• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 1,452 Views, 93 Comments

Is my marefriend a Changeling? - Aether Nexus

When her marefriend turns up covered in bruises after the changeling invasion, Cheerilee wonders if her marefriend is secretly a changeling.

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A fateful encounter

Life had been going well for Cheerilee recently. Sure, the current class of foals at school are a bit more rambunctious than usual, and she wasn’t sure which was worse, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, or Diamond Tiara. On one hoof, Diamon Tiara was a spoilt brat and was, testing at the best of times, but then there was the ever-growing list of situations the Cutie Mark Crusaders ended up creating. University didn’t teach her how to clean tree sap from the desks, floor, or ceiling, and then there was the love poison.

Cheerliee truly hadn’t been interested in finding a special some-pony at the time, but ever since she’d occasionally find herself wistfully daydreaming. It was always the little moments, like getting home from school, finding something amusing while marking school work, or cooking a meal, that Cheerliee thought, “Wouldn’t it be nice if somepony was here to share this with?” It was a painful irony that the CMC had chosen Big Mac, while she had always wanted to be with a pony who was larger than herself, she also knew that whoever she ended up with would be some pony to whom she could speak with. Sadly Big Mac was not much of a talker, but they had remained good friends, and the flirting between them was purely to make the CMC squirm, maybe if he had wings to hold her with.

So she made the very questionable decision of confiding in her sister, Berry Punch. Berries' advice had been both surprisingly helpful, and predictable. Predictably, since Berry had declared that they were going to a bar, helpful, because as Berry pointed out, “If there's no stallion in Ponyville to catch your eye, let's go to Canterlot!.” What Cheerliee hadn’t expected, was that Berry decided that that weekend would be the best time, after all, “Alcohol waits for no mare!”

And so it was that Cheerilee found herself in the last place she wanted to be at the weekend, sat alone at the bar of the ‘Wayfarers Shoe’. Loud ponies surrounded her, and her only company was a glass of cider since Berry Punch was currently in the midst of a drinking contest, though judging by the large stallion failing to remain on his hooves, Berry was winning.

’Why did I agree to this? Of course, Berry would get into a drinking contest, and I’ll be the one carrying her to our room no doubt.’

Taking several swigs to finish her current drink, Cheerilee slammed the glass down on the bar, she was about to order another, but another voice cut her off.

“Excuse me, Barkeeper? I would like a cider, Manehatten Orchard if you have it, and perhaps one for this mare if she does not mind.”

Blinking, Cheerilee looked at the pony who had ordered her a drink. A larger-than-average pegasus mare, though shorter than herself, she had gorgeous long pink hair, a snow-white coat, and gorgeous lavender eyes. To say she was stunning would be an understatement. The best response Cheerilee could manage was a muffled squeak, though she managed to nod her agreement to the drink.

“Then two Manehattens please,” said the mare. As the barkeeper went to prepare the drinks the pink-haired mare hopped onto the stool next to Cheerilee and smiled. With an impossibly warm smile the mare turned to Cheerilee, whatever the mare said was lost on her sadly, as she melted from the warmth the mare's smile exuded.

‘Hehe, she’s so pretty, maybe she mistook me for someone else, huh, is she talking? Why is her hoof there?’

Cheerilee followed the mare's hoof, which was waving in front of her. Up down left right left right then.

“Boop,” said the pink-haired mare, as her hoof gently booped Cherilee's nose.

“Ahh, oh sorry, I’m not swear I’m drunk! Err, I’m not drunk I swear! Sorry, I got lost in … thought, and err, I’m sorry, but I didn’t hear a thing you said, could you please start over?”

The mare retracted her hoof, and covered her mouth as she giggled, “I was asking if you wouldn’t mind telling me your name?”

“My name? Oh yes, my name is Cheerilee.”

“It's a pleasure to meet you Cheerilee, I hope you don’t mind me sitting here, is this seat taken?”

“Oh well …” Cheerilee looked for her sister, Berry was visibly showing signs of being tipsy now, the three stallions on the floor though, would definitely regret their decision in the morning, maybe the afternoon.

“No, its occupant is elsewhere.”

Following her eyes, the Pink-haired mare saw the spectacle her sister was creating, and silently let out an ‘ah’.

“I see, she seems to be having fun at least.”

Fortunately, it was at that moment that the barkeeper returned with the two bubbly ciders.

“Your ciders, that will be 5 bits.”

The mare produced 5 bits from a pouch hidden under a wing and thanked the barkeeper as he went to his next customer. After looking at the glass for a strangely long moment, she reached out with a wing and lifted the glass into the air, and waited for Cheerilee to do the same.

“To remembering in the morning, and the aspirin that will follow,” she said. The two clinked their ciders and took a long drink.

It was good, having only had Ponyville Apple Cider before, she was surprised that this drink was almost as good, the apple taste was lacking in comparison, but she enjoyed the fizziness of the drink more than she’d expected.

“I can almost smell the coffee, my sister won't be able to move until I leave a cup under her nose” said Cheerilee, “this is really nice thank you, but don’t tell anyone I drank it, if word gets out I drank cider that wasn’t Apple family I might lose my friends of family discount.”

“Then you can rest easy, this cider is still from the Apple family, it comes from a small orchard outside Manehatten that is exclusively used for cider, but this is the only bar in Canterlot that sells it.”

“Really? Well, I'm glad to hear I won’t have Applejack glaring at me in the street, but is this really the only place that sells it in Canterlot?”

“Sadly, other than the usually quiet atmosphere, it's why this is my favourite bar to visit.”

“Sorry about the drinking contest, I hope we haven’t put too much of a dampener on your night.”

“Not at all, I am glad she is having fun, I would not wish for things to be any other way, as long as there is no trouble, and besides, I seem to have lightened up your evening a little, so that is a win-win in my book.

Lightened up my evening? Cheerilee took a moment to reflect. She’d been alone for most of the evening and would have called it a complete disaster, if not for … oops.

“Sorry, erm, I don’t think I caught your name?”

Before the pink-haired mare could reply, the smell of alcohol enveloped Cheerilee’s senses, providing just enough warning to brace for a drunk mare to drape herself over her back.

“Cheerie *hick*, I’m sorry, but I may have drunk a bit toooo much, could, could you please get me back to the inn? I know where to go but I don’t seem to remember where I am.” Slurred Berry Punch.

Cheerilee sighed, but at least her sister hadn’t tried to get back on her own, “Of course Berry, sorry for leaving without finishing my drink, hopefully, we can speak more next time.”

As Cheerilee was half off her stool, with a mostly catatonic berry over her back, she froze.

’Next time? What do you mean next time!? You don’t even know her name, or live in Canterlot, how could there be a next time!?’

“Sure, how about two in weeks, about an hour after sunset?”

“Oh and my name is Sunny Skies, I look forward to seeing you again Cheerilee.”

“Yeah, see you then.”

The bell chimed behind Cheerilee as she left the Wayfarers Shoe, with the cold mountain air, and a snoring Berry Punch to keep her company, Cheerilee walked back to the Inn, asking herself a single question.

“Did I just get a date?”