• Published 14th Jan 2024
  • 579 Views, 253 Comments

Amber Starts, Comforting Endings - David Silver

With books in her eyes, a chipper unicorn comes to the big city of earth ponies, certain that they would be more open to the idea of a grand library than the superstitious unicorns she was leaving behind.

  • ...

9 - Help

"I'm.--" Her eyes darted around, working her hooves together slowly. "I'm not scared of books!" She forced a big smile.

Amber inclined her head slowly. "That's a good first start. Misty, was it?"

"That's me!" Misty tapped her hooves gently. "I really want to help."


Misty sank as if crushed by that simple question. "Oh, well, sheesh. I want to help because--" She trailed off with thought. "I want to help little foals. I want to help grown ponies. I want somepony to be less confused than I was, and this feels like a good place for that."

Amber smiled. "Thank you for being honest. What do you think you can do for the library?"

"I can organize books, and make sure they're all there. I can make sure the computer knows what's in the library, and what's not. I can be friendly to everypony who comes in. I can help them find what they're looking for, and I can help them find new things to look for."

Amber nodded along, making notes. "Very good. I'm glad you've given this some thought." She looked up with a smile. "Now, I need to ask you a few more questions. Do you mind?"

Misty perked, ears erect. "Of course not!" She laughed tensely. "Do you have, sorry, a drink of water by any chance?" When Amber slid a glass towards her, Misty grabbed it in her own magic and took a big sip. "Thanks. I never actually had a job job before. This is all new."

"It's okay. I haven't done this before either." Amber smiled warmly. "Let's learn together."

"Okay." Misty relaxed, just a little. "What do you want to know?"

Amber made a dramatic showing of relaxing her shoulders and leaning back. Even her tail went limp. "First, relax. This isn't a test. You seem like a nice pony. We've met before. I just want to see how good of a fit you are, and where you'd be best placed. I'm not even your boss, technically."

"You aren't?" Misty looked baffled at that. "Then who would be?"

Amber made a wide wave. "The city itself. We'd both be city employees. Sure, technically, I would be the one you report to and who could, if she had to, terminate you, which I hope is about never." She paused a moment. "Relaxed?"

"A little." Misty tried to mimic Amber's posture, but her legs didn't want to go that limp. "This is a weird interview."

"Oh yes." Amber smiled. "But it's also a weird library. I don't think we'll have many normal days. I want to know what you can bring to the table, but I also want to know what you expect from us."

"Well, I expect to work, and to do my job, and to help out. I don't expect a lot of money, but I do want to make enough to live on." She fidgeted. "I want to be happy with my job, and feel like I'm doing good."

Amber offered a hoof across the desk. "That much, I can promise. Now, experience. How much do you know about sorting books?" She nodded at Misty's confused look. "Can you lift at least ten pounds?" With the nod, she raised the stakes. "Twenty? Thirty? Fourty? That's your cap, alright." Amber made a dutiful note.

"Oh, I can lift forty pounds, easy. I'm not that small." Misty flexed a leg. "I don't think I've ever had to lift that much, but I can. I don't know how to sort books, though. I know how to shelve them, but not how to decide where they go."

Amber nodded. "That's okay. We'll teach you. It's not that hard. You'll be learning as you go, but we'll be right there with you." She smiled. "We're all picking this up at about the same time."

"Okay." Misty relaxed, just a little. "Where's Comforting?"

"You are a treat to interview that way." Amber brought her hooves together with a relaxed smile. "You already know her, and she doesn't spook you out."

With no further prompting, Comforting casually came to be, resolving like a low resolution art piece that became sharper quickly until she was all there. "Hello! If it isn't a Misty." She reached to ruffle and pet over Misty's head, teasing an ear. "I will love working with you. Something about you makes me want to--" She trailed off with thought. "I'm not sure, but I'd love for us to become even better friends."

Misty squeaked, then giggled, leaning into the ear rubs. "I'd love that too, Comforting. You're so cool."

Amber watched with a smile. "I'm glad you two are getting along. That'll make the job much easier."

"I can't wait to start." Misty smiled. "When do I start?"

"Soon." Amber stood up. "We have to finish hiring first. I'm hoping to have at least three more ponies on board, so we can cover shifts and have some extra help." She lifted a slip of paper in her magic to where Comforting could snatch it.

Comforting donned a pair of glasses she did not need and looked over the paper. "Hm! Hm. Looks like you're on the right track." She slapped the paper down in front of Amber. "Misty, one thing; this library is a safe place for all the ponies in it, staff or not. But it's up to us, staff, to make that happen and keep it that way. How does that sound?

Misty nodded. "That sounds good. I can do that."

"Good!" Comforting floated over to hug Misty around the neck. "I'm glad you're going to be part of our team."

Misty smiled as she was nuzzled against. "You are very affectionate, um, Comforting."

Comforting paused sharply. "Is it bothering you? I can stop."

Misty colored, worrying her hooves in nervous little motions. "It's alright, just surprising is all. A good hug between friends is good, but you're also kinda my boss?"

Comforting tapped at her chin. "You have a point, but only sorta." She pointed at Amber firmly. "She's the boss. I'm just an assistant." That she was an assistant with cosmic powers, she didn't bother pointing out or explaining. "So, I'm more of a co-worker. So if you're okay with it, all is good, and if you're not, then I stop, and that doesn't hurt your odds around here, super promise."

Misty snorted a laugh. "Okay. You're cool. I think we'll get along great, if you're like this every day."

"Oh, I am." Comforting floated away, smiling at Amber. "Anything else, boss?"

Amber shook her head. "No, that's good. We'll call you when we're ready to start. It shouldn't be more than a few days."

Misty stood up with a smile. "Thank you, Amber. I'll see you soon."

Amber made a hug gesture, but didn't actually touch Misty. "I'm looking forward to it. Now get out of here and think booky thoughts."

The two shared laughter as they headed their separate ways. Amber turned to Comforting. "Does that go for us? I'm your boss and all, but not sharing hugs with you isn't where I want to be."

"Me neither." Comforting tapped Amber on the end of her snout. "So we'll be extra special adults about this, who were friends before there was a business involved, and I'll keep hugging and being hugged until either of us decides they don't want that anymore. How's that sound?"

Amber smiled. "That sounds perfect. I can't wait to hug you again."

"Then let's do that." Comforting opened her arms, and Amber slipped into them, hugging back tightly. For a moment, the two were lost in the simple but warm act of the embrace, but Amber eventually slipped free.

"That was nice, but I should finish up the interviews." She smiled as she settled into her seat. "I'll let you know the moment we're done with those."

"Looking forward to it!" Comforting saluted and vanished as if being flushed down a drain with a loud sound to accompany it.

Comforting and Amber looked up with mutual delight at the big banner hanging over their library, declaring that it was a grand opening. There was a big ribbon in front of the library, but it wasn't either of their job to cut it. That's what the mayor was for, giving a big speech about the importance of libraries and their various functions.

Amber stood beside Comforting, holding her hand tightly as they watched the mayor speak. "This is it," she whispered. "Our library is open."

"It's amazing," Comforting whispered back. "And it's all because of you."

Amber snorted with a wrinkled snout at that. "You're lying. You helped at least as much as I did. We opened this library, together. Admit it."

"Okay, we did." Comforting squeezed Amber's hoof gently. "But you made it happen. I just gave you a little nudge."

Amber shook her head. "We did this together. I couldn't have done it without you."

Comforting abandoned that argument, instead hugging Amber with one arm and getting a happy giggle for it. Hugs were so much better than silly debates about nothing important.

"And so--" The mayor put the scissors up to the ribbon. "--I declare this library--" She cut down, allowing the ribbon to flutter free. "--open!"

The crowd clapped and stomps with approval, but neither Comforting nor Amber got to see that part, with Comforting whisking Amber into the library with a sharp tug between the pages.

Amber wobbled from the sudden meta movement. "That still feels odd, but why did you do that?"

"Ponies will wander in here, and they'll need all of us working, not gawking at the opening ceremony. Let's do a library!" Comforting giggled as she floated off quickly to do her part in things.

Amber smiled, shaking her head. "She's right. Let's get to work." She trotted over to the front desk, where Misty was already sitting and looking ready to greet visitors. "Looking good! Here comes our first." She shook her hooves with excitement before assuming a far more serious and 'dignified' stance.

That first pony, a stallion, wandered up to the front desk. "Hello."

"Hiya." Misty smiled nervously at the stallion. "How can I help you today?"

"Yeah, uh." He tapped at his chin as he looked around for something. "Where's the menu?"

Misty blinked with amazement. "There isn't a menu, sir, but if you know what kind of book you're looking for, I can, uh, point you in the right direction. We have lots of different kinds of books."

He squinted at her. "This is a restaurant, right? This is where I'm supposed to be?"

Comforting zipped out of nowhere to land beside Misty. "No, sir, this is a library. You're in the right place. Are you looking for a particular book?"

"Yeah, the menu." He looked around again. "I don't see one. How do I order?"

Comforting gave him a confused look. "You can't get food here, just books. Books can give you adventure, or teach you something new. They can give you a peek at ponies a world away, or maybe a whole new world all-together!" Comforting clapped her mismatched hands, dreaming of such places and wonders. "Books are wonderful, but they're not food, and don't have a menu."

"Oh." He looked around again, then back at Comforting. "Can I borrow some bits?"

Comforting sighed, floating back up. "I'm sorry, sir, but we don't lend money here. You'll have to go somewhere else for that."

He grumbled, turning away. "This is a waste of time. I'll try somewhere else."

"Good luck," Misty called after him.

Amber clopped a hoof to her forehead beside her horn. "That went awkwardly. Misty, you were fine. That pony was just in the entirely wrong place. Oh, here comes another; look sharp!"

Misty nodded, smiling brightly as a filly approached the desk. "Hi! How can I help you today?"

The filly smiled up at Misty. "I want a book about flying."

Misty smiled brightly, examining the filly and her little wings. "Do you mean flying as in you flying with your own power, or a different kind of flying?"

"A different flying." The filly jumped up, her wings holding her aloft for a few seconds. "I want to read about ponies who aren't pegasi flying. Do you have books like that?"

Misty frowned with thought. "Well, that sounds like--" She swept her hoof a moment before finding the fiction section. "--right there! Comforting?"

Comforting leaned in from behind where she hadn't been before. "Yes?"

"Oh!" Misty jumped with surprise. "This is Comforting, and she'll help you find a specific book about not-pegasi flying around."

The filly giggled. "Hi, Comforting! I'm Sky. Can you help me find a book about flying?"

"Of course I can." Comforting floated over to Sky. "Before we go, I want to know, do you want to know about real ways ponies can do that, or make believe?"

Sky's eyes widened. "You have both?!" she squeaked out with obvious amazement.

"We sure do!" Comforting reached out to take Sky's hoof. "Let's go find you some books."

Sky bounced along after Comforting, both of them giggling and looking happy.

Amber clapped her hooves with joy. "That was way better. We've done it. Great job, Misty." She glanced at where Comforting had gone to. "Didn't know we had books on actually flying though."

Misty rubbed behind her head. "My friends fly sometimes with a crazy machine. I don't know how it works, and didn't know we had a book on it. I guess we do!"

"Huh." Amber shrugged gently. "We both learned something. Next up!" She pointed to where a couple of ponies were approaching.

Misty smiled brightly at the pair. "Welcome to the library. How can I help you today?"

"Hi!" The mare smiled brightly. "I'm looking for a book on how to be a better mother. Do you have one of those?"

Misty tapped her chin. "Well, we have books on parenting, but they're mostly for parents who are already parents. Do you have a foal?"

"We sure do," cut in the stallion. "But we didn't bring them. They're at school."

Misty brightened with understanding. "Oh, I see. That makes sense. You want these books." She rushed over to point at the section with the parenting tomes. "We have books for teeny tiny foals up to teenaged foals. They're very, um, different."

The mare nodded. "Thank you! I'll look through them."

Misty smiled, backing away. "I hope you find what you're looking for."

The stallion smiled at Misty. "You sure do know your library." Both eagerly approached the books to examine their spines, leaving a grinning Misty behind to return to her chair.

Amber pumped a victorious arm. "This is going great. Oh! I work here too, boss or not. If you need a break, don't feel bad asking me to tag in. That goes for the rest of you." She smiled at each librarian she could find. "We're all in this together."

The others smiled back, nodding with agreement.

"And now, we wait for the next pony to come in." Amber smiled at the front door. "I can't wait to see who comes through that door next."

Next was Sunny Starscout, a gentle smile on her face. "Misty! Amber!" She rushed up to the two. "Congratulations on your big day." Even her tail was swaying with happy energy. "Now, tell me, do you have books on ancient history? I'm talking things from back in Comforting's day."

"Oh, we do!" Amber pointed at the shelves. "They're right over there. Comforting put them all in place."

Sunny smiled brightly. "That's amazing! Thank you!" She trotted towards it, just to pause. "I don't mean to just rush past you like that."

Amber shook her head quickly. "We are librarians, and you asked for a book. Seeing you find what you're looking for puts a smile on all our faces." She and Misty gave a grin to prove that point. "See?"

Sunny giggled. "I do. Thank you again." She trotted off to the books, already starting to browse.

Misty leaned over to whisper to Amber. "She's so nice. I love having her around."

"Me too." Amber looked around. "I wonder if--" She paused as a small group of foals came in. "Looks like we're about to find out."

The first day was going quite well, at least so far.

Author's Note:

I promise, we'll get to some not-being-a-librarian content soon. Speaking of that, are there specific slices of their life you'd love to see a peering at? I love hearing from you all.

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