• Published 4th Feb 2024
  • 228 Views, 0 Comments

Rotten to the Core - ShopperBrony90

Applejack falls under a curse that changes her personality for the worst.

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The New Friendship Assignment

A few minutes later, Applejack has arrived at the Castle of Friendship, feeling confident in what adventure she is going to be assigned.

As always, it was quite an long trip going to the castle, but she always handles the long trail with patience and confidence, knowing she take any friendship assignment that the map can give her. For the pony who represent the element of honesty, Twilight Sparkle and her friends (Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash) always rely on her honesty and bravery to accomplish any assignment.

Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and the others were waiting in the throne room for Applejack to arrive. Well, what do you know? She showed up just in time! Just like the rules of any students (human and pony) at school, it's not a great idea to be tardy before a cutie map adventure. If she was tardy, she'd may miss out on any adventure she's be the part of.

“Good morning, Applejack," Twilight greeted, observing 3 cutie mark symbols hovering over the map. The marks landed over a cavern area far out in Equestria. The marks belong to Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. That means it's up to an Alicorn, a Pegasus, and an Earth pony to get the assignment done with success and the spread of friendship across the citizens of any creatures that occupy the any areas of Equestria. That's what the purpose of the cutie map at the Castle of Friendship!

“It seems like we’re assigned to go to a dark cave where bat-ponies live. Apparently, bat-ponies don’t quite go well together when they’re around normal ponies.” Twilight explained.

“Oh, I can handle the cave! I’m a very brave pony!” Rainbow Dash bragged. Rainbow always brags about how she's awesome, even when it annoys ponies around her, sometimes those around her may lose their confidence. However, that's Rainbow Dash, the awesome fastest Pegasus and a wonderbolt, does. We all know Rainbow Dash and her personality.

Applejack remembers the time bat-ponies invaded her farm, feeding on her crops. She even remembered when Fluttershy turned into a bat-pony. She's been afraid of bats (even bat-ponies) ever since, but she was trying to hide her fears. “Oh, nelly. I don’t like bats ‘nor bat-ponies.” Applejack said, worriedly.

“I thought you’re brave and honest. I guess that makes you a scaredy-pony! Haha!” teased Rainbow Dash, causing Applejack to almost lose her confidence and leave to go back to the farm.

Applejack suddenly stopped, approached Rainbow, and smacked her hoof against Rainbow Dash’s face. It seemed like Rainbow Dash and Applejack are about to get into a really big fight!

“Oh, really?! Ya think I’m a scaredy-pony, well how about this: If I can face my fears and get the ponies and bat-ponies to get along, you have to spend a month with your entire body shaved, fur mane and tail!” Applejack dared, ready for Rainbow’s challenge.

Rainbow Dash replied, “Oh, yeah? Well, if you’ve proven to be a scaredy-pony at the end of the mission, you have to spend a week sleeping with the pigs in their stinky pigsty with NO comfort and have the to eat nothing but ROTTEN apples for a month!”

“You’re on!” Applejack and Rainbow Dash said in unison.

Luckily, Twilight stepped in and stopped the fight before things got worse between Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

“That’s enough, you two! We can’t have a mission with you two bickering. Have you two forgotten that we're spreading friendship across Equestria? I expect that you should follow the purpose of your Elements of Harmony. Applejack: You represent the element of Honesty, and you Rainbow Dash represent the element of Loyalty. We don’t want any of us breaking the connections with the elements. Is that clear?” Twilight explained, with a stern tone in her voice.

“Yes, Twilight.” Applejack and Rainbow Dash said in unison, feeling down after their fight. They're now ready to go to the village of bat-ponies.

And so, Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are off to the bat-pony village to begin their mission.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Will Rainbow Dash and Applejack go along with their deal?
How can Twilight settle the whole thing?
What happens when Applejack makes a very suspicious discovery deep in the caves?

Find out the answers to all those questions on the next chapter, coming January 1, 2024!