• Published 12th Dec 2023
  • 739 Views, 14 Comments

Repeat, Die, Live - Hidden_Night

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Guardhouse Captive

It’s only been a few minutes, the water slowly stirring in the toilet. The cool air conditioning keeping him nice and calm. The sounds of scared ponies when they walk by the Sheriff office. The sounds of the ticking clock in the room mixed with the silence was hell.

“Izzy ain’t coming for me is she? I was at least expecting some spy activities, but without magic.” He lowers his head as he remembers having zero magic. “I’m pretty much just a dude who seen it all.” He began to pace the small area around him, walking back and forth, to and fro in the cell. The outside looks wonderful at this point. A modern society, it’s been ages since he has been in one. The electricity, the luxuries, the computers, and no futuristic bullshit to slow him down.

His eyes look over at the computer on the sheriff’s desk, he couldn’t see what was on the screen, but it was good to know that there was something he could probably hack into.

His concentration was broken when the door opened. Two stallions walked in, one red with what looks like a beet root on his cutie mark, and the other was a handsome yellow devil with a badge featuring a horseshoe.

“Ah! The unicorn is in here!” The red one yelled and promptly slammed his head into the door. Anonymous chuckled softly in amusement.

“Relax Sprout. He’s got the shield on.” The yellow guy pulls Sprout off the ground with his teeth by the scruff of sprout’s neck.

“What if it doesn’t work. Hold on, I think I have some spare mind blocking devices at home.” He was about to take off, but the yellow guy stops him.

“Sprout, we need someone to stay in the Sheriff’s office to watch the prisoner while I go get Sunny home.”

Sprout looks at Anonynous who just flatly stares back, this shakes him slightly and he got an idea. “Wait, we can interrogate the unicorn! He must have something to do with Sunny. Maybe his friend is the one mind controlling her.”

“Good idea. Unicorn.” The yellow guy gets behind his counter and draws a notebook. He also grabs shoulder bag. “Gonna need these…” He mutters to himself, now approaching and sitting down in front of the jail cell. “Talk.”

“I have a name.” Anonymous frowned at this, he was being interrogated.

“Well what is it?” The sheriff pulled a pen from the spine of the notebook and began to write something.


“We can’t have that,” he shook his head at the name, “what is your actual name?”

“That is my actual name.”

“Really? Unicorns have such strange names.”

“Sure, I’ll be the judge of names when I hear yours.”


“Like a post?”


“Huh, neat.”

Hitch gave his own grumpy expression at the scene. “Great, are you going to talk?”

“Why would I?” Anonymous turned his head to the yellow fellow and sat down in front of him. “You’re the one who unfairly captured me.”

“We are simply doing what is best for Maretime Bay.”

“Right, capturing a helpless unicorn is totally helping. I don’t even know what crimes I’ve committed.”

“Well uh…you’re trespassing.”

“It’s a public area.”

“Well you’re were loitering.”

He looks outside and noticed some benches “Staring at the sea with benches around doesn’t really count as loitering.”

“We can’t okay, the other ponies are terrified over you.” Anonymous can notice the annoyance within Hitch, but he was controlling his frustrations. Then the annoyance filled out, as he lets out a breath. “This is the only way we can get the town to relax. I’m sorry if this troubling for you, but we have a town to look after and care for. We can’t have a unicorn running around taking ponies.”

“We were trying to make friends.” Anonymous looked at Hitch, he never respected the police. It was always about the majority and never about the little guys. He couldn’t control his emotions, not as well as Hitch. “I thought friendship was magic around these parts and apparently I get locked up for trying to extend my hoof to another pony. It feels this town just fears others for what reason? A horn?”

Hitch looked a little downcast, the frustrations from the unicorn was not unfounded. His heart feels stuck in place. “I…look. I’m not responsible for every pony. I do what I can.”

“I know you are, that’s what’s making me angry. I just don’t get it.” Anonymous was on the brink of telling, but he stopped himself suddenly. As he lowers his head he could only softly lament, “Everyone was so friendly before.”

“What do you mean before? Don’t tell me you’re into that friendship business like Sunny. Is that why you’re here? To bring that friendship and unity.” He stagnated on the last three words, almost as if he didn’t want to denounce them.

Anonymous looked up at him, he was looking doubtful. This information could prove use. His ideas run wild with a simple thought, try to recruit the sheriff into his side. If friendship was held in the same value as the other horse world, this could be good. “Well, it was a lot better than what we have now. We had friends, we cared for eachother, we didn’t have that fear. It was beautiful.”

“I…Anonymous. You seem to know about this friendship stuff more than me, do you think maybe I drove away Sunny to run off with that other unicorn?”

He now knows the name of the earth pony that saved his friend. Sunny, like a nice warm day. He likes it, it’s the most normal Pony name he has heard so far. “Most likely. Izzy may have just been a friend I known for all of a day, but she is still a friend. Whatever they may do might just be right, or at least make them happy. To make a friend without being seen as a monster.”

“Right.” Hitch looks away and hides his notebook into his shoulder bag. “Look. I’m not proud of this, but I’ll have Sprout here to watch over you.” Hitch turns around only to find Sprout has left the building. “Great just great. Well I can’t leave you unsupervised. Unicorn you’re coming with me?”

“On what? Parole?” Anonymous looked up only to see his cell door slide open.

“Yep. Here’s the deal, we get our friends back, then we can go home. Okay?”

“Fair enough deal.” Anonymous holds his hoof up. “Bump?”

“Uhhh….no. We have to go, Sunny may be getting farther and farther.” Hitch walks to the door and stops himself. “Right right right.” He quickly slides back and slaps a badge onto Anonymous. When the recipient looked at the badge it simply said ‘On Parole’ with handcuffs underneath. “Almost forgot. Now let’s go.”

“Right.” Anonymous smiles and gets out of the cell room, following after Hitch they both run off. The other ponies still scream and quickly get into hiding when they see Anonymous, but Hitch had to quiet them down.

As they run Hitch spots a familiar red pony. “Sprout keep the town save we’ll be back!”

“We? What do you mean we?!” Sprout yells as the two run off to find their friends.

“You know. This is pretty exiting already. Solving racism…” Anonymous mutters to himself, smiling at the quest.

“What you muttering to yourself? Trying to cast a spell on me?”

“Nah. Even if I did, I wouldn’t announce it!”

“Sure you would! Thats how magic works.”

“Suuuuure.” Anonymous rolled his eyes as the two run.

The brick roads get replaced by a dirt path, then the dirt patch slowly looses itself and becomes simply grass. Having seen the rocky landscape before, but the other side is just as equally pleasant to look at. This was going to be a fun journey.

“So, sheriff, where do you…what are you doing?” Anonymous simply looked at the sheriff as he just stopped in his tracks and hopped onto his stomach, inspecting the ground. “Hmmmm. They’re going straight east. That means they’re…heading to the Pegasi.”

“Huh, I guess that would be a trifecta if they find one of them.” Anonymous looked over to the east. In the distance he could see mountains that span up high. The clouds that have formed on the tip of the mountain range looked artificial. Anonymous could only suspect they were holding magic.

“Cmon, I can’t keep you out of sight.” Hitch turns and motions his head for Anonymous to follow.

“I know I know. Hold your horses.”

“What does that mean?”

“Right, I forgot about that. So you see.”

This sheriff was innocent, and he unfairly locked him up. A little revenge is in order.

Author's Note:


I feel like I’m getting better at writing. Let’s do this.