• Published 18th Mar 2024
  • 562 Views, 87 Comments

My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 4) - Mister E-Nonymous

Twilight, Sonic, Sunny and friends have returned for new adventures. Eggman may be gone for a while, but a new threat will rise. And there are a lot of things going to happen this season.

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Episode 8: Meet the Hedgehogs

Episode 8: Meet the Hedgehogs

At Freedom Fighters Mansion, in the patio, Twilight was inspecting Dulcy's mouth, trying to inspect this new magic within the new dragon. The Freedom Fighters, except Sonic and MC, were there. Including the Mane 6, Sunny and her friends, and the Young 6.

"I never seen anything like this!" Twilight said. "Magic from dragon fire? I thought Spike was the only dragon with magic dragon fire."

"Not just him," Smolder said. "Sparky's also got magic fire. Transformation fire."

"Smolder's right," Hitch said. "Could it be that... all dragons now have magical properties from their fire since coming here from the other side of the Galaxy through Chaos Control?"

"No, that's not it," Spike said. "Dulcy said her hurricane breath came to her before Equestria was brought back to Earth. So something must've happened before Chaos Control."

"It was probably when you all went against Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy," came the voice of Midpoint. The group looked towards the voice, seeing Midpoint and Cozy walking in.

"Alex?" Sunny asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, nothing much," Midpoint said. "Just wanting to tell you that..." He then pulled something out. It was a letter. "We're going to the Olympics!"

"The Olympics?!" Twilight asked. "That's amazing! What is that?!"

"The Olympics are a series of games in an athletic festival," Tails said.

"Originated in Ancient Greece, supposedly founded by the Greek God, Hercules," Truemen said. "Oh, man. I've always wanted to see it in person."

"See it?" Midpoint asked. "You're gonna be competing in it."

"Me? Compete?" Truemen asked.

"That's right, man," Midpoint said. "You'll be competing in different sports. You're gonna be in Canoe Racing, the Javelin Throw, and rock climbing."

"Rock climbing?" Truemen asked. He then looked at his robot arm. "Wouldn't my robot arm give everyone else a disadvantage?"

"You wouldn't be the only one with Super Strength," Midpoint said. Just then, the sound of a car horn came in. They all looked towards the horn and saw a blue Ford F-150 pulling up. A crate was in the bed, a long with Sonic holding onto it. Just then, a female hedgehog came out of the passenger seat.

"Thanks for the ride, Michael," the hedgehog woman said.

"No problem, Bernie," MC said. "Now, let's get your husband outta the back." He then got out of the truck and headed for the bed. He then unstrapped the box and brought out the crate. He then ripped open the side, revealing a roboticized hedgehog, making everyone gasping.

"Next time, I get a bigger box," the robot hedgehog said.

The Equestrians started charging towards the robot hedgehog.

"Look out!" Twilight said. "It's a new Metal Sonic!" Just then, all of them were grabbed at the ankles by the matter around them. They all looked. Twilight then looked at MC and said, "MC! What are you doing?!"

"Relax, everyone," MC said. "That ain't no Metal Sonic."

"Everyone, meet my mom, Bernadette, and my dad, Jules," Sonic said.

"This robot... is your dad?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah," Jules said. "I was Roboticized long before Equestria came here."

Twilight looked towards MC and asked, "MC, haven't you tried...?"

"It wasn't that simple," MC said. "When Eggman captured him, he was too injured to be saved physically. Crushed spine, internal bleeding, he only had hours to live."

"Oh, that can't be good," Sunny said. "So if he gets... Deroboticized... he could die in hours?"

"There has to be a way to save him," Zipp said. She then put on her Z-Goggles to inspect Jules. But everything she checked out, it was nothing but what robots were made of. "Right. It won't work on robots."

"Okay, so any normal procedure of saving Sonic's dad is incredibly slim?" Twilight asked.

"Very incredibly," MC said. "We don't even know if there's a possible way for us to save him."

"I can check, but it might take me a while," Midpoint said. "It ain't right for someone who's been Robotocized to stay a robot forever. Surely Sir Charles didn't know the consequences of how it went if it fell in the wrong hands."

"Sir Charles?" Twilight asked.

"Sonic's deceased uncle Chuck," MC said. He then sighed. "He was the one who came up with the original Roboticizor."

"What?!" the Mane 6, the Young 6, Sunny and her friends all asked in unison.

"Why would Sonic's uncle Chuck make something like that?" Twilight asked. "Joshua almost got turned into a robot by that thing!"

"It wasn't supposed to make the robots into mindless slaves for Eggman," Sonic said. "My uncle Chuck made it originally to make sure that those who were dying to live longer to stay with their loved ones."

"Eggman knew about this project," Tails said. "So he sabotaged the presentation. He reprogrammed the Roboticizor to make those who were turned into robots to follow only him. He made them attack the humans during the presentation."

"After that attack, the humans thought that we Mobians were trying to take over the world, eliminating all humans," MC said. "And that's when we all had to go into hiding."

"I've been injured severely before I became... this," Jules motioned an arm towards himself. "I was lucky to get my mind back thanks to Tails and Rotor."

"Of course I had to hold him down," MC said. "Of course, when we had to send him and Bernie away into hiding when we formed the Freedom Fighters."

"Does anyone have any medical records of Jules before he got Roboticized?" Twilight asked.

"We checked everywhere," MC said. "Eggman deleted everything about Jules right after he Roboticized him. Eggman knew what he was doing."

"We even looked in all of his bases after he deserted them," Sonic said. "Including the Egg Carrier during the time he released Chaos from the Master Emerald."

"Even I checked all the backups when I was checking the EggNet the last time I hacked in," Midpoint said. "Anyway, I should hit the local archery range. Gotta get ready for the archery competition."

"Of course," MC said. "Tails and I've got someplace to be as well. Let's go."

"Roger that," Tails said. Then the two foxes headed towards the hanger.

"Where are they going?" Sunny asked.

"Who knows," Twilight said. She then looked at Jules and Bernadette. "You might not have the answers to get your full strength back through your world's greatest healers, but maybe there's something from Equestria that can heal you back to your normal self."

"That sounds really risky," Bernadette said.

"But it might be worth it," Twilight said. She then sat up. "I'm going to find a healing spell that will get you back to full health, Jules."

"Is that even possible?" Sunny asked as Twilight was walking away.

"If I have to search through all of Equestria to do it, then I'll do it," Twilight said, standing tall.

In the Castle of Friendship, Twilight was looking through all the books on healing magic she could get. She checked all the books, searching for anything that could help.

"Okay, let's see," Twilight said, opening one book. "'Mage Meadowbrook's medical potions of diseases'. Nope, that's not it." Twilight then tossed the book aside and grabbed another book. "'Somnambula's meditation process of self-healing'. No, that's not gonna work." She then tossed that book aside and went to grab another one. "'Discord's Guide to Chaotic Nature'?! How'd this get in here?!" She then threw the book into a trash can. Just then, the book gave off a flash of light, turning into Discord, who was wearing the trash can like it was a helmet.

"Why, I never..." Discord said. "Nopony can take a joke anymore." He then snapped his eagle talon fingers and vanished, the trash can on the ground, spinning around.

Twilight groaned and face planted on the table. She then said, "Even here, there's no way of healing Jules."

"Twilight?" came Nyx's voice. Twilight looked towards the door and she saw Nyx and Joshua standing there. "What are you doing?"

Twilight sighed and said, "Searching for a spell that can heal Sonic's father from his internal injuries."

"Sonic's dad?" Joshua asked. "Is he okay?"

"For now," Twilight said. "He's injured very severely. But the only thing that's keeping him alive is him being a robot."

"He's a robot?" Nyx asked. "Isn't that...?"

"He's still under his own control," Twilight said. "But we're searching for a way to heal him completely. But right now, there's nothing."

"I guess there are some things that can't be healed," Joshua said. "Guess Sonic is just gonna have to live with what he's got. Sometimes... I wish that..." Joshua then bowed his head. Twilight walked over towards Joshua.

"I know you miss them," Twilight said. "But they wanted what was best for you. You know that."

"I know," Joshua said. He then sighed. "I kinda wish I had more time with them."

"Yeah," Twilight said. "You were younger back then." She then thought of something. She then widened her eyes. "That's it! That's it!"

"What's it?" Nyx asked.

"An age spell," Twilight said. "Or, to be exact, a de-age spell." She then walked over towards the book shelf, started flying up, and looked for the complicated spells. "Okay, here are the books. Let's see. 'Elemental Spells', 'Relic Restoration', 'Gravitational Manipulation'... Ah! Here we go! 'Chronological Spells'!" She then opened the book and started searching through the pages.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Nyx asked. "One miscalculation, and you could make Jules a little kid."

"Or a baby," Joshua added.

"That's why..." Twilight said as she was bringing up a pot with a flower that was almost in bloom. "I'm gonna test it on this plant." She then looked at the spell to see how the spell was going to work.

Meanwhile, back in Station Square, at an indoor archery range, Midpoint was preparing to fire at the target he was facing. He then fired the arrow, and hit the bullseye, in between two arrows he fired at the target.

"Okay, that's 40 meters," Midpoint said. "Let's go for 80 this time." He then went over to a control console and turned the dial to the 80 meter mark. Just then, the target started descending into the floor, and a new target came up.

"80 meters, huh?" came a voice. Midpoint looked towards the voice and saw Olive standing there.

"Hey, Olive," Midpoint said. "What brings you here?"

"I heard you'll be going up in the Mobian side of the Olympics," Olive said.

"You've been checking up on me?" Midpoint asked.

"You'd think I'd miss out on you becoming an Olympic competitor?" Olive asked. "Heck, if you were still human, you'd probably be the youngest to actually compete with the other humans in the Olympics with your perfect aim."

"If it weren't for the incident on our camping trip, that might have been a possibility," Midpoint said.

"You're right," Olive said. She then held out an archer's bow in her right hand. "You'll be competing in archery for not only the individual rounds, but the team rounds, too. I might as well give it a shot."

"You do archery?" Midpoint asked.

"Not really," Olive said. She then grabbed an arrow from the quiver, attached it to her bow, and got ready to aim in the left handed position. "But there's a first time for everything." She then released the arrow, but the arrow hit the target in the six point ring. She then smiled sheepishly, looking towards Midpoint. "I might... need some practice and training, though."

Midpoint chuckled and said, "Your form was right, but it's not just about aiming right towards the target, but how far the target is. If it's at a certain distance, you might have to aim higher, and let gravity do the work."

"Really?" Olive asked.

"That's right," Midpoint said. "And also, there's also gonna be some wind resistance trying to move the arrow away from the target." Midpoint then grabbed an arrow from the quiver, and aimed it towards the target. Of course, he was in the right handed position. He then angled his bow a bit upwards, and fired the arrow towards the target. It then hit the bullseye perfectly.

"Easy for you to say, you're a natural shot," Olive said.

"I'm a natural because I'm also smart," Midpoint said. "Let me help you." Olive then prepared another arrow. Midpoint then moved Olive's position up. "The goal to hitting the bullseye from a far distance is calculation and geometry." He then pointed towards the target. "Aim the arrow at the 4 point circle."

Olive looked towards the target. Ad the end of the arrow, she saw that the tip of the arrow was pointing straight at the four point circle. Olive then released the arrow, but she accidentally released the arrow when she stepped back and aiming the arrow a little upward, and it hit the nine point circle.

"Darn," Olive said.

"It's also about concentration," Midpoint said. "Don't keep your eyes off the target."

"Didn't you win an archery tournament blindfolded?" Olive asked.

"It was on a dare from one of my schoolmates in MIT," Midpoint said.

"If you attended college in Massachusetts, and you lived in California, why didn't you go to college at Cal Tech?" Olive asked.

"My dad was living in Boston at the time," Midpoint said. "But then... when my dad and I were visiting Grandpa after I graduated, Mimic came in, and framed my dad."

Just then, Midpoint got a text from his phone. He then pulled it out and checked the message. Olive then asked, "What is it? Anything wrong?"

"It seems that Twilight is planning on healing Sonic's dad," Midpoint said.

"But that's impossible," Olive said. "Nothing can heal Jules from his internal injuries."

"She's planning on using an age spell," Midpoint said. "In reverse to undo the damage that was inflected in Jules's body. I think Twilight is wanting me to see if it is possible to save Jules. Care to join me?"

"Of course," Olive said. "Let's get going." Then the two of them headed out of there.

At Tails's workshop in Mystic Ruins, MC and Tails were wearing welding masks as Tails was welding a bumper that MC was holding up to something. Just then, MC's communicator started beeping. He then held up his right arm and looked at the text, seeing it was from Twilight, even though her nickname, Sparkles, was on the top of the message.

"Huh," MC said, removing his welding mask. "Never thought of that before."

"Thought of what?" Tails asked, removing his mask.

"An age spell," MC said. "To reverse his aging to a point he was fully healed."

"Could that actually work?" Tails asked.

"Only one way to find out," MC said. Then Tails and MC put away the welding supplies and headed out of there.

Back at Freedom Fighters Mansion, Twilight was reading over the spell to de-age Jules after MC would Deroboticize him.

"Okay, with the final preparations of the spell, it should be... ready to go," Twilight said. She then looked towards MC. "You ready to do this, MC?"

"It's been a while since I Deroboticized someone with my power," MC said, stretching out his arms and hands, his fingers locked together while cracking his knuckles.

"Are you sure you're up for this, Dad?" Sonic asked.

"If it means I'll be able to actually feel anything again, I'm willing to risk it," Jules said, patting Sonic's cheek.

Just then, Tails, MC, Midpoint and Olive came in.

"You sure you wanna go through with this, Jules?" MC asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Jules said.

"Okay," MC said, his hands started glowing. "This might start hurting." He then aimed his arms right towards Jules and golden beams came from his hands, the beams heading towards Jules.

MC fired golden beams from his hands, the beams heading towards Jules. Then Jules started to cringe as the pain was starting to come to him. His robotic form then started becoming organic. As soon as he was fully organic, MC stopped.

"Alright, Sparkles, now!" MC said.

Twilight nodded. She then fired a beam of magic from her horn, the magic surrounding Jules. Jules was struggling through the pain, but it was starting to sooth. Jules was no longer a robot. He is now a fully fleshed Mobian Hedgehog. Similar to Sonic, except he had brown hair over his forehead, a red vest, brown gloves and brown boots.

"J-Jules?" Bernie asked.

Jules looked down at himself. He then patted himself, checking to see if anything hurt. He then checked his hands. He then looked at Twilight.

"Am I...?" Jules asked.

"Yes, Jules," Twilight said. "You're back to full health and condition."

"I... I don't believe it," Jules said. He then looked towards Bernie. "Bernie?"

"Jules!" Bernie then ran over towards Jules and the two hugged.

"Dad?" Sonic asked. Jules looked towards Sonic. He then smiled.

"Sonic, by boy," Jules said. "Come give your old man a hug." Then Sonic rushed over and gave Jules a hug.

"Oh, dad," Sonic said.

Peeking her head in from outside, Misty saw Sonic hugging his dad. Misty was wearing her Movie Theater Uniform. She saw how much emotion that Sonic was giving off when he was with his dad.

"Aw..." Misty said. "That's so sweet." Misty then walked back towards her room. As she got in she sat on her bed. She then pulled out her paycheck she gotten from work. "Well, at least you're worth something to me." She then looked over at something on her bedside table. It was a homemade doll made of a tennis ball, a small crystal, a tea cup, and other objects. "I really wish I knew my dad, Madame Taffytail." Just then, she heard a voice.


"Huh? Wha...?" Misty asked, looking around. "Who... who's there?"

"Misty come back!"

Just then, she had a vision. She saw herself as a filly, somewhere in a forest. She was running around a giant tree, trying to catch butterflies, laughing all the way. But as she came close to catching one, she tripped on something.

"Whoa!" filly Misty cried out. "Ow." She then looked around for what she tripped on. "What happened?" She then saw what she tripped on. It was the necklace that Misty of the Present was wearing. She picked it up. "Huh? What is this?"

"Misty! Where are you?!" came that voice that Misty was hearing.

"D-Daddy?" filly Misty asked. Just then, the eye of the necklace opened up, started floating around Misty, going at incredible speed. Filly Misty gasped at that. "Wha... What's happening?" Just then, the necklace opened a portal above her, sucking her in. Filly Misty then screamed, shutting her eyes tight as the voice of Misty's father came in.

"Misty! Misty, no!"

Filly Misty could no longer hear the voice of her father. When she opened her eyes, she was that she was in some kind of Throne Room. She then looked around.

"H-hello?" filly Misty asked.

"Glad to see somepony has returned what rightfully belongs to me," came the voice of Opaline. Filly Misty jumped and turned around, seeing Opaline behind her. She was holding the necklace in her hand. Filly Misty then screamed as the vision was ending.

Misty then sat up, gasping at what she just experienced. She then took deep breaths in and out.

"What was that?" Misty asked. "Was that... Opaline's doing?" She then shook her head. "No. That was something else."

From the top of the building, MC's mother, Sarah Crayton, the Iron Mask, was looking towards Misty's room, not being seen by anyone. She then removed her mask.

"So, that's how you ended up with Opaline," Sarah Crayton said. "You were pulled from your timeline to this one. Well, Misty, you aren't the only one from that time to be in this time." She then saw Hitch and Sparky.

"Sparky!" Hitch called out. "Come back here you silly dragon." Sarah smiled at that. She then opened up a time rift and walked through it without getting anyone's attention.

Meanwhile, in the alternate future Equestria, in Zephyr Heights, Future MC and some royal guards were walking down the hall, along with a royal advisor.

"Is everything arranged for the Manesquarade Ball?" Future MC asked.

"Yes, my king," the royal advisor said. "The Ball has been prepared."

"That's good," Future MC said. "How's the new Sheriff of Maretime Bay doing since he took over?"

"Sheriff Shadow is doing his job just as well as Sheriff Hitch was," the royal advisor answered. "Especially since you royally pardoned him and released him from his prison and he took down Sprout Cloverleaf."

"I kinda had to," Future MC said. "I couldn't just abandon this place to take down Sprout. There was too much paperwork to be done. Especially with the disappearance of the Sheriff, the Princesses, Sunny and Izzy."

"Don't forget Cloudpuff," said one of the guards.

"Oh, I sent Cloudpuff to where Zipp and Pipp are in the other timeline," Future MC said. "Might as well have him be with someone he knows." He then sighed. "How's the progress on Project: Meadowbrook?" He led the group into one room that had a capsule at the end, and somepony was in the capsule with a breathing mask over her face. That somepony was Queen Haven.

"Progress on Project: Meadowbrook are going really well," the Royal Advisor said. One of the scientists walked up to Future MC.

"Indeed, my king," the scientist said. "Pretty soon, Queen Haven will be out of there."

"How soon?" Future MC asked.

"About a month," the scientist replied.

"A month, huh?" Future MC asked. "Well, if it means getting her back to full health from what Mephiles did to her, then she'll be fine." He then walked up to the capsule and put his left hand on it. "If only it were that easy to tell her that her two daughters are trapped in the past on a different timeline." He then walked away, the royal advisor, the scientist and the guards following him. In the capsule, a tear was coming out of Queen Haven's right eye.

Back in the present timeline, Sonic and his parents were heading into the garage. Sonic was getting the keys to a car. He then headed for a Ford F-150, which was MC's. Sonic then drove the truck to the garage door where Jules and Bernie were waiting. MC then saw Sonic's parents getting into his truck.

"Hey!" MC called out. He then ran towards the truck. "Sonic! That's my truck!"

"Sorry, MC," Sonic said. "We gotta go pick up Sonia and Manic. For a good ol' family reunion." He then drove down the driveway fast as Jules and Bernie closed their doors.

"SONIC!!" MC called out, angrily.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Junior Olympics