• Published 8th Feb 2024
  • 348 Views, 20 Comments

Angel Mares - autobotfan15

Everyone has a guardian angel. I had six I need to find.

  • ...

A gift from Heaven

July 14th 2039

I had this old notebook with me for a while and I didn't pay much attention to it but now I feel the need to use it because something is going on and I cant risk putting this on a computer document. I've always been paranoid of hackers and I can't afford those fancy security programs.

I suppose first you should know my name. My name is Noah. I just recently moved to Chicago for work. I work as a security guard at Union Station. It gets busy during Rush Hour. The winters are horrible but that makes summer more enjoyable when it comes.

But the city itself is not what I want to talk about. It's about how I just rediscovered my old childhood only to find something different about it. I know as kids we see things differently but this is something some would consider bizarre. Maybe I should start with what happened today.

I was looking around a Target store when I came across something in the DVD section. The moment I saw it, I was flooded with nostalgia and relief.

This show was my escape as a child. Growing up in Missouri me and my family couldn't afford fancy tech but we had cable and a recording system that can put DVRs into discs and I would always get excited to watch this show about six ponies teaching friendship as they went along through life. I still have those DVDs but at one point I thought it wouldn't be compatible with the new technology. Plus they also recorded the commercial breaks that come with them.

Naturally I bought it but when I played it on my computer something was different about it. I soon found my old recordings and was relief my gaming pc could play them. What I have written are the transcripts from a scene in the first episode.


Pinkie pie approaches Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Spike tries to encourage Twilight to try and talk to her. "Come on Twilight give it a try."

The lavender Unicorn hesitated then spoke. "Uh...hello?"

Pinkie pie gasped and quickly sped away. "Well that was interesting all right," Twilight said as she walked away leaving Spike the dragon to sigh.


Pinkie pie approaches Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Spike tries to encourage Twilight to try and talk to her. "Come on Twilight give it a try as I go check on City hall."

The lavender Unicorn hesitated as the dragon left then smiled warmly as she spoke to the pink mare. "Hello there my name is Twilight Sparkle and you are?"

Pinkie excitedly grabbed Twilight's hoof and shook it. "I'm Pinkie Pie it's wonderful to meet you."

The two mares then turned to the viewer. "Oh we're sorry we didn't see you there. What's your name?"

There was silence in the scene until Pinkie spoke again. "That's a wonderful name. I hope we can be friends Noah. Maybe even best friends."

It felt confusing to me. At one point I thought there was a main character named Noah. Was my mind really hooked on magic when I was little? Was I really talking to six mares on a TV screen? Now that I think about it, the only time me and my mother would watch TV together is when we were watching a movie. This whole thing is becoming mind boggling the more I watch. Especially when the end of the pilot episode looked so different and longer from when I saw it.


The viewer is outside of town and Pinkie Pie pops out of nowhere and starts talking rapidly. "Isn't this exciting? Are you excited cause I'm excited I've never been so excited, well, except for the time that I went-" She gasped before resuming as an iris wipe closes the cartoon. "but I mean really-"


The viewer is outside of town and the main six characters appear on the screen. "That was quite an adventure wouldn't you say Noah?" Twilight asked.

There was silence before she resumed talking their faces now looking a bit concerned. "Aw don't be sad partner. This is just the first adventure you had with us," said Applejack.

"Yeah and there'll be a lot more to be had with us awesome ponies," Rainbow Dash said as she hovered and grinned.

"Don't think of this as goodbye darling," Rarity said.

"Think of this as see you next time," Fluttershy said as she gave the warmest smile she could make.

"Yeah and even when you're not watching us we'll always be looking out for a friend like you," smiled Pinkie Pie.

"Remember this Noah," Twilight began. "There is magic in friendship even if you don't see it. As it states in Proverbs 18:24, A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

"You'll learn more as we go along for now we have to go. Come on give us a smile just to show us you can." Said Fluttershy.

"That's a good boy. Goodbye for now Noah." Fluttershy said as she waved. The others followed suit.

"Later Alligator," waved Rainbow.

"So long Partner" said Applejack waving her hat.

"Enjoy your day Darling," Rarity waved.

"So long new bestie," Pinkie said bouncing.

"See you next time Noah," Twilight said as an iris wipe closed the cartoon.

I recalled hearing lots of bible quotes when I was a kid. I think most of them came from this show, at least how I saw it. Most of the old episodes I found in both DVD and online had no mentions of any human religion. To know about this feels odd. I now had so many more questions like how much time did I spent with them? What things about them do I really remember and more importantly why are my memories with them spotty?

I have to find out. I don't know how but I must know why was it me that heard and saw these characters like this. I may not know much now but I do know this. My memory is these six mares are my guardian angels. I'll have to dig around more when I have time. For now I must sleep. I wonder if they're still watching over me to this day.

Author's Note:

Yep another side project. I have to get my imagination organized at some point.