• Published 10th Feb 2024
  • 409 Views, 6 Comments

What did I do wrong? - Void Streak

Scootaloo lives in a constant state of abuse from her own father.

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Chapter 1

Scootaloo was sitting on her mattress, which lay on the floor, in the fetal position. She was covering her mouth to stifle the sobs that were threatening to break through. If her father heard her make any noise then he would punish her.

Suddenly her belly rumbled, as she looked down at her starved body, her ribcage clearly showing. She was so hungry but she had no way of getting any food. “Daddy!” Scootaloo shouted but no sooner had the word left her lips, than she began to regret it as the sound of hooves began to thunder up the stairs before stopping in front of her bedroom door. The door was then unlocked before being slammed open, Scootaloo backed into the wall, making the chains that were keeping Scootaloo’s hoof secured to the wall, rattle.

The smell of alcohol invaded her senses as he leaned close to her face before snarling “What do you want?”

“I - I -I’m hungry” the filly stammered, quietly.

Suddenly, her father grabbed her by the throat and slammed her against the wall, keeping her pinned. “You shouted at me, made me come all this way, to tell me that your hungry” he spat. Scootaloo's nodded, this only made his father rage as he began to squeeze his hooves around her neck, cutting off her air. Scootaloo began to choke as her father growled “So you're hungry, you want food, I’ll give you food” he then let go of the filly’s throat, before leaving the room.

Scootaloo's rubbed her sore throat, wheezing and taking in deep gulps of air. Her father then returned with a plate of literal worms before slamming them on the floor in front of her. Scootaloo was horrified when her father ordered her “Eat it, If you’re so hungry then eat it”

Scootaloo shook her head, pushing the plate away. Her father's face became enraged, he slapped the filly across her face before grabbing her by her mane and shoving her face into the worms.

“Eat it!” he roared, keeping hold of her mane so that she couldn't move her head away. With tears rolling down her face she slowly started to eat the worms, however, she couldn't bring herself to swallow it. Her father grabbed her muzzle, forcing it shut before lifting her head up as the contents slowly made its way down her food pipe. He kept doing this until the plate was empty.

Once the plate was empty he whispered harshly into her ear “If you end up puking it up then you will lick it off the floor.”

He then left the filly to wallow in her sorrow, locking her door. Scootaloo's wanted it all to be over.


Scootaloo woke to the feeling of a bucket of water being splashed over her head. Coughing and splutting, she rose out of bed to find her father standing over her, glaring at her. “Come on, you stupid filly.” He growled at her as he released her from her chains. He then forced her to wear a worn-out, purple jacket, so that no pony noticed her skinny body.

He lead her out of the house, keeping close to the terrified filly. They walked through the suburbs of Cloudsdale before walking over to the edge of the massive cloud city. Scootaloo gulped as she looked over the edge.

She tried to prepare herself for what came next but no matter how many times a week this happened, he heart always caught in her throat as her father pushed her off the edge. This was her so-called flying lesson, something that her father only bothered to do because it was on the way to her school.

Scootaloo kept her eyes scrunched shut, too scared to attempt to move her wings. Just before she hit the ground, she felt her father grab her around her midriff. They came to a stop and her father threw her to the ground. “You worthless pile of manure. Flap your wings, FLAP YOUR BUCKING WINGS, YOU STUPID CUNT! You have fucking wings, use them!” he screamed at the filly, who was curled in a ball and covering her head with her hooves.

“I'm so sorry, daddy.” Scootaloo cried, hoping that somepony was around, but they were all alone. He then pulled her onto his back by her mane causing the filly to cry out in pain. He then flew towards the city of Canterlot.

Flying low over the grand city making sure that they didn't pass the height restrictions, that were enforced over the city. They flew into the east side of the city, that part of the city that was kept hidden from tourists and the Canterlot elite alike. They eventually arrived at a run-down building, surrounded by large metal fences. Above the large metal gates was metal letters that said EASTWOOD PRIMARY SCHOOL.

The two pegasi entered the school, which looked more like a prison than a place of education. Scootaloo headed to her classroom while her father headed towards the security offices.

Even at school, Scootaloo wasn’t safe from her father’s wrath. When Scootaloo first enrolled at the school, her father had applied and successfully joined the school as a security guard. Because Eastwood Primary was located in such a rough area, the school had employed a security team as a way of keeping the school safe.

The reason why her father had become a security guard was so that he could keep tabs on her. It also meant that he could watch her every move through the security cameras.

She walked to her classroom and sat in her usual seat which was positioned at the back of her class as a way to avoid any unwanted attention.

Her teacher entered the room and went straight to teaching her first lesson. Miss Pencil Pusher was a strict teacher, whom Scootaloo swore that her only purpose in the school was to make her life as difficult as possible.

Pencil Pusher noticed Scootaloo and with a sinister grin she ordered, “Scootaloo, stand here at the front”

Scootaloo timidly got up and started walking down the desks, trying to ignore the snickers that the other foals gave her. When she got to the front of the class, she attempted to make herself as small as possible and looked towards the ground.

The grey unicorn mare scoffed as she tuttered “Dear dear, who dressed you, a gorilla? You are a disgrace, girl. Your mane is filthy and it wouldn’t surprise me if it was a party for lice. Your clothes, if you can call them that, are tattered and dirty. Class this is a prime example of what not to look like. Now go sit back down, you filthy animal.”

Scootaloo could do nothing as the teacher humiliated her, she hurriedly walked back to her seat, where she silently wished for the ground to swallow her whole.


Scootaloo’s father was sat in the briefing room when the principal walked in followed by a police officer, this made him feel uneasy. “Hello everypony, following last weeks, incident, the school board have decided to bring in the police, who have assigned a School Resource Officer to work here. He will be on hoof if any student is acting aggressively towards staff as well as to provide backup.”

The week before an older student had pulled a knife on a fellow student and had attempted to rob them. Their initial robbery had been successful, however, he had caught them as they attempted to leave, his hoof was still sore from when he punched one of them in the ribs.

The officer stepped forward and introduced himself “Hello there, my name is Officer Streak, as Mr Parchment said, I am here to assist you guys in any way possible. My main interest is to combat the drugs situation and gang issue that is plaguing the area as well as to investigate any cases of foal abuse or neglect.”

He didn't like the idea of a cop roaming around. He raised his hoof to ask a question.

The principal noticed and said, “Yes Skaterzoom?”

“This won’t affect our jobs, will it because I've got a daughter to look after and I can't afford to lose this job.”

“No, Officer Streak is mostly here in the interest of the local police and the safety of our students and staff. He is more of a support tool than a replacement.” the principal reassured.


Once the bell rang to signal the end of the school day her father picked her up and took her straight home. Scootaloo could tell that her father was in a foul mood and had made the wise decision, to not bother her father especially after last night. Once they arrived back at home, her father immediately asked her, “A cop hasn't spoken to you, has he?”

Scootaloo quickly replied, “No.”

Her father stared at her in an attempt to spot and sign of lying but breathed a sigh of relief, once he found none. He then told her “If I see your even remotely looking at a cop or talking to one then I will make sure it is the last thing you do.”

Scootaloo nodded, her father then dragged her back to her room, where he chained her hind hoof to the wall, he then left making sure to lock the door.

Scootaloo walked over to her mattress and lay down. She just wanted this to end. She hated her life.

Comments ( 6 )

interesting. Will give it a read

I already hate him.

fuckin hell, what a horrible Pegasus, Scootaloo's father is, but this was an interesting read to say the least

The teacher is as bad as the father.

Scootaloo's dad is the scum of the earth.

What a horrible mess!
Someone needs to get poor Scootaloo away from both his abusive Father and that town.
Meanwhile the Father should probably get some serious mental help and, of course, answer for his crimes.

Considering the horror Scoots is going through though, it looks like she might be tramatized for life because of this

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