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Runaway Raccoon/ Sunset's Return

*EG Rainbow Dash’s POV*

Wow, what an adventure that was.

A blur zooms past me.

A yellow-blonde haired female spoke "You need to slow down Sonic before you crash into a tree!"

Sonic spoke "I’m totally fine, Roll!"

Sonic soon crashes into a tree, getting his head stuck.

Luna facepalms and sighs "How are you even my grandson?"

Okay, mind, still blown. And for some reason, Pinkster’s setting up a party.

A green haired male asks "Uh, what's the party for?"

A purple haired female spoke "Don't be an idiot Manic."

Luna spoke "I don’t know how you managed to do it, Lightning."

Lightning spoke "Don't give me that look mom, I have no idea where Sonic got his speed gene from since neither Aleena or I have it and I know that dad doesn't have it either."

Luna teases "*Smirk* Are you and Aleena still going crazy with each other and making me a grandma again?"

Lightning spoke "MOTHER!!!! It's bad enough that Yuu and Kita haven't found love yet and I KNOW that cousin Clarity hasn't either since there aren't THAT many demonic Beastmen!"

Clarity snickers "Oh wow, nice one auntie!"

Luna spoke "*Giggle* Who knows? Maybe Lightning might make Aleena pregnant with decuplets next time."

Aleena spoke "I'm 35 for heaven's sake! I'm not having anymore kids since three is enough."

Luna spoke "*Whispers into Aleena’s ear* Your love for Lightning might say otherwise."

That made Aleena blush madly.

Lightning spoke "Mother.... Have you forgotten? Aleena's mortal, I'm not. Which means I will lose her and our kids one day."

Luna spoke "*Deep breath in, deep breath out* Don’t be so glum, make the most of it."

Yuu spoke "You and dad have it easy, you're both immortal."

A loud bang was heard before a recently turned gryphon beastwoman crashes into the ground.

Kita asks "What now?"

Yuu spoke "Sounded like a gunshot..."

Rarity asks "Pinkie, why are you setting up a party?"

Pinkie spoke "There’s an old friend and someone new coming along!"

An alicorn Mobini wearing a cloak over the wings steps out of the portal.

The female asks "Who are you?"

Pinkie spoke "Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie!"

The alicorn Mobini stammers in a quiet voice "M-my name's Sunset... Shimmer..."

Wait… Sunset Shimmer? As in… “You’re the one who vanished years ago?”

Sunset stammers "It w-was two years ago...."

Fluttershy asks "Oh my! What happened to you?"

Sunset spoke "As you might have heard from a two tailed vixen, I was yanked through a strange portal two years ago... And experimented on... But now... I can't hide my ears, horn, wings and tail..."

Fluttershy hugged Sunset. “Oh Sunset… *Sniffle* I’m so sorry you went through all that.”

Sunset spoke "I just don't feel safe here in Canterlot City anymore since I'm the only halfling there is."

Celestia spoke "Perhaps I can help with that."

Sunset removes the cloak, fully exposing her Mobini form.

Sunset spoke "I hate how I look but I can't get rid of this form."

Celestia spoke "I can still help you."

Sunset spoke "But... I'm not one of your students..."

Celestia spoke "You can still be one. You can have a second chance."

Sunset asks "But... uh, what about my parents?"

I spoke "She has a point there Celestia."

Celestia seemed hesitant to answer that.

I spoke "The Canterlot police department have already declared Sunset as dead... I doubt it's a good idea for her to be spotted around town."

Celestia spoke "I believe there's an apartment close to Canterlot High."

Sunset spoke "I'll take it then."

Celestia spoke "Good."

I ask "But what about the other Sunset's apartment?"

Rarity spoke "I hadn't bothered to ask that kind of question."

Sunset spoke "I think that's what Principal Celestia meant."

Luna spoke "In light of what happened against an outsider recently, we should keep a tight lid on magic usage. If Abacus Cinch finds out that there are beastmen in Canterlot City, she might go straight to the mayor."

Celestia spoke "*Sigh* And if her disliking beastmen wasn't bad enough."

Luna spoke "It's enough that Dean Cadence is an alicorn Beastman but she stays in disguise because of the hatred."

Celestia spoke "I'm just glad she's been able to hide her true form for as long as she is."

Luna spoke "*giggle* You're one to talk sister, most beastmen call you the Solar Terror."

Celestia asks "*Giggle* And what about the beastman calling you the Lunar Terror?"

Luna teases "Sunbutt."

Celestia teases "Moonbutt."

Luna teases "Cakeflank."

Sunset thinks "{By High Goddess Faust's mane.... Those two are just like Princesses Celestia and Luna...}"

Celestia spoke "Ice creamflank."

Luna spoke "Not in front of my youngest daughter!"

The gryphon beastwoman spoke "Can you save your banter for later? There's a bus coming and there's two females on top of the roof."

Celestial sisters ask "Huh?"

The gryphon beastwoman spoke "Tanuki Beastwoman, age 17, newly turned, ran away from home since she couldn't face her parents."

That caught Sunset’s attention. “Is there extra room in the apartment I’m at?”

Celestia spoke "It's a two bedroom apartment but the problem is... It's located in cat beastman territory since the cats claimed the area closest to Canterlot High."

Sunset facepalmed. “Should’ve seen that coming.”

Celestia spoke "Barring Luna's eldest children, the canid beastmen claimed the area near Crystal Prep."

Luna asks "Have they been staying out of Cinch's sight?"

Celestia spoke "One or two are turned though, meaning they can't morph back since they don't know how."

Rarity was itching at a spot on her neck since fur was growing in.

"Umm... Rarity?" I noticed.

Rarity spoke "What? Is there something in my hair? But my neck is killing me right now!"

The gryphon beastwoman spoke "About that miss, you're a cat Beastman... Persian breed. And the blonde haired girl's growing a tail!"

Rarity asks "What?!"

Applejack gasps "Ah'm growin' a tail?!?"

The back of Applejack's skirt started lifting up thanks to a tail starting to grow.

The gryphon beastwoman spoke "Seems like the country girl's a Border Collie Beastman."

I yelp since a a cheetah tail was growing out from under my skirt as peregrine falcon wings tore through the back of my shirt.

The gryphon beastwoman spoke "Okay, THAT one I didn't see coming!"


The gryphon beastwoman laughs while flapping her wings as the left one made a whistling sound.

"Uh, you okay? Your left wing sounds off." I noticed.

The gryphon beastwoman spoke "Oh that? It was a bullet wound... You can blame the emo for that."

I ask "Who are you?"

The gryphon beastwoman spoke "I'm Danyelle Doucet."

"You a gryphon beastman too?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah but my lion half is replaced with fox."

"Huh? How?" I asked, totally lost.

Danyelle spoke "Eagle-lion combo is the usual look for gryphon beastmen though but when I turned, I grew a fluffy fox tail instead of the usual lion tail."

Fluttershy spoke "Wow."

Danyelle spoke "And I think the tanuki and fox should be arriving shortly."

Sunset asks "Think I should get them?"

Danyelle's eyes shimmer.

Danyelle spoke "Oh stars no... They're cornered by humans!"

Celestia spoke "*Frustrated groan* Not the Anti-Beastmen again."

Danyelle spoke "We have to help them!"

Danyelle lets out a loud screech, scaring the humans.

Sonic spoke "Well this just got interesting."

Roll spoke "Agreed since she's one of us."

Sonic dashed off to the action as I flew in there with him.

A pink haired fox beastwoman was with the tanuki.

The humans fled in fear once they got a good look at Celestia and Luna.

Celestia spoke "Looks like they remember hearing about that."

Luna spoke "Good."

Danyelle spoke "You ladies can be quite scary when need be."

“Scary? THAT. WAS. AWESOME!!!” I cheered.

Danyelle spoke "Cool it Skittles."

“Sorry, it’s just I am TOTALLY in for making Canterlot City a place for beastmen to live now.” I smiled.

The two beastwomen giggle at what Danyelle had called me.

Danyelle asks "Anyway, who are you two?"

The fox beastwoman spoke "I'm Nazuna Hiwatashi and the furbrain is Michiru Kagemori."

Michiru spoke "Don't call me a furbrain Nazuna! You're a furbrain!"

Danyelle spoke "You’re both furbrains."

Both females spoke "Birdbrain."

Danyelle spoke "At least I don’t forget after three steps."

Michiru taunts "I know you are but what am I?"

Nazuna slaps Michiru on the back of the head.

Danyelle giggles "Heh, I didn't even say "like a chicken"."

I snicker "Given that you said it yourself."

Danyelle spoke "Oh shut up Skittles."

Celestia asks "Do you need places to live?"

Nazuna spoke "We do."

Sunset spoke "I’m sure there’s room at my apartment."

Michiru spoke "Until extra beds are bought, it think we might have to share beds."
