• Published 22nd Jan 2024
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Marking the Generations – Part One - Glimbursts

A reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Follow the adventures of Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp and Misty as they meet two ponies from the past, Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer. Then try to find the Elements of Unity.

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Chapter Twelve – Heading below

The Marestream touched down at Zephyr Heights just as Queen Haven walked out of the castle. She grinned widely as she saw the whole group disembark and made a beeline towards Pipp.

“You didn’t have to come so soon my dear, the Cutie Blossom Bash isn’t for a few days yet,” Queen Haven smiled as she pulled Pipp into a hug. “Although this is a wonderful surprise. Please introduce me to your new friends.”

Pipp grinned as she broke off the hug and held a hoof out towards Sunset.

“Mum, this is Sunset Shimmer, she’s one of the Unicorns that Princess Twilight sent from the past to help us that I told you about.” Pipp introduced. “Sunset, this is Queen Haven of Zephyr Heights.”

“Ah ha, nope. It’s Queen Haven of Equestria now,” Hitch grinned. “The votes came through the other day. Maretime Bay and Bridlewood both chose to recognise Queen Haven as the ruler of all Equestria.”

“Oh, I know please don’t remind me,” Queen Haven admitted. “I’m truly flattered. But honestly, I had been hoping we’d set up a three-way council so that all three areas had a full say. I’m worried there’ll be many who’ll be upset and think the Pegasi are taking over everything.”

“I’m sure that won’t happen,” Izzy grinned. “You’ve already told everypony that you want peace and harmony.”

“If that’s the case, I’m sorry Your Majesty,” Sunset sighed. “The news we bring may well cause some issues to wanting peace and harmony.”

“In what way my dear?” Queen Haven asked looking serious. “Exactly why did Twilight Sparkle send you here from the past? Wait, I thought you weren’t alone? In Pipp’s videos, there were two of you.”

“There are two of us,” Sunset sighed. “Starlight Glimmer was indeed sent with me from the past and she’s not here in part due to the news we bring. Your Majesty, this very morning we all battled against a Fire Alicorn named Opaline Arcana. Starlight was injured in the battle and is currently recovering back at the Brighthouse.”

Her horn lit up and an image of Opaline appeared before them.

“We believe Opaline is the reason Twilight Sparkle sealed away magic all those moons ago,” Sunny continued. “She’s currently trapped within her castle lair but she’s plotting and scheming, trying to escape.”

“She dragon-napped Sparky,” Hitch continued. “She sapped his energy and used it to grow stronger. That’s why we were there, to rescue him.”

“Oh, my hoofness, that is a lot to take in,” Queen Haven admitted before taking a deep breath. “Okay, if that is the case there is only one course of action. Guards!”

They all looked surprised as Zoom came forward and saluted. “Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I’m sorry to say this, we need to cancel the Cutie Blossom Bash,” Queen Haven instructed. “Please make the necessary…”

“No!” Misty cried suddenly before yelping as all eyes turned towards her. “Y…you can’t just cancel everything because of Opaline. That’s what she’d want.”

“Misty’s right,” Sunny responded. “There are so many young ponies who are looking forward to the first Cutie Blossom Bash to include all of pony kind. This is a special occasion for all of them and we shouldn’t be destroying it for them. If we lock ourselves away, we’re letting Opaline win before she’s even done anything.”

“But you said she was trying to escape Sunny,” Queen Haven replied worriedly.

“Opaline cannot escape her castle. I’m certain of it,” Sunset responded. “Princess Twilight’s barrier spell around it is extremely strong. I was a personal pupil of Princess Celestia and was taught many forms of magic. You can trust me, Your Majesty, whilst there is a threat, it’s not grave enough right now to require full curfews and restrictions to everyday life.”

“Very well, I will trust in your expertise Sunset,” Queen Haven smiled. “We won’t cancel the Cutie Blossom Bash. However, Zoom, I would like preparations to be made to dispatch detachments to both Maretime Bay and Bridlewood for extra security. Please await my word as I would like to confer with the Elders of Bridlewood and the Council of Maretime Bay before deploying.”

“Queen Haven,” Hitch said as he came forward. “As Sheriff of Maretime Bay, I’m more than happy to take up your offer of increased security. Please, deploy your guards as soon as possible. I will explain to the Council.”

“Thank you Hitch, that takes a weight off my hoofs,” Queen Haven smiled. “You heard him Zoom. Thank You, that will be all.”

“Certainly, Your Majesty,” Zoom replied before saluting and flying off to make the arrangements.

“Your Majesty?” Sunset asked.

“Please Sunset, call me Queen Haven.”

“Queen Haven,” Sunset nodded. “Whilst Princess Twilight sent me and Starlight here, it wasn’t the one we both know. She was a future version, seemingly from near the end of her reign. We spoke with her, she said we needed to help Sunny and her friends identify the Elements of Unity. I believe it’s these that we need in order to defeat Opaline. To do that, we need to find any magic books from my time that may aid us. Also, we urgently need magical healing for Starlight. Is there likely to be any books in your archives that would help us?”

“I doubt there will be anything related to magic,” Queen Haven replied sadly. “There are only books which relate directly to Pegasi.”

“I thought as much,” Sunset sighed. “So, would it be true that where we stand now used to be Canterlot?”

“That is quite true yes,” Queen Haven replied. “I’ve spent many hours in my youth learning all I can about the history of Zephyr Heights. Preparing myself to take up my place as ruler. Zepher Heights is actually built above Canterlot, higher up the mountainside. Some of the buildings are even built directly on top of old ones with those forming the foundation. That includes this castle.”

“Wait, so Canterlot Castle is below us?” Sunny gasped.

“It is Sunny,” Queen Haven confirmed. “Now, I have no idea how much of it survives down there. However, I was always told it was possible to travel through the basement tunnels and reach the Canterlot Castle by my father, King Sanctuary.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do,” Zipp said confidently.

“Oh no you don’t Zephyrina,” Queen Haven said firmly. “You’re not just going randomly into the depths below. First, we will consult the castle archivist and get confirmation of the route you must take. Then we’ll arrange for all the equipment you’ll need. By that point, you may as well start out tomorrow when you are all well rested.”

“Then we’ll do that,” Sunny grinned. “We’ll prepare and then head down to Canterlot and hopefully find the information we need.”

Queen Haven took a steadying breath. “I admit, the idea of my girls fighting in a magical battle frightens me to the core. Letting you go down into the depths below the castle does too. However, I can tell I cannot stop you, can I?”

“If both Starlight and I are right Queen Haven. Your two princesses will be just as important to the future of Equestria as Twilight Sparkle and her friends,” Sunset admitted. “Now magic has returned, there will always be those who wish to gain power and control. In time the six ponies before us will become your greatest asset in defending Equestria.”

“Oh my hoofness, the very idea makes my blood run cold. However, I think you are quite right Sunset they have both proven that already,” Queen Haven sighed. “Now, to find you all guest quarters and start your preparations for tomorrow. Guards.”

With that, they all started heading towards the castle whilst Queen Haven gave instructions to the Guards.

The following morning couldn’t come fast enough for Sunny. She’d barely slept a wink all night, she was too excited. As she approached their entry point, she could see Zipp was also up early, preparing the many saddle bags and equipment.

“Oooh, what do you think we’ll find down there?” Sunny asked excitedly.

“Answers, I hope. The Together Tree mystery is getting annoying,” Zipp admitted. “Hopefully this will blow that case wide open.”

“I’m sure we’ll find books with all the answers,” Sunny smiled. “Just because Sunset and Starlight have no idea doesn’t mean the books won't.”

“If we even find books,” Hitch said as he approached. “Remember, this could be all a waste of time. I hope it’s not of course, but there’s a real possibility.”

“Ever the sceptic Hitch,” Sunny grinned as she prepared herself.

“No Sunny, just realistic,” Hitch replied, getting ready himself. “Honestly, I do hope we find something to help Starlight and Sparky. I’m worried about them more than Opaline. Hopefully, she never finds a way out of her castle.”

“Only one thing still troubles me,” Zipp confessed. "Ah, here she comes now. Yo Misty!”

“Ah, I’m not late, am I?” Misty exclaimed.

“Not at all,” Zipp grinned. “I wanted to check. You mentioned you can’t remember how you came to be with Opaline.”

Misty sighed and shook her head sadly. “I wish I could, but all I remember is Opaline. I don’t remember anything else.”

“Not how you met her then?” Zipp pressed.

“Zipp, do you have to…” Sunny started.

“It’s okay Sunny, I know how important this could be,” Misty smiled. “But I’m sorry Zipp, I can’t remember. She always said she rescued me, but the more I think about it I’m sure it’s a lie. I wish I could be more specific.”

“Thanks Misty,” Zipp smiled. “I know it’s hard, I’m just worried that anypony could be taken by her next.”

“Which is why mum’s address after the bash will help,” Pipp replied as she arrived. “If ponies know what to look out for, they’ll be less likely to end up helping Opaline by accident.”

“Hopefully there’ll also be something in one of the books we can use to keep an eye on her,” Zipp replied.

“I’m sure there will be,” Sunset added confidently as she now arrived. “I’ve got ideas of what we could do but it’s been so long. I need to read up first to be sure. Huh, I’m last, aren’t I? Never been one for mornings.”

“Nope, that honour goes to me” Izzy smiled as she skipped into view. “I slept like a rock!”

It didn’t take long for everypony to be ready. They had all checked each other’s equipment to ensure all was correct. Each of them had been equipped with large saddlebags, a hard hat which contained built-in torches, and emergency transponders. Should anything happen, their frequencies were being monitored.

Their entry point was to be a spiral staircase that was used by maintenance workers. Turned out there were yearly inspections to ensure the castle below didn’t fatigue too much from the additional weight of the new castle above. Their instructions were to go down as far as they could, and then they’d be in the original Canterlot Castle.

Sunny could barely believe it was going to be that simple as she headed into the small staircase first. Most of the others followed straight away, leaving only Pipp and Zipp behind.

“Come on Pipp,” Zipp groaned.

“One moment,” Pipp replied as she tapped on her phone. “That’s right Pippsqueaks, we’re heading down now. I’m not sure what signal there will be so please don’t worry if you don’t hear anything else from me today. I promise that there will be lots of posts of this adventure in the coming days as I’ll be videoing as much as I can. Pip pip hooray.”

“Arah, you and your livestreams,” Zipp groaned. “Come on, we’ll be left behind.”

“Hey, my live streams are important,” Pipp frowned. “Remember how my Pippsqueaks saved us from that cave. I’m sure we’ll need them again sometime, so I’ve got to do my best for them.”

“Yeah, I know,” Zipp sighed. “You could have done that earlier though. Come on.”

With that Zipp ushered Pipp into the staircase and they both began their decent.

After what felt like an age, Sunny finally found the bottom of the staircase and led them into a small narrow corridor.

“Where does this lead?” Sunny asked.

“No idea,” Sunset admitted.

“I thought you said you lived here,” Hitch pointed out.

“I did, a long time ago,” Sunset confirmed before blinking with realisation. “A long time for me that is, which means even longer than when I left and now.”

“A lot has probably changed,” Sunny agreed. “Let’s just be careful and keep heading forward.”

They carefully made their way down the corridor. There were a few doorways to one side, but it was the one at the end of the corridor that Sunny headed for first. However, they found it blocked by a massive piece of masonry.

“Could you use magic to move it?” Sunny asked.

“Not really,” Sunset admitted. “It looks too large for us to levitate, even if we worked together. Anything I can think of could cause this doorway to be damaged.”

“Come on Sunny,” Hitch smiled. “Let’s both try pushing it. We’re the Earth Ponies here.”

Shrugging, Sunny joined Hitch in the small doorway. There was only just enough room for the pair of them. They pushed and pushed but the blockage wouldn’t budge.

“No good, anypony got an idea?” Hitch panted. “Like you said Sunset, it’s wedged in tight.”

“Ooh, ooh. What if it were glitter?” Izzy asked hopefully shaking a hoof in the air like a hopeful school filly.

“Glitter?” Pipp replied looking confused. “What do you mean?”

“This,” Izzy grinned.

Before anypony could stop her, she fired a beam of magic straight at the blockage. Instantly, a section fell away having been turned into millions of bits of glitter.

“What? How?” Misty gasped.

“Starlight was teaching me whilst I looked after her,” Izzy grinned. “I can make anything into anything else now! I can’t wait to get really creative, it’s a whole new world of unicycling possibilities.”

Grinning, Sunny reached up and shoved the last of the glitter out of the way. A hole had been created, just big enough for her to put her head through.

“Sunny! Be careful,” Hitch gasped.

“Eee he he!” she squealed as she pulled her head back. “We need to get in there, it looks amazing.”

“Okay, stand back then,” Hitch said pointedly. “Now there’s a gap at the top I think this will work.”

He raised a hoof and it started glowing green as he closed his eyes and concentrated. Sunny grinned and ran back to the others.

“What’s happening?” Sunset asked with confusion.

“Just wait,” Zipp smiled.

“This is going to be amazing,” Pipp grinned getting her camera ready.

Hitch tapped the ground with his glowing hoof. Curving lines of green energy appeared and slipped across the ground toward the large obstruction. Sunset watched in amazement as vines grew out of the ground below the large obstruction, lifting it and moving it out of the doorway. However, Hitch was grunting with effort and the vines soon withered away allowing the obstruction to fall with a thud. The green lines of energy dissipated, and Hitch sat down panting.

“How? How did you do that?” Sunset asked with shock.

“Earth Pony Magic,” Hitch gasped. “Allows us to grow plants. Like the tree in town. Not much soil here though.”

“I mentioned the tree before,” Pipp replied. “The one with the flower that brought you here.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t realise it was grown like that,” Sunset admitted. “This, this is amazing! I can’t believe that earth ponies have magic now.”

Suddenly there was a groan of frustration. Sunny had moved to the doorway and looked back with a sorrowful expression. “It’s still too small,” she moaned. “We can’t get through.”

“Let me take a look,” Sunset smiled.

Trotting over, she took a moment to inspect where the large piece of masonry was lying. She smiled and turned around. “Alright, everypony back, right back,” she instructed. “It’s far enough out the doorway that I should be able to blast it apart without any collateral damage.”

Sunset ushered them all back along the corridor before stepping forward. Taking a wide stance, she took a deep breath and focused. Her horn lit up and after taking a moment to aim Sunset sent a powerful beam of magic towards the obstruction. It impacted square in the centre and after a blinding flash, the obstruction burst apart with a boom. Some of it disappeared completely whilst debris scattered, and a cloud of dust filled the air.

“Impressive,” Pipp coughed, wafting away the dust with a hoof whilst trying to keep her phone steady.

“Come on everypony,” Sunny grinned. “You’re not going to believe what’s here.”