• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 179 Views, 6 Comments

The Malevolent Multiversal Misadventures of Mare (April Fools 2024 Special) - Admiral Producer

Once upon a time, there was a random pony in Ponyville. When a villain shows up, this overpowered Mary Sue of a character must venture bëÿönd Extria im order to find thr Generic MacGuffin. Only then will she have a chef of defeating this boring villa

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Chapter 7: It’s A Cliché Emotional Moment, Eww/I Think It’s Time For A Speed Round!

“So…what do you plan to do with the Time Reverse-inator once it’s completed?” Mare asked Edgelord as he poured the ashes of the chicken onto the device. She was finally allowed to have a small break in between heists for her hard work, and she used this time to catch up with her friend and get to know him better.

Edgelord turned towards her, his face indicating deep thought. “I’m not sure, actually. Once we kill the princesses, I guess I want to…make some more happy endings with you. I mean, you’ve managed to provide more closure to some of those incomplete stories than Hawk could’ve ever dreamed of doing. The only thing he knew how to do is run away from his problems.”

“You knew him?” she inquired curiously.

“Of course I knew him,” Edgelord replied, smiling wistfully. “We used to be writing buddies a good while back, essentially collaborating together on stories. We did everything together. I thought up some of the greatest and most funniest premises for him to write about, and he would do them. It was perfect. He didn’t care about audiences or quality. He just wrote for the fun of it.” His face then fell.

Mare noticed this and took a couple steps towards him, her eyes gleaming with concern. “What happened…?”

Edgelord sighed deeply. “Eventually…Hawk joined Fimfiction and began writing G5 stories after his first G4 venture didn’t work out. I personally don’t like the generation, so I told him to stay out of it. But he just loved it too much. He began to take up activism. I began noticing the debates increasing, and…he began changing. There was the vitriol. He adopted the attitude of his opponents, became jaded…began focusing on his channel. He started leaving stories behind more and more…dooming them to be forever unfinished. Our partnership fell apart around the time he told me that he would no longer be finishing the stories he promised his audience back in December. He just abandoned them and focused solely on his stupid channel, thinking that he’s some sort of messiah. He tried to make a comeback since, but hasn’t succeeded. All the old stories we wrote together…forever incompleted. Some he never even wrote at all.”

Mare nodded in understanding. She now began to understand why she had been sent on these missions. So many of the worlds she had been sent to were incompleted stories, and she had essentially given them happy endings. She had done what her own author failed to do for her. Heck, her story essentially ended in her dying at the paws of her own teddy bear. She was never given a fair shot to be a real character. She was created to be an elaborate April Fools joke, and she wanted desperately to be more than that.

“I’m sorry…” she whispered, putting a hoof around his shoulder. “I know what it’s like to feel abandoned.”

Edgelord glanced back at her. “When I complete the Time Reverse-inator, I’m going back in time to complete all the stories Hawk and I did, give them proper endings. I will be a better author than he ever was. If he wants to be the G5 Chosen One, he can be that. But he brought these stories to life. They deserve closure.”

“I want to help…” Mare told him softly. “I want to change their fates too. I’ve been able to change the fates of some of these stories. If we can complete them, we should. But you shouldn’t do it alone. Let me help you.”

“You’d…really want to help me with that?”

“Of course. Hawk is gone now. You sent him to the Amazing Digital Circus. He’s never coming back from that. These stories are ours now, and I will never betray you.”

Edgelord smiled warmly. “Thanks…no one has ever really been there for me like that before.” He got to his hooves and his grin got even wider. “Look at what we’ve done here so far, Mare. Several down, several billion more to go. I never thought it would be this easy! I think it’s time for a speed round!”

“Let’s do it!!” Mare exclaimed, practically bouncing up and down with excitement.

“Next time ooooooooooooonnnnnn…”
Meanwhile…in the Monarchy Chronicles universe…

Just then, there was a large shadow passed over them like lightning and suddenly, four of the the officers were incinerated by green flame.

A memory came to Stella’s mind.

Spike’s fire…the police escape…

“Are you kidding me?!” shouted the other one.

A golden beam of magic light hit the officer in the chest, disintegrating him immediately.

A small blue unicorn pony jumped down from a cell and faced Stella, “Stella! We’re here to rescue you!”

“What the?!” Clementine seemed shocked, “You’re a talking dog?!”

“A talking pony,” the unicorn corrected. She took Stella’s hand, “Come on! The exit’s right ahead!”

Stella didn’t know who this talking pony was, but she wasn’t going to argue, “Come on, guys!”

They ran towards the exit, the dragon catching up to them.

They reached the exit and opened it where they were confronted by military helicopters surrounding the area overhead.

The unicorn looked desperately at Stella, “The Flame! Use your Flame!”

“My what?” Stella asked, confused.

“Your fire powers,” said the unicorn, “Just imagine a thin ball of fire on your palms and release it at the flying machines.”

“Helicopters,” corrected Clementine.

“Whatever,” said the dragon.

“Actually, you don’t need to do that!” shouted Mare, running up towards them as fast as she could. She was running out of breath as she had already been through multiple prison hallways and was quickly getting exhausted. “Don’t do it!”

“Another one?!” Stella’s attention was now fully on her, her bewilderment only growing by the second. “Where are you all coming from?!”

“I don’t know this pony.” the unicorn deadpanned.

“WHO ARE YOU?!” The dragon demanded angrily.

“It’s okay!” Mare assured them hurriedly. “I got the answer to all your problems!” And so, she grew a unicorn horn and blasted all of the helicopters out of the sky with a powerful beam of energy. They fell to the ground and exploded.

“Oh…well, that is convenient.” Clementine mused. “Why didn’t I think of having a literal Mary Sue answer all our problems?!”

“You’re welcome!” Mare quipped happily. “Now off to the next dimension!” Using her magic, she opened a portal and disappeared through it, vanishing from sight.
“Next time ooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnn…”
Meanwhile, in the Daughters of Justice universe…

“We have to do this.”

“You’re talking resurrection?!” Michelle demanded incredulously, “I thought you were talking about reading up on Hawk’s book, not bringing him back to life!”

“You’re going to bring Mr. Hawk back to life…?” Silverstream asked hopefully, “I want to help too.”

“We don’t know how to do a resurrection spell,” Riley said, “Even if we wanted to, the technology is not available to us. We have no idea how to do it, even if we wanted to.”

“Actually we do,” Clementine countered, “I found out in the secret book you get when you become the CEO. With Hawk on our side, we’ll be able to win the war for sure! To think, two of the original Equestrian revolutionaries as part of our ranks, Admiral doesn’t stand a chance.”

“Can you find that exact page?” Harriet asked her.

“I should,” Clementine answered, “If not, it’s in Hawk’s book. It’s the right thing to do. Hawk was a beacon of hope. He inspired our ancestors when they were fighting amongst themselves, you heard Silverstream here! Can you imagine what a powerful leader he could be to us?”

“You are the leader, Clementine,” Michelle objected, “We don’t need to resurrect someone from the dead to do your job for you. Resurrecting a long-dead historical figure to do our bidding is immoral and unethical.”

“This may not be an appropriate time to do this,” Mare offered innocently. “But I would like to revisit the idea of the rainbow thing. Hello?”

“WHO ARE YOU?!!” Harriet roared.

“Seriously, who are you?” Luz asked curiously. “I don’t remember you ever being part of our organization.”

“Doesn’t matter!” Mare replied, grinning. “See ya!!” She opened a portal and was gone in an instant, leaving no traces of her existence behind.
“Next time ooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnn…”
Meanwhile, in the Misty Saga universe (again)…

Right as she was about to strike, however, the doors to the castle suddenly burst open and out walked Princess Twilight Sparkle herself. She was clad with silver battle armor that protected her entire body. She wore a knight’s helmet on her head and her mane had been neatly combed back. Her face was one of calm and collected anger as she walked towards the pony she had formerly called her own.

Her horseshoes made clip clop noises on the ground as she got closer. There was no fear present in the older alicorn’s facial features nor body, only determined resolution.

Lightning struck the ground beside where the two of them were destined to battle it out. They slowly walked towards each other until they each stopped in front of the other. Opaline’s expression was one of pure hatred while Twilight’s was calm and collected, yet masking a mother’s pain.

“I have come home, master.” Opaline declared darkly.

“This is no longer your home,” Twilight told her firmly. “And I am no longer your master.”

“Ah yes,” Opaline sneered. “You chose your precious idol over me and wouldn’t let me explain myself when I needed to. Tell me. Where are those…Pillars of yours? Perhaps I might’ve put them out of commission on the way here?”

“This battle is between you and me.”

Opaline frowned in disappointment. “So…that is how it’s going to be.”

Twilight nodded, getting into a defensive stance. “That is how it must be. I will cleanse Equestria of your wrath, even if I must die in the process.”

“You guys don’t really need to fight,” Mare cut in, frowning. “Princess, you two are like family. Why not talk it out instead? I know you think Opaline was being malicious when she attacked those guards, but she was just trying to help you.”

Twilight did a double take. “Wait, she was?!”

“I mean, yeah!!” Opaline yelled. “Why else would I have gone to the Archives, dum dum?! I knew you were worried about me, and I wanted nothing more than to help you find the answer! And instead, you shut me out of your life!!”

“Oh…” Twilight was caught off guard by this answer and didn’t know how to process it. “So Starswirl and I banished you…for essentially nothing. Oh dear. We thought you had murdered those guards intentionally.”

“I would never do that!” Opaline protested. “They wouldn’t let me in, and I was just so scared about what was going on that I just…I just snapped. I wasn’t thinking straight, I’m sorry.” She hung her head low. “You don’t know how much you mean to me, Princess…you’re practically my only family. When you rejected me…it hurt more than anything in the world.”

Twilight sighed deeply, realizing at once the horrible mistake she had made. “Oh for pony’s sake…” She took off her helmet and threw it onto the ground. “Opaline, I would like to apologize…for everything. I hurt you, and…I should’ve listened to you. Neither Starswirl nor I were in the best headspace that night. All I wanted to do was help cure you, and I didn’t want you to worry about it. I should’ve been more transparent and let you in on what we were doing.”

“It’s okay, Princess…” Opaline said, smiling a bit. “I know how much you care about me and…I should’ve listened to you when you told me to stay out of it. Maybe we were all a little wrong here.”

“Well, even the Princess of Friendship isn’t above making mistakes in her field,” Twilight replied, smiling back at her. “Clearly, I still got a lot to learn about having an apprentice. Come here.”

The two alicorns embraced one another, all of the pain and resentment disappearing in a grand act of familial love. Seeing that her work was finished, Mare vanished from sight through an open portal.
“Next time ooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnn…”
Meanwhile, in the Sanctuary-Haven universe…

“Lemon Hearts! Twinkleshine!” Minuette greeted them. “You made it! I thought we would have to come over and get you guys!”

“We came as fast as we could upon you telling us that Twilight was here,” Twinkleshine answered. “Any sighting from the purple nerd is an all hooves on deck moment as I always say.”

Lemon Hearts giggled at that. “Same. I dropped everything. I arranged for us to all hang out at Donut Joe’s. Wanna come?”

Minuette gasped. “Would we?!” She grinned, glancing back at Twilight. “Come on, Twilight! We’re going to eat lunch together!”

Twilight overheard her name being called and snapped to attention, getting down from the sofa and heading towards the door. She didn’t know what was going to be in her future, but she knew that she couldn’t stop now. She had to apologize to the rest of her friends no matter what. Only then would she truly be able to atone for the sins of her past.

“Let’s do this.” she stated determinedly.

“Can I come too?” Mare asked, popping into existence and startling everypony present. She grinned at them widely. “Hey, I'm here! You know, I can't wait to hang out alongside my friends. We're gonna make gr—“
“Next time ooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnn…”
Meanwhile, in an unknown universe……

“YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!” the fillies cheered as Mare danced like a fool in front of them.
Meanwhile, in another unknown universe…

“GET OFF THE STAGE!!!!!” a stallion yelled from the back of the audience, throwing a giant piano at her, as well as a tomato. Upon impact, the items exploded into a massive blast of energy, totaling everything and annihilating every single living creature in Equestria.
Meanwhile, in a possibly upcoming story universe…

“Hooray!! We’re all alicorns now!!” Sunny exclaimed happily as she and her friends flew through the clouds together. “Thank you so much, Mare!”

“You’re welcome!” Mare replied proudly.
“STOP!!” Mare shouted at the top of her lungs, ending the speed round.