• Published 22nd Jan 2024
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Video Game Journeys: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy - CrashGuy41

Sunset and the others end up in the world of Crash Bandicoot.

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Dr. N. Tropy

After a bit of cheering up, everyone decided to refocus on their goal to save the world by obtaining all of the crystals and gems. Coco decided to take the next level, since it had Pura. She had really warmed up to the cute little tiger cub. Travelling the Great Wall wasn't as easy this time, but the duo managed to do it and obtain both the crystal and the gem in the level. After getting through, it was finally time for Crash to face off against Dingodile. After Coco returned with the crystal and gem, Crash stepped on the button and warped straight to the Ice Age. The screen showed Dingodile in said place as he sent them a message.

"Well now, I guess you're coming here with those crystals. But you're not just going to hand them over so easily, are you?" Dingodile said.

"What do you think, Dingodile?!" Twilight growled.

"Right. You're going to fight for them. Now you've gone and done it. I tried to warn you that I'd fry you, because I meant it. You'll be lucky if that bandicoot friend of yours survives this. Because if he doesn't, them crystals are mine."

And with that, the message ended and immediately cut to the Ice Age.

The first thing that everyone noticed was that Dingodile was threatening an innocent penguin, named Penta, with his flamethrower. This, of course, made Fluttershy extremely aggravated.

"He's lucky I'm here in the Time Twister and not in the Ice Ages right now!" she snarled.

Just then, Crash made his entrance and caught Dingodile's attention.

"Break out the butter, I'm going to make toast!" he boasted.

Penta thankfully ran out of the way as ice crystals soon formed around Dingodile, creating a barrier. He then shot of a few small bursts of fire into the air, which landed in specific spots around the arena. Crash managed to dodge them all, then decided to taunt Dingodile by clucking like a chicken.

"Why you--! Now you're asking for it, mate!"

He aimed his flamethrower at Crash and let out a huge stream of fire from it, breaking some of his barrier. Seeing an opportunity, Crash spun into Dingodile, knocking him flat on his stomach. Doing so, however, caused the gas tank's alarm to go off. Knowing very well that it was going to explode, Crash narrowly got out of the way of the blast, which sent Dingodile rebounding back into the center. This was done two more times until Dingodile eventually admitted defeat.

"You thrashed me, mate. No worries. You'll soon be up against much worse."

Penta jumped on Dingodile as he laid on his stomach in defeat, dropping a new powerup for the bandicoots. The powerup was a Double Jump, which allows the user to be able to jump for a second time at the top of their first jump. Crash then returned to the Time Twister, where everyone was waiting for him and congratulated him on his victory.

"That was awesome how you beat that jerk, Crash!" Rainbow beamed.

"Abso-tiva-lutely! And that was really close, too," Pinkie added. "I mean, if you hadn't beaten him, we would've been stuck in this video game forever and we wouldn't be continuing our search for Sunset Shimmer in the sequel!"

"Pinkie, what are you talking about?"

"Uh, nothing. Never mind."


Wait, why is the game paused? Oh, great. It's the first fourth-wall break of the entire series. Pinkie, are you serious, right now?

What? You ARE going to be doing a sequel, right?

Well, yes, but I have to finish this story first. Plus, I'm making myself laugh just by writing your lines.

Well, d'uh! That's 'cause I'm the funniest character, riiiiiiiiiiiiiight?

Okay, yes! But just keep your mouth shut about spoilers! I like to surprise my readers and keep them guessing.

Okie-dokie-lokie, Mr. Gamer-Writer. Hope your gameplay and YouTube videos help you out. And the Let's Plays.


Alright, alright. Party-pooper.

Ahem! Anyways, back to the story.

After their celebration, Coco decided to go back into Midnight Run and get the relic. Upon returning, she typed a few lines of code on her laptop, revealing a gold relic that she obtained from the time trial. Coco wasn't done, however, as she stepped on the platform in the middle and ended up going to a new level. A jet ski level for her entitled, Ski Crazed. She went through the level and then came back with its gem. Both Crash and Coco were making excellent progress so far. Coco then made her way back up to the main floor of the Time Twister just as another message was being transmitted. This time, it was from N. Tropy.

"Well, haven't we gotten far for a pair of fuzzy marsupials and a group of pastel-colored magical girls?" he mocked. "I am Dr. Nefarious Tropy. Master of time and the creator of the very Time Twister machine you see before you. Uka Uka and Dr. Cortex have sent me to end this little charade, so you won't be leaving my area with the crystals. I swear it! And if you think it's strange for me to know that the six of you girls have magic, let me tell you that it won't be the strangest thing you'll encounter in this world."

Twilight and the others looked at each other with confused glances.

"What in tarnation are you talking about?" Applejack asked.

N. Tropy only chuckled at her comment.

"If only you knew the real reason why you were sent here. Unfortunately, if I told you now, it could potentially cause a paradox that would alter the course of history in your world. So until you find out for yourselves, you'll have to deal with me and other villains in this world, you brats!"

And with that, the transmission ended, leaving Twilight and her friends stunned and speechless. So many questions were racing through their minds right now. Why were they sent to fix the game's ending in the first place? Why did they end up being separated? Even with all of this, they knew that they had to stop Uka Uka and Dr. Cortex from taking over the entire world by gathering the remaining 15 crystals scattered throughout time.

In the next area, Crash managed to not only get the next two crystals, but also managed to get the gems, including the final colored gem. The gem in question was red in color and was found in the level, Deep Trouble. He also managed to find a secret exit leading to a secret gem in a level called, Eggipus Rex, found in the level, Dino Might! Not only that, but he also managed to get a gold relic in Dino Might! and a sapphire relic in Deep Trouble. After doing so, however, N. Tropy sent another message and he wasn't very pleased with their continuing progress.

"So, you pesky little rats aren't going to back off, eh?" he snarled. "Just you continue to gather crystals and see what I do!"

And with that, the message ended, causing Fluttershy to hide her face in her hair. There was no denying it. She was terrified of N. Tropy's threat.

The following levels were quite interesting. In High Time, Crash managed to get the crystal, the gem and a sapphire relic. In the next level, Road Crash, Crash was once again out on a North American desert highway in the 1950's. The track was much harder, now, as there were pits in some places. What they didn't expect, however, was for him to go back in and hit the alien sign, transporting him back into the Time Twister, while Coco got transported to a new level, Hot Coco. Coco managed to get all of the crates and received not only the gem, but also a sapphire relic for her troubles. It was a tricky level, but she managed to do it on her jet ski.

Soon, Crash did another level, a strange motorcycle level called Area 51? Twilight's eyes turned to pinpricks upon seeing the level's name. This made her extremely nervous. Area 51 was located in Roswell, New Mexico. A place known for its supposed alien sightings. Not only that, but the security around that area was incredibly strict. Thankfully, though, this was a video game and not their world. It was, of course, another race with Crash on a motorcycle. He not only came in first, but also managed to get all of the crates and earn a sapphire relic for the time trial. Both Crash and Coco were on a roll with collectibles. Crash soon went back into Road Crash for the time trial and earned a sapphire relic. Finally, he traveled into the last medieval level, Double Header, which had giant two-headed lab assistants wielding turkey clubs. As soon as he entered, Cortex and Uka Uka sent everyone a message.

"Well, you've crashed a few parties before, but I never expected you to make it this far," Cortex said. "If you don't turn back..."

"I will inflict 1,000 years of suffering on you AND THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!" Uka Uka concluded as the message ended.

Crash, however, wasn't going to turn back, now. He had to get the crystal in order to save the world. And get it he did. Not only that, but he also managed to get the gem, as well. Soon, it was time to face N. Tropy and stop him from getting the crystals they had worked so hard to collect. He stepped on N. Tropy's boss platform and then jumped into the portal to face him. As soon as he did, N. Tropy sent one final message and he was very cross.

"AARGH! You little vermin are way too stupid to understand what you're getting yourselves into! This time, you've done it!" he snarled.

As the message ended, the girls saw N. Tropy adjust a giant stopwatch with his own face on it. After he finished, he pushed it out of the way using his giant tuning fork.

"Now, you're on my time, you little skunk! GIVE ME THE CRYSTALS!"

N. Tropy banged his tuning fork on the ground, creating several platforms in front of Crash. He then sent a thermal bomb hurdling towards Crash, which he managed to dodge. After that, he tried electrocuting him with the magnets close to him. Doing so, however, only caused him to get exhausted and created a path towards him. Upon reaching the other side, Crash spun into him, causing N. Tropy to go over to the other side. This was done for two more times until he finally admitted defeat. Upon being defeated, he dropped a very helpful powerup to help get across gaps easier, the Death Tornado Spin.

"My time is up, but yours soon will be, too," N. Tropy said as he teleported out of his suit to get a new one.

Crash then teleported back to the Time Twister, where he was greeted by a bunch of happy girls. Everyone was so excited that he had just defeated N. Tropy. Their celebration was short-lived, however, when Uka Uka and Dr. Cortex sent them a message.

"YOU INSOLENT INSIGNIFICANT MORONS!" Uka Uka roared. "By defeating N. Tropy, you have placed all in in GRAVE DANGER!"

Cortex shook off Uka Uka's possession and came back to his senses to try to calmly reason with the others.

"Crash, Coco, girls, you must realize that this Time Twister machine is very delicate," he pleaded.

"Delicate as in how, you ruffian?" Rarity growled, folding her arms.

"Please listen to me. I'm being serious. Without Dr. N. Tropy's constant care and control of the Time Twister, who knows what it will do?"

And with that, the message ended, leaving everyone in complete shock. Did defeating N. Tropy really mean that it would eventually cause the Time Twister to malfunction? Only time would tell if that were true.

Author's Note:

The part where Crash clucks like a chicken at Dingodile is a reference to his Crate Crush taunt from the PS1 game, Crash Bash. The triangle button is used to taunt your opponents in those series of minigames.

Also, I'm really happy that they put Dingodile's defeat line back into the actual game with his new voice actor in N. Sane Trilogy saying the line.

And yes, the part where Pinkie is interacting with me, the narrator, on the pause menu, is a reference to Cinematic Adventures.

One last thing, in the original PS1 version of Warped, Uka Uka says grave risk instead of grave danger like he does in N. Sane Trilogy. Just thought I'd throw that out there.