• Published 7th Dec 2023
  • 479 Views, 83 Comments

Past & Future - Quillion9000

Flash Sentry made mistakes during his first journey while Spike Armor is just entering the world of pokemon. These two trainers have enrolled in Uva Academy where they shall go on the journey of a lifetime in search of their treasure.

  • ...

Los Platos

The trio of students and two pokemon managed to get down the ledge before walking to the lighthouse. At said location, a girl around Flash’s age was peering inside the building. She had long red and yellow hair, as well as cyan eyes. She wore the autumn uniform as well.

The girl turned before staring unhappily at the two pokemon. “Why those little…” She angrily ran over to confront the pokemon. “What are you two doing out here!?” She then noted the three students. “I’m not talking to you three. Shove off.”

For the third time since they first met, the prior two being tending to the pokemon and rallying to fight Houndoom, Spike and Flash were on the same page. They just shared a look of bewilderment at this girl.

“Wait, I know you.” Nemona spoke up. “Aren’t you, Sunset Shimmer? You’re enrolled in the humanity track, right? Also, aren’t you the daughter of Professors Celestia and Sombra?”

“It doesn’t matter who I’m related to.” Sunset turned to them and shook her head forcefully. “The real issue is what in the world are these pokemon doing out here, and what forms are these!?”

“Spike and I found them at the bottom of a nearby cliff.” Flash answered. “They were hungry, so the two of us fed them some sandwiches.”

“They then led us through Inlet Grotto before we ended up in a rough spot.” Spike nodded in agreement. “They got us out before reverting to these forms.”

“The form Koraidon and Miraidon…” Sunset pointed to the prehistoric and futuristic pokemon in turn. “…take in battle are their true forms.”

“Koraidon and Miraidon?” Spike asked, curiously. “Are those their names? How do you know them?”

The pokemon stared at the lab part of the lighthouse making Sunset shake her head.

“You can’t go into the lab because it’s locked.” She zeroed in on the two guys. “I don’t remember seeing either of you, but those uniforms must mean you attend Uva too. Koraidon and Miraidon can’t be commanded by any old trainers. They’re special.”

“Special how?” Nemona asked. “What sort of pokemon are they?”

Sunset glanced her way for a moment before ignoring her. “If you two think you’re up to ordering them around, then one of you can prove it to me.”

“If you’d give away pokemon like these, then I’ll be your opponent.” Flash stated.

“Look at you, stepping up to the plate.” Sunset rolled up her sleeves. “I’ve been feeling out of sorts lately, so I’ll use this battle to blast the doldrums away!”

Nemona and Spike moved off to the side with the pokemon while Sunset moved back across from Flash. “Go, Lechonk!”

Flash took out his Rotom Phone:

Lechonk, the Hog Pokémon. A Normal type. It searches for food all day. It possesses a keen sense of smell but doesn’t use it for anything other than foraging.

Flash then took out the pokeball of his starter. “I choose you, Quaxly!”

The water starter appeared ready to battle.

Flash vs Sunset
“These memories are leaving a bad taste in my mouth, and I want them gone!” Sunset declared. “Lechonk, use tackle!”

“Quaxly, dodge before using pound.” Flash ordered.

The new student took note of his starter having a sort of rhythmic dodging style. With it, he effortlessly moved around the coming attack before landing a pound on the opposing pokemon’s side. Given this was a less tense situation, he also recalled something similar against Houndoom.

“Quaxly has a sense of rhythm.” Flash nodded. “That’s useful to know.”

“Lechonk, disarming voice.” Sunset commanded.

Lechonk let rip oinking that sent fairy type soundwaves crashing into Quaxly damaging him.

“Quaxly, lean into your way of movement and encircle the pokemon.” Flash instructed.

Quaxly hadn’t expected such an order, but he was happy to follow it. The starter really began moving with a rhythmic style. One could call it a dance, but it was by no means refined. Still, it was getting the job done as Lechonk was having trouble tracking the opponent’s movements.

“What’s Flash doing?” Spike mused, confused once again by the older boy.

“He has an odd, yet fun way of battling!” Nemona thought, now more excited to eventually battle her neighbor.

“I challenged you to a battle, not a dance off.” Sunset voiced firmly.

“Battling is exactly what I’m doing, but if you don’t believe me, try attacking.” Flash challenged.

“Lechonk, show them there’s no place for dancing by tackling that water type.” Sunset ordered.

“Quaxly, don’t let them interrupt your rhythm.” Flash instructed. “Pound your wings into the ground at an angle.”

Quaxly pounded his left wing at the ground while sticking out his right into the air, performing a pose. This was done at the right time as Lechonk, who hadn’t adjusted to this change, ended up running along Quaxly’s wings. Upon running out of wing, she fell to the ground.

“Now, swing your extended wing into the ground and finish this with a pound.” Flash instructed.

Quaxly swung his remaining wing into the ground while pushing off it. While the duckling pokemon wouldn’t catch massive air, it was enough to put him just over the opposing normal type. He then pounded down hard on the hog pokemon.

This sent her crashing to the ground, and she was left with swirls in her eyes. The water type managed to land on his feet. While he had been glad to be chosen as a starter before, he was now overjoyed to have a trainer like Flash; especially if it led to more battles like this.

“Return Lechonk.” As she returned her pokemon, Sunset shook her head in defeat. “Seems you do know a thing or two about battling.”

“Wow, that was awesome Flash.” Nemona complimented.

“Yeah, what exactly was that with Quaxly?” Spike asked.

“Every pokemon has a way they battle.” Flash answered. “If you fight them on it, it’ll stunt the pokemon. Conversely, working with them on it will make your bond and the pokemon much are stronger than they’d be otherwise.”

“Figures I wouldn’t stand a chance using some pokemon I just caught.” Sunset voiced with a sigh as she approached. “If you really think you can take those two over there off my hands, then you’ll need the pokeballs those brutes have been kept in.”

Sunset passed over both to Flash, but he turned to Spike. “Here, you take Miraidon.” He tossed the ball to the guy, surprising him. “Might as well break up the responsibility.”

“Why did YOU have their pokeballs?” Nemona asked.

“Well, do with them as you like since they are now your problem.” Sunset was continuing to ignore Nemona. “Good luck.”

She then took off running from them to the students’ shock.

“What!?” Nemona exclaimed. “Can you not hear me or something?”

“Fairly certain she’s choosing to ignore you.” Spike commented.

“Well fine!” Nemona yelled after Sunset. “Be that way, but you better show up for school!” The girl was gone, leaving the student body president to sigh. “What a weirdo…”

At this point, Koraidon approached Flash while Miraidon approached Spike.

“Well, looks like we’re taking care of these two now.” Spike voiced.

“Seems that way, but if what Sunset said is true, we can’t really battle with them.” Flash added.

They returned the pokemon to their respective pokeballs.

“I bet that Sunset knows more than she let on.” Nemona voiced. “Next time, we’ll battle, and I’ll wring some answers from her.” She then shook her head. “For now, let’s climb the lighthouse.” She looked at the guys with a smile. “I can’t wait to show you two the view.”

Since this is the initial reason why they’d come here, the guys had no problem climbing up the ladder after her.

Atop the Lighthouse
Once up there, the three of them could see the vast ocean, Caba Poco, the path they took, a small town just a little further down the path, wide open space beyond that, and Mesagoza just beyond that space. It was one large city. Perhaps even larger than any city Flash saw prior in Hoenn.

“Look Flash!” Nemona called out to him. “That’s Mesagoza!”

“That is one big city.” Flash commented.

“It sure is.” Spike smiled proudly. “One of the biggest in the world.”

“If you look at that building with the pokeball, that’s Uva Academy.” Nemona informed. “It’s going to be great having you two in the same class.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” Spike responded happily.

“Right? I can’t wait to get back!” Nemona declared. “We’re going to learn so much…and battle so, so, SO much!” She then turned to Flash with a smile. “With a view like this, allow me to say that I officially welcome you to Paldea!”

“You know what, yeah.” Spike agreed. “Welcome to Paldea, Flash.”

Flash walked up to the railing, laid his hands across it, and stared out at the landscape. “There’s a lot of…opportunity.”

Not exactly what the Paldean natives expected to hear from him, but they’d roll with it.

“Anyways, as you can see from here, there’s still quite the hike left before we even get to Mesagoza.” Nemona pointed out the town. “Let’s make for Los Platos first. It is right on the way after all. Vamos, come on you two!”

She was quick to head for the ladder, prompting the guys to follow.

Los Platos
Upon leaving the lighthouse, and making their way to Los Platos, the trio saw some new pokemon among familiar faces from Poco Path. There were Psyduck, Buizel Azurill, Magikarp, and Paldean Whooper near a river which ran under a wooden bridge.

Upon nearing Los Platos, they could see Igglybuff and Fidough. The town itself was rather nice with plenty of homes, stands selling food, and a Pokemon Center. It came with an attached shop carrying all the basic supplies any trainer would need, from potions to pokeballs.

“Over here we have the Pokemon Center.” Nemona voiced. “It’s where you basically take care of anything related to your pokemon, but I should leave the explanation to the pros.”

“Happy to be of service.” Nurse Joy pipped up. “Welcome to the Pokemon Center. I’m here to keep all your pokemon healthy. On my left is the Poke Mart counter where you can buy things like pokeballs and potions.”

“Hello.” The guy greeted. “We accept payment in Pokedollars or League Points(LP). LP is a form of currency only utilized by trainers. The primary way to acquire it is by winning battles, and it’s worth is equivalent to Pokedollars.”

Flash immediately approached the Pokemon Center.

“Hello, welcome to the Pokemon Center.” Nurse Joy greeted with a smile. “Are your pokemon tired and in need of rest?”

“Yes, please heal my pokemon.” Flash voiced, handing over his pokeballs.

Nurse Joy took and inserted them into the machine. Quaxly and Houndoom were fully healed before she gave them back.

“Alright, Quaxly and the rest of your team should be better now.” Nurse Joy nodded. “We hope to see you again.”

Flash then stepped back, allowing the others to heal their pokemon, before taking stock of his medicine and pokeballs pouch. Once he had the count, Flash went about restocking. Nemona and Spike followed suit.

“So, what now?” Spike asked. “Are we going to head up to Mesagoza?”

“If there’s time, I’d like to head back out of Los Platos for a moment and see what I’m dealing with when it comes to Houndoom.” Flash voiced.

“Yeah, there should be plenty of time!” Nemona declared, clearly excitedly. “I’m not just saying that because I want to get a look at that Houndoom up close!”

They started walking that way.

“For all we know, she’ll still be aggressive.” Spike was giving the student president a look. “Please, do be careful.”

South Providence(Area 1)
Now that they were out of Los Platos, and away from people that wouldn’t know what could potentially happen, Flash felt better releasing his first catch. He was also prepared to return her the moment it looked like Houndoom might attack them.

“I choose you, Houndoom!” Flash declared.

The fire/dark type appeared before turning towards Flash. She noticed the boy tense up with her pokeball in hand. That was good since it showed her new trainer was keeping up his intelligence. With this proof apparent, she had no intention of attacking him at least.

Flash obviously didn’t know the pokemon’s thought process, but he could recognize she wouldn’t attack any of them. That seemed like a good sign, so he slowly approached his first capture…only for her to suddenly spin around before laying on the ground, curled up.

“Uh, I didn’t expect that.” Spike commented. “I thought for sure she’d be aggressive.”

“I don’t know about that, but what I will say is that seeing this Houndoom up close cinches it.” Nemona nodded. “She’s a strong member of her species.”

Flash didn’t personally deal with this, but he could remember Brendan, back before the prior journey went downhill, telling him about a Bagon he’d caught. Before he jumped to conclusions, the student would see about getting answers.

“Hey Houndoom, do you accept me as your trainer?” Houndoom rose her head and nodded in the affirmative to Flash’s question. “Let me guess, you won’t listen because I’m not strong enough?”

She nodded again To her, this was only more confirmation that this boy could be her trainer, but his strength, as she saw it, was lacking. After all, he only managed to catch her by teaming up with another human. Now, she wasn’t a naïve Houndour. Houndoom could respect pack tactics.

If Flash wanted to command her, he had to faint her with any one pokemon of his. Until he could best her in combat, she would not heed his orders. Houndoom had no intention of causing trouble; however, she would not battle for him in any capacity.

“Honestly, better than I assumed.” Flash commented.

“Having a pokemon that won’t listen to you…is better than you assumed?” Spike asked.

“I’d say compared to the alternatives of causing trouble and attacking people, this is rather tame.” Flash shrugged. “Besides, it gives me a goal to strive for.”

“That’s the spirit Flash!” Nemona was supportive.

Suddenly, a Fidough ran out from the nearby bush. He had spotted the evolved pokemon and was amazed. He ran right up to the fire/dark type, looking at her with stars in his eyes.

The dark pokemon glanced at him. “Houn?”

“Fid! Fid! Fid!” Fidough jumped, excitedly.

“What’s happening?” Spike asked.

Houndoom snorted and laid her head down. This fairy type wanted her to play with him, but she did not play games these days. It was clear to her that this was a mere pup, especially when compared to her.

Her action only made Fidough leap onto her back. Once there, he stared bouncing up and down to coax the cool, evolved pokemon into playing with him. For the moment, Houndoom was content to ignore him, but that didn’t seem like it’d last.

“I think Fidough wants to play with Houndoom.” Nemona noted.

“Doesn’t seem like Houndoom wants the same.” Flash noticed his pokemon’s growing discomfort and prepared to step in. “I should get him off…”

He didn’t get to finish as Houndoom stood. The sudden motion sent the fairy type falling to the ground with a thud while the evolved pokemon walked a few feet away. Once there, she laid back down again. Being rejected like that made Fidough sad.

“Hm, figures she’d have more patience than I gave her credit for.” Flash crossed his arms. “I mean, she did head that whole Houndour pack.”

Fidough stood up and looked at Houndoom sadly. “Fid…”

He didn’t understand why that pokemon didn’t want to play with him. Seeing this, Spike decided he could play with the pokemon, for at least a few minutes.

“Hey Fidough, would you like to play with me?” Spike questioned.

Hearing that, the fairy type perked up and turned to the trainer excitedly. “Fidough!”

Flash and Nemona were content to watch. Spike didn’t really have any toys on him, but he did have pokeballs. The younger student took one out before placing it on the ground and rolling the object to the pokemon. The wild pokemon saw the sphere and became interested in it.

He sniffed the pokeball before proceeding to bat it around with his paws and chased it around in a game of fetch with himself. It was a rather cute sight. Soon, the pokemon batted the ball over to Spike and sat down expectantly, wanting him to throw it.

Spike smiled as he picked the device up and threw it. The wild pokemon chased after it before jumping to catch it. He ended up pressing the button and was sucked inside. The pokeball fell and shook a couple of times before dinging. The pokemon clearly put-up little resistance.

"Did…I just catch that pokemon?" Spike asked, confused.

“Wow, you really are good at catching pokemon!” Nemona declared. “I never have that kind of luck.”

“Well, some pokemon are more inclined to be captured.” Flash reasoned. “Perhaps you just haven’t found any who had thoughts of potentially being with a trainer, like that Fidough.”

Spike walked over to the pokeball containing his accidental capture and pulled out his Rotom Phone:

Fidough, The Puppy Pokemon. The yeast in Fidough’s breath is useful for cooking, so this Pokémon has been protected by people since long ago.

Type: Fairy

Ability: Own Tempo

Gender: Female

Current Moves: Growl, Tackle, Lick, Tail Whip, Bite

With a new capture, the trio approached Los Platos. This time, they were being followed by a Ralts who seemed transfixed on Flash. At first, the feeling pokemon would have gone the opposite way since, to him, that guy had no positive disposition to speak of.

Before the psychic/fairy type could flee, he picked up on just what he thought this guy lacked. The older boy of the trio did have a positive disposition, but it was buried beneath negative feelings. This had prompted Ralts to follow as he decided on what to do.

“There are two roads out; however, both lead to Mesagoza.” Nemona smiled. “With how you two have been catching pokemon, I want to see if I can manage it myself. I’ll take one of those roads while you two take the other. So, will you go right or straight?”

“I’m fine going along whichever road Flash wants.” Spike declared.

“Then, we’ll take the right road and meet you at the gate.” Flash stated.

Before the trio could part, Ralts darted from his hiding place shocking them. He lept at Flash, with tears in his eyes, and ended up gripping onto his shirt. The sudden motion dislodged one of his pokeballs, which hit the ground, but Flash paid that no mind.

He was merely doing his best to support the psychic/fairy type, allowing him to give a hug. It took a moment to get the full scoop, through his power to feel emotions, but after he did, Ralts felt genuinely sad for Flash. He had no idea what bad this boy had experienced.

The fact that he still had some form of positive disposition left was a miracle. It also likely meant that at one point he’d been a truly positive person who endured a lot to become who he was now. Ralts had effectively decided he had to help this boy, and he would no matter what.

“I’ve only ever seen Ralts cry when they run from people they don’t like.” Nemona voiced. “I’ve never seen one cry like this and attach themselves to the person responsible.”

“At this point, I’m not even surprised a Ralts did come to Flash.” Spike thought. “I’m still confused by what this means, but it’s not surprising.”

“Why would a Ralts ever come to me?” Flash asked himself. “I thought after everything, I’d be a deterrent to practically any psychic pokemon…Then again, Metagross didn’t leave me, but hopefully Brandan can help it move on.”

“Flash, are you alright?” Nemona asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. “You’re looking kind of intently at that Ralts.”

“Uh, yeah I’m fine.” Flash shook his head. “Just give me a minute.”

He then went about running his hand comfortingly along the psychic/fairy type’s back in a soothing manner. It did calm the feeling pokemon down at the same time his gaze settled on the empty pokeball laying on the ground. Seeing this, Ralts sniffled before acting.

He lept from Flash’s arms before rushing over and tapping the pokeball, letting it suck him in. Ralts knew what pokeballs were, so this would ensure he wouldn’t leave the student’s side. He’d be this trainer’s pokemon, and the immediate ding that signified a capture cinched it.

“Huh, congratulations Flash!” Nemona smiled. “I think that beats out how Spike caught Fidough.”

As for Flash, he picked up the pokeball figuring he couldn’t turn the pokemon down. He may have no idea why Ralts would want to be his pokemon, but if he learned anything from his mistakes, it was to respect your pokemon fully.

“Might as well scan it.” Flash thought.

He got out his Rotom Phone:

Ralts, the Feeling Pokémon. It can use the horns on its head to read human emotions. Ralts rarely shows itself to humans but may occasionally approach when it senses positive or happy feelings.

Ability: Synchronize

Gender: Male

Current Moves: Shadow Sneak, Disarming Voice, Growl, Double Team, Confusion, Hypnosis

“Now, I’m even more fired up to catch a pokemon of my own!” Nemona took off running down the road. “I’ll meet you guys at the gate to Mesagoza!”

She did not take long to be out of sight, so Flash put his new pokeball on his belt with the other two. “Alright, let’s…”

“Hey you!” A male voice suddenly called out.

Both boys turned and saw a guy around Flash’s age approaching. He had emerald, green eyes, cobalt blue hair, and a scar across his nose. He wore a no sleeved gray shirt with matching pants, a gray blazer with white trim, and matching boots.

He was looking at Flash which told the student he was the one the guy had been calling out to. “Can I help you?”

“My name is Shadow Lock, and I challenge you to a one-on-one battle.” The guy declared.

“The way this guy looks at me…It’s as though he somehow knows me.” Flash thought.

The student was certain he never met this guy in Hoenn or since moving to Paldea. Given those are the only regions Flash had been to, he knew they’ve never met before. Somehow, he knew this guy was aware of this, yet still knew him in some form.

“Alright, I’ll accept your challenge.” Flash stated.

Spike stepped off to the side while the two trainers backed up, prepared to battle.

“Capsakid, I choose you!” Shadow declared.

Flash took out his Rotom Phone:

Capsakid, the Spicy Pepper Pokemon. Traditional Paldean dishes can be extremely spicy because they include the shed front teeth of Capsakid among their ingredients.

“It also tells me this is a grass type, which isn’t a great match up for Quaxly.” Flash thought. “I could use Ralts, but he was just crying. I should give him a moment before tossing him out.” Considering Houndoom wouldn’t listen to him, he only had one option. “I choose you, Quaxly!”

His starter appeared ready to battle once more.

Flash vs Shadow
“Just like before, move along with the rhythm.” Flash declared.

Just like against Sunset prior, Quaxly began moving in his unrefined style of dance.

“If you will not attack, we shall.” Shadow declared. “Capsakid, use leafage.”

“Dodge it and strike with pound.” Flash commanded.

Capsakid summoned a swirl of leaves and sent them Quaxly’s way; however, the starter deftly avoided them before moving forward. He pounded his wing into the top of grass type’s head disorienting him.

“Now, use bite.” Shadow ordered.

“Quaxly, use pound on the ground to get some air.” Flash instructed. “Then, come down and pound again.”

As Capsakid moved to bite the dancing pokemon, the water type smashed his wings into the ground narrowly avoiding the attack. This resulted in Capsakid faltering and falling to the ground right where Quaxly would land.

As the water starter lined up his wing for pound, Flash noticed the flying type energy which appeared around it. The duckling pokemon’s attack just went from pound to wing attack, so when it nailed the grass type, that was all she wrote. He had been rendered unconscious.

South Providence(Area 1)
“You gave it your best Capsakid, return.” Shadow declared.

Quaxly was now looking at his wings in surprise as Flash approached him with a smile. “Looks like you’re growing well from the battles we’ve been in.”

Quaxly smiled. “Quax!”

Upon seeing Shadow approach, Flash stood. The guy put a hand on his shoulder while shooting him a firm look of determination.

“I don’t care what it takes to stop you.” Shadow whispered seriously, surprising Flash. “I will not let anyone unleash Ruin upon Paldea.”

“W-What?” Flash questioned, only for Shadow to part from him and sprint off back the way he came. “Wait, what are you talking about!?”

Shadow didn’t stop as he took a sharp left and was soon out of sight.

“What did he tell you?” Spike asked, confused, as he approached his fellow student.

“I’m not even sure what to make of what happened, so do I tell anyone about this?” Flash shook his head. “I’m going to have to think on this because that was just confusing.” He ignored Spike’s question to return Quaxly. “You did good, return.”

“Flash?” Spike asked.

Flash breezed past him. “Come on, let’s get to Mesagoza.”

Spike knew whatever that guy said had gotten to Flash in some way, but he didn’t know exactly how. Just like with prior instances, he felt the older student wouldn’t give up any answers. As such, the younger student merely followed.

Author's Note:

I've ultimately decided that Celestia and Sombra will take the place of Sada and Turo here. As such, you can imagine what has already happened to them. As for giving Sunset Lechonk over the Swovet Arven had in canon, I feel it still works.

Lechonk can help Sunset find ingredients, she doesn't store the berries in her cheeks like Skwovet, and Oinkologne ends up with a higher base stat total than Greedent. Then we get to the captures which will be the last ones until after the boys settle in at Uva academy.

To me, Fidough seems like a decent catch for Spike while I feel Ralts can help Flash along on his recovery from the mistakes of the past. Finally, Shadow Lock appears to challenge Flash and alludes to Ruin...Eh, I'm sure that means nothing.