• Published 29th Dec 2023
  • 226 Views, 1 Comments

The Fall of Equestria - mlplife

Peace has been maintained in Equestria for years under Princess Twilight's reign, but will that peace last forever?

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Hoof steps echoed through the castle halls as Princess Twilight Sparkle made her way to her room, it had been a long day of meetings, and she was ready to retire for the night. Twilight halted, the shimmering of the stained glass windows catching her eye, she let her purple gaze scan each window when she caught sight of one in particular; it was the stain glass window commemorating her and her friend's defeat of Nightmare Moon using the elements of harmony, that had been so long ago, but it still felt like yesterday to Twilight. Her gaze shifted towards another window, the one celebrating her becoming an alicorn. So much has changed since she had first moved to Ponyville, so many challenges and friends. Twilight continued to walk, things were greater than ever in Equestria now, her and her friends had really been making a difference and Twilight was proud to have played such a big role in it all.

'I couldn't have done it alone, though' Thought the princess, it was true that Twilight had accomplished a lot, but her friends had always supported her and she would always be grateful to them. Twilight unfurled her wings, she hadn't been using them much, Twilight had been far more reliant on her magic lately and it felt good to stretch her wings out again. When she reached her bedroom, Twilight lit up her horn and opened the door with her magic as she stepped inside. She closed the door behind her and took a deep breath as she walked over to her bed, Twilight levitated her crown off her head and placed it on her nightstand before getting under her blanket and resting her head on her pillow. tomorrow was the day when her and her friends met in Canterlot.

"Everything is fine." Twilight murmured to herself as she closed her eyes and let sleep envelop her.

Moonlight shone through her window as Princess Twilight slowly opened her eye's, bringing her hoof to her mouth as she let out a yawn. Twilight got out of bed and stepped out onto her balcony. She lit up her horn and grabbed a round amulet from a drawer in her nightstand, half of the artifact had a golden sun while the other side had the moon. This was the amulet that Celestia and Luna had given Twilight when she first took over Equestria so she could raise the sun and moon in their absence. Twilight activated the amulet with her magic, watching as the dark, star-filled sky illuminated with bright sunlight. The alicorn took a deep breath as she took in the new day that the sunrise brought with it. Deep in her mind, Twilight gave a startled yelp as she heard a knock on her bedroom door accompanied by a familiar voice.

“Twi? Are you in there”. Twilight let out a short breath before responding to the newcomer.

“Come in, Spike” Twilight heard her door open as Spike entered, he closed the door behind him before walking up to Twilight, her intent gaze still on the sun as it reached its highest point in the sky. After a few short moments Twilight put the amulet back in her drawer and turned to Spike, her deep purple eyes glowing with welcome as she embraced him.

“It’s so great to see you” Twilight released him and stepped back.

“I thought your letter said that you might be too busy to come today.” Twilight turned towards her room, looking back at the purple dragon. A smile crossed his face.

“I wanted to surprise you” Spike walked over to Twilight and nudged her playfully with his claw.

“Besides, nothing can stop a dragon from visiting his big sis”. Twilight let out a small chuckle.

“I suppose not” she responded with a smile. Twilight levitated her crown onto her head, looking into the mirror as she gently placed her golden tiara on her dark purple mane. She gave a slight nod of satisfaction before turning back to Spike.

"I'm glad you're here, I'm going to need your help today before the girls arrive" Twilight opened the door and walked into the castle hallway.

"I'm happy to help, Twilight. After all, That's what royal advisers are for." Spike puffed out his chest, a hint of pride shining in his green eyes. Twilight started to make her way down the hall with Spike beside her.

"You are a wonderful adviser and note-taker, Spike, but you know that you're much more than my royal adviser". Twilight said as she glanced at Spike. The purple dragon was still smiling as he responded.

"Ya, how would you ever survive without me." The purple alicorn rolled her eyes at the teasing note in his voice. When they reached the big doors to the throne room, Twilight opened them with her magic before going inside, Spike beside her. The two sat at the head of the room on their respective thrones as a griffin entered, his blue feathers extended as he gave a short bow.

"Gallus." Twilight nodded as she acknowledged him. Gallus stood up and folded his wings, he gave a nod of welcome to Spike as he reported to Twilight.

"Some ponies are here to see you".

"Send them in." Twilight shifted her wings as she waited, she looked over at Spike, he had a knowing glint in his eyes as voices sounded from the door Gallus had disappeared from. Curiosity overwhelmed Twilight as she got up from her throne and walked over to the door, just as she was about to open it, a sudden blur of pink came barreling into the throne room. Twilight barley had time to register what was happening before she was in a tight embrace. Twilight looked down at the pink pony, happiness sparked in her as she recognized the other four ponies at the entrance to the room.

"Pinkie! Girls! I wasn't expecting you until later". Pinkie Pie unwrapped herself from Twilight and bounced in front of her.

"That's what makes it a surprise!" Pinkie exclaimed. Twilight looked as Applejack responded.

"We all arrived in Canterlot last night to surprise you". Joy spread through Twilight as she looked around at all her friends. Spike flew down from his throne and landed beside Pinkie.

"You all have great timing, we got her good". Spike gave the pink earth pony a hoof bump as Rainbow dash flew a loop around them, her teasing glance on Twilight.

"Ya we did, you should have seen her face". Twilight rolled her eyes. A long time ago, this kind of thing would have annoyed her, but now these are the ponies that she trusted more than anypony in Equestria. Fluttershy spoke up from where she was standing beside Rarity.

"I hope we didn't interrupt anything". Twilight spread her wings, placing one across the yellow Pegasus's back.

"You didn't interrupt anything, even if you had, nothing would stop me from spending time with you." Twilight walked away from Fluttershy and faced all six of her friends again.

"How are things going?'' She asked as they all walked to the center of the room. Pinkie piped up from beside Twilight.

"Things are great in Ponyville! Last week Cheese and I threw Lyra a birthday party! It was super fun and Lil' Cheese is turning out to be quite the party pony!" Pinkie had a glimmer of pride in her light blue eyes as she finished. Fluttershy's soft voice echoed in the throne room.

"The School is doing wonderful, Starlight is a great headmare. Things are also great at the sanctuary, It's nice to have a bit of peace once in a while." Rarity walked into the center of the group.

"Things are simply grand in Equestria. It is more harmonious than it has ever been, and a lot of it is because of you Twilight." Twilight gave a smile at Rarity's comment.

"We did it together, Rarity" The princess stated. Rarity scoffed.

"Don't be modest, darling. We may have been fabulous support but you've shone on your own many times". Twilight turned to the unicorn.

"Thanks Rare, I know I've done a lot but it never would have been possible without all of you. I know that we can face any challenge. Together".

Author's Note:

I wrote this to see if I had improved at writing in the last few years because looking back my writing feels a little sloppy:twilightsheepish: So I am trying to improve and try my best to write a good story :yay::heart: