• Published 18th Dec 2023
  • 2,102 Views, 158 Comments

Born Under Silver Moon Light - David Silver

Luna was ready to cast aside her shame and guilts. It was with the help of so many that she could stand up to it. Why is it still there, now dependent on her? Luna resolves to care for this new foal. She created it. It is her, if one thinks about it.

  • ...

4 - Firm Resolve

Crescent waggled her bottom like a cat preparing to pounce. Her target was clear before her, tall and imposing. The gold-armored guardian of the castle was standing perfectly still. They had been for what felt like forever. It was time to fix that!

With a squeak of a battle cry, she charged out from around the corner, several floating playswords around her. "I challenge you!" she screamed at the guard, taking up a battle stance. "En-guarde!"

The guard blinked with amazement at the little filly that had just challenged him. "Um..."

The other guard standing on the other side of the same door snickered at the whole thing. "You better answer her, or she'll win before you even start."

"I'm... She's somepony I should be protecting, not fighting..."

"You can protect me." She bopped the poor guard on the chest with a curved foam rapier. "By playing. C'mon!"

The guard eyed her uncertainly, shifting his stance. "I...don't think mock combat is exactly in my job description as part of the royal guard. Though I appreciate your enthusiasm."

Crescent's ears drooped at his stilted response, and his fellow guard elbowed him. "Aw c'mon now. How can you say no to that little face?" He grinned down at Crescent. "Tell ya what, squirt - since my buddy here is too stiff to play, how'd ya like to challenge me instead? Been getting kinda bored on duty anyhow."

Crescent cocked her head. "Both of you, play!"

With a dramatic flourish, she magically passed them each a foam play blade, keeping a small stave for herself. The guards exchanged a bemused glance, but obliged by taking up ridiculously exaggerated dueling stances. Crescent squeaked in glee.

"Ready? En garde!" Both guards jumped as with a flash of her tiny horn, Crescent appeared suddenly perched atop one's helmet. "I got you! Point for me!"

Despite themselves, the two formerly stoic guards soon dissolved into breathless laughter trying to "fight" their small assailant flashing to and fro with youthful glee. Her joy was irresistible. And when Celestia later passed that hall and spotted each guard sporting brightly braided mane bows bestowed as their "defeat decorations," even she couldn't help an indulgent chuckle.

She crouched down, sinking into a pony loaf. It was closer to Crescent's level, though still quite tall. "Little one, you seem to have defeated my guards thoroughly. When did you become such a fierce combatant?"

Crescent charged up to Celestia with a bright smile. "When I was bored."

Celestia inclined her head. "I appreciate your honesty. Boredom can drive a pony to great ends, hm. You need something to do during the day, when your other half slumbers, besides torturing--playing with my guards."

She rost to her hooves, golden magic plucking up Crescent. "You are a curious case. Sending you to a foal's school feels silly. You already know all of that... An adult school might bore you... So." She brought Crescent in close, bumping noses. "I'll just ask. What would you like to do, little one?"

Crescent scrunched up her snout, considering the question with great solemnity. Her young face soon smoothed out as inspiration struck.

"I wanna help ponies! Like Mama Luna does at night. Can I do that during the day?" She squirmed eagerly in Celestia's magical grip.

The sunlight princess blinked thoughtfully. "Well, I and many others do strive to aid ponies across our land daily, though perhaps not in the same dreamwalking capacity..."

At Crescent's crestfallen look, she hastily added, "But I don't see why we couldn't find a special role for you as well, little niece!"

She tapped a hoof to her chin. "Let's see...as a young messenger, you could swiftly bring word of developing situations to myself and other leaders..."

Crescent made a face. "That's boring! I wanna do something fun and cool to REALLY make ponies happy!"

Celestia laughed. "Of course, I should have expected as much. Hmm..." Her brow furrowed, then smoothed in inspiration. "Well, I was just about to attend the debut of several young performing unicorns in town. Their magic act could certainly use an adorable assistant! What say you?"

Crescent's eyes grew huge and round. "I get to be...a magic show pony?!" Her wings buzzed in sheer excitement.

Chuckling at the endearing reaction, Celestia nodded. "If you promise to be on your best behavior, I see no reason why not." Though privately, she suspected Crescent's involvement would turn the quaint magic act into something far more rambunctiously spectacular.

Trixie could not have predicted it. She was barking commands at the others that had the misfortune of being tasked to put on a performance alongside her. "This is why Trixie normally performs alone," she grumbled, arms crossed, one hoof wobbling. "What does it take to get ponies to get it right...?"

She perked as Celestia came into view. "Oh, my client." She got a brilliant smile. "Hello and welcome. We are on track to put on the best..." She trailed off, noticing Celestia had a floating pony next to her. "Who is that?"

Celestia put Crescent down gently to the filly's happy squeal. "This is Crescent. She would like to assist you in the performance. She can help with setting up, and the magic itself. Despite her appearance, she is quite skilled at magic. Treat her seriously." She leaned in. "But not too seriously."

Trixie's eyes bulged as she took in the beaming mini-princess prancing at Celestia's side. Crescent was waving eagerly to the bemused members of Trixie's makeshift magic troupe.

"Her... assist us? Surely your majesty jests!" Trixie huffed in offended pique. "I cannot have some random toddler meddling with my masterful performance!" She struck a pose more accurately described as melodramatic. "Why, I am the incomparably talented Trixie! Trixie alone provides all the stage magic anypony could require!"

Several of the assembled unicorns audibly facehooved. Their "leader's" ego was clearly bruised at the very prospect of relying on another.

But Crescent just cocked her head, smile dimming only slightly. "But...but more magic means a reeeally good show to make ponies happy! I can do cool stuff, Miss Trixie, I promise!"

Trixie started to issue another scathing retort when Celestia gave a delicate cough.

"Do reconsider, Miss Trixie," the solar diarch advised in a mild tone backed by eons of authority. "I can personally attest that Crescent's skills would prove most...valuable to your performance."

Gulping at the unspoken order, Trixie tugged nervously at her hat before sighing. "Oh, very well. I suppose even Trixie knows when one extra unicorn - " She eyed Crescent doubtfully - "...filly could conceivably enhance my - er, our efforts."

"Yay!" Crescent cheered, rushing forward to hug a frozen Trixie's leg. "We're gonna be the bestest magical team ever!"

And seeing the tiny pony already dashing around animatedly showing off bursts of light to entertain the others, Trixie had to wonder if she'd just signed away top billing to this dazzling upstart foal. "Alright, let's get to work." She frowned at Crescent. "If you're to assist Trixie, you better be serious."

"Nope." Crescent turned to face Trixie directly. "Why be serious about a magic show? We want ponies to cheer and be dazzled, not serious."

Trixie clopped a hoof to her face. "Trixie meant you need to be serious, to make ponies later filled with wonder and amazement. Magic shows take work to get to that later payoff. You can't just skip that. If you want the rewards, you have to work for it." She rolled a hoof slowly. "Do you understand?"


Trixie blinked. "Trixie did... not expect you to just agree like that."

Celestia smiled as she turned away. "Sounds like you will get along. I look forward to seeing this show, hm." And off she walked at her usual stately gait to other business.

As Celestia departed, Trixie eyed her new mini assistant critically. "Well, you certainly manage to charm ponies into cooperating, I'll grant you that much."

She trotted over to dig through a large prop chest, levitating out various bottles and wands. "Can you actually do any real magic though, or are parlor tricks all you have to entertain foals your own age?"

Crescent just smiled indulgently, horn lighting up. Trixie yelped as suddenly the various objects floated out of her magical grip, swirling themselves into an intricate juggling pattern high overhead.

"I can do lots!" Crescent declared cheerfully. "Wanna see something REALLY fun?"

Before Trixie could respond, the props abruptly vanished, only to reappear orbiting the head of a very confused strongpony assistant. With a flash, his costume transformed into a glittery cape and tall hat.

"Ta da! You're a magician now too!" Crescent cheered. She turned eagerly back to Trixie. "What other neat tricks can we do?"

Trixie felt her eye twitching again at being so casually shown up by this foal. But the delighted laughter of her cohorts gave her pause. And she had to admit, the little one had...potential.

With a huff, Trixie swept her star-dappled cape around herself imperiously. "Hmph! Yes well, I suppose proper training could help you build adequate skills to not drag down Trixie's act."

She levitated a mini cape and hat to adorn Crescent as well. "If you wish to be my magical protege, pay close attention to my instructions!"

And despite herself, Trixie felt a smile tugging at her lips in anticipation of what flashy feats her new tiny partner might bring to the stage. She began giving orders, but Crescent really did seem to be paying attention. Unlike her other assistants, Crescent immediately rushed to get everything Trixie asked for. The filly really wanted to hear her directions on how each step would go and why.

"You must watch." Trixie took up her place, standing tall and ready to be center stage. "The moment Trixie makes this signal." It was a subtle thing, easy to miss if one wasn't looking for it. "That's when you do your part. I know you want to be bright, so be bright, all the sparkles you can. That will distract them, and let Trixie move on to the next part..."

Crescent listened with rapt focus as Trixie continued explaining their act, absorbing each detail with a serious little nod. The showmare had to admit it made for a refreshing change from her hapless usual assistants.

When Trixie finally finished mapping out the ambitious performance, Crescent surprised her by letting out an excited squee. "Oooh, this is gonna be so amazing! Those ponies are gonna be so so happy and wowed thanks to you, Miss Trixie!"

She rushed forward to hug Trixie's leg, gazing up admiringly. "You're the bestest show teacher ever! I can't wait!"

Trixie felt an odd flutter in her chest at the open adulation from her tiny fan. She coughed, quickly schooled her features back to a haughty smirk.

"Yes, well, of course! Trixie accepts only the most spectacular of proteges." She ruffled Crescent's mane indulgently. "And I expect flawless execution of your role, little one."

Crescent sprang back, snapping off a salute. "Aye aye, Captain Trixie!" Her horn flashed, bathing her in a swirling aura of glitter and stars. "Crescent the Crescent is ready for her shiny spotlight!"

Privately, Trixie thought the glowing filly might try to upstage even her before long. But for today, she had to admit that prospect filled her more with anticipation than ire now.

"Very well then!" Trixie spun dramatically towards the makeshift stage. "Let's give them a real show!"

And Crescent's excited cheer told her this was merely the start of a fabulous and luminous partnership.

As a positive side effect, the other ponies working on the stage cheered. With Trixie's ire not directed at any of them directly for a precious hour she had been busy working with Crescent, they had gotten their parts done. Sometimes the best solution was to shut up.

Trixie had not yet learned that leadership skill. The show would go on, the whole cast feeling better about the prospect of it than they had before the little princess had joined them.

Author's Note:

The show must go on!

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