twilight: We have to warn Princess Celestia, at once!

Spike: What about making friends?

Twilight: Like the fate of Equestria, will rely on making friends.

Sunset: I get it, we're supposed to be finding a way to learn more about the elements but you should light up and have some fun, the princess said she had taken precautions for it. Buck, maybe she won't come. Anyway, it's time to watch the sunrise.

Rarity: She's gone!

Nightmare Moon: Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last day ever. So from this moment forth, the night will last FOREVER!

Nightmare Moon let out a burst of maniacal laughter as she stood above the frightened ponies.

“Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!” Mayor Mare ordered. The three royal guards flew towards Nightmare Moon.

“Stand back, you foals!” Nightmare Moon said. She laughs as she strikes them with lightning. The guards hit the ground.

"You guys okay?" Sunset went to check on them.

“We’re fine.” The lead guard said. Sunset looked up to see Nightmare Moon had turned into a tantabus and flew out the door.

Then immediately followed by Rainbow Dash.

“Get back here!! You coward!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she looked down and saw Sunset and Twilight running out of the building.

“Where are they going?” Rainbow Dash asked.

At the Golden Oak Libray...

"Sleep tight, guys," Sunset said to Jake and Spike who were sleeping. "We'll fix this."

Sunset headed to see Twilight searching through the library.

"How's the search?" Sunset asked her but Twilight didn't answer.

“Elements, elements, elements... Ugh! How can I stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony?” Twilight asked as she looked through the books. Rainbow Dash zipped in and went nose-to-nose with her.

“And just what are the Elements of Harmony? And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy?” Rainbow Dash accused then she ducked from a magic blast from Sunset.

"Slow your flank, Dash! We're not spies!" Sunset exclaimed before the two got in each other faces only for Applejack to get between them.

“Simmer down Sally, they ain’t no spies. But they sure know what’s going on. Don’t you?” Applejack asked them.

"Yes, both of us have read a prediction about Nightmare Moon," Twilight explained. "Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her, but I don't know what they are, where to find them; I don't even know what they do!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Found it. ‘The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide.’.” Pinkie said, trotting over with the book. Twilight grabbed the book in a snatch.

“How did you find that?!” Twilight exclaimed.

"It was under E!" She cheerfully exclaimed.

"Oh. There are seven elements of Harmony but only six are known. Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, Empathy, and Loyalty," Twilight said.

"What about the seventh?" Rarity asked.

"The seventh is a complete mystery. It is said, that the last known location of the elements was in the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters. It is located in what is now--” Twilight read. They transition to the entrance of-

“The Everfree Forest!” The 7 of them said.

"Well then what waiting for? Let's go!" Rainbow Dash said before being stopped by Twilight.

“What? No! You girls can’t come either.” Twilight said.

“Why not?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“We’d rather do this on our own. Putting you in danger is something I’d like to avoid.”

“No can do, sugarcube. We sure ain't lettin' any friends of ours go into that creepy place alone. We're stickin' to you like caramel on a candy apple.” Applejack said as she and the others trotted into the forest.

“Especially if there are candy apples in there,” Pinkie said as she trotted into the forest.

"It doesn't hurt to have some company, there's strength in numbers," Sunset told her.

A couple of minutes into the forest and trot, the ponies, except for Pinkie looked unsettled as they walked.

“So, none of you have been in here before?” Sunset asked them. Rather unfazed by the spooky setting the seven arrived at a cliff.

“Ugh, heavens no! Just look at it - it's dreadful.” Rarity said.

“And it ain't natural. Folks say it doesn't work the same as Equestria.” Applejack said.

“What does that mean?”

"No pony knows," Rainbow spoke up. "Cause everypony who's ever come in has never come out!”

It was at that moment that a chunk of the cliff they were standing on started to collapse. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew into the air right as the others started to slide down the cliff.

"Fluttershy, quick! Let's save them!"

“Oh my goodness, oh my goodness,” Fluttershy said as both of them flew to save them.

Rainbow Dash grabs Pinkie Pie and flies into the air and Fluttershy grabs Rarity’s tail and pulls it to slow her down. With Sunset, she slid down the mountain and landed her on hooves with no problem.

Applejack slides to a branch and grabs onto a branch to stop her from sliding. This was until she saw Twilight slide to the edge. Twilight managed to stop herself from going over the edge and holding on.

“Hold on! I'm a-comin'!” Applejack said, releasing the branch and sliding down to Twilight and grabbing onto her hooves.

“Applejack! What do I do?” Twilight asked, holding on tight. Applejack held on for a moment before looking up. She then looked at Twilight.

“Let go.” She said. Twilight looked at her shocked.

“Are you crazy?” Twilight exclaimed.

“No, I ain't. I promise you'll be safe.” Applejack said.

“That's not true!” Twilight said in a panicked manner.

“Now listen here. What I'm sayin' to you is the truth. Let go, and you'll be safe.” Applejack reassured. Twilight looked like she trusted her, took the chance, and let go.

She screams as she falls, this was before she landed on the ground due to Sunset and her magic bringing her down safely.

"Uh, Twi, you can open your eyes," Sunset told her.

"Oh, my bad."

The tantabus form that caused the cliff to collapse, travels to a manticore as the group continues.

“By the way, thanks for reassuring me that Twilight will be okay.”

“Well, I’m glad to do my part,” Applejack said. This is when the manticore the tantabus irritated stepped in front of them with a growl.

“Manticore!” Rarity exclaimed.

"We gotta get past it!" Twilight said.

The first one the manticore attacked was Rarity. Swiping with his right paw, he attempts to smack her, but she ducks and kicks him in the face with her hind hooves. The manticore staggers back.

“Take that, you ruffian!” She boasted. She was rewarded with a roar that frazzled her mane.

“My hair!” She looked at the manticore, gasped, and quickly ran away.

“Wait.” Fluttershy softly said. The manticore briefly runs out after her, only to feel Applejack jump onto his back. He quickly tries to buck her off.

“YEE-HAW! Git along, little dogie.” Applejack said as she held on.

“Wait,” Fluttershy said, a little louder. The manticore roars before officially bucking Applejack off of his back.

“Whoa!” She exclaimed as she was thrown through the air. “All yours, partner.” She said to Rainbow Dash.

"On it!"

Flying around it to keep it confused. The manticore used its tail to bat Rainbow Dash away.

“Rainbow!” Twilight exclaimed.

"We could use a hand here!"

"No problem!" Sunset charged her horn and the rest headed straight for the manticore.

WAIT!” Fluttershy exclaimed, stopping both parties.

Fluttershy walked to the Manticore, with the beast revved back its paw again.

"It's okay," Fluttershy reassured. The manticore then showed its paw, which had a thorn in it. “Oh, you poor, poor baby,” Fluttershy said.

“Little?” Applejack and Rainbow Dash said.

“Jinx.” Rainbow Dash quickly said.

“Dang it!” Applejack exclaimed. Rainbow Dash laughed at her a little.

"Now it's going to hurt a little bit," Fluttershy warned then pulled it out and the manticore roared then proceeded to lick her mane.

“Aw you're just a little ol' baby kitty, aren't you? Yes you are, yes you are.” Fluttershy said as the others moved their way past them.

“How did you know about the thorn?” Twilight asked her.

"I didn’t know before hoof. Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness.” Fluttershy said.

“Let’s be grateful that wasn’t a Tigrischirophidio. Those guys are hard to tame,” Sunset commented.

Twilight soon followed behind him. The tantabus undisguised itself and flew after them again.

The 7 of them continued their trek through the forest, progressing into the more, murkier parts of the forest.

“No. My eyes need a rest from all this icky muck.” Rarity said, just before walking into a much darker part of the forest, impairing her vision. “Well, I didn't mean that literally.”

"Everypony stays close to me. I have pretty good night vision," Sunset said.

“I can’t see you,” Applejack said.

“I’m to your left Applejack,” Sunset said.

“Oh wait, I think I stepped in somethin',” Applejack said, just as Fluttershy screamed in her direction, confusing the apple farm mare. “It's just mud.”

She looked at the tree and saw how scary it looked, and she could have sworn she heard it growl at her. She jumped back with a scream.

The ponies watched in terror as they were seemingly surrounded by scary-looking trees. Yet, only Pinkie was laughing and giggling making silly faces.

Pinkie! What are you doing?! Run!!” Twilight yelled.

“Oh girls, don't you see?” Pinkie said before bouncing in place.


When I was a little filly and the sun was going down…

“Tell me she's not…” Twilight tried to say.


The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown…

“She is.” Rarity said as Pinkie continued to sing as if it were magic, the scary face of the tree they were facing, disappeared.

The group lay down on the ground and laughed, the scary faces disappeared and the forest’s moonlight shone through once again.

Pinkie was hopping along the path, still laughing with the girls. She stops at the edge of the water rapids, The 6 ponies behind her bump into her,

“How are we gonna cross this?” Pinkie asked.

All of them heard distant crying and they looked at where it came from.

“What a world, what a world.” The crying voice said belonging to a sea serpent with his mustache sliced off crying.

"Excuse us, why are you crying?" Twilight asked.

“Well, I don't know. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisked past me and tore half of my beloved mustache clean off, and now I look simply horrid.” The sea serpent said gesturing to the half stash he was missing.

“Oh it was torn off, I thought it was a bad shave day,” Sunset commented. The serpent started wailing after that.

The mares glared at her.

“I said that out loud didn’t I?” Sunset asked. “Look, I’m sorry about your mustache Mr.-” started.

“Magnet. Steven Magnet.”

“Mr. Magnet. I’m sorry about your mustache, and for being insensitive a few seconds ago. But, you uh……. Look just as good with only half your mustache than with the full thing.” Sunset said. Steven started wailing dramatically again.

“Did you think that was gonna work?” Applejack asked.

“No, but it was worth a shot,” Sunset said. This is when Rarity walked forward.

“How can you be so insensitive? Oh, just look at him. Such lovely luminescent scales.” Rarity said, brushing his muzzle. Steven sniffled a little.

“I know.” He said.

“And your expertly coiffed mane.” She said, pointing to his hair.

“Oh, I know, I know.” Magnet said as he ran his claws throw it.

“Your fabulous manicure.” Rarity said. Steven gasped.

“It's so true!” He said.

“All ruined without your beautiful mustache.” Rarity said. The purple serpentine became saddened.

“It's true, I'm hideous!” Steven said before wailing.

“I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulosity go uncorrected.” Rarity said with a determined look. She walked over and plucked a scale off of him.

“Ow! What did you do that for?” Steven asked.

Rarity readied the scale.

“Rarity, what are you about to-” Bandit tried to ask, his jaw dropped as Rarity cut off her tail. She then used her magic to attach the tail to Steven’s mustache.

“Oh-hohohoho! My mustache. How wonderful.” Steven said with a smile.

“You look smashing.” Rarity said.

“Oh, Rarity, your beautiful tail…” Twilight said. Rarity looked at her tail and turned to Twilight.

“Oh. It's fine, my dear. Short tails are in this season. Besides, it'll grow back.” Rarity said.

“So would the mustache.” Rainbow Dash said.

“The rapids are gone, we can cross now,” Pinkie said. Steven made a bridge with his body.

“Allow me.” Steven offered. The group hopped along his body and got to the other side.

The group makes it to a cliff that leads to the castle. Twilight’s eyes brightened as she saw the entrance.

“There it is, the ruin that holds The Elements of Harmony. We made it!” Twilight said as she started running to the bridge.

“Wait for us Twilight,” Applejack said.

Sunset ran ahead of the other 6 and grabbed Twilight’s tail right before her front hooves dangled over the cliff where the bridge was out.

“I know this is stressful, but no need to go over the edge just yet.” Bandit joked. Twilight rolled her eyes and stood up.

“Now what?” Pinkie asked.

"Ahem," Rainbow as she unfolded her wings. “You guys stay here, I’ll get the bridge.”

Rainbow Dash flew ahead to the other side of the bridge then tied one end to the one post before looking at the other one.

“Rainbow….. Rainbow….” A voice called out for.

“Huh? Who’s there?” She asked.

“We’ve been waiting for you.” The voice repeated.

“I ain't scared of you! Show yourself!” She said, punching her hooves.

“About time we gained the arrival of the best flyer in Equestria.” The voice said.

“Who?” Rainbow Dash asked then three peagasi dressed in black racer suits approached her.

“We want you to join us, The Shadowbolts. We're the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria, but first, we need a captain. The most magnificent-” The Shadowbolt leader said.

“Yep.” Rainbow dash acknowledged



“Bravest flyer in all the land.” The leader finished.

“All true.” Rainbow Dash boasted.

“We need…… you.” The Shadowbolt leader said.

“WOOHOO! Sign me up. Just let me tie this bridge real quick and then we have a deal.” She said as she attempted to tie the other rope to the podium. The three shadowbolts zipped over and stood between her and the rope.

“No! It's them or us.” The leader told her. Rainbow Dash looked at the other end of the bridge to see Twilight and the others.

“Rainbow! Don't listen-.” Twilight attempted to warn, but one of the shadowbolts turned his head, lit up his eyes and the clouds moved in front of the bridge, muffling her voice. Rainbow Dash began to look conflicted.

“Well?” The shadow bolt leader asked.

“You.” Rainbow Dash admitted. The trio grins, thinking that she abandoned her friends. “Thank you! For the offer, I mean, but I'm afraid I have to say no.”

“What!? Don’t you want to be a part of a team of the best flyers in all of Equestria?” The leader tried to tempt again.

“I do, but I’m not gonna leave my friends hanging. Especially after making it this far.” Rainbow Dash said as she started to fly back. The shadowbolts turned back into tantabus and floated off.

The clouds moved away and Rainbow Dash flew back to the others.

The ponies cheered as they walked across the bridge.

“Good job Rainbow,” Twilight said.

"Like I said, I'd never leave my friends hangin'.” Rainbow Dash said as they crossed the bridge.

The seven walk into the castle and Bandit closes the door behind them. They see a podium with stone spheres on the ledges.

“Oooooh,” Pinkie said as they looked at the orbs.

“The Elements of Harmony, we've found them,” Twilight said. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flew up to grab them. “Careful, careful!”

The two put the stones down. Rarity counted them and realized they were short.

“Wait, there’s only seven.” She said.

“The book said: when the seven are present, a spark will cause the eighth Element to be revealed,” Twilight said.

“What in tarnation is that supposed to mean?” Applejack asked.

“Not too sure, but I got an idea. Everyone stand back, I’m not sure what will happen.” Twilight said. She lights up her horn. Applejack started to walk out the door.

“Come on now y'all, She needs to concentrate,” Applejack said as she walked out. The others follow her and Sunset is the last one to head to the door.

The tantabus from before floated over to the elements and began to make them spin as Twilight’s eyes were shut tight. Sunset turned and noticed this.

“Twilight! The elements!” She exclaimed. Twilight opened her eyes and looked at what was happening with a gasp.

Outside, the other six heard the commotion and got worried.

“Come on! We gotta get back in there!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she flew to the door.

Sunset ran to the tantabus and jumped at it to grab the elements. It disappeared in a flash, with her in it right as the six ran inside.

“Bandit! No!” Twilight exclaimed as she reached out.

The ponies started to clamor over each other, wondering where Bandit went.

Twilight was sparking her horn, trying desperately to do something. Eventually, her magic conjured up and it started blinking red. The aura of Sunset's magic. She looked around the magic grew dimmer when she looked away from where Bandit was located, and brighter when she looked in it.

“Look!” Rarity said as she pointed to a castle where the windows were glowing bright. Twilight looked and the castle, and her horn grew even brighter.

“Sunset's there, let's move!” She said as she shut her horn off and ran out the door. The others followed.

Sunset wound up transported into the other castle. She coughs a few times before looking up at Nightmare Moon, who is not only physical but has the elements surrounding her. She lets out an evil laugh. Sunset stood up and got ready to charge.

“You’re kidding. You’re kidding, right?” She asked him, unamused.

Sunset' rears and then starts charging forward. Nightmare Moon charges at him in response. Her horn began to spark as he charged.

The two got close enough for a collision, but before they could collide, Sunset teleported to the elements, causing Nightmare Moon to skid to a halt.

“One spark, coming up.” She said. She rears back and sends a beam of magic at the six elements. They started glowing in response.

“Yes!” She said. Nightmare Moon sent an electric shock at Sunset, sending her flying back. As she hits the ground, Nightmare Moon flies over and looks at the elements fearfully.

“No, no!” She exclaimed. Then, just like that, the glow went away. Sunset looked up, shocked.

“What the buck!? Where's the seventh?” Sunset asked in a slight panic. Nightmare Moon laughed and stomped her hoof on the ground, breaking the elements.

“You ignorant foal! Thinking you could defeat me? Now you will never see your princess or your sun! The night will last forever!” Nightmare Moon said with an evil laugh. Sunset stood back up and got in a defensive stance.

“If you think I’m gonna let this happen, you got another thing coming,” Sunset said.

“You’re foolish to try and-...... did you just say I have another think coming?” Nightmare Moon asked.

"You heard me!" Sunset shouted as charged her horn.

Then, she hears her friends talking over each other. She turns and her pupils dilated with realization. She smirks and turns to Nightmare Moon. Nice plan, Princess.

"For being The Mare in the Moon, you sure aren't bright on your history. Did you think you destroyed them that easily? I hate to break the bad news, but you're dead wrong because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here.” Sunset said as the group came into the room.

“Huh?” Twilight asked as Sunset turned to them.

"The elements have been with us ever since we stepped into the Everfree Forest," Sunset told her which made Twilight’s eyes spark as she also realized this.

"When Celestia told me the story of how she and Luna defeated Discord, Bedlam, and King Scarlet with the elements. She never once said that she had them. She said that she and her sister represented them.”

Fragments of the elements started to float up and glow, much to the surprise of Nightmare Moon.

“What!?” She exclaimed.

"Applejack, who reassured Twilight when she was in doubt, represents the spirit of... honesty!"

"Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with her compassion, represents the spirit of... kindness!"

"Me, Who shows reassurance every step of the way, represents the spirit of empathy!"

"Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... laughter!"

"Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of... generosity!"

"And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire represents the spirit of... loyalty! The spirits of these seven ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us.” Sunset said. As he listed them off, fragments of the elements began to circle them. Nightmare Moon began to get worried.

“You still don’t have the final elements! The spark didn’t work.” She said.

“But it did! A different kind of spark.” Twilight said before turning to her friends, “I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside us when I realized that you all… my friends!" As the final element appeared before her. "You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the eighth element, The Element of Magic!"

The fragments surrounding the others began to form necklaces with jewels on them that corresponded with their cutie marks. Except for Twilight’s which turned into a crown.

A rainbow beam flies from them and towards Nightmare Moon.

“Nooo! Nooo!” She exclaimed as she was consumed by the beam.

The seven ponies were sprawled out on the ground, tired from what just happened. One by one, they stand up.

“Ugh. My head.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Everypony okay?” Applejack asked as she stood up.

“Oh, thank goodness.” Rarity was heard saying. They looked at Rarity and saw that her tail was back to normal.

“Why Rarity, it's so lovely,” Fluttershy said to her.

“I know! I'll never part with it again.” She said as she nuzzled her tail.

“No. Your necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark.” Fluttershy pointed out. Rarity looked at the similarities before noticing that nearly everyone else’s did too.

“So does yours.” Rarity said. Fluttershy looked at hers and gasped with delight.

“Look at mine! Look at mine!” Pinkie exclaimed as she hopped over to the group.

"Amazing," Sunset exclaimed looking at her.

“Aw yeah!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Gee, you two! I thought y’all were just spoutin' a lot of hooey, but I reckon we do represent the elements of friendship.” Applejack said with a smile.

“Indeed you do.” A voice said. The seven looks to the window not only to see the sun rising but also Princess Celestia return to them. All but Twilight and Sunset bowed.

"Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, my faithful students, I knew you could do it."

"But you told me it was just an old ponies tale," Twilight said to her.

"Twil, the letter she sent to us, that she was already aware of the prophecy," Sunset reminded her.

"Sunset's right, I told the two of you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more.” She said to them. “I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, and I knew it was you two who had the magic and courage inside to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart. Now if only another will as well.” She said before looking at a young alicorn.

“Princess Luna.” She called. The alicorn looked up at her and gasped.

“It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister.” Celestia revealed. She walked over to Luna and sat down.

“Sister?!” The ponies said in shock except for Sunset.

“Will you accept my friendship?” She asked as she stood up. The ponies all looked in suspense.

“I'm so sorry! I missed you so much, big sister!” Luna said as she nuzzled Celestia.

Pinkie wiped a tear from her eye before smiling.

“Hey, you know what this calls for?” Pinkie asked.

"What?" Sunset asked.

“A Party!” Pinkie exclaimed happily. Ponies were running to the party held in Ponyville. A chariot pulled Celestia and Luna to a crowd. Spike and Jake run ahead of the crowd to greet Twilight and Sunset.

Celestia and Luna stood in front of a bowing crowd. Luna looked glum before two fillies came over and placed a flower necklace on her. Her grim turned to a grin.

Sunset looked at the crowd with a smile before looking at a glum Twilight. Before she could ask, Celestia beat him to it.

“Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?” She asked.

“That's just it. Just when I learned how wonderful it is to have friends, Now we have to leave them.” Twilight said.

"Yeah, it kinda sucks," Sunset agreed with her but Celestia had an idea on her face.

“Spike, take a note please,” Celestia said. Spike takes out a piece of paper and takes a quill out of Chad’s hoodie pocket. He writes what Celestia says. “I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree that the unicorns Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer shall take on a new mission for Equestria. They must continue to study the magic of friendship. They must report to me their findings from their new home in Ponyville.”

“We get to stay! We get to stay!” Twilight said happily. “I'll study harder than ever before,” Twilight said as she and Sunset did their secret hoofshake.

"We won't let you down princess," Sunset said to her as the ponies cheered.

Author's Note:

What a way to kick off this amazing story!

I have lot of twists and turns later

Be sure to fave, leave feedback, and (Please) comment. See you in the next episode.