• Published 8th Dec 2023
  • 1,193 Views, 42 Comments

Harmony's Echo - Raikiry

"In the enchanting realm of Equestria, Anon, now a transformed Unicorn endowed with Princess Luna's magical powers, embarks on an unexpected adventure. Guided by the mysterious Luna, he navigates a tapestry of magical encounters and friendship.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Number One what?

Anon, now a white unicorn with a mane as blue as the midnight sky, found himself adrift in a void that seemed to stretch into infinity. He floated aimlessly, his new equine form slowly rotating in a space where up and down had no meaning. "Well, this is a peculiar turn of events," he remarked, his voice echoing softly in the endless expanse.

Looking at his hooves, Anon marveled at how they gently glowed in the void's dim light. "I guess being a unicorn has its perks, even in dreamland," he mused, admiring the ethereal shimmer of his mane.

The surreal situation would have been alarming, but Anon couldn't help but be amused. "I come back to life in a magical world, turn into a unicorn, and now I'm space-floating in a dream. My life's turned into a fantasy novel, and I'm not even the author!"

He attempted a few experimental strokes with his hooves, trying to swim through the air. Unfortunately, his movements only resulted in a comical display of ungainly somersaults. "Note to self: unicorn hooves are not great for space swimming," he concluded with a chuckle.

Remembering his last conscious moment snugly in bed, Anon's expression turned thoughtful. "One minute I'm in the Ponyville Inn, ready for a well-deserved nap, and the next, I'm here in... dream space? Or is it space dream? Does it even matter?"

Trying to make the best of the situation, Anon flapped his hooves, pretending to be a bird. Though he remained stubbornly stationary, the absurdity of flapping around like a winged creature in a dream void made him laugh.

As he embraced the peculiar tranquility of the void, Anon's imagination began to wander. "If this is a dream, maybe I'll encounter a star that tells jokes, or a moon that sings lullabies," he said, already planning how he'd narrate this bizarre adventure in his next podcast.

Floating in the serene, starless void, Anon, the midnight-maned unicorn, awaited whatever whimsical oddity the dream would present next, a contented smile playing on his lips.

As Anon continued to float aimlessly in the void, his tranquil drifting was interrupted by a slight bump. Startled, he blinked a few times and looked up, only to find himself face-to-face with none other than the Princess of the Night herself, Luna.

He squinted, his eyes adjusting to her ethereal form in the dim void. A wave of recognition washed over him, and he remembered — she was the only pony capable of orchestrating such a dreamlike encounter. Without uttering a word, he nodded respectfully at the princess, acknowledging her presence in his peculiar dreamspace.

Determined to escape the awkwardness of the situation, Anon comically began to 'swim' away from the princess. His hooves paddled through the nothingness, but his efforts only resulted in a slow, almost imperceptible retreat.

Princess Luna watched him with a raised eyebrow, a hint of amusement playing across her features. She observed his futile attempts to distance himself, her gaze following his slow, graceless strokes through the void.

Anon, realizing the futility of his actions but too committed to stop, continued his exaggerated swimming motions. "Just casually swimming away from a princess in a dream. Nothing out of the ordinary here," he quipped to himself, a sheepish grin spreading across his face.

In this strange, boundless dreamscape, with the princess of the night observing his comical escape attempt, Anon couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. It was a surreal experience, one that he knew would make an unforgettable story for his next podcast — if only he could figure out how to gracefully exit the scene

As Luna's magical grasp gently steadied Anon in the midst of the void, she regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and authority. "Pray tell, how dost thou find thyself within our dream realm?" she inquired, her voice echoing with a regal resonance.

Anon, upon hearing her question, paused and glanced around, as if only now realizing the peculiarity of his surroundings. With a comically exaggerated expression of surprise, he exclaimed, "Wait, this is your dream? Oh, I see! The void theme, very chic, very... minimalistic. Is this the latest trend in royal dreams?"

Luna's expression remained unamused at Anon's attempt at humor. She gave him a look that managed to convey both royal dignity and a hint of exasperation. "We are not amused," she stated flatly. "Thou art evading our question. It is most unusual for one such as thee to wander into our dream unbidden."

Anon's grin faltered slightly under her stern gaze. "Well, to be honest, Princess, I have no idea how I got here. One minute I'm in bed, trying to get some shut-eye, and the next, I'm here floating in... well, whatever this is."

Luna observed him for a moment, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "Indeed, it is a rarity for one to cross into the dreams of another without invitation, especially into the dreams of a princess," she mused. "We must ponder this occurrence."

Anon, now realizing the gravity of the situation, rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah, about that... Sorry for crashing the royal dream. Wasn't exactly on my to-do list for the night."

The void around them seemed to pulse gently, as if reacting to their exchange. Luna continued to study Anon with a gaze that seemed to pierce through the dream, hinting at the deeper mysteries that lay beneath their whimsical conversation.

As Luna's intense gaze pierced through the void, her voice resonated with a hint of suspicion. "Anon, there is an aura about thee, a familiarity in thy magic that piques our curiosity," she stated, her tone reflecting her growing intrigue. "Canst thou explain this connection?"

Anon, realizing the gravity of her query and recalling the secret he was sworn to keep, quickly fabricated a response. "Magic? Oh, that must be the... uh, Ponyville magic! Yes, I've been told it's quite infectious," he said, forcing a nervous chuckle, hoping his vague answer would suffice.

Luna, however, seemed unconvinced. "Ponyville magic, thou sayest?" she echoed skeptically, her voice amplifying slightly in the dream's expanse. "We are not familiar with such a term. Explain further."

Caught off guard by her persistence and the booming volume of her voice, Anon struggled to maintain his composure. He clasped his hooves over his ears, trying to think of another diversion. "It's just a saying, you know? I'm still new around here, trying to get the hang of all this magical stuff. But honestly, I don't know much about any specific magic."

Luna's expression softened, but her eyes still held a flicker of doubt. She seemed to ponder his words, the dream void mirroring her contemplative state. "Thy words are curious, Anon. We sense a deeper magic within thee, one that is not merely the result of being in Ponyville."

Anon's mind raced as he tried to navigate the conversation, steering away from the truth about Luna's role in his arrival in Equestria. "I wish I could explain it, Princess. But really, I'm as baffled as you are. Maybe it's just a quirk of being... well, me?"

The dream void swirled around them, almost as if reflecting Anon's inner turmoil and Luna's lingering suspicions. Anon felt a growing sense of unease, realizing that Luna's questions were leading them closer to a truth he wasn't ready to reveal. As the princess continued to observe him, Anon knew he had to tread carefully, balancing on the fine line between revelation and secrecy.

Anon met Luna's authoritative gaze, sensing the weight of her thousand-year absence in her eyes. He sighed softly, realizing he needed to soften the atmosphere somehow. In his mind, he fondly recalled the gentler Luna he had first encountered, the one who had introduced herself with such politeness and grace. That memory stood in stark contrast to the imposing figure before him now.

Lost in his thoughts, Anon began to mutter under his breath, reminiscing aloud without realizing it. "I miss the other Luna, the one who wasn't so... you know, intense. She had a way of making you feel at ease," he whispered to himself, his words a quiet soliloquy in the void.

Luna's eyebrow arched in confusion as she caught snippets of Anon's whispers. "What dost thou speak of, Anon? Who is this 'other Luna' thou referrest to?" Her voice, tinged with a mix of curiosity and bewilderment, echoed softly around them.

Anon snapped out of his reverie, realizing he had spoken his thoughts out loud. He chuckled nervously, trying to brush off his inadvertent slip. "Oh, nothing, just thinking out loud. You know, sometimes I talk to myself to sort out my thoughts. It's a... Pony thing."

Luna studied him for a moment, her expression softening slightly. "Indeed, we have observed such peculiarities among mortals. However, thy words intrigue us. Speak plainly, Anon. What is it that troubles thee?"

Anon hesitated, caught between his desire to be honest and his obligation to keep Luna's role in his arrival a secret. "Well, it's just that everything's been a whirlwind since I got here. Meeting princesses in dream realms wasn't exactly in my life plan. But here I am, talking to you, and it's a bit overwhelming, to be honest."

The void around them shimmered in response to his words, reflecting the ebb and flow of their conversation. Luna nodded thoughtfully, a hint of understanding dawning in her eyes. "We can appreciate the strangeness of thy situation, Anon. Equestria can be a land of wonders and perplexities. Thou art navigating it as best thou can."

Anon felt a sense of relief wash over him, grateful for Luna's empathy. The dream void seemed to brighten slightly, the tension dissipating as understanding took its place. For now, his secret was safe, and the princess of the night seemed content with his explanation.

Luna, observing Anon in the void, addressed him with a renewed sense of intrigue. "Anon, thou possesseth a magic most potent, for thou hast traversed into the realm of dreams, even unto mine own. This is no small feat," she declared, her eyes reflecting a mixture of awe and curiosity.

Upon hearing Luna's comment about the unusual potency of his magic, Anon glanced down at his hooves in surprise and curiosity. "Powerful magic? In little old me?" he muttered, half to himself. Then, struck by a whimsical thought, he whispered with a grin, "I'm Doctor Strange," and began theatrically swirling his hooves, mimicking the iconic gestures of the sorcerer he admired in fiction.

With exaggerated flair, he pronounced, "Behold the mystical might of Anon, master of the arcane arts!" His hooves moved through the air, tracing invisible patterns and shapes, as he enacted a comical imitation of spellcasting.

Luna watched this curious display with a mix of astonishment and amusement. "What art thou doing, Anon?" she inquired, her voice tinged with confusion and a hint of laughter. "Is this some manner of Equestrian sorcery?"

Realizing the comedic absurdity of his actions, especially in front of the Princess of the Night, Anon couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Oh, no, it's nothing like that, Princess," he replied, trying to compose himself. "Just a bit of fun, imagining I'm a wizard from a story I know. Nothing serious, I assure you."

The dream void around them seemed to respond to the lighthearted mood, the earlier tension dissipating into a more playful atmosphere. Anon's humor, albeit peculiar to Luna, had brought a much-needed levity to their encounter.

"So, about this powerful magic you mentioned," Anon continued, still smiling from his earlier jest. "I'm honestly not sure what you mean. But if it lets me explore dream realms like this, I suppose I'm all for it!"

Luna's expression softened into a genuine smile, the solemnity of their earlier conversation giving way to a shared sense of camaraderie. "Thou art indeed a unique presence, Anon," Luna observed, her tone warm and friendly. "Thy light-hearted spirit is a rare quality here."

In the dream void, a realm typically marked by deeper, more introspective encounters, Anon's playful antics had succeeded in creating a bond of mutual understanding and amusement between him and the princess.

The smile on the face of the Princess of the Night widened, a spark of inspiration lighting up her eyes. "Anon," she began, her voice tinged with excitement, "since thou art unaware of the extent and nature of thy magic, I propose an offer. Wouldst thou consider becoming our number one student?"

Anon, taken aback by the unexpected proposition, blinked in confusion. Words failed him as he processed the gravity of what Luna was suggesting. He stared at her, trying to find an appropriate response, but found himself speechless.

He observed Luna's smile, one that conveyed not only joy but also a sense of purpose. "If my sister, Celestia, can have a student, then why not I?" Luna mused aloud, her voice echoing softly in the dream void. "Thou art a unique individual, Anon, with a magic yet untapped. It would be our honor to guide thee in understanding and mastering it."

Anon, still floating in the dream, felt a mix of emotions wash over him. The idea of being tutored by a princess, let alone the Princess of the Night, was both daunting and exhilarating. His mind raced with the possibilities and responsibilities that such a role would entail.

"Me? Your student?" he finally managed to stammer, his voice laced with disbelief. "I mean, that's a huge honor, Princess Luna, but I'm not even sure I'm cut out for... well, magic."

Luna's expression remained gentle yet encouraging. "Fear not, Anon. We believe in thee. Thou hast shown great potential, and with our guidance, thou canst achieve much. Besides," she added with a playful glint in her eye, "it would provide an excellent opportunity for thee to explore more than just dream realms."

Anon, despite his initial hesitation, felt a growing sense of curiosity and excitement at the prospect. "Well, when you put it like that, how can I say no to learning magic from a princess?" he said with a tentative smile, the idea slowly taking root in his mind.

The dream void around them seemed to shimmer in agreement, as if affirming Luna's decision. Before Luna could elaborate further on her offer, a thought seemed to strike her, and her expression turned inquisitive. "Anon, wait a moment," she interjected. "Thou mentioned earlier a wizard from a story thou knowest. What tale is this? We find ourselves curious about the stories of other realms."

Anon froze, realizing that his earlier whimsical comment about Doctor Strange might have sparked an unexpected interest in Luna. He scrambled mentally for a way to divert the conversation, aware that explaining a fictional character from Earth might lead to more questions than he was prepared to answer.

"Oh, that? It's just a silly tale, really. Nothing worth mentioning," Anon replied, trying to sound nonchalant, hoping Luna would drop the subject.

However, Luna's curiosity only seemed to deepen. "Nay, Anon. We would hear more of this wizard," she insisted gently but firmly. "Stories hold power and wisdom. Perhaps there is something in this tale that might aid thee in thy magical journey."

Anon could sense Luna's genuine interest and realized that avoiding the topic was only making her more curious. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Well, it's about this wizard who... um, uses magic to protect his world. He's quite powerful, and... and he has a cape!" Anon added, grasping at straws.

Luna listened intently, her eyes lighting up with fascination. "A protector of worlds, thou sayest? And a cape? Such attire is most uncommon for wizards in our land. Do continue, Anon. This wizard sounds like a character of great intrigue."

Anon, caught in his own web of half-truths, sighed internally. He had hoped to keep his knowledge of Earth's fiction to himself, but Luna's persistent curiosity left him little choice. "Alright, I'll tell you more about him. But it's just a story, remember that," he said, resigning himself to the task of recounting a version of Doctor Strange's tale that would satisfy Luna's curiosity without revealing too much about his own origins.

As he began to weave a narrative, the dream void around them seemed to listen, the very essence of the realm hanging on his every word. Anon couldn't help but wonder if this story might somehow shape his own magical education under Luna's guidance.

Anon, with a flair for improvisation, recounted the entire plot of "Doctor Strange," carefully altering key details. He renamed the protagonist 'Starstride,' transforming Steven Strange's journey into a mystical tale fit for Equestria. As he narrated, he skillfully avoided any references to humans or Earth, spinning a story that could exist within the realms of magical lore known to Luna.

Throughout his storytelling, Anon was meticulous, ensuring every character and event was seamlessly woven into a narrative that Luna would find believable and captivating. He detailed Starstride's transformation into Doctor Strange, his mastery of the mystic arts, and his valiant efforts to protect his world. As the story unfolded, Anon was quietly impressed with himself for managing to recount the entire movie with such detail and creativity.

Luna listened intently, her fascination growing with each twist and turn of the tale. She was utterly engrossed by the story of Starstride, his trials, and his rise to become a powerful wizard. "Such a wondrous tale," she remarked, her eyes alight with wonder. "Thou hast a gift for storytelling, Anon. But tell us, how didst thou come upon such an extraordinary story?"

Caught off guard by her question, Anon felt a bead of sweat trickle down his forehead. He averted his gaze, searching for a plausible explanation. "Oh, that story? Well, it's... it's something I came up with," he stammered, hoping his lie would suffice. Under his breath, he whispered a silent apology to Stan Lee for taking credit for the iconic tale.

Luna seemed to accept his answer, though Anon could sense a glimmer of curiosity still lingering in her eyes. "Thou art truly creative, Anon. A tale such as this is rare and speaks of a deep understanding of magic and its complexities. We are most impressed."

Anon breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that his impromptu storytelling had been well-received, yet feeling a twinge of guilt for bending the truth. As Luna continued to express her admiration for the story, Anon couldn't help but feel that this experience would somehow contribute to his understanding of magic in Equestria, under Luna's tutelage.

The dream void around them seemed to pulse with the energy of the tale, a testament to the power of storytelling, even in a realm as enigmatic as the dreamscape.

As Luna checked an imaginary celestial watch, she announced with a sense of official duty, "It's time for me to lower the moon. Celestia's probably tapping her hoof waiting for her turn with the sun."

Anon gave a knowing nod. "Yeah, can't keep the big ball of light waiting, right? Duty calls!" He grinned, understanding the importance of the sisters' celestial dance.

Luna's expression then shifted from celestial duty to excited anticipation. "Oh, and Anon, I'm positively thrilled to start teaching you magic! You're officially my number one night student!" she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with the prospect of their magical journey.

Anon's eyes widened as he remembered her earlier offer. "Oh, right, the magic lessons," he stammered, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible while internally panicking.

Before Anon could articulate his jumbled thoughts, Luna's voice filled the void, booming with regal excitement. "Prepare for an adventure in magic, Anon! Our first lesson starts tomorrow night!" And just like that, she vanished, leaving Anon floating in the now-quiet dream void.

Anon blinked a few times, processing her abrupt exit. "Well, that escalated quickly," he mumbled to himself. "One minute I'm learning about Equestria, and the next, I'm enrolled in Luna's Night School for Gifted Unicorns. Talk about an unconventional curriculum."

He sighed, a wry smile forming on his face. "I was aiming for a low-key life, maybe grow a few magical plants, learn a light spell or two. But nope, I'm on track to become Princess Luna's star pupil."

The void began to fade, signaling the end of the dream. Anon prepared to wake up, his mind already racing with thoughts of what these lessons might entail. "Guess I should start practicing my 'oohs' and 'aahs' for my first magic trick. Maybe I'll even get a wizard hat. Do they have wizard hats in Equestria?"

With a mix of trepidation and amusement, Anon awaited the new day and the new chapter of his life in Equestria – as the unexpected protégé of the Princess of the Night.