• Published 31st Oct 2023
  • 480 Views, 69 Comments

MLDC: The Batmare - The Long Nightmare Night - littleman001

On Nightmare Night in Manehattan, a pony is killed. This usually wouldn't attract much attention, but the victim was one of the most notorious criminals in the city. The city's protector begins her search for the killer.

  • ...

November 2nd: The Penguin and the Huntress

"The Candy Colt strikes again! Alleged mob boss killed with poisoned candy necklace. The press sure loves these words." Spike the dragon remarked dryly as he read the the morning's paper. Twilight sighed. Romance Cyan was officially off her list of suspects and that meant she was back to square one. But at least she had a new lead.

"It had to be an inside job. Only the police had access to the evidence room." She stated as she was typing on her computer's keyboard.

"That sounds kinda far fetched." Spike commented. "So the police knew the evidence room would be robbed on the exact day the killer swapped that one pearl with the poisoned gumdrop?"

"Maybe the police didn't." Twilight replied, pressing the enter key. "But the Candy Colt did. Somepony or some other creature must have known Cyan was about to pull that attack last night. A creature with widespread underworld connections."

"Old fashioned underworld figures are a dying breed." Spike added. "And with Black Mask out of the picture, there's only one I can think of." Just as Spike finished that sentence, the computer displayed another image. A mugshot of a tall abyssian with orange fur and purple hair, wearing a black top hat and a black coat.

"Capper Dapperpaws. AKA, The Penguin." Twilight announced. Capper was a mystery even to Twilight. The only thing she managed to dig up on her was that he hailed from a town far beyond the borders of Equestria that was said to be an even worse, lawless wretched hive than Manehattan.

At least until he took over. Twilight only heard rumors but in his hometown, they said he was just another con-artist trying to get by who owed a great deal to the previous reigning crime boss, Verko. When he failed to pay him, he had his claws removed, broke one of his legs and threw him into the sea to drown.

No creature knew how he survived but he soon resurfaced and overthrew Verko his entire crime family by feeding them alive to a flock of starved birds. Twilight wasn't sure how much of it she believed but there has to be some truth in it as the abyssian had a permanent limp and had to carry himself around with an umbrella that he used as a cane.

He showed up in town a few months ago when he took over Verko's old casino resort called The Molehill and remodeled it into the Iceberg Lounge. Apparently, he was fully embracing his Penguin nickname he received for his limping and his tuxedo.

Twilight's attention was first brought to him when she heard that his thugs have been stopped from executing a few of Verko's remaining loyalists at the docks by another hero called the Green Lantern. He denied any involvement in it but he's been on Twilight's radar ever since.

Still, he proved to be a necessary evil of a sort as he's acted as an informant to the Batmare on several occasions in the past and he's been even supporting and funding the mayoral election campaign of the current district attorney. Which was very unusual, since this practice was more in common with corrupt politicians, but Twilight knew the attorney well. He was the most sincere mayoral candidate she had ever seen. He was gonna clean up the streets of both organised crime and the costumed maniacs. Why would an organised crime boss support such an endeavour? Regardless, Capper was perhaps the last of a dying breed.

"With Black Mask's death, he would be able to take over perhaps the entire underworld of the city. Sounds like a pretty decent little motive." Twilight noted.

"But where does Scarecrow come into the picture?" Spike asked. Twilight looked up at the Batmare suit standing proudly on the ponyquin inside the glass cabinet.

"I don't have an answer to that, Spike. But the Batmare will get them."

As per usual, the Iceberg Lounge was buzzing with activity. Ponies gambling, dancing, feasting and enjoying all sorts of other pleasures only allowed for the wealthy. For anypony in Equestria, this decadent display was probably like heaven on Equus. But to any other creature from beyond the borders, this was less than ideal.

Capper Dapperpaws belonged to that latter category. When he was living back in Klugetown, this seemed like everything he could ever want. Until he witnessed it for himself. Back home, he was used to the harsh environments and the even harsher companions. In this festive, careless atmosphere surrounded by these fancy, pretty ponies, it just didn't feel like home.

With a sigh, he got up from his table and limped his way towards the staircase to get back up to his office. Once he was inside, he locked his door and put a record in his phonograph before sitting down at his desk and pouring himself a glass of wine. After the constant noise down there, he could really use some actual classy entertainment.

He was surprised at how quickly he grew tired of the luxury and peace. Ever since he could remember, his life has been a constant struggle and day-to-day survival and he never thought it possible, but he missed it. Once he renovated this place to suit his new nickname and reputation, he was set for life, but he was bored out of his mind by just the second day.

He supposed that's why he kept running his illegal operations when he really didn't need to. Being handicapped thanks to that bastard Verko meant he was no longer fit for physical encounters with cops and costumed vigilantes. When he first crossed paths with this Batmare, he was surprised that no creature ever took a similar approach to bring order to Klugetown before him.

But Capper wouldn't have survived this long if he didn't know how to adapt. He quickly realised the opportunity to keep himself away out of trouble with both the authorities and other criminal elements by becoming the crimefighters' informant. He had helped her take down several rival crime bosses which made sure he had less competition and in turn, she would leave him alone as long as he didn't cause too much trouble.

And he was quite content with laying low and live off his casino and occasional arms dealing, or at least he would be if it wasn't so boring. Recently, he even tried to dabble in the city's politics to pass time by backing the district attonery's mayor campaign. He promised to keep the criminals off the streets and the costumed lunatics who have been popping all over town lately were not exactly good for his business so he was more than happy to assist.

As he enjoyed the music and his drink, he felt a sudden breeze swiping over him from the direction of the window. He didn't even have to look to know what was the cause of it.

"Am I in trouble again?" He asked with a sigh as the Batmare entered through the window, slowly walked over to the desk and sat down in front of the abyssinian.

"We'll see." The vigilante growled before tossing a copy of the newspaper in front of him. Capper gave it an expressionless stare.

"The mailpony already delivered today's paper. And a lot earlier, I might add." He said sarcastically before taking a sip of his drink. His humor didn't amuse the Batmare, but she managed to restrain herself.

"Do you know anything about this 'Candy Colt'?" Capper raised an eyebrow.

"Just what the papers say. Offed two really nasty ponies with some poisoned treats. Good thing I'm too old for trick or treating and I don't eat candy." He told her casually.

"His latest victim was Romance Cyan. The Black Mask. She was killed by a poisoned piece of gumdrop that was on her necklace secured inside the evidence room at the police station. This could have only been an inside job. Orchestrated by some creature who has the influence to use dirty cops and a bone to pick with Cyan. Ring any bells?" Capper looked up at the costumed mare for the first time that night. Batmare didn't know what reaction she should expect from him, but the amused, mocking laugh she got still caught her by surprise.

"You think I was scared of this little upstart?" He asked, pointing at Cyan's picture in the paper. "Don't make me laugh. I'm sure somepony as well educated as you would be aware of how I handled Verko back in Klugetown. Compared to him, she was just high school mean girl wannabe. If anything, she should have been scared of me. Besides, I think you should be the one worrying about the competition." Batmare raised an eyebrow beneath the mask.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't tell me you haven't heard of the new girl in town." Capper replied and she noticed that his tone grew much darker and angrier. "You know, the one with the crossbow. She's been taking my guys out and my operations down for weeks."

"I'm not here to talk about her." Batmare replied firmly. The amused smile returned to Capper's face.

"Oh, yes. The Candy Colt." He chuckled, pouring himself another glass of wine. "You think I'm the only one who would have loved to get Cyan out of the way? Maybe you should take a trip down memory lane. The answers could also lie in the past rather than the present." Batmare was beginning to lose her patience.

"Enough with the riddles!" She growled, barely able to resist the urge to punch the table. "Tell what I want to know!" Capper wasn't intimidated though. He merely kept drinking.

"Here's the deal." He said once he finished put the glass down. "You get this little crossbow killer off the backs of my boys and I'll give you something to go on. I think you're gonna find it very interesting but I suggest you hurry." He then stood up and made his way to the door. "Because I don't think the Candy Colt is gonna wait with handing out his next treat until you make up your mind. Know what I mean?" He chuckled before opening the door and leaving. "Oh, and please close the window on your way out."

Batmare glared after the abyssinian under her mask. She had no time to waste to play bodyguard to gangsters, even if they were a reluctant ally like Capper. But he was the only lead she had right now and even if the ponies working for him were criminals, it was her duty to protect all citizens of the city.

Besides, Capper had a point. She had zero tolerance for lethal vigilantes in her city. And as much as she loathed to admit it, it did rub her sense of pride the wrong way that somepony else was doing her work the wrong way. So if she played her cards right tonight, she could kill two birds with one stone. She could get the information she needs to crack this case and put an end to the crossbow killings. But she knew one thing, Capper will better have a damn good lead for all this trouble.

Lively and buzzing with activity the Iceberg Lounge may be, there came a time when even Manehattan's number one nightclub must close it's doors. This time was welcomed by Capper who was eager to finally get home and have a good night's rest. Or whatever was left of the night anyway.

Once the last guests have left, Capper limped his way to his old fashioned black carriage. One of his henchponies opened the door for him and allowed the cat to use him for support as he got into the vehicle. Two other ponies then got in front of the carriage and began pulling it away into the direction of their boss' home.

Given all the losses their forces suffered at the hooves of the crossbow killer, the two ponies were understandably nervous. The Batmare was bad enough but at least the worse she gave you was a few broken bones. But she didn’t kill you. This other mare… this Huntress however was like a ghost. She could strike from anywhere, send her arrows into any part of your body from any distance with pinpoint accuracy like bolts of divine retribution.

The ponies before the carriage looked around in terror before every turn they took, even though they knew they won’t be able to see anything before their doom came in the form of an arrow. But the fat cat himself inside the carriage was completely calm, for he knew they had a guardian angel watching over them.

On the rooftops above them, the Batmare trailed the carriage like a hawd did its prey. Normally, she would do this to follow them to the scene of a crime, but this time, she would have to protect them from another criminal. One who presented Batmare with a terrifying new challenge. She’ll have to face not only a deadly vigilante, but the concept of what would happen if she went off the rails. If she ever crossed that one line she drew for herself when she began this crusade against crime in the city. Which was interesting considering the possibility that the Candy Colt himself might be from the very same breed. So this could be like a test for her when it came to the inevitable confrontation between them.

As she leapt from rooftop to rooftop, she kept scanning every corner she could see. So far, there was no sign of anything unusual. The streets were mostly lifeless and even the few ponies that were out there jumped aside swiftly when they recognised the approaching carriage. Looks like Capper’s reputation preceded him. But suddenly, in the distance, she saw something that not only fled from the crime boss’ ride, but sped towards it faster than anything she’s ever seen.

The object became unbearably loud as it got closer to the carriage. It was so fast that the two ponies pulling it had no time to stop and get out of it’s way. Just when they thought they were going to crash, the object came to a halt. The pullers and Capper who leaned out the window to see why they stopped saw a rather peculiar sight. It was white earth pony mare wearing a purple cloak and a cape tied together on her body by white belts. The object she was sitting on looked like the miniaturized version of a locomotive engine with two wheels on each end and a pair of sticks on the upper front part of it that the mare used to steer the thing.

The pullers were still amazed by the strange vehicle when the mare pulled out a crossbow from beneath her cloak. Their eyes widened in terror. They knew they won’t be able to escape, but before the arrows pierced their hearts, a huge shadow leapt over the carriage, throwing itself upon the mare and tackling her off of her motor bike.The Batmare pulled her hoof back and knocked the crossbow out of her hoof, but before she could hit her, she kicked her in the stomach with her hind legs.

Since she was wearing armor. it didn’t hurt, but her opponent had enough strength in her to push her off of her. She reached for her crossbow, but the Batmare threw a batarang into the ground in front of it before she could reach it. She then tackled the huntress to the ground where they continued their struggle. From his carriage, Capper watched the scene with intrigue but felt like they probably shouldn’t hang about to see the outcome.

“As entertaining as this is, we should probably take our leave.” The pullers didn’t need to be told twice but before they could continue their trek, Capper told them to stop. “Just a moment, boys. We should probably make sure that nopony follows us." He picked up his folded umbrella and pointed it towards the Huntress' motor bike. The tip suddenly opened up and revealed a small rocket that flew out of the umbrella and blew the vehicle apart. "This outghta do it. Alright, go!"

The two vigilantes paused their fight and looked to see the Capper's carriage getting away and the flaming wreckage of the motor bike. The Huntress turned to glare at Batmare.

"You cost me my quarry tonight." She growled. The Batmare narrowed her eye lenses.

"Your hunting ends tonight. For good." The Huntress rushed at the Batmare who got into a defensive position, but the earth pony surprised her by jumping over her and pull a huge web out of her cloak and throw it down at her. Batmare couldn't react in time and found herself pinned to the ground.

She pulled out a batarang and began to cut the web cut at the web but it was made of very tough material so it took time until she made her way out of it's grasp. When she stood up, she looked around for the Huntress and noticed with dismay that she retrieved her crossbow.

She fired a couple of arrows at her, but Batmare hid behind her cape which hardened to the point that they deflected the arrows easily. When she ran out and had to reload, Batmare pulled out her grappling gun and fired it at her. Huntress stepped aside in time and the hook struck a wall behind her, but Batmare grappled herself towards her, knocked her weapon out of her hooves once more and slamming her into the wall.

The earth pony still had some fight left in her. She put her hoof behind Batmare's head and slammed it into the wall. She tried it again only for Batmare to slam her head into her muzzle, knocking her away. Huntress quickly recovered, pulled out a huge knife from her cloak and launched herself back at Batmare.

To Batmare's surprise, the knife was sharp enough that it managed to pierce her armour combined with the earth pony's strength. She hissed in pain before punching Huntress in the muzzle to knock her back. It succeeded but the other mare quickly stabbed again. Batmare grabbed the knife in her grasped and pushed back. The two mares found themselves locked in a stalemate as they tried to push each other away.

"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem." Huntress growled. Batmare threw herself back on the ground and used Huntress own momentum against her to kick her in the stomach and launch her over her head.

"The only problem is you and other murderers like you." She growled. Huntress stood back up.

"You were always weak willed! Weak willed to protect this city and the ponies who live here! And that allowed scum like Penguin to massacre my family!" She ranted before looking down and allowing a tear to fall from her eyes. Her moment of weakness was short lived though as she quickly glared back up at Batmare. "Criminals deserve no mercy!"

"That is not for us to decide! You have become no better than your family's killers and you must be stopped!" That comment sent the Huntress into a fit of rage. She rushed at Batmare with her knife in hoof and ready to strike but Batmare threw herself back once more kicked the frenzied mare upwards toward the lamppost over them.

She quickly reached into her belt and pulled out a bola before throwing it at the Huntress. It wrapped itself around the mare's body and tied her to the post, leaving her unable to escape. As she struggled in vain to break free, Batmare turned away from her, reaching up to her ear.

"Spike, tell the MCPD that they can pick up the 'Crossbow Killer' at my current location." She spoke into her communicator.

"Got it, Twilight. And what about Capper?" Twilight was about to answer when she was interrupted by a rather bizarre sight. Out of the city's darkness, an actual penguin was waddling towards her with a letter in it's beak. Once Twilight got over her shock, she took the envelope and opened it.

'You kept your end of the bargain, now it's my turn. Meet me in my office tomorrow night, same time as tonight and I'll tell you everything I know.'

Author's Note:

Hello, everypony! Welcome back to chapter 3 of The Long Nightmare Night!

Capper in the role of the Penguin has been planned for a long time and I was even considering writing an origin story spinoff for him called The Penguin: The Gentlecat of Crime. I'll see if anything becomes of it, but for now, I'm not gonna give anything away for the next chapter, all I'm saying is, three major characters from The Batmare Vol. 1 will be returning. Who will they be? Find out next time! Until then... :twilightsmile: