• Published 14th Nov 2023
  • 271 Views, 3 Comments

LAST EFFORT - discordjediknight

Knowing it's his last effort, Discord wants to turn sunny into a full Alicorn, only for plans to change drastically. What are the answers we seek from g5, can discord answer them all?

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Chapter 1 unexpected Alicorn lessons

Author's Note:

Ok I don’t hate g5…I have some issues and I thought it be fun to write a story to solve those issues for my self. Discord is my all time favorite no character and I don’t like how the comics left him. Last we saw was he was happy with his best friend and then the comics ruined it. I wanted to take my own head canon and write out a better ending for him, as well as ask some of my own burning questions g5 refuses to answer for myself. Hope you like it, it will be 5 chapters when I have the time to finish it I’ll be sure update. 😅

Sunny leaned on edge of the balcony with a happy yet tired sigh. Behind her the rainbow of the light house where the crystals hoverd above her sat. But she wasnt looking over them, the source of all of magic in equestria, no she was looking over the city, the trees and the outskirts of the forest just past. She was happy, thire was no doubt about it, but at the same time she couldn't help but feel the absence of someone in her heart. She stared at the setting sun, a glorious beautiful orange sky with the pinkest clouds she had ever saw, as she whisperd the words, "I miss you dad."

Just the one of her best friends Izzy walked up, her hoves full of craft supplies.

"Izzy do you need some help, I thought we just got done putting those away."

"Oh, no, no those," she smiled in her Izzy way, "were my sowing supplies, uh huh, yeah these are my paint supplies... And uh yeah a little help." She said as she was struggling to carry them.

Sunny quickly cought the paint before she spilled it. "What are you doing with these?"

"Oh I was gonna paint the sunset, before those pesky birds eat the clouds."

Sunny chuckled at that, "Izzy birds done eat-," she turned around and saw birds nibbling on a verry fluffy pink cloud. "What in the," before she could get another word out, zipp grabbed her phone to record a entry.

"Hmm strange cloud cover, I'm curious of what it is."

"Zip, where'd you come from!" Asked sunny.

"From the roof, I've been observing this sunset my self."

"Ahh isn't it such a beauty, and look how yellow and orange it is! I wonder if I even have a color to match! Hmm now let's see. "Izzy said excitedly as she prepared to paint. "Oh I have to do this quickly before it goes away."

"Well don't worry about rushing Izzy. Because it's not going anywhere for by my calculations, another four hours."

"Wait four hours!" Shouted sunny.

"Mhmm, haven't you noticed the strange weather patterns the last few days." Zipp smiled. "For some reason the sunsets have been getting slower and slower eatch day." She showed sunny the time in her phone. It was nearly ten o'clock.

"What but the sun's always set by seven thirty,how is it ten o'clock, And how did I miss this?"

"Oh, uh, well," zipp smiled nervously.

“We didn't want to bother you knowing what tomorrow is.” Izzy said with a comforting smile.

“Yeah, which is why all week all of us pitched in to make it a bit easier on you.” Said a new voice joining the conversation. They turned around to see hitch walking up the stares. His smile then faded to worry. “But seriously, we have a huge problem. Because of this sun issue,” he pointed out the window, I can't get my little buddy to sleep.,And when he doesn't sleep, I can't sleep.!”He said as they noticed his very tired eyes.

“Uhh, where is sparky any way?” Asked Izzy.

“Pips got him thank god.” He sighed tiredly.

At that sunny began to thank back at the last week of events.


Sunny was staring at a photo of her and her dad when she was little while in her smoothie van waiting for customers. She never even looked up, despite her side view clearly seeing pip, who was at the time selling her smoothies for her, in the strange cold weather, strange because it was middle of May yet thire was a blizzard.

Tuesday .

Sunny walked down the rode with her bags of groceries reminiscing about her and her father, clearly not noticing how she almost forgot half her bags and Izzy was carrying them marbling at the strange brown substance coming from the cloudy day.


Sunny did notice the strange Wendy day theynwere experiencing but chopped it up to just me a look as stood over her diary, which was hard to read due to the crossing wend. However it was zip who made wend break so she could read. At the same time,!Zip out in an entry on the strange Wendy day which was blowing up. Not side not down but up. All there hairs flowed right up in the air

Sunny fell asleep on the couch, despite the room being a complete mess. Hitch and sparky began cleaning it up when sparky belched some fire magic creating a loud horn waking up sunny, she wasn't very happy but couldn't stay mad at him, as she looked out into the night sky. Not realizing it was in the middle of the day and she only slept an hour.

Sunny jaw droped when she noticed this. Her friends have been helping her all along while she was morning the loss of her father that week. She smiled as she thought, she had such good friends. But then shook her head. “wait what's going on with the weather!” She yelled.

“I don't know, but this Cotten candy cloud is delicious.” Pip said as she took a bite.

“Really let me try some!” Shouted Izzy.

“Pip where's sparky!” Demanded Hitch. Just then sparky pooped up by pip eating Cotten candy and drenched in some brown fluid.

“Ahh I’ll never get him to sleep now,”moaned Hitch. “Sugar rushes are bad for babies,”he yawned.

“Ehh don't sweat it, hell have some energy and then have a sugar crash, nothing better to get the little tike to sleep.”

“Eh I supo- ahhhh!” Hitched yelled noticing the strange creature who floated by him. They all turned their heads in shock and awe of strange chimera in front of them.

The creature chuckled, “oh how I miss doing that to Fluttershy and the other elements.”Said the creature with aside grin.

It was a strange creature that was for sure. It had an antler and half a goat horn on its pony like headz which sat on a long neck connected to a serpentine like body, ending in a red scally snake like tail. An eggle claw, on one lem and a lion paw on the other. It stood on a dragon leg and a cloven hoof towering over the ponies. It had a long snow white tail, matching eye brows beared and mane. Yet it was clearly old. So skint you could see it's rib cage.the mussels on its lems, what little thire were saved in places as it's claws were long and clearly needed to trimmed. In his eggle claw he leaned on a cane with an odd symbol on it, with arrows that pointed in all directions.

“Discord!” Shouted sunny who gave him a hug catching the creature off guard. Despite that he quickly gained his composer and pated the orange earth pony on the head, “how've you kids been.” He asked with a smile.

“Wow, we haven't seen you since the comic books,” smiled Izzy, making Discord Snicker.

Zipp flew over to the cote. Candy, examined it, and took a test taste. It strangely squirted chocolate milk in her mouth as she at it.

“Do you want some whip cream with that,” smiled Discord.

@Let me guess your behind this, And the other days aren't you.,”!Zipp narrowed her eyes.

“Guilty is charges,”He said as he took a proud bow.

“Great, great, hay! Can you turn things back to normal so I could get this dragon to sleep? Hitch asked hysterical.

Discord shrugged, “ sure, after Izzy gets done with her painting. Hell I was quiet the artist back In The day, if I do say so my self.” He cleaned his lion paw on his chest and examined it.

“Ok ok, it's nice to see you, but uh, Discord what are you doing here? Sunny asked skeptic but cheerful.

“Oh nothing much, I'm just here to help.” He smirked. “Help you that is.” He pointed at sunny. “You, the new Alicorn. Or soon will be,”He winked.

“Uh, Discord I am an alicorn, I have Alicorn powers.”

“Yes, yes , yes you can go, Alicorn mode,” he said with qrotstion marks, “but you are not a full Alicorn yet. That is why you can manifest your powers,but haven't become a full Alicorn just yet.”

“What, are you even talking about? Full Alicorn?”

The draconiqus smiled a tothy grin. “Let me explain. Alicorns use to be some of the most powerful creatures in existence due to thire connection to magic. Thire the combination of all of magic in pony kind. But you,” he jabbed his finger at sunny muzzle making a honk sound out of no where that made no sense. “Haven't grasped the power you now hold fully. Your body hasn't been able to adjust to it yet. Twilight being a powerfully unicorn, was able to adjust to the magical increase quiet easily, however your like a baby, full of power that your body hasn't been able to mature to yet. Your like pound and pumpkin cake,” he giggled. “Oh I remember how those two had such power,and gave pinky a run for her money all the time because of it.”

“Who?” Asked Izzy.

“Oh never mind,” Discord waved his lion paw, “the point I'm getting at here is that sunshine here...”

“Sunny,”she answered

“Isn’t grasping onto her full potential yet. In time your body would naturally adjust and you would be permeantly an alicorn. But, I don't have time to wait for that, so I decided to pay you a cost and help you train to hone your skills now.” Discord snapped his fingers and a weight set appeared out of no where. With another snap, sunny disappeared and reapers on the bench in front of the wights.

Discord blew a whistle that appeared out of now where, and ordered sunny to start lifting , which she did, slightly struggling to lift the wights. “No, no, not with your muscle with your magic.” He blew the whistle again.

@Wait why am I doing this?” Sunny asked as she began to activate her Alicorn powers.

“To strength your magic, well do this until pinkey, uh I mean Izzy finishes her painting.”

Zipp look suspiciously at discord, examining his entire body.

“Can I help you?”He said leaning on his cane.

“You didn't have that, the last time we saw you.”

“Hmm what this,” he said looking at his cane. “Oh it's an old prop I used during my days at the galla, oh how fun these days were.” He said reminiscing. “All the dances I use to go to with Fluttershy and my friends.”

“That's the second time you mentioned Fluttershy.” Zipp pointed out, while in the back ground you could hear sunny working out.

“Fluttershy and I were the very best of friends. Then again I was friends with all six elements, but she was defiantly My favorite. She was my first friend after all.” He turned to see sunny. “Faster, you’ll never break sweat that way!”He yelled making the poor earth pony Alicorn work harder.

Zipp examined Discord’s cane. Why do you have it now?” She asked.

“Ha, doesn't matter what the year is thire are always nosy princesses,” he spat. “I like the cane it completes my out fit.” He snapped his fingers and he stood in his old galla suit. “See look how snazzy I am.” He boated as he presented himself. “Believe it or not I have this in multiple colors.” He snapped his fingers and change the colors. “Blue, purple, black, turquoise, sunset shimmer colors, and he snapped his fingers traveling white.” When he saw the white suit on him he stoped for a moment and an odd far away look spread across his face only to be gone the next moment a long with his suit, yet he still leaned on his cane.

“There ya go, sunny your looking good.pump that iron girl!” He shouted at her.

“Done,”!shouted Izzy. Discord chuckled and made the wights disappear. He then looked back out at the sunset and snapped his claws again to get the sun moving.

Hitch and pip were dealing with the happy baby dragon untill sudently the sugar crash hit it the moment the sun was down.

Discord smirked at the sight. “Ahh reminds me of the good ol days.”!He then turned to a warn out sunny. “So tomorrow bright and early, we'll get you working out, oh and here,”?he snapped his fingers and two bags appaerd. “Please take these to my guest room, I'll be staying here for a few days. Now I only have a few days chop chop, let's not wait time.” He clapped his hands and then in a flash he was gone not giving sunny a moment to speak.

“Wow that guys something else,” Zip said. Pip only second the notion, while Sunny’’s curiosity was peeked. Discord was alive long ago with the other elements, what could she learn from him then?

Comments ( 3 )

Why does the synopsis have so many typos in it? It’s to the point where it’s actually kind of hard to read. Could you please fix them? If you want me to tell me what they are and where they are, then please tell me.

SO I FIXED IT...but if there are any others let me know... thank you so much for always helping and reading my content, Starlight Nova I do appreciate it, and the help. let me know how you like the story.

Because Twilight is an alicorn.

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