• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 613 Views, 84 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: A Shining New Digi-tude! - WarriorofFaith18

Sunset and the Ninjas bring the Digidestined and Team Shine to Equestria

  • ...

Too hot to Yak/ High tide for Griffins!

The following morning, Fluttershy was leading Kari and TK along with Gatomon and Patamon down the halls of the Friendship School.

“Thank you both for joining me in checking on a student.” The shy pony thanked.

“Happy to join, Fluttershy. Always glad to meet new faces.” TK smiled.

“So who are we meeting?” Kari asked.

“She’s from another universe like you guys. Her name is Permafrost and was adopted by Blade Swipe. Since she came, she’s been enjoying her new life.” Fluttershy opened a door to a classroom to reveal a light blue pony with a white mane and a blue coat. She was happily using her magic to make snowflakes and ice models as other ponies and creatures applauded her performance.

“Oh yeah! I remember her.” TK exclaimed. “Static told me about her when we were at Shine Boy’s birthday party.”

“I’m glad she’s enjoying her life here in Equestria.” Kari added.

“Oh yes. She’s very happy here.” Fluttershy leaned next to them. “Just a warning, she’s a bit sensitive about her past life and has some freakouts being reminded who her stepdad who left her in the street.”

“Thanks for the warning.” Kari nodded.

As she finished her performance, Permafrost waved goodbye to the leaving students as she saw the three and walked over to them. “Hi, Fluttershy.”

“Hi, Permafrost.” Greeted Fluttershy. “I’d like to introduce you to a couple friends who are visiting today. This is TK and that’s Kari and those are their partners Patamon and Gatomon.”

“Nice to meet you.” TK smiled as he shook Permafrost’s hoof.

“You too.” Permafrost greeted. “So you are two of the Digidestined who were visiting the school a couple days ago. And these two are Digimon?”

“Yes we are.” Patamon nodded.

“You got a pet of your own?” Gatomon asked.

“Not yet.” Permafrost walked over to a big egg on a pillow. “I got this dragon egg from Ember and Smolder shortly after Blade Swipe brought me here when he adopted me. You see, I’m from another world as well.”

“Yeah. We met your friend, Static, at our friend’s birthday party.” Kari recalled.

“Oh yeah. I remember signing the birthday card Chet took to.” Permafrost smiled. “Yeah, Static is a good friend. He has helped me when I was living on the streets.”

Kari placed her hoof on Permafrost’s shoulder. “It’s okay if you don’t wish to talk about. We understand.”

“Thank you. It hasn’t been so bad since Blade brought me here.” Permafrost smiled.

Suddenly, the four noticed a couple glows near them.

“Hey, TK. Why are you glowing?” Patamon pointed.

“Kari too!” Gatomon blinked.

They looked to see not only TK and Kari, but Fluttershy and Permafrost’s cutie marks were glowing.

“Our cutie marks are glowing!” gasped Permafrost.

“What’s going on?” Kari wondered.

“We must be summoned for a Friendship mission.” Fluttershy concluded. “Let’s head to Twilight’s castle and check the friendship map!”

“Lead the way, Flutters!” TK grinned as they hurried out.

When they arrived to the Friendship Map, they saw everyone else had arrived as well along with Starlight’s friend Trixie Lunamoon. Their cutie marks were glowing brightly as well.

“You guys too, huh?” Raph pointed to their cutie marks.

“Cool! Your butts are glowing too!” Davis chimed, irritating Applejack before hitting Davis in the flank. “Ah!”


“What’d I do!?” Davis exclaimed while Mikey and Casey laughed.

“You guys have Friendship Problems too?” Shine Boy spoke. “What’s going on?”

“Must be a big problem if it needs all of us.” Karai figured.

“Well, first let’s find out where.” Twilight watched as visions of everyone’s cutie marks floated above the table map.

To everyone’s surprise, the cutie marks separated into groups and floated above four different locations. The cutie marks of Leo, T.K., Cody, Josh, Shine Boy, Pinkie, Raph, Karai, and Keno were floating above Yakyakistan. Kari, Mimi, Shini, Shine Girl, Permafrost, Ken, Fugitoid, Fluttershy, and Spike’s marks were above the Dragons Land. Izzy, Starlight Glimmer, Willis, Love Shine, Twilight, Rarity, and Trixie’s marks floated above the Changeling Hive while Davis, Yolei, Marie, Gamer, Serenity, Mikey, Donnie, Casey and Rainbow’s mark were above Griffonstone.

“Four different problems at once?” Twilight jawdropped.

“That’s a first.” Spike muttered.

“Wait a minute! What if Discord is fooling us like last time?” Raph suspected.

“He Pinkie Promised that he wouldn’t do that again.” Starlight assured.

“Hmph. Well he better be. Otherwise, I don't wanna have to deal with this crazy stuff again.” Raph muttered.

“Not making me like him any more than I do now!” Yolei huffed, unaware Discord’s hand popped up behind her head holding a sign that said ‘I’m not doing this.’ Then turned the sign over and it then read ‘Ken x Yolei, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!’ before disappearing without anyone noticing it.

“So, what are the locations?” Shine Boy asked.

“That’s Yakyakistan, the homeland of the Yaks like Yona.” Pinkie pointed to her group’s location.

“And that’s the Dragons Land.” Spike pointed to his group’s destination.

“We’ll be heading to the Changeling hive.” Twilight pinpointed her group’s point of direction.

“While the rest of us are heading to Griffonstone.” Rainbow noticed her group’s destination.

“Alright, guys, let’s get ready.” Leo said as everyone headed out with their groups.

Soon, everyone was ready in their group for their Friendship Problems. TK looked over to Kari and Permafrost.

“I guess we won’t be getting acquainted until we get back.” He shrugged.

“I guess not.” Sighed Permafrost.

“But you can get along with our friends who are coming with you.” Kari smiled.

Permafrost smiled back. “That is true.”

Shine Boy hugged Serenity goodbye. “Good luck on your end.”

“You too.” Serenity said before pecking him.

Leo then spoke to the groups. “Remember, have your T-phones ready in case things escalate on your ends. Also, listen to Twilight and her friends. They know these lands better than any of us.”

“You got it, Leo!” grinned Davis.

“May you all succeed in your friendship missions.” Twilight concluded.

And with that, the groups headed out to their locations.

Davis, Yolei, Marie, Gamer, Serenity, Mikey, Donnie, Casey and Rainbow were climbing up a mountain area making their way to Griffonstone.

Yolei was griping as they climbed. “Augh! How much further do we have to go? We’ve been walking for hours!”

“We should be getting close.” Rainbow said as she led.

“Bet you wish you were a Pegasus pony like us, Yolei!” taunted Davis.

Yolei growled. “Keep it up, Davis, and I’ll make you an earth pony personally!”

"Oh please. You don't even know a spell that could turn me into an earth pony."

"Oh really? When the time comes that I finally get to learn that kind of magic spell, then I'll gladly be able to cast it's magic starting with you! That way, you'll know what it's like not being able to fly and have to rely on walking from now on!"

“That’s enough.” Serenity stepped between the two.

“It’s getting so you can’t take her anywhere.” Gamer whispered to Donnie.

“Makes you wonder how Ken handles her.” Donnie nodded before noticing on his device. “Hmmm.”

“But seriously, though. Are we there yet?” Mikey popped up.

Marie looked up and noticed something. “Uh guys? What’s that?”

Everyone looked up to see a shadow with wings above. Before anyone could ask, the shadow swooped in and tackled Casey to the ground, revealing to be a brown familiar griffon Rainbow knew.

“Who are you?” she demanded. “And why are you heading to Griffonstone?”

“Get off, yo!” Casey struggled to get free.

“Get off of him, you big bully!” Davis cried pulling his Digivice out.

The griffon glared at him. “I was a bully once. Wanna see how bad I was?”

“Whoa! Stop right there!” Rainbow sped right between the two.

The griffon’s face softened to see the cyan pony. “Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey, Gilda. Long time no see.” Rainbow held her hoof up while Gilda fist bumped it with her claw. “Yeah. These guys are with me.”

That was enough for Gilda to get off Casey. “Sorry about that. It’s kind of a griffin thing.”

“No prob. You’re tough!” Casey smiled.

Rainbow spoke to the group. “Everyone, this is Gilda Griffin, a friend of mine. Long story. Gilda, These are my friends, Donatello, Michelangelo, and the pony you tackled is Casey Jones.”

“So, you’re the famous ninjas who defeated the Storm King. I’ve heard about you from Rainbow and Gallus’ letters.” Gilda said before looking at the newcomers. “And who’re they?”

“These are a couple of recent friends visiting. This is Davis and his buddy Veemon, Gamer, Serenity, Marie and her partner Clawmon, Yolei and her partner Hawkmon.”

“How do you do?” greeted Gilda. “So what brings you all to Griffinstone?”

“We were called upon by the friendship map for a friendship problem.” Serenity explained.

Gilda pondered. “Hmm. Nothing out of the ordinary I’m aware. Come with me.”

As she led the group to Griffonstone, Gilda explained to the group. “You see, Rainbow and I go way back to flight school. You see, I attended the Junior Speedster Flight Camp. That’s how I met Rainbow Dash and we were tight friends. As I grew up, I focused on being cool. One day, I visited Rainbow in Ponyville and while I was nice to Rainbow, I threatened her other friends like garbage behind her back.”

“So that’s what you meant by ‘was a bully’.” Veemon figured.

“Exactly. Of course, Pinkie Pie set me up and I got exposed in front of Rainbow. It ended up severing our friendship.”

“We hadn’t seen Gilda until Pinkie and I first came to Griffonstone looking for the lost treasure. Despite her grudge, she agreed to help. And even though we lost the treasure, we made amends.” Rainbow explained.

“So, you still live in Griffonstone?” asked Donnie.

“Yep. But I’m saving bits by selling scones so I can move out.” Gilda nodded. “Here we are.”

Everyone looked to see a rundown village where damaged houses were on nests.

“Looks like a tornado hit here.” Yolei noticed.

“That’s how it usually looks.” Gilda shrugged.

“Oh! Sorry.”

Just before Gilda could lead the group to Griffinstone, Mikey held up his hand.

"Hold up, dudes! I got a feeling... we're being watched." he stated.

Before anyone could answer, they heard a noise behind a slope.

"They're behind there." Yolei whispered.

"No one's getting the drop on us!" Davis smirked. "Let's go, Veemon!"

"Right, Davis!" Veemon nodded.

the two screamed as they jumped over the slope. The group heard a small struggle before a couple figures rolled in sight. As they were revealed, Davis and Veemon were pinned by....

"Gallus?!" Everyone gasped.

"If this is how you greet your friends, Davis, I hate to see how you greet your enemies." Gallus grinned while Gilda laughed.

"Gallus! What're you doing here?" Donnie asked.

"When I heard you were heading home, I wanted to come with and help. Would've caught up if I hadn't had a tagalong."

"Who?" Suddenly, Casey was startled by an artic bluish grey griffin that popped up in front of him.

"Hello!" She smiled.

"Hi, Gabby." Gilda greeted.

“Hi, Gilda!” the griffin waved.

Casey got up as he recovered from the surprise. “Where the heck did you come from?”

“Just now. Since I followed Gallus all the way from Ponyville after helping out with crusaders along with finishing my mail delivery. They told me how spike became a giant dragon after eating that contaminated magical gem and how they along with new ponies that I haven't seen before flew in a new kind of plane that is new to me to cure him. Now that I'm up to date here, I'm here to introduce myself.” Gabby explained.

“it's Gabby right?” Davis held out his hoof before Gabby rapidly shook it.

“yep. My full name is Gabriella, but you can call me Gabby cause I know we're gonna be friends. I also have some questions. Staring with why does two of the green ponies stand on their back legs?”

Mikey leaned towards Gamer and Serenity. “She's just like Pinkie but in griffon form.”

“Kinda reminds me of when we met the other Digidestined.” Clawmon scratched his head.

“Well, it was pretty exciting.” Marie assured her partner.

“It’s a long story.” Donnie shrugged.

As Donnie explained everything to Gabby, Davis spoke to the others. "hey guys. do all griffon that has names that starts with a letter G?"

“Now that you mentioned it, I’m beginning to see that now.” Mikey agreed.

“Oh, you're realizing just now?” Gilda grinned.

“I didn’t mean anything bad about it. I'm just curious." Davis explained in his defense.

“It’s cool, Davis.” Gilda waved off.

“So…. How do we find this friendship problem?” asked Serenity.

“Well, since we got Gallus and Gabby here, let’s split into three groups and look around.” Donnie suggested.

“Probably the best option.” Gilda nodded. “We’ll meet back at my scone stand in a bit.”

“Scones?” Veemon’s eyes widened.

“We’ll tell you when we get there.” Gallus promised.

“C'mon! Let’s go find our friendship problem!” Yolei declared.

“Yeah!” Mikey and Gabby cheered.

The group split into three and looked around Griffonstone. Gilda led Rainbow, Yolei, Hawkmon, and Donnie while Gabby went with Casey, Mikey, and Serenity and Gallus took Gamer, Marie, Clawmon, Davis, and Veemon with him. Most of the griffins gave each group the cold shoulder and told them get lost. Luckily, the griffons managed to prevent any tussle from happening.

Later, they met at Gilda’s scone stand as planned.

“Anything on your end?” Rainbow asked Gallus’ group walked up.

“Nothing.” Gallus deadpanned.

“Yeah, no offense to you three, but these griffons seriously have issues.” Yolei muttered.

“None taken.” Gilda, Gabby, and Gallus nodded.

“Yeah, that’s what every creature criticizes about us.” Gabby shrugged.

“I'll say. I even asked one griffon who's apparently in a garbage can about some history, but all he can tell me was scram and slammed the garbage rudely in front of me.” Gamer recalled.

“Do you think he has a home that it's smaller on the outside but bigger in the inside? Oh and also has a portal to some kind of grouch land like the one I saw on video tape?” Mikey wondered.

“We’ve really got to question your selections for movie night, Mikey.” Donnie facepalmed.

“Unfortunately, that’s regular griffon behavior around here.” Gilda rolled her eyes before giving everyone a scone. “Here, Have a scone.”

“Thanks, Gilda.” Davis thanked as he accepted his.

After everyone got a scone, Veemon took a big bite into his before recoiling in pain.

“YEOW!” he cried.

“What’s wrong with you?” Davis asked.

“My scone is harder than a rock!” Veemon rubbed his jaw as Gilda took his scone.

“Huh. Thought I got rid of the rock ones. Here. This one’s softer.” She handed the blue Digimon another scone.


“If this is normal griffon behavior, then what’s the friendship problem?” Serenity pondered.

“Well, we were called here for something.” Donnie agreed.

“Well, we could ask Grampa Gruff.” Suggested Gallus, though a little unsure.

“Grampa Gruff?” asked Marie.

“He’s the leader of the griffons.” Gabby explained.

“Though fair warning, he’s kind of a grouch.” Warned Gilda.

“Oh joy.” Yolei rolled her eyes.

“Well, we might as well give it a try.” Donnie shrugged.

“I see no alteration.” Gamer pondered.

“Follow us.” Gilda led the group.

Soon, they arrived at tall house like structure.

“Here we are.” Gallus spoke.

“Great! I’ll knock.” Davis trotted up and knocked on the door.

The door quickly opened as Grampa Gruff poked his head out coughing. “WHAT DO YOU WANT? Oh it’s you lot.”

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. “Grampa Gruff, we were called here to Griffonstone for a friendship problem and wondered if you noticed anything arousing around here.”

Grampa Gruff looked around a bit. “What do I look like, a weather griffon? Why would I want to know what goes on around here?”

As he coughed a bit, Gamer was the next to speak up. “Uh, sir? You may want to get that cough checked or something. You might be getting a coughing fever.”

“Mind your own business!” Gruff snapped.

“Sorry for caring.” Gamer muttered before Gabby helped him up.

“Don’t take it personal. He’s like that with everyone.”

At last, Yolei lost patience. “Listen, Gramps! I’ve had just about enough of every griffin’s grumpy attitude other than Gilda, Gabby, and Gallus when we first got here! We only came to this kingdom because the map called us here to solve a friendship problem! The sooner we find the reason we were called here, the sooner we can leave you alone with your whooping cough, so you can either help us look around to speed it up or just sit here and cough off your-!”

“YOLEI!” Hawkmon quickly flew in between her and Gruff. “My apologize, Mr. Gruff. What my friend here means is that we would appreciate it if you could help us find the real reason we were and once we resolve it, we’ll be heading back to Ponyville.”

Gruff pondered a bit. “Well, since you asked nicely….. NO! NOW BEAT IT!”

And with that, he slammed the door, startling everybody.

“Ain’t he a ray of sunshine.” Deadpanned Serenity.

“Oh dear. I tried to be nice and friendly and this is the thanks I get?” Hawkmon huffed. “this really makes my feathers ruffled.”

“Well, to be fair, we did tell ya guys.” Gallus recalled.

“Yeah. Yeah.” Davis waved off. "we get that."

“Well, we’re back to square one.” Rainbow sighed.

“So, what now?” Yolei asked.

"How are we going to find the problems when the other griffons are going to keep being rude towards us?" Gamer asked.

"I don't know, Gamer. Maybe we could try-"

“Uh guys?” Donnie was interrupted as everyone looked over to Casey who felt something touch his nose. “You feel that?”

“Feel what?” Mikey asked before something touched his nose. “Oh wait. Now I did.”

"Oh man. Don't tell me that they're actually spitting at us now?" Clawmon groaned.

"I don't see any griffons flying in the sky. It felt like... Raindrop?" Rainbow said as she felt something fell on her too.

"Raindrop? Oh this is just great! It just can't get any worse, can it?" Yolei exclaimed.

Just then, raindrops were starting to fall in Griffonstone. Yolei begins to frown.

"Obviously it can." Yolei said in irritation.

Serenity reached in her knapsack and pulled out an umbrella and held it over her and Marie. Gamer pushed a couple buttons on his gauntlet and a force field appeared above while big enough to cover the others.

“Odd.” Gilda held her claw out. “It didn’t feel like raining earlier today.”

“Nice force field, Gamer!” Gabby smiled.

“Thanks, Gabby.” Gamer nodded. “Usually I use it for shielding, it doubles as shelter in case I don’t have my rain gear.”

“Is it me or is it raining heavier by the minute?” Donnie wondered.

”Well if the rain weren’t that bad, I’d settle for playing in the mud with Davis back at home.” Veemon said in excitement. “But then again, having to get mud off of your ears is the worse part. Is this really normal?”

“I don’t think that this is normal for this rain. Trust me, I usually did weather for Ponyville.” Rainbow stated.

”How long is this rain going to stop?” Marie asked. “I don’t think my clothes can take it like that.”

Mikey then noticed something. “Look up there. I think it's a bird. I think it's a plane.”

“What?” Yolei wondered.

Donnie’s eyes widened as a giant shadow was seen in the clouds. “uh I don't think it's neither bird or plane.”

“And I believe birds cannot fly into the storm clouds.” Hawkmon added.

“And I don't think planes can get through either because they'll get zapped in these storm clouds.” Gamer feared.

“Well, what's in the clouds anyway?” Veemon asked.

“Wait. There's something coming out of it.” Gallus pointed.

“I think it's a...” Something big came into view. Gilda's face turned into a shock. “it's a.”

Everyone, including the griffons, watched as a giant bird monster comes out and let out a loud, shrieking roar that is of a Kaiju. They all cover their ears and Mikey spoke up. “Ok. It's definitely a bird now.”

“It’s more than a bird, Mikey!” Gabby shuttered. “It’s a Tsunamatross!”

“A sunama- what?” Davis double took.

“A Tsunamatross.” Gallus corrected. “But they were just legend!”

“Apparently, no one told him!” Yolei stated.

Gamer then noticed something. “You don’t think our friendship problem is The Giant Claw there, do you?”

As the Tsunamatross flapped it’s wings, winds began to pick up as everyone braced it.

“Nobody likes a showoff!” Gilda sneered.

“This kinda reminds me of our final battle with the Storm King!” Casey pointed out.

Donnie then realized something. “You don’t think the Storm King had a pet that was nowhere to be found and has come for revenge for destroying the storm king.”

“Why don’t we ask him?” Mikey asked as he climbed the houses.

“Oh yeah. Let’s ask the murderous Rodan lookalike. Great thinking, Mikey.” Yolei deadpanned.

Mikey ignored her and began to shout to the Tsunanatross. “HEY! Mr. Tsunamatross! Are you here to get revenge on them for destroying the storm king?”

The giant bird responded by squawking loudly and firing lightning at Mikey, shocking him. As he landed back to the ground, the group ran up to him.

“You okay, Mikey?” Veemon asked.

“Was that a yes or a no?” Mikey spewed out black smoke.

Gamer calculated on his gauntlet. “I think I can translate on my gauntlet. I think I got it!”

“What did it say?” Gabby wondered.

“According to my translator, it said that he's not here for the storm king. He's here to cause havoc on Griffonstone by using heavy rain clouds and severe thunderstorm. This place will be nothing but a wasteland.” Gamer jawdropped.

“Like Tatarus it will!” glared Gilda before flying towards the bird.

“Wait up!” Rainbow sped up to her side.

But before they could hit the Tsunamatross, lightning covered the giant bird shocking the two. The group rushed to the two where they crashed.

“You guys okay?” Gabby asked in concern.

Gilda responded by spitting the ground. “Peachy.”

“Big mistake, Rodan!” Casey put his mask on and flew towards the Tsunamatross with Gallus by his left with his swords. “Goongala!”

Gamer watched as the bird generated lightning all over its body again and shocked the two back to the ground. “Hmmm.”

“Every time someone attacks it, it just…. Zaps us down!” Mikey pointed as he and Davis helped Casey and Gallus up.

“That seems to be its defense mechanism while winds and storms are its offense!” Donnie pointed out.

“Anyone got a kite?” Everyone deadpanned at Mikey’s question.

“What we need is a lightning rod.” Gamer explained. “If we can use to take away its electric shield, it might be enough to attack. Anybody got an electric form?”

“I do.” Davis raised a hoof. “Veemon and I can become Raidramon and be able to counteract that lightning!”

“I can back him up with my medallion.” Donnie added.

“While the rest of us dish out a little payback!” Rainbow grinned.

“Exactly.” Gamer nodded before turning to Serenity. “You still got that electric tonfa I gave you in Anaheim, Serenity?”

Serenity responded by pulling it out of her bag. “Right here.”

“Slap it on your arm.”

Serenity nodded before complying. As she put it on her front leg, the handle opened up and clamped on it. “Nice!”

“When I heard we were going to Equestria, I made some modifications to it just in case.”

“I hope you do become my brother-in-law. Because I love you as much as I love your brother.” Serenity smirked.

Gamer then turned to Gilda and held up a familiar box. “I also got something you can use, Gilda. It’s a little something I gave to Thorax, Ember, and Pharynx.”

Gilda accepted the box. “Okay. What do I do?”

“Push the button and relax.”

Gilda did as Gamer told her. She looked startled as nanites started covering her body like Thorax, Ember, and Pharynx.

“Just relax and let the nanites do their work.” Gamer assured.

Before long, Gilda was now wearing a brown suit with yellow stripes after the nanites finished forming.

Gilda looked herself over. “Not bad. Not bad at all. Thanks, little guy.”

“So awesome!” Gabby awed. “Any chance I can get one too?”

“Sorry. That was my only one.” Gamer shrugged. “But we survive this and I think can make one for you, Gabby.”

“Great!” Gabby perked up.

“In the meantime, let’s fry this bird!” Yolei declared as she, Marie, and Davis held their Digivices while she and Davis shouted together.





Like before, Davis and Yolei stood taller wearing their Digimon’s armor alongside Plaguemon.

“Oh! Wow!” Gabby awed.

“Impressive.” Gilda admitted.

Donnie than activated his medallion and was in his mystic form as he spoke. “Okay. Raidramon, you take the left while I take the right. The rest of you will scatter and coordinate your attacks.”

“Let’s save Griffonstone!” Raidramon growled.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey declared as they all charged towards the Tsunamatross.

Just then, some of the griffons that were trying to get inside were caught in the wind. Raidramon and Halsemon notice them before swooping in the save them.

“We got ya!” Raidramon shouted as he grab two of the griffon children.

“We’re not looking for gratitude if you must know. Just stay indoors and do not come out!” Halsemon told the other two griffons. The one griffon named Greta nodded as she went inside along with the other saved griffon.

“They should be ok. Let’s get back in the sky!” Raidramon stated while Halsemon followed him.

Like the last attempts, the bird covered itself with lightning. Only this time, Donnie used his staff to conduct the electricity while Raidramon absorbed some electricity with his horn. Once the electricity left the Tsunamatross, everyone else attacked it. Casey swung some exploding pucks that exploded on impact. Rainbow and Gilda tagged team their attacks while Plaguemon threw viles that also exploded.

“TEMPEST WING!” Halsemon countered the Tsunamatross’ winds with his attack as Gallus flew and sliced at the giant bird, causing to screech in recoil.

Gabby flew around as Gamer rode on her back.

“I think we’re winning!” the griffin cheered.

“Now all we gotta do is find a weak spot to finish it. Hold on!” Gamer saw some symbols glowing on the Tsunamatross. Two were on its wingspan, one on its long tail, and a fourth on its upper back. Gamer analyzed them with his goggles. “I think I found it.”

“What are they?” Gabby wondered.

“I think they’re sigils, magical symbols and they might be the bird’s source of power. Guys! I got a plan!” Gamer spoke in his intercom.

“How can I hear you from over here?” Gilda looked around.

“Your suit has a built-in radio for contact.” Gamer explained. “Now, I found four sigils on the creature’s back! One on each wingspan, one on the tail, and a fourth on the center back. Once Donnie and Raidramon clear the lightning, focus your attacks on the symbols!”

Rainbow turned to Gilda. “Cover me! I’m gonna hit it with a Sonic Rainboom!”

“I’ll save you some!” Gilda nodded as Rainbow sped upward.

As everyone charged at it, the Tsunamatross charged up to protect itself only for Raidramon and Donnie to redirect it at the sigil on it left wing. Marie rode on Plaguemon as he threw viles that exploded red mists. As it screeched in pain, Casey launched a couple exploding pucks at the sigil on the right wing. As they exploded, Gallus slashed the wing with his swords. Gamer jumped off Gabby and drew his sword while joining Gilda, Mikey, Halsemon, and Serenity in attacking the sigil on the tail. As Gabby swung around, Gamer was able to jump back on her back just before Rainbow smacked the Tsunamatross on the back with a huge Sonic Rainboom. The giant bird screeched in pain as it began to fall.

“We need to make sure it doesn’t land on Griffinstone!” Donnie cried.

“Push it to the cliff!” Halsemon instructed Raidramon and Plaguemon.

“You got it!” Raidramon nodded. “THUNDER BLAST!”



Halsemon and Raidramon fired their attacks and Plaguemon slashed at full blast enough for the Tsunamatross to fall off the ledge. Everyone landed next to the ledge to watch it fall into the rocks below as Casey and Gilda helped a dazed Rainbow up. Everyone looked to see the Tsunamatross lying unconscious before the same black wisp of magic that controlled Spike floated away. The Tsunamatross then turned into a regular bird before waking up and flying away.

“You mean to tell me it was just a regular bird this whole time?” Casey jawdropped.

“Yolei would agree with you on that, Casey.” Halsemon added.

"So the bird was corrupted by this mysterious magic to transform into this giant rampaging Kaiju with the power of storm?" Mikey asked in disbelief.

"It would appear so. It's almost like what happened to Spike, but this time it was a bird." Donnie agreed with Mikey.

“That was pretty intense!” Gabby breathed. "Is this what you normally do when you fought monsters and bad guys?"

"It's kind of a hobby for us." Mikey nodded.

“Anypony, or griffon, curious where that magic came from?” Serenity asked before Raidramon and Halsemon separated back to Davis, Veemon, Yolei, and Hawkmon while Plaguemon reverted to Clawmon.

“Well, maybe Twilight could look it up.” Donnie suggested.

Gabby then looked at Davis and her eyes widened. "Woah Davis. What happened to you mane?"

Everypony and griffons looked at Davis to see that his mane and tail are all poofed up from the electricity.

"Oh my mane and tail is all fried up from using the electricity and the lightning Donnie and I redirected to the giant bird monster. It happened to me the first time when I got the digi egg of friendship and I rode Raidramon. No big deal." Davis explained.

Just then, the ponies began to glow again.

“Hey! Our butts are glowing again!” Davis cried.

“Flanks, Davis.” Gamer deadpanned, not seeing Gilda and Gabby snickering.

Rainbow dash then kicks Davis in the same spot that Applejack did. Davis yelps in pain.

"Rainbow Dash! Would you please stop doing that!" Davis yelled.

"Then you stop saying 'butts'!" Rainbow dash yelled back.

“And more to the point, our cutie marks are too!” Gamer said gaining their attention.

“That usually means we’ve solved our Friendship Problem.” Rainbow said.

“So we were called to beat Big Bird?” Mikey double took. “Fluttershy might not want to hear that.”

“I know I’m new at Friendship Problems, but do you think that Friendship map of you guys’ might know something about this?”

Everyone looked curiously at Marie as Donnie asked her. “What do you mean, Marie?”

“Like what if it’s trying to warn us about a threat that might be coming.”

“Maybe she’s right.” Mikey figured. “Remember when we used the map to find the Pony of Shadows? It’s possible we might be dealing with something like that.”

“Hmm. It might be possible, Mikey.” Donnie pondered.

“So what now?” Yolei asked Donnie.

“Now that our Friendship Problem is solved, I suggest we head back to Ponyville and ask Twilight when she’s back from her end.”

As Gilda led the group through Griffonstone, the griffons who saw the fight cheered or cawed to the group for saving their home. Yolei looked up to see Grampa Gruff looking at them and, despite not smiling, nodded at them before slamming his window shut and smirked to herself. Soon, They made it to the outskirts of Griffonstone as Gilda faced the group.

Rainbow spoke to her friend. “Thanks for helping us, Gilda.”

“I should be thanking you guys for saving our home.” Gilda smiled. “You ponies are all right with me. I hope I see you lot again.”

“I think we’ll see each other again.” Davis grinned.

“If we ever need help, we’ll give you a call.” Gamer promised. “And keep the suit. You might need it.”

“Thanks, Games. It really looks good on me.” Gilda patted the suit that was now a necklace. “And if you need me, I’ll be faster than you can say Griffonstone.”

“You could even visit Ponyville sometime for a visit.” Gabby smiled.

“I would like that.” Gilda smiled back before Gabby hugged her and she reluctantly hugged back. She then tussled Gallus’ head. “You take care too, Gallus.”

“Right back at ya.” Gallus nodded before the group left for Ponyville as they waved goodbye to Gilda one last time.

Meanwhile, In the the mountain areas, Leo, T.K., Cody, Josh, Shine Boy, Pinkie, Raph, Karai, and Keno were making their way to Yakyakistan. Each wore winter apparel as they trekked through the snow.

“Hey, Pinkie!” Keno called out to the pink pony leading the group. “How much longer until we arrive at Yakyakistan?”

“Not long now!” Pinkie smiled. “The village should be after this hill!”

“You know, I just realized, this’ll be our first time visiting Yakyakistan.” Karai pointed out.

“You’re right.” Leo agreed.

“Looks like it’ll be a new experience for most of us.” Shine Boy walked up.

“It was nice of Rarity to give us these winter clothes before we left.” Cody pointed out.

“Yeah. We didn’t think we needed them while visiting Equestria.” TK added.

“Tell me about it.” Patamon shivered in TK’s vest.

“Curious to meet the Yaks we’ve been told about.” Josh wondered.

“Yona’s told us they’re pretty strong.” Raph punched his wrists. “Maybe I can wrestle one before we go back.”

“I hope they’re as friendly as Yona.” Keramon hoped as he rode on Josh’s back.

“Hopefully that ain’t the Friendship Problem.” Armadillomon yawned.

“We’re Here!” Pinkie cheered as the group looked to see a village below. Inside the wall that circled it were houses with straw roofs and giant yak statues made of wood. In the center was a large fire pit with two torch posts next to it.

“Looks homely enough.” TK shrugged.

“And warm.” Armadillomon nodded.

“Let’s go!” Cody was ready to move before Leo stopped.

“Hold on, Cody. We better tell our stowaway we’re here.”

“Stowaway?” Josh raised a brow.

Leo nodded before turning to a slope. “Come on out, Yona! We know you’re there!”

Everyone saw Yona walking out from behind the slope groaning. “How Senseis and friends know Yona follow?”

“We heard you grunting about two hills ago.” Karai grinned. “But give you credit for being well hidden for this long. You have been training.”

“Why’d you follow us, Yona?” TK asked.

“When Yak and friends heard you go for Friendship Problem in homes, Friends decide to follow and help.”

“Then it’s safe to say Gallus and the others did the same with Davis and the others.” Raph concluded.

“I don’t see any problem with her helping us.” Shine Boy pondered.

Pinkie popped up. “Yeah! She might know something I don’t about Yakyakistan.”

“I guess you’re right.” Leo shrugged. “Okay, Yona. As long as you stay close to us, You can help.”

“Yak promise!” Yona nodded.

“Alright! Now let’s go find our Friendship Problem.” Keno smiled as they headed towards the home of the yaks.

Before long, the group was walking around Yakyakistan. They were looking around to see the yaks do their usual things. The newcomers were especially amazed.

“This is amazing!” Cody wowed.

“I’ll say.” Armadillomon agreed.

“I’m very impressed.” Josh looked around.

“I like the quilts the yaks are wearing.” Keramon pointed to the quilts the yaks had strapped to their backs.

“Yep. Quilts keep yaks warm. And fashionable too!” Yona smiled.

“Like the décor.” TK pointed to wood carvings of yaks holding torches.

“Kinda reminds me of the winter campouts I went to.” Shine Boy noted.

“You went camping in snow, Shines?” Raph asked him.

“Yep. It’s a boy scout thing.”

“Never knew, but I can see you doing that.” Karai smiled.

“It’s really pretty fun when you’re prepared.” Shine Boy shrugged.

Leo looked around to see yaks behaving normally and waved back at those that waved at the group. “Nothing out of the ordinary here.”

“Yep.” Pinkie agreed. “All the yaks are behaving normally.”

“Maybe it was a false alarm?” Patamon suggested.

“If it is, I suggest we pay Discord a visit on the way home!” Raph punched his hands.

“And what if it’s not Discord, Raph?” Keno pointed out.

“Just want to make double sure.” Raph smirked.

“Ninja ponies! Pink pony! Yona!” the group turned to see a big yak with hair covering his eyes, gold rings on his horns and beard, a gold satch under his green quilt and tail, and a black crown with green gems walk up to them. “Yak happy to see friends again.”

“Hi, Prince Rutherford.” Pinkie greeted.

“Greetings, your yakness!” Yona smiled.

“Prince Rutherford, it is good to see you again.” Leo bowed.

“Yak remembers most of you, but who other ponies Not familiar with?” Rutherford pointed to the newcomers.

Pinkie cleared her throat. “Everypony, this is Prince Rutherford, ruler of Yakyakistan. Rutherford, these are recent friends visiting with the ninjas. There’s Shine Boy, TK, Patamon, Cody, Armadillomon, Josh, and Keramon.”

“Hi.” Everyone greeted.

“Welcome to Yakyakistan. Any friend of pink pony and ninja ponies and Yona are welcome at Yakyakistan.” Rutherford smiled.

“Thank you.” Cody bowed.

“Excuse me, Prince Rutherford, but have you seen any unusual behavior recently?” TK asked.

Rutherford pondered for a bit before looking up. “Yaks behave like yaks. But there is something different.”

“How so?” Leo wondered.

“Come with yak.”

As Rutherford led the group, everyone began noticing something odd.

Josh breathed out he felt warmer than before. "Hey guys? Is it getting hot all of a sudden or is it me?"

"Actually, I'm starting to feel a bit hot too. Literally." Raph agreed with the young Digidestined.

“Odd. I’m beginning to feel warmer.” Shine Boy spoke.

“Good. It’s not just me.” Keno pointed out.

“This doesn’t feel right.” Cody pondered.

“Cody’s right. It’s usually cold up here.” Pinkie recalled.

“Puzzles yak too. It was cold days ago. Then, next day warmer, especially in this direction.” Rutherford pointed.

“Have yaks figured out what causing heat?” Yona asked.

“Prince sent yaks to investigate, but yaks found nothing before returning sweating.”

“Think it might be global warming?” TK wondered.

“In Equestria? Doubt it.” Karai waved off.

“Kinda wish April was here, but I got a funny feeling that something, or somepony, is behind this.” Shine Boy looked around.

“Same.” Leo agreed. “This could be our friendship problem.”

“Look out!” Suddenly, Karai and Josh tackled Leo and Shine Boy just before a giant boulder landed on them.

“Where did that come from?” TK gasped.

“Who joker throw rocks at Sensei?” Yona demanded.

“This joker!” Her answer came in the form of laughter. They all looked to see a tall creature made of rocks as steam gushed from his body.

“It’s some kind of lava monster!” Pinkie gasped.

“Not just any lava monster! THE lava monster!” roared the creature as he fired more boulders at the group who scattered and laughed. “I love the smell of burnt yak hair in the morning!”

“Attacking these yaks is a terrible thing to do! What have they ever done to you?” Cody demanded.

“Nothing personal. Just ordered by my mistress to destroy this land and all its inhabitants so she can rule Equestria.” The lava monster explained.

Everyone was surprised by that statement until Keramon spoke.

"Hold on. You're saying that your mistress was the one who sent you to Yakyakistan and commanded you to attack?"

"Who exactly IS your mistress?" Patamon asked.

"Wait a minute. Did I just spill out the secrets?" The lava monster asked in confusion.

"Yep." Yona nodded.

"You did." Pinkie added.

"Loud and clear." Raph nonchalantly agreed while crossing his arms while everyone else says otherwise.

The lava monster smacked himself on the head. “Ah cracked pebbles! It's a terrible habit! Pretend you never heard that!”

"Man, for a monster who's all big and have dangerous lava, he sure is not bright." Armadillomon said.

“Yeah. This guy’s an even bigger bigmouth than Davis.” Raph remarked.

"I heard that, pony freak!" The lava monster yelled which irked Raph. "Look. I don't have time for a little talk! I'm here to destroy everything in this land by covering all in lava! So you can either stand aside and let me do my job or else you can join them in a hot, fiery grave!" The creature finished as it chuckles evilly.

"Alright. I've had just about enough of this jerk!" Raph said as he and Leo drew their weapons.

"For once, Raph, I agree with you." Leo added.

“So if we beat him, we can find out about his mistress by making him blurt it out!” Karai smirked.

“Any bet this lava guy’s our friendship problem?” TK wondered.

“Friendship problem or not, TK, we can’t let this jerk harm Yakyakistan and the yaks that live there.” Shine Boy levitated his staff.

“He’s right!” Leo aimed his swords. “We have to stop him from harming anypony or yak!”

“Yaks fight for Yakyakistan!” Rutherford snorted.

“Yona fight too!” Yona cried as she pulled out her mace.

“We all do!” added Josh.

TK pulled out his Digivice. “Ready, Patamon?”

“Ready!” his Digimon partner nodded.

“Let’s cool this hothead!” Cody pulled out his.

“I’m with you!” Armadillomon agreed.




As TK and Cody stood in the Digimon’s armor, Josh held up his Digivice. “I can’t you boys have all the fun.”


“Alright everypony. We have to take this lava monster down before it destroys yakyakistan. Let's go!” Leo cried.

“Yaks! CHARGE!” Rutherford hollered as his yaks by his side charged at the lava monster. But the monster grabbed these two to throw them aside and catches Rutherford as he got close.

“Aww. Now that wasn’t very NICE!” he laughed before hitting Rutherford to the ground.

“And what you’re doing is better?” Raph taunted.

“ROCK CRACKIN!” Digmon attacked the lava monster with his drills before the lava monster hit him away. Keno and Karai attacked his sides before they flipped away to dodge.

Raph then used his medallion to morph his arms into steel as the lava monster scoffed. “Metal? Really?”

“Really!” Raph punched him with his fists cracking some of the stone before the lava monster knocked him aside. Shine Boy fired his Shine Power at the monster before getting pushed back while Pinkie fired her cannon.

“This guy is really tough!” Keno said as he watched Yona whack it with her mace while Pegasusmon and Chrysalimon double teamed him with their attacks.

“Maybe if we take out it’s lava shielding.” Leo used his medallion to fire a stream of water at the lava monster. After some steam rose, the shielding were still hot.

“Ha! It’ll take more than just a blast of water to get through my lava shielding!” The lava monster boasted. “You need like a pool of it to get to me! D’oh! Da-! Aw! SAID IT OUT LOUD AGAIN! Pretend you never heard that!”

“Good to know! ROCK CRACKING!” Digmon drilled the ground causing the lava monster to lose his balance.



Pegasusmon and Chrysalismon tag teamed to have the lava monster fall into the hole.

“Now Leo!” Shine Boy cried while Leo used his medallion to fill the hole with water. The lava monster groaned in pain as his lava shielding steamed away.

“What the-? I can’t get out!… did I say that out loud?” The lava monster asked stupidly.

“Yeah. You sure did. Get him!” Pinkie yelled as she threw snowballs at him. Rutherford, Yona, and the other yaks joined in and threw more snowballs at the lava monster who tried to shield himself.

“Uh oh. Ice attacks? Oh man! If that hits my stone lava heart, I’ll be gone for good!… Gah! There I go! Giving away my secrets again!”

“Good to know.” Karai smirked.

Josh looked down and saw the lava monster protecting his torso. “His stone heart must be in his chest!”

“So we get it open and destroy it.” Shine Boy concluded.

“Keep him in the water!” Raph ordered.

Keno and Karai joined the yaks in throwing snowballs at the monster as Pegasusmon and Chrysalimon fired their attacks to stop him from going to shore along with Shine Boy.

“Yona, come with me!” At that very moment, Digmon along with Yona on the lava monster’s chest as Yona readied her mace.

“Get off!” The lava monster tried to shake them off but the two still held on.

“ROCK CRACKING!” Digmon used his drills to crack the chest, revealing the lava monster’s shiny stone heart. “Now, Yona!”

“YAK SMASH!” Yona declared before slamming her mace on the shiny stone, breaking it.

“Nooooo!” Shouted the lava monster as he began to crumble.

As Digmon and Yona jumped back to shore, Shine Boy jumped on the crumbling lava monster.

“Alright rock lava monster. Now talk!” he demanded. “Who are you working for?”

The rock creature laughed evilly at Shine Boy. “Even if I tell you about who I’m working for, you dumb creatures are going to perish alongside your homelands."

“WHO are you working for!? ANSWER ME!” Shine Boy continue to shout angrily.

The rock lava monster chuckled before answering, “The one who is causing all that havoc and destruction all over Equestria is none other than Tem-“ then he broke apart before he could finish that name.

“No!” Shine Boy yelled before grunting in frustration. “Darn it! Now we’ll never know!”

Shine Boy managed to swim back to the others and Karai and Leo helped him out just as the water froze up. Just then, the ponies and yaks were surprised to a black magical stream was coming out of the pool where the rock lava monster was as it goes away in the sky.

"Ok. Now that was something." Karai said in a surprised tone.

"I'll say." Leo said in agreement.

The yaks all cheered as Rutherford smiled to the group. “Temperature appears to be normal thanks to ponies.”

“The honor was ours, Prince Rutherford.” Leo bowed.

“I’m just sorry we didn’t figure out who sent him.” Shine Boy sighed.

“Don’t worry, Shines.” Karai patted his shoulder. “I have a feeling we’ll have another chance soon.”

“We only know it starts with a ‘Tem’. Maybe Twilight knows something.” TK suggested.

“Hopefully they don’t send anymore lava monsters. That guy was annoying.” Raph griped.

“I agree with ya, Raph.” Josh agreed. “He was such a blabbermouth.”

“At least our teamwork stopped him from destroying Yakyakistan.” Cody smiled.

“That’s right!” Pinkie bounced. “And we saved all these yaks as well.”

“Hey guys, look!” Keno pointed. The ponies looked to see their cutie marks glowing.

“Hey, your cutie marks are glowing again.” Patamon pointed out.

“What does that mean?” wondered Keramon.

“It means we solved our friendship problem!” cheered Pinkie.

“I guess that lava monster was the friendship problem.” Shine Boy guessed.

“Guess so.” Armadillomon nodded.

Leo turned to Yona. “You did good too, Yona. We’re all very proud of you.”

“Yona happy that Senseis’ happy.” Yona smiled.

“This calls for celebration! Ponies join Yaks for Yickslurbertfest!” Rutherford declared.

Shine Boy looked over to Leo. “I think we got time.”

Leo nodded. “We’d be honored to join.”

“Sounds like fun!” Armadillomon smiled as the yaks cheered.

“This is more different than I thought.” He deadpanned as he watched yaks smashing wooden furniture.

“Fun, right?” Yona smiled at the ponies trying to smash furniture.

"well I don't know how breaking wooden furnitures is considered fun, but I'm not complaining." Keramon said while watching Josh break the chair.

"I thought Yickslurbertfest was the name of the drink. But when you and the yaks showed us to what it is, I never thought that you were able to grab things that are no good and smash them." Cody said while trying to break the table with his hooves without hurting himself.

“I think it’s a good way to ease off some tension.” Shine Boy figured.

“On the bright side, the cakes are good.” Keno smiled sitting at a big banquet table eating a cake.

“I think I’m gonna save mine for later.” Raph shrugged.

“Maybe some furniture breaking could work up an appetite, Raph.” TK suggested.

“Maybe.” Raph turned to see his plate empty all of the sudden. “What the-? who the heck ate my cake!?”

They all turned and saw Pinkie with her mouth stuff full of cake that she had taken in one bite.

“I don’t know.” She muffled.

Raph groaned while facepalming in annoyance of Pinkie’s antics.

To be Continued

Author's Note:

Who is responsible for the Tsunamatross and lava monster? Will the others have similar encounters? Find out Next time!

Fun Facts-

- The griffon Gamer mentions in a garbage is a call back to the Sesame Street movie The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland.

-Thanks to an anonymous user who helped me with the dialogue in this chapter. we also came up with the Tsunamatross.

-The lava monster was based on an episode of Annoying Orange.

- Gamer mentions The Giant Claw, a 1957 monster movie about a giant bird. It was bad.

Next Time: Jive in the Hive/ Cold time in Dragon land!

Comments ( 12 )

“Cool! Your butts are glowing too!” Davis chimed, irritating Applejack before hitting Davis in the flank. “Ah!”


Okay, now that was very funny.

And it seems Applejack's sort of embarrased by that part.

Thought it would be a funny gag

It was nice the two groups learned more about the other locations in Equestria and got to face some neat monsters

Now that was a fun chapter.

Hmm, I think the map might be sentient. Because if it could detect threats like it did with the Pony of Shadows, I wonder what else it could do.

if you need ideas for the hive part i know a old movie. its called 'eight legged freaks'.

The next chapter's gonna be the same

We got that planned. Besides, I hate that movie

Not a fan of spiders huh, same here.

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