• Published 27th Dec 2023
  • 142 Views, 3 Comments

Parcel of Joy - Serina

On the magical eve of Hearth's Warming, Derpy finds herself entrusted with a special delivery destined for the heart of Breezie Village. Yet, Breezie tradition bears it's own unique challenge.

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Delivery is Breezie

In the heart of Canterlot Castle, the air was alive with the festive spirit of Hearth's Warming Eve. The grand halls echoed with the harmonious sounds of carolers, their melodious voices weaving through the air like a soothing winter breeze. The flickering glow of countless candles adorned the walls, casting a warm, golden hue upon the regal tapestries that lined the corridors.

Princess Twilight Sparkle, adorned in a flowing gown with hues reminiscent of the winter sky, found herself in her study amidst the bustling preparations. Ponies scurried about, carrying decorations, wrapping presents, and ensuring that every corner of the castle was adorned with the spirit of the season. Hearth's Warming wreaths adorned doorways, and magical lights twinkled like stars, creating an enchanting atmosphere within the castle's walls.

In the study, a massive fireplace crackled, its warmth complementing the winter chill that lingered outside. The walls were adorned with festive garlands made of holly and pine, their vibrant colors contrasting with the elegant bookshelves that held tomes of knowledge and ancient tales. A large Hearth's Warming tree, adorned with shimmering ornaments and delicate lights, dominated one corner of the room, casting a joyful glow that danced across the intricate patterns of the rug beneath.

Amidst this spectacle, Princess Twilight Sparkle paced back and forth, her wings occasionally fluttering with anticipation. A radiant smile adorned her face as she observed the diligent efforts of her subjects in preparing for the grand Hearth's Warming celebration.

As she reached a large, ornate table in the center of her study, Twilight gently placed a carefully wrapped package upon it. The paper was adorned with festive patterns of snowflakes and Hearth's Warming symbols, tied together with a vibrant ribbon that sparkled in the soft candlelight. The package emitted a faint magical aura, a testament to the care and love put into its creation.

The princess's violet eyes gleamed with determination as she considered the significance of the task ahead. She knew that the gift within the package wasn't just a physical offering; it symbolized the magic of friendship and the unity that Hearth's Warming Eve represented.

A knock echoed through the study door, and as it swung open, Twilight's faithful assistant, Spike, entered with a tray of freshly baked cookies. His eyes sparkled with the same festive enthusiasm that permeated the castle. "Hey, Twilight! The decorations are looking amazing, and everypony is so excited for the Hearth's Warming Eve festivities."

Twilight beamed at Spike, her excitement infectious. "I'm glad to hear that, Spike! This year is going to be truly special. But before we dive into the celebrations, I have an important task. I need to find a pony who can quickly deliver this gift to Seabreeze, the Breezie representative."

Spike, ever the supportive friend, set the tray of cookies down and approached the table. "Seabreeze, huh? That sounds like an important job. Who do you have in mind?"

Twilight's gaze settled on the bustling activity outside her study window. The castle grounds were filled with ponies and creatures from all corners of Equestria, gathered to partake in the joyous festivities. Her eyes caught sight of a certain gray pegasus with a distinctive yellow mane, and a mischievous but endearing expression dropping off some crates to the royal caterers. "I think I know just the pony for the job," Twilight said with a knowing smile.

Princess Twilight Sparkle paced back and forth in the grand hall, a package held in her magical grip. Her eyes were focused and determined, knowing that the task at hoof was important. Hopefully, Spike’s message had been received in time.

A knock on the door echoed through the room, and with a quick turn of her head, Twilight’s voice echoed in the empty corridor. "Come in."

The gray pegasus, with her trademark cross-eyed expression, pushed open the large wooden door with most of her body. As she entered the room, her wings fluttered nervously, but a warm smile adorned her face. "Hiya, Princess! What can I do for ya today?"

Twilight offered a warm smile. "Derpy, I have an important task for you. Myself and our other friends have prepared a special gift for Seabreeze, the representative of the Breezies. He and his wife are celebrating the birth of their second child this Hearth's Warming Eve. I need you to deliver this gift. Personally."

Derpy's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and delight painted across her face. "Oh, that sounds like fun! I'd be happy to help!"

However, as the joy settled, a tinge of concern crossed Twilight's features. "Derpy, I must apologize for pulling you away from your own family on this special night. I know how important Hearth's Warming Eve is to everypony, and I wouldn't ask if it weren't absolutely vital. Seabreeze is the new representative for the Breezies at the Convocation of Creatures, and this gesture is one of personal importance but is also crucial to strengthen the bonds between our two communities."

Derpy offered a reassuring smile. "No need to apologize, Princess. I'm happy to help. Besides, it's Hearth's Warming Eve, and spreading joy is what it's all about, right?"

Twilight's eyes twinkled with gratitude. "Thank you, Derpy. Your willingness to step up means a lot. Now, let me explain the details of the mission."

As Twilight briefed Depry on the intricaciesof Breezies she paused and placed a hoof on the young pegasus' shoulder. "I must warn you there's an extra step before you can leave. You see, getting to the Breezie’s home is no easy task.” She produced a small, shimmering pendant wrapped in aura. “You need to wear this special amulet to gain access."

Derpy looked at the amulet shaped like a small butterfly floating in Twilight’s aura, her eyes filled with curiosity. "Wow, this is amazing! I can't wait to try it out!"

Twilight shook her head. “The amulet is only charged for one use. Fluttershy and myself worked for moons on perfecting travel between our realm and the Breezies. If you run out of magic, you may be stuck in the Breezie’s realm for some time before a rescue party could retrieve you.”

Derpy scratched the back of her head, "Sounds like express mail then."

Twilight Sparkle chuckled "Definitely." She then led Derpy to the center of the great hall, the air filled with an ambient hum of magical energy. The spacious room transformed before Derpy's eyes as a large, ornate table materialized from the floor, its surface adorned with a detailed map of Equestria. The princess gestured towards it with a graceful sweep of her wing.

"Derpy, we need to ensure you reach the Breezie Village safely. This map will help us plan your journey." Twilight Sparkle's horn glowed as she carefully manipulated the map, zooming in to reveal the intricate details of Breezie Village.

Derpy's eyes widened in awe as she looked at the miniature depiction of the Breezie community nestled amidst the vibrant flowers and swirling breezes. The map was a testament to the princess's attention to detail, capturing the essence of the Breezie Village with remarkable precision.

"Now," Twilight continued, her eyes focused on the map, "Seabreeze's dwelling is right here, near the heart of Breezie Village. To get there, you'll need to recite the words I mentioned earlier: 'Hip-Hip-Hooray, another day, To play away in Breezie Village.' Only then will the amulet activate and transform you into a small Breezie. It's crucial for reaching their home safely, as the magic of Breezie Village is known to respond to those words."

Derpy nodded, her gaze fixed on the map. "Got it, Princess! I'll make sure to follow the instructions and get to Seabreeze's place without any problems."

Twilight Sparkle smiled, her violet eyes reflecting a mixture of confidence and concern. "I trust you, Derpy. Remember, this mission is not just about delivering a gift; it's about fostering goodwill between different creatures and celebrating the bonds we share."

With a gentle wave of her hoof, Twilight Sparkle deactivated the map, and the table disappeared back into the floor. The princess then approached Derpy and levitated the special amulet, its surface shimmering with enchantment.

"This amulet is attuned to the magic of Breezie Village," Twilight explained. "When you recite the words, the amulet will activate, and you'll transform into a small Breezie. The portal to Breezie Village will open simultaneously, allowing you to reach Seabreeze and his family."

Derpy eyed the amulet, a mixture of excitement and determination in her eyes. "I'll make sure to deliver the gift and spread the joy of Hearth's Warming Eve, Princess. You can count on me!"

Twilight Sparkle nodded appreciatively. "I know I can, Derpy. Remember, this is a delicate mission. Seabreeze is expecting you. Good luck, Derpy."

With those parting words of encouragement, Derpy secured the amulet around her neck and took a deep breath. The familiar words echoed in her mind, and with conviction, she recited, "Hip-Hip-Hooray, another day, To play away in Breezie Village."

A radiant glow enveloped Derpy, and the transformation began. Her form shimmered with magical energy, and in an instant, she stood there as a small Breezie, wings buzzing with newfound vitality.

The magic of the amulet also opened a sparkling portal before her. Derpy hesitated only for a moment, her eyes reflecting the determination instilled by the princess's words. With a flutter of her new wings, she toppled through the portal, leaving the grandeur of Canterlot behind and embracing the gentle breezes of Breezie Village.

Derpy marveled at the delicate and, surprisingly, green surroundings. The vibrant flowers adorned the landscape while the miniature houses of the Breezies were decorated for the holidays.

Approaching the entrance gate, two Breezie guards, with fur adorned in hues of blue and pink, eyed Derpy curiously. They exchanged glances, clearly intrigued by the arrival of a visitor outside the portal opening and closing schedule.

Derpy, embracing the Breezie form bestowed upon her by the magical amulet, mustered her best Breezie accent. "I'm here to see Seabreeze. Princess Twilight sent me with a gift for their new little one."

The guards regarded her for a moment, their curiosity evident. One of them spoke with a slight chuckle in his voice. "A gift, you say? Well, you're an interesting sight. Princess Twilight didn't mention you'd be the same size as us."

Derpy grinned, her eyes reflecting the joy of the season. "Surprise! I guess I fit right in with the average Breezie."

The other guard, a Breezie with a twinkle of amusement in his eyes, chimed in, "You certainly do. But you're welcome here, nonetheless. Seabreeze’s home is not far."

As Derpy took her place beside the guards, her gaze shifted to the wondrous landscape beyond the town. The absence of snow and the warmth of the breeze were peculiar to her, considering the winter season. Unable to contain her curiosity, she turned to one of the guards. "Why is it so warm here? And why isn't there any snow? Everything's in bloom!"

The guard chuckled heartily, his wings fluttering in amusement. "Ah, a Breezie asking about the weather. That's a first for me. You see, cold is a death sentence to any Breezie. Our wings are too brittle in the cold. That's why we keep Breezie Village warm and in bloom all year round. It's our haven, where we can thrive and celebrate without worrying about the harsh winter outside."

Derpy's eyes widened in understanding. "Oh, I didn't think about that. Sounds… not fun.”

The guard shook his head. “It wouldn’t be.”

With some new instructions on where to find Seabreeze’s home, Derpy proceeded, not so delicately in her new form, towards the village with the guards watching her with friendly amusement. As she ventured deeper into Breezie Village, the sounds of laughter and joyful chatter filled the air, guiding her toward Seabreeze's dwelling where the celebration of new life awaited.

Inside the cozy Breezie dwelling, Seabreeze moved with purpose, his wings a flurry of activity as he made preparations for the not only the holidays, but making preparations for their new Breezie. The room was adorned with festive decorations, and the scent of freshly baked treats wafted through the air.

Derpy made her way inside the dwelling with many other visiting Breezies. As she spotted the pink maned Breezie she waved furiously to try and get his attention

Seabreeze turned from his bustling activities to greet her. His thick Breezie accent resonated in the air as he spoke, "Ah, you must be the delivery pony. What brings you to our humble abode?"

Derpy, still adjusting to the size and agility of her Breezie form, fluttered clumsly before Seabreeze. "I've got a special gift for the new Breezie baby from Princess Twilight her friends."

Seabreeze's wife, a lovely purple-maned Breezie with wings as delicate as petals, who was holding a pastel pink egg wrapped in a purple blanket, welcomed Derpy. "Oh, thank you! How thoughtful of them. I’m Breezebeam! Please, come in."

As the package was placed on the kitchen table. Seabreeze wore a furrowed expression. "Do you know what this means?" he asked, frustration evident in his voice.

Derpy tilted her tiny head, confusion apparent in her eyes. "Um, no. What does it mean?"

Seabreeze sighed, laying a hoof on his forehead. "According to our tradition, when one gift is given, another must be returned. It's a difficult tradition to follow, especially when everything is closed on….” He sighs, “Jingle Sparklewhirl."

The mention of the Breezie holiday brought a sense of urgency to the air. Derpy furrowed her brow, contemplating the challenge ahead. "Jingle Sparklewhirl, huh? That does sound tricky. But don't worry, Seabreeze. We'll figure something out."

Breezebeam, with a soothing tone and a gentle smile, approached the two. "Seabreeze, my love, everything will be okay. Jingle Sparklewhirl is about the joy of giving and sharing, not about the grandness of the gifts. I'm sure you will find something,” She nuzzled under his chin “perfect.”

Seabreeze looked at his wife, reassurance slowly washing over him. "You're right, my dear.We'll make it work."

Derpy, feeling a sense of responsibility, chimed in with her breezy optimism. "Exactly! We'll find something perfect for Jingle Sparklewhirl. It's all about the spirit of the season, right?"

Seabreeze smiled, trying to stay optimistic. "You're right, Derpy.

Leaving the cozy warmth of Seabreeze's home, Derpy and Seabreeze ventured into the brisk Breezie evening, the festive spirit of Jingle Sparklewhirl urging them forward. The breezy shopping district, usually bustling with activity, lay quiet and serene under the enchanting glow of firefly street lights. Derpy fluttered alongside Seabreeze as they embarked on their quest for the perfect return gift for Jingle Sparklewhirl. The miniature storefronts, adorned with twinkling lights and festive decorations, presented an inviting facade.

However, the duo soon discovered that appearances could be deceiving. As they approached each shop with anticipation, a sense of disappointment washed over them – every door was firmly closed, and the once lively market square echoed with the absence of cheerful voices and bustling commerce.

Derpy floated alongside Seabreeze, her brow furrowed in confusion. "This is strange. Why is everything closed? Where can we find a gift for Jingle Sparklewhirl?"

Seabreeze, frustration etched across his features, surveyed the empty streets. "This is hopeless! How can I find a gift when everything's shut tight?"

The two Breezies continued their journey, their wings carrying them through the deserted shopping district. The gentle breeze that usually accompanied the Breezies seemed to whisper tales of an unexpected challenge. The shops, adorned with festive wreaths and cheerful displays, stood silent, their closed doors creating a barrier to Seabreeze's mission.

Derpy, undeterred by the setback, attempted to lighten the mood. "Don't worry, Seabreeze. We'll find something. Maybe there's a hidden shop or a unique place we haven't checked yet."

Seabreeze sighed, his frustration mingling with a tinge of disappointment. "I appreciate your optimism, Derpy, but I fear the shops are closed for the holiday. Our tradition insists on a return gift, and I don't want to break it."

As they turned another corner, Seabreeze's eyes darted to a whimsical shop, its door ajar. A spark of hope ignited within him. "Look! That shop is still open. Perhaps we'll find something inside."

Derpy's eyes lit up with excitement. "Great! Let's check it out!"

However, as they approached, they realized the open shop was merely an illusion – a stray breeze had nudged the door ajar, creating a false sense of invitation. Seabreeze's frustration deepened, and he sank onto a nearby bench, downtrodden.

Derpy hovered beside him, her tiny frame casting a sympathetic shadow. "It's okay, Seabreeze. We'll figure this out. Maybe there's another way to uphold the tradition. It's the thought that counts, right?"

Seabreeze's frustration lingered like a shadow as he shook his head, settling onto a nearby bench. His shoulders slumped under the weight of disappointment. "I'm supposed to represent the Breezies to ponykind. If I can’t successfully follow Breezie tradition, what kind of representative am I?" Seabreeze's voice carried a hint of self-doubt as he continued, his hooves meeting his forehead in a gesture of weariness. "What kind of father am I, setting such a bad example for my children?"

Derpy landed beside him and placed a tiny, reassuring hoof on his shoulder. "Seabreeze, I know it's tough. I'm a parent too, ya know? And it's not always easy. But it's not about traditions or fancy gifts. It's about the love and family. We should be spending time at home with your wife and children, not chasing after the ‘perfect’ gift. After all, your little one is set to be born tonight, and,” she grabbed both of Seabreeze’s hooves in hers, staring into the sad Breezie’s eyes with a determined look, “that is the best gift of all.”

Seabreeze stared back at her. Her words, borne from her own experiences, resonated with sincerity. "You're right," Seabreeze admitted, the tension in his features giving way to a moment of reflection. "I've been so caught up in the tradition that I forgot what truly matters."

As they sat there, enveloped in the quietude of the breezy night, a stray red festive bow floated down in front of them, perhaps lost from a gift now under a small tree, carried by the warm winter breeze. Seabreeze picked it gently in his hoof. The simple elegance of the bow captivated his gaze for a moment before he offered it to Derpy with a genuine smile. "Perhaps a simple bow can be our gift. It may not be much, but it comes from the heart."

Derpy accepted the small token with gratitude, a heartfelt smile gracing her features. She tucked the bow into her mane, its vibrant color contrasting with the soft hues of her coat. "It's perfect! Let's go back and celebrate with your family!"

Together, they returned to Seabreeze's home, buzzing with excitement as they awaited the arrival of a new life. Breezebeam beamed at the sight of the vibrant bow in Derpy’s mane. "Oh, how lovely! Come in! Come in! You’re just in time!

Amidst the joyous celebration in Seabreeze's home, a moment of sheer delight unfolded as the anticipation of new life took center stage. The little Breezie family along with Derpy gathered around a carefully adorned nest, their eyes filled with wonder as an orange egg nestled within began to wiggle and crack. With each adorable movement, the egg revealed a tiny, newborn Breezie, its wings unfurling in a burst of cuteness.

Derpy, captivated by the heartwarming spectacle, couldn't help but let out an affectionate chuckle. "Well, would you look at that! The little one is as cute as a button, just like your wife, Seabreeze."

The resemblance between the newborn Breezie and Breezebeam was uncanny, from the delicate wings to the color of the fur. The room filled with coos of admiration and joyful laughter, marking the beginning of a new chapter for Seabreeze's family.

Seabreeze, his eyes glistening with a mix of overwhelming emotion, approached the nest with a sense of wonder and reverence. The twinkling lights of Breezie Village outside cast a warm glow on the scene, creating an ethereal ambiance around the tiny, growing family. As Seabreeze extended his hooves, he carefully cradled the newborn in his arms, a surge of paternal love evident in his every move.

As the little one adjusted to its newfound world, the celebration continued, and the atmosphere brimmed with the magic of family, tradition, and the sweet arrival of a new member to the breezy fold.

The cozy Breezie dwelling had been transformed into a hub of festive cheer as they all sat down for an evening meal. The table was adorned with sweet treats and savory dishes, the aroma of which filled the air, creating an ambiance of warmth and celebration. Stories and laughter flowed freely, the flickering candlelight casting a soft glow on the faces of the joyful family.

Seabreeze's oldest child, Valley Breeze, with eyes wide and filled with innocence, proudly showed off their new hand-knit holiday jammies from Twilight and her friends. Derpy clapped her hooves in approval. The intricate patterns and vibrant colors brought smiles to the faces of their parents, but not nearly as large of a smile until the baby Breezie was unveiled with a set of matching pajamas. The atmosphere echoed with the joyous coos and aws as the little one suckled at its covered hoofs.

As the night drew its curtain over Breezie Village, Derpy felt the gradual fading of the magic in her amulet, a gentle reminder that her time in the enchanted realm was coming to an end.

Derpy couldn't help but be grateful for the extraordinary experience she had shared with Seabreeze, his wife, and the little ones. The genuine warmth of the Breezie family had left an indelible mark on her heart. Saying her goodbyes, she once again found herself standing amidst the enchanting glow, Derpy turned to Seabreeze with a smile, her eyes reflecting the gratitude she felt. "Thank you for welcoming me into your home and letting me be a part of your Jingle Sparklewhirl celebration. It's been a truly magical experience."

Seabreeze, with a nod and a heartfelt smile, expressed his own gratitude. "You brought an unexpected joy to our celebration, Derpy. We won't forget this, as the ponies say, Hearth's Warming Eve."

Derpy then turned to Breezebeam, who had a warm glow of appreciation in her eyes. "Your family is truly special. Thank you for letting me share in the joy of your new little one's arrival."

Breezebeam embraced Derpy gently, the newborn nestled in her arms. "It was our pleasure, Derpy. Safe travels, and may your own Hearth's Warming be filled with as much joy as you've brought to us."

As Derpy bid farewell to the little Breezies, they fluttered around her in a playful display of gratitude, their tiny wings creating a gentle breeze that seemed to carry the essence of Breezie Village. The twinkling lights overhead seemed to dance in acknowledgment of the shared magic, and Derpy's heart swelled with warmth.

With a final glance at the radiant Breezie Village, Derpy activated the magic in her amulet, and the portal to Canterlot opened before her. She turned to Seabreeze, his family, and the enchanting realm she was leaving behind. "Happy Jingle Sparklewhirl, Seabreeze, and to all of Breezie Village!"

Seabreeze and his family echoed their heartfelt wishes, their voices carrying the joy of the season. As Derpy again toppled through the portal, leaving the miniature world of Breezie Village behind, she waved goodbye to the family.

With a flash of light, Derpy found herself standing in front of her quaint home in Ponyville. The familiar sight brought a mix of confusion and joy to her expressive face. She tilted her head as she muttered to herself, "Well, that was a peculiar way to get here. I thought for sure I would arrive back at the castle." Note to self, write the Princess that the package was delivered successfully. But that could wait until tomorrow. A warm smile graced her lips. She was home.

As Derpy opened the door to her cozy home, the sweet aroma of Hearth's Warming treats wafted through the air. To her surprise, waiting eagerly at the entrance was her own little daughter, Dinky. The small unicorn filly's eyes lit up with excitement as she rushed into her mother's embrace.

"Mom! You're back!" Dinky exclaimed, her voice bubbling with delight. "I was waiting for you!"

Derpy couldn't help but chuckle, ruffling Dinky's mane affectionately. "Waiting for me? What for, silly?"

Dinky beamed, "Santa Hooves is supposed to come, and I wanted you to be here too!"

Touched by her daughter's sweet gesture, Derpy felt a surge of warmth in her heart. They quickly set about fixing a plate of cookies and a glass of milk, the familiar tradition of welcoming Santa Hooves. The two snuggled up on the couch, Derpy wrapping a wing around Dinky, as they awaited the magical visitor.

With the glow of the festive lights illuminating their cozy living room, Derpy began to share the tale of her unexpected journey to Breezie Village. Dinky's eyes widened with wonder as she listened to her mother's recounting of the charming Breezies, their traditions, and the heartwarming celebration of Jingle Sparklewhirl.

As the tale unfolded, Derpy couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the magical experiences shared with Seabreeze and his family. In the warm embrace of home, surrounded by love and the enchanting spirit of Hearth's Warming, Derpy and Dinky drifted into dreams, the flickering lights casting a gentle glow over their peaceful slumber. The magic of the season had woven its spell once again, creating cherished memories to last a lifetime.

Comments ( 3 )

Seabreeze sighed, laying a hoof on his forehead. "According to our tradition, when one gift is given, another must be returned. It's a difficult tradition to follow, especially when everything is closed on….” He sighs, “Jingle Sparklewhirl."

Yeah no matter what holiday you're in it sucks that you had to find a gift on the last minute it's a pain

Derpy floated alongside Seabreeze, her brow furrowed in confusion. "This is strange. Why is everything closed? Where can we find a gift for Jingle Sparklewhirl?"

Yeah usually when it's about 3 days or 2 days until Christmas usually the stores are always close pretty early

Awww this was an adorable story and also nice to see The Breezies again so it looks like Twilight ask Derpy to do a delivery for Seabreeze which that's a pretty experience for her to travel this far but nevertheless she willing to do it and when she got there she was amazed how the world is so different even meaning with the family of Seabreeze waiting for their second child to be born but now he has to find something for Derpy and of course especially in the holidays everything is close and he was pretty frustrated but Derpy wants to reassure him and it's not about the gift stop spending time with your family and friends and even during the moment and once they arrive home his second child is born then everybody was celebrating and it's pretty heartwarming to see that but she has to go home because the limit of the item so she said her goodbyes to them and finally return home to see dinky waiting for her mother this is definitely a pretty nice story keep up the good work and Merry Christmas

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