• Published 31st Jan 2024
  • 227 Views, 3 Comments

Sightless - Scootafan

After a dragon attack, Scootaloo loses the chance of flying

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Scootaloo and her friends were sat next to a lake with water dripping from the wet manes, grumbling about their recent failure to get their cutie marks. They had tried being stunt ponies with disastrous results, instead of perfecting daring stunts, they ended up crashing into a lake.

They were in the process of drying themselves off when all of a sudden they heard a massive roar. Looking up they saw a large, green dragon that had a striking resemblance to Spike. “Girls, I think we should get out of here,” Sweetie exclaimed as the dragon suddenly got a greedy look a is it laid eyes on Scootaloo's scooter.

Suddenly the massive beast that towered over the small town, dived for the trio. “RUN!” Scootaloo's shouted, the ground shaking as the monster gave chase.

“You leave my sister alone, you brute!” they heard a voice shout, Sweetie skidded to a stop and whipped around to see her sister, Rarity trapped in the dragon’s claws.

“RARITY!” she screamed, instead of continuing to flee she decided to turn around and bravely confronted the creature.

“Leave my sister alone, you big meanie!” she commanded, however, this only angered the dragon as steam started to erupt from its nose.

Apple Bloom started tugging on Sweetie, yelling “Come on, we've gotta go - AAAAGH!” they both started to scream as a pillar of emerald green fire was shot in their direction.

Time seemed to slow as Scootaloo rushed to the cowering duo and she pushed them out of the way. For Scootaloo, her entire body felt like it was burning as the fire hit her. She screamed in pain as the dragon stopped its barrage leaving the filly, in flames. “SCOOTALOO!” Rarity and the two fillies screamed as they could do nothing but watch the small pegasus writhe all over the floor in pain.

Suddenly the rest of the main six arrived and were horrified at what they were watching, Rainbow Dash quickly snapped into action and grabbed the nearest rain cloud and started pumping all of the water onto the flaming filly. Putting the fire out revealing a blackened mess. Twilight watched with shock as the dragon merely snatched the Scooter and started running for the mountain, as three pegasi started to pursue the dragon.

“TWILIGHT! You've gotta help her.” Rainbow shouted, tears beginning to stream down her face.

This snapped her out of her reverie, and she quickly ran over to the still-filly. She knelt down and sighed in relief as she heard faint breathing, “She’s alive but barely, we need to get her to the hospital.”

Rainbow nodded and quickly whisked Scootaloo onto her back and flew, the fastest she had ever gone, creating a sonic rainboom in the process, normally she would've been ecstatic at performing such a feat however she was too focused on flying to the hospital, to care.

When she arrived she rushed through the main entrance and screamed for help, two doctors quickly rushed to the pair and placed the filly onto a gurney, Nurse Redheart looked down at the filly in concern before wheeling her into the emergency room.


Twilight could only watch in horror as her beloved assistant defeated the three wonderbolts, she was extremely worried about Scootaloo as well as what would happen to Spike after this was all over.

Spike and Rarity climbed higher up the mountain, where they came across a small cave, located near the peak, Spike taking the opportunity emptied his water tower full of stolen loot into the cave before turning it around against the chasing Wonderbolt, who ended up crashing into the empty tower, he then trapped them against the mountainside.

“How could you attack three helpless fillies, because of you, one of them, my sister’s best friend could be dead all because you are a greedy beast, you should be ashamed of yourself.” Rarity yelled angrily at Spike, who started to get a guilty look on his face.

Suddenly his eyes became less menacing and he started to shrink in size before he was back to his normal size. “Spike you’re the rampaging dragon!” she shouted but before he could answer, they began to plummet to the ground.

Rarity began to scream but Spike remained quiet, he felt that he deserved it. “I’m so sorry.” he whispered to nopony in particular, he just closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable end, however he felt his descent get slower and slower before the feeling of grass touching his claws. Opening his eyes, he was surprised to see that he and Rarity were safely back in the ground again.

Twilight quickly rushed into hug him however Spike pushed her away, “Spike?” Twilight said quietly, concerned for the young drake.

“I don't deserve it, I'm dangerous Twilight, I killed poor Scootaloo. I'm a monster,” he said looking towards his feet.

“It was an accident you weren't yourself,” Twilight told him. She then added, “Anyway, Scootaloo’s alive.”

Rarity, who didn't know what to think asked “Where is she and where is my sister?”

“Scootaloo is at the hospital and Sweetie Belle is with AppleJack, they're down in the town square, helping other ponies out” she explained.

Rarity gave one last look of confusion to Spike before running off to find her sister. “What's going to happen now?” Spike asked nervously.

“Honestly Spike, I don't know but we need to send a letter to Princess Celestia” she told him.

Suddenly a regal voice interrupted their conversation, “There is no need, Twilight I am already here.”

Twilight gasped before bowing down to the monarch of the land, “Princess Celestia, how did you know?”

“I received a distress call from Mayor Mare regarding a dragon attack, initially I didn't believe it was young Spike, so I immediately deployed the Wonderbolts, however, I could see through my telescope that was not the case so I quickly rushed down here myself,” Celestia explained.

Twilight then reluctantly asked, “What's going to happen now?”

Celestia sighed “Under normal circumstances, the dragon would be deported back to the dragon lands however because this is Spike that we are talking about then we will have no choice but to keep it hidden.”

Twilight gasped “Are you saying that we should cover it up.”

Celestia nodded “Yes otherwise ponies may call for Spike to be banished.”

Twilight remained silent, and while she didn't like the idea of a cover-up, she also couldn't bear to lose the young dragon, whom she had treated like a son to her. “Fine, but how, a lot of ponies saw it?” she asked.

“The main problem is Scootaloo if she survives then she may tell everypony but if she dies then she can't tell anypony.”

Twilight didn't like how this conversation was going “Your not suggesting that we should kill her.” she whispered, sharply.

“That would be the easy solution but money can easily persuade the most stubborn of ponies.”

Twilight released a sigh of relief before Celestia told her “Right now, head to the hospital and see what her condition is after that send me a letter.”

Twilight nodded before they both parted ways.