• Published 9th Feb 2024
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Source Code - Nugget27

Source Code, once an indie game developer is transported to Equestria by unknown means.

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The Most Anti-climatic, World Ending Threat Ever.

So sometime before we got on the train for Canterlot, it started snowing. For reference, January is roughly winter for anyone on Earth… living in the northern hemisphere. In Equestria, it’s the start of spring, and ponies control the weather. So as you can imagine, once it started snowing, nopony was excited, in fact, most of them were terrified. The train was even delayed by this odd occurrence. I just sat at the train station, watching Celly panic while Luna was simply confused. Tale was knocked out and used Luna as a pillow while she did her best to keep her coltfriend warm.

Button, being the colt that he was, was more happy about the snow than confused.

Cadance and Shining Armor were staying in Ponyville for the night to have a sleepover with Twilight, so I didn’t know what they were doing.

Knowing Twilight, she was Twilighting, and was thinking the world was going to end. She was probably right.

“Celly,” I said.

“What’s wrong?”


“Is this another world ending threat that you forgot about?” I asked. “Or did Discord get out and decide to take a fat dump on the fabric of reality?”

“This… is something different. Far, far different from Discord.” She started walking forward. “Come, I believe it would be best for us to get out of the snow while we are at it.” I picked Button up, before tucking him under my wing, before deciding my wing was too weak to hold him. So I just teleported his coat to him, and started moving. Luna casted a shield over herself and Tale and started walking through the snow. That is a way better idea; I just went without a coat and figured dealing with it through sheer force of will was the way to go.

“So,” I said, after catching up to Celly. Despite her being concerned about whatever the fuck is going on, she did drape a wing over me without hesitation. “Mind catching me up, at least?”

“It would be best to get to Twilight’s library; she’s already got her friends over for the sleepover with her, Cadance, and Shining, and it would save me the hassle of repeating myself. But we must hurry, if not because this poses a dangerous threat to the nation, and quite possibly the entirety of Equus as we know it.” That was fair reasoning. “Let’s just say… an old friend of Luna has awakened from her slumber.” Oh. That doesn’t sound fun.

“Well, I’m sure you’ll fully fill us in on what is going on.”

“Sister, which ‘old friend’ are you referring to… Oh dear.” Luna seemed to realized something whereas me and Button were in the dark, and Tale was still knocked the fuck out, so wasn’t even reacting to the shitshow that was going to happen.

When we reached the library, we were quickly ushered in by a rattled looking Twilight, and almost looked… She looked scared. Everypony present did. Rainbow had her planner out, didn’t know she had that, checking if she had accidentally scheduled a snow storm, if you could call the light, serene snowing a storm, for any time during January.

“Auntie!” Cadance waved. “Do you know what is going on?” Celestia nodded.

“Does anypony know the tale of how the snowflake was created?” She asked. Luna’s ears shot up, whatever she was thinking was probably just confirmed then and there.

“Wasn’t that a little filly’s tale?” Rainbow asked, looking up from her planner. “I remember my dam telling me that story when I was a foal.”

“It was not just a foal's tale,” Luna said firmly. “I believe you all have heard the tale?”

“I never did,” I raised my hoof. “Back home, snow just happens, same with snowflakes. There was nothing magical or anything.”

“I see… Well…” She proceeded to tell me the story of Snowdrop, a blind little filly that invented the snowflake. Her upbringing wasn’t the greatest, with her being a blind pegasus, and was severely bullied throughout her foalhood until she presented a snowflake to the Princesses during a holiday that has long since fallen out of practice, the Spring Sunrise event. It was to celebrate the ending of Winter, Winter was conisdered an awful time of the year, which fell out of practice because of Snowdrop making snowflakes.

“And… I thought she had passed away sometime after my banishment,” Luna whispered. Tale had woken up and was hugging Lulu’s neck while she cried a little. Most of the ponies present were tearing up; I wasn’t. I felt awful for Lulu, to not be able to say goodbye to what sounded like her best friend, but… Clearly something was up with Snowdrop, something not very good.

“Shortly after Luna’s banishment, Snowdrop became cold and distant. She blamed me for Luna’s fall, and blamed Luna for abandoning her in her time of need. Bear in mind that while Snowdrop was growing up, her relationship between herself and Luna was almost like Twilight’s and Cadance’s relationship. They even had their own little friendship chant…” Celestia sighed. “They were borderline inseparable until the kingdom started hating Luna and her night more and more…

“By the time Luna had turned into Nightmare Moon, Snowdrop had grown into a beautiful mare, but was still shunned and harassed for being blind. When she heard of what happened to my sister, Snowdrop… broke into our old castle and found a talisman, something almost similar to an Alicorn Amulet.”

“What in the hay is an Alicorn Amulet?” Apple Jack asked.

Me and Twilight immediately lit up at that. “It’s something that bolsters a unicorn’s magical output, but is powered with dark magic. In other words, big no no, and kinda illegal to have.” I explained it to keep Twilight from Twilighting and nerding out about magic for a good thirty minutes. “Is this talisman sorta like… a unicorn’s horn for anypony without a horn?” I asked.

“In a sense, yes. I would say it is even more dangerous; it works off of feeding on a pony’s special talent. Snowdrop showed an altitude for making Snowflakes, and by extension… was heavily attuned to winter. The amulet, the Unicorn Talisman, essentially takes her talent and turns it all the way up. That resulted in the snowstorm outside. On top of it also granting her the ability to cast and use spells like a very, very gifted unicorn.”

“...Fucking hell,” I sighed. “I just wanted a week of peace and quiet,” I facehoofed. “So what are we gonna do? Sit here until we get buried in snow and die?”

“I shall go find her,” Luna said. “I… I may be able to convince Snowdrop to take the Unicorn Talisman off.”

“Luna…” I said. “She thought you abandoned her.”

“I know. I know. But I must go, if I cannot persuade her, I shall put her down. It will at least allow me to say goodbye to somepony I considered to be a good friend.”

“As will I,” Celestia, not Celly, Celly went into hibernation the moment Equestria was put into danger. “Snowdrop was more than a match for myself, even if Luna has always been the better fighter out of the two of us. With two alicorns present, we’ll be able to bring her down if we need to.” I stood up and started pacing. “Source, is everything alright?”

“How the fuck do we even find her?” I asked.

“She… Her last location, before I froze her in ice, was in the most northern part of the Everfree Forest.” Celestia said. “Why?”

“If anypony here has a solid chance at taking her down…” I sighed. “It’s me. So far, my track record is solid, my Light Shield is going to keep me safe, for the most part and…”

“It would actually be best if all of us went,” Shining Armor said. “Having the Element Bearers on standby, four alicorns, and two highly capable unicorns. Snowdrop wouldn’t know what’d hit her.”

“I am leaving Tale here. He is an author, not a warrior,” Luna said.

“Button and Spike are staying home too,” I said. “He’s a baby dragon.” Twilight didn’t hesitate in agreeing. Button didn't need an explanation; he just nodded his head and sat his rear down where it was.

“So what else can we expect?” I asked.

“Snowdrop is much stronger than your average unicorn, Source. If I wasn’t caught off guard by how powerful Snowdrop is,” Celestia shook her head. “She hates me, Source. If she finds out that you are my fiance, she will want to kill you just to get a jab against me.”

“Huh…” I sighed. “Well, here’s hoping we can talk her down.”

We got to the Everfree without much trouble. We were all, save the alicorns who were very cold resistant, dressed in winter gear. Well, I put on my trench coat to conceal my wings; I am already probably going to be a target; there is no need to make myself a bigger target. Snowdrop was blind, so hiding my wings wouldn’t mean much, but it did make me feel a little better. Button, Tale, and Spike stayed in the library until we got back.

Luckily, none of them argued about why they should go.

Snowdrop, if Celly was right, was apparently in the most northern parts of the Everfree Forest, or the spots closest to Canterlot, so we had a while to go.

“I can’t wait to-” Rainbow was just about to talk about beating the shite out of the big threat of the week, but stopped when she remembered who we were fighting. “Uh… bring Equestria back to normal? It can’t be that hard,” she gestured to me. “We’ve got Source Code, after all, and he’s super strong!”

“I’m not fighting unless I have to,” I said as we trudged along.


“I’m not fighting Snowdrop. If Luna can talk her out of this shit, let Luna do her thing. Both she and Snowdrop were the best of friends, Rainbow Dash. I’ve seen enough blood during my time in the other timeline to last a lifetime. If I do not have to, I will not kill anypony, nein, anyone unless it’s the only way forward. I don’t think we need to kill anyone.” I nuzzled Luna who was walking right beside me. She hasn’t spoken much since we’ve left the library.

“Are you doing alright, Luna?” I asked.

“I shall be fine, Source.”

“No, not ‘will you be fine’, Luna. Are you doing alright?”

“I… Will Snowdrop hate me?”

“How were you two, Luna? Like, how close were you two?”

Luna looked ahead, seeing Celestia, Shining Armor, and Twilight leading our little legion. Cadance was walking in between Twilight and Celestia. Despite Twilight probably being the more skilled mage out of the two, Cadance was slightly forward, and looked ready to jump in front of the lavender unicorn at a moment’s notice. She stared at the pair before smiling.

“I will not lie, I may have neglected my nightly duties to spend any amount of time with Snowdrop. Sometimes I would foalsit her; she was like my little sister, Source. She was almost like my daughter. I cared for her so deeply… We even had a little friendship chant that Snowdrop had come up with. She was the sweetest little thing, she was smart, Source. Scarily smart. She was surprisingly mature for a filly of her age, but given how she was treated, it made sense.” Luna shook her head and sighed. “I wish I had thought of Snowdrop before I gave into my darker thoughts.”

“Hey, perhaps we can see this as a blessing. If we stop Snowdrop, without harming her, and she is willing, you two can have more time together; to make up for the time lost between the two of you.”

Luna smiled. “That is a possibility. Hopefully, she can be talked down from the path she is walking down.”

“God I hope so. I don’t like fighting, not anymore.”

“You are a talented duelist, especially with your fancy little ‘Light Shield’ as you call it.”

“Magical duels don’t result in somepony dying, and I’m barely even a novice in actual duels, Luna. Fighting can, and will result in pain and death. I’ve learned that much from…” I shook my head as I pictured Luna’s life leaving her eyes. I shivered. “I don’t like hurting ponies.”

“You don’t need to, not anymore, Source. I will sooner cut out our enemies’ hearts before I allow them to cause harm to you, or more accurately, before you have to cause harm to them.” We looked ahead. “Come, we are falling behind our group.” I looked up, noting that we were, in fact, falling behind.

“Fuck. Why did you have to be right?” I asked, letting my accent get thicker. That at least got Lulu to giggle; that’s the first time she’s smiled since we left the library.

We came to a halt, I skidded past Celly and I saw the reason why. Sitting before us was a pegasus. A rather slender, downright beautiful pegasus. She had a light blue coat that was almost the same color as the snow. Her mane was kept short, and was straight, as was her tail. Honestly, she looked a lot like Fleur De Lis. Pupiless eyes stared back at us, blinking occasionally, though not moving. Her ears were pointed forward as she held her wings out; an instinctual thing that pegasi do to make themselves look bigger.

“I was wondering when I would get your attention, Princess Celestia,” the mare spoke. Her voice was haunting, almost dead sounding. I could tell there was a hint of softness in her voice, like she was not used to speaking so loudly. I could also tell she was trying to keep her voice dead sounding. She was doing a good job at it, even if I could tell she was trying not to get angry, or cry.

“Snowdrop,” Celly spoke. “It is nice to see you… have broken out of your prison.”

“I wish I could say the like,” Snowdrop said bitterly. “Alas, I canst not. Now, allow us to drop the pleasantries,” she said as her horn, made up of a blue crystal, pointed out of the talisman sitting upon her head. “Whom else hast thou brought with thou? an entourage of guards? if so, all thou hast brought is sheep to a wolf’s den, Princess.”

“I’ve brought a small group of close friends, one of whom you may recognize. While you were frozen in ice, my sister, Luna, had returned from the Moon and had been reformed.” Snowdrop’s eyes were surprisingly expressive given that they belonged to a blind pony.

“Lulu is here…” She said, her voice becoming much more gentle. “Who else?” Her voice leaked poorly concealed curiosity, even if Snowdrop was still being cautious.

I stepped forward, despite Celly’s attempts to keep me back, and waved.

“God damn, you’re a sight to behold,” I said upfront. I won’t lie, besides Celly, this is the prettiest mare I’ve seen. I saw a faint blush growing on Snowdrop’s face.

“Are thou trying to flatter me into not harming anypony?” Snowdrop asked.

“No, you’re just pretty.”

“i’ve been told that by many; they anon thought othergates when they found out I was seel,” Snowdrop’s voice grew bitter for a moment. “However, I doth appreciate thy compliments, stallion. You’ve not quoth thy own name.” I hissed. “You smell heavily of Princess Celestia. A consort, haply?”

“Uh… Yeah.” I’m gunna die.

“It is a pleasure to meet thou then.” Wat. I tilted my head, and Snowdrop seemingly picked up on that with just her ears. “This talisman was quoth to corrupt absolutely, yet all it doth grant me the ability to use magic as a unicorn, and bolster mine existing abilities. I only attacked Princess Celestia, out of anger, because she sent Luna to the moon.” Celestia’s wings ruffled from behind me. Me and Twilight were shocked; I was shocked because Snowdrop’s surprisingly civil for a mare that just froze the whole country over, or was in the process of freezing it over. I think Twilight’s just shocked that her research was wrong.

I'm also surprised that I'm not dead yet.

“So… Can you turn off the snowstorm then? Permanent winter’s gonna wind up with the majority of every sapient race on the planet dead.”

“I could, alas, I desire to speak with Lulu. I will still stop the storm; I just wish to speak with her if it is not too much trouble.” Snowdrop inclined her head. "It has been far too long since we've last spoken, and it would mean a lot to me if we can talk."

Luna stepped forward, with zero regards for her own safety, and got within a meter of Snowdrop. The blind mare sniffed the air and smiled. Suddenly, her prosthetic horn stopped glowing. “Do you remember our chant, Lulu-”

“Moonlight moonlight…” The two of them had quickly broken into a similar little dance that Twilight and Cadance do whenever they greet each other. It was more heavily based on the night, with fireflies, making wishes, but even the little shake was something both mares partook in. Hell, they even clapped a few times. Luna remebered every step, as did Snowdrop. As a wise man once said, many folks don't realize the weight of a powerful, bonding union. It's not a myth engraved in stone, it can't be felt when all alone. I watched the adorable little scene, before the two quickly stood up. Luna, with tearful eyes, cleared her throat.

“Snowdrop…” Luna reached a hoof out.

“Lulu, shut up.” Snowdrop quickly scowled and lit my horn and got ready to-

“WHY THE BUCK DIDN’T THOU JOIN TO ME WHEN THOU WERE FEELING THE WAY THOU DIDST!?” Snowdrop shouted. “WE TOLD EACH OTHER ALL’S, LULU!” The blind pegasus quickly pulled Luna into a hug. Everypony was taken aback by the sudden, heartfelt shouting that resonated throughout the forest. She was crying into Luna's neck while yelled. “Please, please tell me if you are feeling terrible from now on. I’m just glad that I can be with you once again…”

“I missed thou, Snowdrop,” Luna almost whispered. “I seriously missed thou.” The two nuzzled and soon found each other laying side by side, Luna was still a good head taller than Snowdrop, and subsequently had larger wings. Because of this, and probably because of how Luna perceived Snowdrop, she draped a wing over the pegasus’s back as the snow came to a stop. I blinked a few times. There is no way that was that easy, was it? I thought we'd be fighting by now, or Snowdrop woulda suckerpunched Luna.

I guess not. Oh well, now I get to watch a pair of grown mares cry into each other as they happily reunited, hugged and nuzzled each other. The two of them were back together, despite everything thst interrupted their lives, and they were happy. I sat back and smiled as... Well, it's a cute scene. How could I not watch these two embrace each other.

“Oh come on! We came out here, expecting a world ending threat! And instead it ends in cuddling?” Rainbow asked.

Snowdrop simply giggled. “I expected a large broil to befall as well. I am glad it didst not join to that. I much prefer the issue that hath just occurred, miss.”

“So… are you able to just… live forever too? You’ve had to have been frozen for a good thousand years, and you’re alive and kicking, and don’t look a day over twenty two, Snowdrop. What’s the catch with that talisman?” I asked.

“I am not sure of the talisman, I just wot that it truly grants me to use mine magic as a unicorn can. As for how long I live? I am not sure. I hope to live forever; it would mean that I spend moe time with Lulu!” Snowdrop cheered. “And you did say I was beautiful. Herds are still common practice in Equestria, right?”

“They are,” Lulu smirked. “And the disdain for blind ponies has fallen in recent times; I’m sure a beautiful, young mare like yourself can woo any stallion; you look better than some modern ‘fashion models’. Perhaps a mare if thou wish to go that route instead?" Snowdrop blushed and buried her face into Luna’s shoulder. “Though do not be shocked if Source declines the offer to form a herd with you and Tia. As far as I can tell, he will abstain from dating more than one mare, ever, no matter how pretty he thinks you are.”


“Hey, you’re gorgeous, but I’m a one mare kind of stallion. I’ll tell you when you get older.”

“I’m a thousand years older than thou are.”

“And I don’t wanna say why I am the way I am right now; just cuddle with Luna… after we get out of this forest first. I don’t wanna get eaten by a manticore, and I don’t think anypony else here would enjoy being eaten either.”

“Okay,” Snowdrop nodded. “That is acceptable, I suppose. Come, Lulu! We shall catch up, and our cuddle and fun time shall be doubled!” Said Lulu was caught off guard when Snowdrop snatched Luna up, and stopped. “Do any of you know where the nearest pony settlement is? I… Have not gotten the chance to grow accustomed to the new geography of Equestria.”

“We do,” I nodded to Celly. “Lead the way, Celly.”

“And here I was expecting the ending of the world…” Celestia whispered. She smiled, likely at the prospect of not having to fight anypony today; I sure as hell was happy about that too. “Well, come along, everypony. We shall head back to Ponyville and get Snowdrop reacquainted with pony society.”

While we walked on back, Snowdrop and Luna had fallen behind a little, as they were so busy catching up that neither of them noticed that we were a good ten paces ahead of them. It wasn’t enough for them to get lost, but it wasn’t close enough for us to hear them. It really didn’t help that it seemed like they were whispering to each other most of the time, so even if I wanted to eavesdrop, I couldn’t. Celestia was wearing her serene little smile, now that the blizzard had stopped, spring should be going on as normal, even if the snow would take a while to melt.

“Hey Snowdrop,” Twilight spoke up, having fallen behind just enough to stay with the group. I fell back too, wanting to hear what was going on.

“Yes miss… I’m sorry, none of you shared your names with me just yet.”

“Well, I’m Twilight Sparkle, I’m what you would’ve called a scholar back in your time.”

“Oh. Do you wish to speak of what life was like a thousand years ago?”

“I am curious about that, I will admit,” Twilight nodded to herself. “However, I do want to study that talisman if you don’t mind. The Alicorn Amulet was said to have some… side-effects on the user. You, however, are using something in a very similar vein to the Alicorn Amulet yet you seemed… docile as soon as you found out that Princess Luna was alright.”

“Oh sure!” Snowdrop took the talisman off with her left hoof, still walking just fine. She didn’t immediately crumple to dust or anything. “As I had said earlier, it just lets me use magic like a unicorn would; it’s not that bad.”

“I know… But I would just like to make sure there are no side-effects. If you want it back after I’m done studying it, just let me know, and I’ll give it back to you. Assuming it's harmless beyond what it does for you.” Snowdrop half nodded; she was immediately trying to get a groom lick in on Luna. It didn't work; Luna beat Snowdrop to the 'groom my friend' contest, I guess.

“Say,” I said, falling in line right beside the blind mare. “If you don’t mind me asking, and sorry if this is offensive, but how are you so damn good at moving around, walking, all that general stuff without being able to see? It’s impressive; I sure as hell wouldn’t be able to do that if I were blind. Not without some sorta aid.”

“I’ve had some practice. Not being able to see does make it so I have to rely heavily on my hearing and sense of smell. And while dealing with stallions, assuming they stick around after finding out that I am blind, was easy. As long as I can hear, and still smell, I can find my way around.” she tilted her head. “Why do you ask?”

“I was just curious. Back home, where I come from, if somebody was blind, they had to use a stick that they’d tap ground with as they walked. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better than going without.”

“You didn’t say anypony.”

“Shit. You’re the only one who’s noticed that.”

“I can be quite perceptive,” Snowdrop smirked. “Even if I can’t see.” She seemingly caught note of Twilight’s eyes widening. “What? I was called a few derogatory terms because I am blind; cannot I not make fun of myself?” Twilight thought about it, before shrugging, even if Snowblind couldn’t see. “So Source, why your shift in language? Your accent isn’t like anything I’ve heard before either. Biologically, and when I was frozen, I am younger than you, so it is not saying much. But do, tell me your story, abridged or not."

“Well, let’s just say I’m not a pony in the head, Snowdrop. I’m from another world, yadda yadda yadda, I’m here now, and I usually use ‘everyone’ or ‘anyone’, or ‘somebody’ while referring to the race I hailed from before becoming a unicorn…” I felt my wings rustle under my trench coat.

“You’ve got wings too. You’re an alicorn,” Snowdrop noted.

“...Jesus fuck, you are scarily perceptive with those ears.” Snowdrop giggled.

“Well, I am shape blind, colorblind, and just blind, but I am not sound blind,” she mused. “So you’re an alicorn… no wonder Princess Celestia wanted to keep you.”

“Mmm. Mayhaps. Though I met her as a unicorn and ascended after going through a portal… and doing some fucked up things to another timeline’s version of her.”


“I know; how I got wings is very arbitrarily, since I think you can only become an alicorn after discovering yourself or whatever. I got mine from killing four very hostile alicorns that were committing genocide.”

“...I think it is a good thing that I am not completely evil, then,” Snowdrop noted. “I don’t think I can fight anypony that is capable of taking on one alicorn, let alone four.”

“You did almost cover Equestria in snow, though.”

“And I stopped doing that. I much prefer returning to my peaceful life with Luna… Buck. My mother is long dead.”

“I feel you, Snowdrop, I really do.”

“...What?” The pegasus took a moment to think about what I said. “Oh. I assume you left family behind? Once you’ve gotten here, of course.”

“Yeah. Sucks to suck, but I’ve learnt to move on.” Even if I still sometimes cry about not being able to hug my mum ever again.

“Snowdrop took a deep breath. “Well, I was bound to outlive my mother, I just wish I could’ve, for lack of a better word, gotten to see her before she passed.”

“You’ve picked up on the modern language quickly, Snowdrop,” Luna chimed in. “Again, your intelligence scares me sometimes; especially with how quickly you pick up on things.”

Snowdrop shrugged. “I think I would not be able to if I weren’t blind.” She nodded to Celestia. “Perhaps I shall go speak with Celestia. It was wrong of me to attack her after she banished you.”

“It was, young lady. Go say sorry to your auntie, or I’ll refrain from making you a moonpie.” That's Luna for 'make Source make a moonpie because I can not cook'. Snowdrop’s ears flattened at Luna’s words. “Go on now.” The mare nodded, before running ahead and immediately started chatting with Celly. None of us could hear them; after Snowdrop dropped being evil quicker than when America dropped a bomb on Japan, had a surprisingly gentle voice that was almost as soft as Fluttershy’s, but clearly had a lot more volume to it. Within mere moments, Celly and Snowdrop were chatting away like old friends would’ve.

“It still shocks me just how quickly she dropped the ‘evil’ thing,” I noted. “And how quick most of us were to forgive her.”

“Thinking back to how sweet that mare was, despite how often she was insulted for being blind,” Luna sighed. “I’m just glad to have one of my old friends back. Truly, this is a gift,” Snowdrop soon found her way onto Celestia’s back and was constantly nipping her ears, much to my Celly’s dismay at being bullied by a mare half her height in front of the Element Bearers, her legally adopted niece, the captain of her guard force, and Luna.

“I SWEAR, I WILL FREEZE YOU AGAIN, YOUNG LADY!” Celly shouted as we exited the forest.

“It sounds like torture for Celly.” I noted.

“Tia can handle a little bullying from her surrogate niece. Between me and Snowdrop attacking her a thousand years ago, I think this is a step up from that.” Celly flopped in the snow, being nipped, and subsequently tickled by Snowdrop.

“I think I should go help Celly,” I hummed. “Nah. Celly’s got this in the bag.”

“SOURCE, SAVE ME! YOUR PRINCESS IS IN DISTRESS!” Celestia said as the group walked past her into town.

“Hold on, dear! Just gimme a moment to get over there. These old bones-”

“YOU’RE BUCKING BIOLOGICALLY TWENTY ONE YEars-!” Celly soon found herself unable to speak, as Snowdrop tickled all the air out of her lungs. Once I got to the pile, I lifted Snowdrop in my magic.

“No fair! If I still had my Talisman, you’d be dead meat, old dude!”

“True. However, I can’t let you kill my bride-to-be just yet. I still gotta marry her.”

“Aunt Celestia, why did you not tell me you were getting married while we were catching up?” That sounded like Snowdrop was gonna tickle Celly the moment she was let out, so I just kept on walking with a mare blowing raspberries at me while I carried her away from her victim. A mare that was a thousand years older than I was. Celestia slowly got up, wheezing constantly as she tried getting air back into her lungs.

“I missed you, Snowdrop. This version of you.” Snowdrop blew a raspberry. “Young lady, you are so lucky that I cannot ground you.”

Author's Note:

While Snowdrop's appearance in this is heavily inspired by Snowdrop's return, I decided to go with a different route from what I was gonna originally portray her. I was going to portray her as this cold hearted killed, but then after rewatching the original Snowdrop, it made very, very little sense for Snowdrop to be outright evil.

So this version of Snowdrop is the same, sweet little filly that Luna befriended, just older, and very protective of Luna. And... she might've picked up on her surrogate, older sister's love for being a little menace to society, mainly Celestia. She will be Luna's little accomplice when it comes to pranking the whole castle, and mostly Celestia.

I also decided against having the eldritch horror that was the dragon she had, as that felt unecessary in the final cut of this chapter.

Hopefully this didn't blow ass.

Next chapter, we're gonna probably be visited by our good, old friend Fruit. Some of you might be familiar with him, or another timeline's version of him.


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