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Friendship Therapy

“Excellent. Now, as you are already aware, I am Professor Sprout, long term Herbology Professor here at the school and for some of you, your head of house. I have decided to host this session so that I can get to know you all a little better and to understand any concerns you may have from your first few days at the school. Who would like to go first?”

To everyone’s surprise it was Lavender’s hand who shot into the air.

“Yes, Miss Brown, go ahead,” Professor Sprout encouraged.

“C-can y-you get Professor McGonagall to prevent the cats in our common room from constantly attacking me. I am covered in scratches and bites, terrified to return to my dorm and barely had any sleep the past two nights,” Lavender blurted with a wild look in her eyes as she rolled up the sleeves of her robe to reveal an array of claw marks and bites. “And that is only a few of them. The worst thing is if I retaliate Professor McGonagall will almost certainly blame me and have me expelled. I am at my wits end.”

“And have you tried talking to Professor McGonagall?” Professor Sprout replied, unable to keep the concern out of her voice.

“Talking? She doesn’t want anything to do with me. What good would that do?” Lavender exclaimed. “I knew I shouldn’t have said anything,” she added, preparing to rise to her feet only for Susan to grab a hold of her left arm and pull her back to the ground.

“Thank you, Susan. You are going nowhere young Miss. Those bites and scratches need seeing to and you need a good rest. So, after we are done here, Susan is going to take you straight to the infirmary while I go and sort the matter with Minerva. And if she refuses to do anything about it, screw tradition, I will get another bed set up in my girls’ dorm for you,” Professor Sprout said resolutely.

“Y-y-you would do that for me?” Lavender replied in absolute shock. “B-but you barely know me? Heck, most people don’t want to know me,” she admitted while staring forlornly at a patch of earth in front of her.

“Are you not a Hogwarts student? Because it does not matter what house a student is in to me. If you are a student at this school, you are my responsibility no matter what house you are in. Does that answer your question and are you satisfied with that resolution?”

“Yes, Professor Sprout, and thank you, thank you very much,” Lavender replied with a broad smile across her face.

“Wonderful. You have a beautiful smile and I never want to see it disappear from your face again. Now, is there anything else you wish to share with the group?” Professor Sprout asked.

“Just thank you to you all, especially to my new found non-werewolf friends for accepting me for who I am rather than what I am. I was terrified coming here and stupidly thought even Leanne and Susan would not want me hanging around with them. I never imagined that after my first day I would have five amazing friends to hang out and joke around with. It is honestly the best thing to ever happen to me and I know with all of you to help me, werewolf or not, I can succeed at Hogwarts and make my parents proud,” Lavender choked, tears of joy welling in her eyes.

Both Susan and Leanne gripped Lavender tightly in a hug from either side.

“We would never leave you behind Lav, never,” Susan reassured her friend.

“Yo-you mean that?” Lavender queried.

“You are part of our pack and you know what that means, don’t you?” Leanne nipped in.

“We’re family,” Lavender sniffled, wiping away her tears with a tissue aptly supplied by Scoti.

“Seriously, can we cut it with all the mushy stuff, you lot are going to make me barf,” Limestone interjected grumpily.

“D’aw, does the stoney poney woney’s cold dead heart actually feel something,” Susan teased.

“Shut it, Susan,” Limestone snapped back before muttering under her breath, “I just don’t like seeing Lavender cry is all.”

“And why might that be?” Professor Sprout enquired next to her.

“Ah shit, I forgot you were sat so close,” Limestone cursed as she felt Professor Sprout’s intense stare attempting to pierce its way into her soul. “Nope, not happening, I’m out,” Limestone added defensively trying to rise to her hooves only to discover Professor Sprout had a surprisingly firm grip on her right arm.

“I cannot make you stay and talk but the same goes for that I cannot be certain you will not discover a semi-dangerous plant under your bed tonight. If you get what I mean,” Professor Sprout said nonchalantly.

Limestone shivered before returning her rump to the ground. Unless she wanted to wake up being slowly digested by an extremely large carnivorous plant tomorrow, or worse, she had better get her turn of touchy feely crap over and done with as quickly as possible.

“My name’s Limestone, or Limey as some of you like to call me,” she glowered in Susan’s direction. “And I am from a rock farm in another dimension populated by sentient horses where the only social company I had for the first eleven years of my life were my four sisters and my parents. You want any more information, Professor Sprout gets one question and you lot get one question, that is it, understood?”

“That seems fair, for now. As such, I use my question to ask you why you found Lavender crying so upsetting?”

“I did not find it upsetting,” Limestone argued. “Lavender just reminds me a lot of my youngest sister who also has a nervous disposition is all. Thus, seeing her cry stung a little bit. Nothing to get your tail in a twist. And, before you ask, no I do not see Lavender solely as a friend to fill the void left by my sister. We are friends because we are both grafters who try as hard as we possibly can no matter what stands before us. That good enough for you?”

“I suppose that answer shall suffice for now but I still feel there is something else you are not telling me,” Professor Sprout replied. “Girls, what would you like to ask your friend?”

“Huh, you know, that is a good question. I think we have already quizzed her on most the things we wanted to know over the past two days such as where she grew up, what it is like being a pony and her butt tattoos.”

“Cutie mark,” Limestone cut in.

“Sorry,” Leanne apologised. “But yeah, I got nothing. Susan, you got…” she stopped mid-sentence staring at the sign that had appeared in Scoti’s hand.

What’s your greatest fear?

“I have no idea how you thought of that but it’s perfect,” Leanne praised.

Seer, was the only response she got.

“Yeah, well, I am sorry to disappoint you but I don’t fear anything,” Limestone replied stone faced.

Leanne turned to Susan.

“She’s lying,” Susan said emotionlessly while still holding onto Lavender. “The nose and ears never lie. I say she either answers the question or tells us which one of us she would rather kiss?”

Leanne turned back to Limestone. “So, care to tell us the truth or would you rather answer Susan’s question?”

Limestone grit her teeth together. “I told you the truth. I fear nothing.”

“And I told you I could hear your heart beat ever so slightly faster and smell the nervousness on you. Plus, your denial only further proves you are lying,” Susan explained looking highly amused by her friend’s awkwardness.

Limestone scowled at Susan before turning her head away and pouting once more. “Loneliness. Now can we please just drop it and move on.”

“Ah, and the knut drops. You are overprotective of the ones you love because you fear losing them, how interesting,” Professor Sprout commented while stroking her chin.

“I said, drop it,” Limestone said flatly. “I stuck to my half of the agreement and answered both your questions, so you stick to yours and move onto someone else or I’m leaving,” she added.

“Fair enough, but I assure you we shall be having words on the matter at a later point,” Professor Sprout said firmly. “I have also yet to ask you if you have any concerns from your first few days at the school?”

“I can assure you, we won’t,” Limestone retorted. “As for concerns, four. Firstly, several of the professors are being arseholes to us based on what we are rather than what we do, although I would have to give credit to Professor McGonagall for admitting she was wrong about me and Leanne. Secondly, I am worried that Professor Snape is going to make Potions a living hell for us and thirdly, who here agrees that Professor Binns could teach Defence Against the Dark Arts better than Professor Quirrell.”

All six girls raised their hands, even Hermione much to Professor Sprout’s surprise.

“Miss Granger, even you?” she queried disbelievingly.

“I am afraid so professor. I could barely understand a word he was saying so ended up having a study session from the first few chapters of our textbook with Lavender and Limestone,” Hermione admitted guiltily.

“And we have enough theoretical lessons as it is. Surely you must be aware how restless werewolves can get?” Susan chipped in. “How many games of tic tac toe did we end up scratching into the desk in the end Leanne?”

“Enough that there wasn’t any more room to play any and we had to move onto who could draw the funniest picture of Professor Quirrell just to try and stop ourselves having another play fight or being punished for taking a nap in class, not that he would have noticed with how caught up in himself he was,” Leanne confessed. “I mean, Scoti put on the most obvious fake glasses with eyes on imaginable and still managed to sleep through the entire lesson without him noticing.”

Professor Sprout stared at the gaggle of girls wide eyed, astonished with how brazen and honest they were being. “I see, hence why you are now seeking a tutor for the subject. Might I ask if you had anyone particular in mind?”

“We were planning to send a letter to Mr Lupin asking if he could possibly help us or at the very least knew someone who might be able to,” Leanne replied honestly.

Professor Sprout shook her head. “I am afraid that will not work girls. For one, we had enough trouble getting approval for you three to attend the school and as such it is just not a feasible option right now. Furthermore, last I read in the Daily Prophet he had been temporarily reassigned to assist with some rogue werewolves causing trouble near Aberystwyth and therefore would be to busy to assist you anyway. Any other options?”

“Ahh, well there is one but…”


“Scoti has godfather issues,” Leanne finished.

“Oh, and who’s her godfather?” Professor Sprout enquired.

Don’t you dare tell her.

“Alastor Moody,” Leanne said ignoring Scoti’s warning.

We’re doomed.

Professor Sprout’s eyes widened. “Your godfather is Alastor Moody?”

And current legal guardian and Ministry assigned bodyguard, yes. It was the only way I could get out of the carnage of my aunt’s place, Scoti informed her head of house reluctantly.

“Well, that sounds perfect then. Why don’t you write a letter to him?”

Scoti let out a deep sigh. Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

“Excellent. Then we shall await his response on the matter before deciding on our next course of action. Limestone, as for your other concerns, if any of you ever have an issue with a member of staff, come speak to me immediately and I shall determine if further action needs to be taken. No matter what they do or say, do not retaliate. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Professor Sprout,” everyone replied as one aside Scoti who gave Professor Sprout a thumbs up.

“I am glad that is settled. Now Limestone, didn’t you have one more concern you wanted to raise?” Professor Sprout asked politely.

“Oh yeah, those two are either totally insane or absolute morons, I’m currently unsure which,” Limestone replied pointing at Susan then Scoti.

“In Susan’s case, I would say both,” Leanne remarked with a chuckle earning her a glower from her best friend.

If you think I’m insane, just you wait, was all Scoti stated in her defence.

“Okay, okay, you have had your fun. Does anyone else have anymore concerns to raise or has Limestone managed to cover them for everyone?”

Everyone looked blankly at one another for a moment.

“I will take that as she has. Well, if you think of anything else, please feel free to come and find me in the greenhouses to talk about it. Now, if I am not mistaken, four of you still need to introduce yourselves. Scoti, would you like to start?”

My name is Scoti Alaw Prewett, last in line of both the McKinnon and Prewett households, although I do still have a sole surviving aunt on my father’s side. I currently live with my godfather in the Prewett ancestral home although lived with my aunt, uncle and seven cousins until I was six. I like magic, quidditch and ballet and dislike adults and nightmares. That good enough?

Susan sniggered.

And what might I ask is so funny?

“Imagining you in a pink tutu,” Susan tittered.

Okay then, let me give you a demonstration. You land one hit on me in sixty seconds and I will give you ten galleons. No punishment either, just give it your best shot.

Susan rose to her feet. “Oh, that sounds like fun.”

Susan lunged forward towards Scoti without warning in an attempt to take the other girl by surprise. Scoti pretended to yawn before sliding effortlessly under Susan’s wild lunge grabbing her arm in the process.

Everyone in attendance winced as they heard the snapping of bone.

Shit, sorry, habit. Please don’t be mad.

To everyone’s surprise, Susan laughed. “Totally worth it for ten galleons, Feel your head.”

Scoti proceeded to do just that and was astonished to discover the smallest of cuts on her forehead. It was only then she noticed the single claw protruding from a finger on Susan’s left hand.

Scoti clapped and bowed to her worthy opponent. A bet is a bet, I will get you the galleons as soon as you are out of the infirmary. Although, Teeth might be less forgiving about giving me a scratch.

A low, menacing growl echoed behind Susan.

“Teeth, this is not your fight, come here or no dinner!” Limestone’s voice suddenly boomed across the training fields.

Teeth whined pitifully and tried to give his mistress the puppy dog eyes but Limestone wasn’t buying them for one second.

“I’m waiting.”

Teeth begrudgingly headed to his mistress’ side.

“Right, I am sorry to cut things short as I know we did not get around to three of you but I think it is about time I got back to the greenhouses and two of you need to visit Madam Pomfrey in the infirmary as soon as possible. Scoti also needs to write that letter to her godfather and I need to find time this evening to speak to Professor McGonagall. Consequently, unless you have any further urgent matters that require my attention, I shall be making my leave,” Professor Sprout announced rising to her feet.

“Just thanks professor for sparing some time talking and listening to us. We truly do appreciate it as we know how busy you must be,” Leanne said on behalf of the group as she rose to her own feet.

“It is fine my dear and part of my job. Susan, can you also tell Madam Pomfrey that I want a full medical examination done on Lavender please, thank you.”

“Yes, Professor Sprout,” Susan replied cradling her broken left arm.

“I will get them both to the infirmary for you,” Leanne stated taking charge.

“Thank you, Miss Moon. Now, I really must be off,” Professor Sprout said as she turned and hurried away back to the greenhouses.

“Come on you two, let us get this ear bending over with. Hermione and Limestone, why don’t you two help Scoti with that letter?” Leanne instructed.

“Of course, and then we can get on with our Astronomy homework in preparation for tonight,” Hermione replied.

Limestone let out an almighty groan. “You know what, my left shoulder is starting to ache. Think I may go with the werewolves and have Madam Pomfrey check it over again.”

Hermione looked towards Susan.


“Some friend you are,” Limestone grumbled returning to her now trademark pout.

“You’re welcome!” Susan called back jovially as she Lavender and Leanne departed across the training fields back to the castle.

I’ll be fine doing the letter by myself Hermione if you want to help Limestone get up to speed with her Astronomy. I know she was really struggling in the lesson and would really appreciate the help, Scoti stated wickedly.

“Oh, come on. You to!” Limestone exclaimed.

That’s for calling me an insane moron, Scoti responded with a devilish smirk across her face.

Limestone flopped onto her back on the grass and stared up at the beautiful blue sky above. “Who needs enemies when you’ve got friends.”