• Published 21st Feb 2024
  • 275 Views, 12 Comments

The Great Retreat - History Student

The Heer is retreating. Never did Blueblood think he'd see the day, but the entry of Stalliongrad into the war has presented the first sign of hope for a long time.

  • ...

A Dangerous Gambit

2 hours later, Griffon Empire embassy.

Blueblood stood before the gates of the Griffon Empires embassy in Equestria. The complex of 7 buildings were in a large walled complex on the city outskirts and arguably one of the most fortified locations in the city. While Canterlot castle was heavily fortified and well-guarded, the Reich’s embassy was designed as a fortress first and embassy second and guarded by a soldiers widely regarded as the best in the world.

With the Equestrian princesses having denounced the empire long ago, the embassy’s role was almost totally ceremonial. Ever since the outbreak of the Great War, the embassy had been mostly evacuated and only really served as a place for angry mobs to protest. The empire being such an open ally of the Changeling Lands didn’t do them any favours. Twice now they’d even repelled attempts by mobs to storm the building.

Standing in front of the iron gate in the fading evening light, Blueblood peered through as he tried to spot the sentry. Spying a griffon with a gun, he called out in Equestrian. The griffon looked over and shouted something behind him in Hertzlandic. Another griffon appeared and looked Blueblood over, then he turned and strolled into the closest guardhouse. A light inside flicked on and spilled yellow light onto the darkening embassy, the brief clattering of metal and boots. A sound the Marshal was familiar with as the sound of soldiers being roused from sleep and into action.

A few more griffons appeared from the doorway, all of them wearing military uniforms. The Griffon soldiers immediately spread out across the entrance and started to man gun positions and towers. Bar a couple of diplomats, almost every griffon in the compound were military personnel. Squinting at the uniforms, Blueblood was able to identify the soldiers as PanzerGrenadiers. With the Griffonian empire and Changeling lands having a near identical military structure, he could corroborate his knowledge of changeling uniform markings to the griffons here.

One wearing an officer uniform stepped towards the iron gate separating them and started to speak with Blueblood in broken Equish “What you want pony?”

“I’ve come here to talk with the ambassador.” He simply replied, hiding his intentions from an on-edge guard wouldn’t do him any favours here.

“We no want to talk, you speak with changeling, they war you.” The officer continued, his words staying broken and fragmented. Obviously, he was used to ambassadors demanding that the empire act as an intermediary for peace.

“I’m not here on behalf of my country, I’ve come here to speak with the ambassador on a personal matter. Tell them that Field Marshal, and Prince, Blueblood is here for private matters.” He spoke aloud so that they could all hear, though he doubted any of them spoke Equish. Ever since the war broke out, Blueblood had elected to be referred to as Marshal instead of Prince. The reasons were twofold, it separated him from the arrogant and selfish bastard he used to be from the arrogant but competent bastard he was now; the second reason was ego, he’d earned the title of Marshal and he was damn well going to flaunt it.

The officer turned his head and shouted something at another griffon. The griffon took off running into the compound and out of the marshal’s sight. He shouted something else at a couple of other Griffons who opened the heavy iron gate and let Blueblood in. The pony stepped inside the compound and watched as the gates were closed behind him.

“You stay, I be back.” The officer said before turning and striding away.

Blueblood stood in a darkening courtyard surrounded by Griffons in various military uniforms, it started to strike him that this might not have been the best idea. In case things went sour, he started to run the numbers through his head. Admittedly he wasn’t keeping up with the exact numbers and units, but it would be good to get a rough idea of exactly what he was facing in the compound. Not that he would be able to fight his way out, he was unarmed and never particularly powerful mage.

There were at least 3000 Imperial soldiers in the compound, maybe as many as 4000. Under a provision signed with Archon Eros, Celestia had allowed 15 infantry fighting vehicles to be deployed in the compound with an accompanying unit of PanzerGrenadiers. The rest of the troops were made up of specialised Festung units and Sicherungs-Division troops. With the exception of the PanzerGrenadiers, the troops were all specialised for defensive actions. Blueblood concluded; he couldn’t take them.

Luckily, the officer from before reappeared with another griffon officer. Recognising the rank markings of a captain in the dimming light, he could tell that this griffon was in charge. The griffon stopped and spoke in accented but understandable Equish. “Sorry for the bad entrance Marshal, not many visitors come by. The ambassador will speak with you, I apologise but she had just turned in and is dressing at this moment.”

“Oh I quite understand captain, I seem to have caused quite a stir. I would also appreciate it if my presence here wasn’t made common knowledge.” Blueblood asked, speaking quieter than before. He extended a hoof out to the griffon “Marshal Blueblood, pleasure to meet you.”

The griffon clasped his hoof in the sharp talons and shook it “captain Earns Von Scharnhorst, nice to meet you as well.” Releasing his hoof, the griffon gestured to his men “whatever you’re doing here, my men won’t speak a word of it. Between you and me, they can barely speak Equish.” He chuckled.

Blueblood laughed along with him “oh I’ve found that out.”

Stepping aside, he pointed towards one of the buildings with his wing “if you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to the office.”

Taking off at a brisk trot, Blueblood followed Scharnhorst into a nearby building. Outside, they looked impressive, blocks of marble and shiny white brick made up the exterior. Tall windows lined the upper levels. Such a lavish style was to be expected of the Griffon Empire, they practically invented eccentricity after-all. If it wasn’t built on the back of their imperial conquests, the Reich usually had no interest in it, so gold plated marble buildings were perfect.

The interior was just as ornate, two large dark oak doors led to the orange themed interior. Carpets were plastered with the stuff, wallpaper was washed with it, and curtains draped with it. They were really sticking to the theme weren’t they. Occasionally they passed by a guard waiting at a door or checkpoint, they simply waved the captain past without a fuss.

The marshal did pick up on something about the guards, something he hadn’t spotted before. “Where are the knights? I thought the empire might be posting some at such a heavily guarded embassy.”

Scharnhorst craned his head slightly and then set it back to forwards facing. “Archon Eros decided to withdraw all knight back to the capital a few years ago. When the barracks revolt broke out, it suddenly struck him that he couldn’t count on the army to be loyal.” The captain muttered something in Hertzlandic under his breath, it sounded distinctly like a curse “He recalled all the knights to the capital to act as enforcers, they’re more reliably loyal to the throne, apparently.”

Despite the neutral tone, the Bloody Marshal knew when someone was biting their tongue. The attempted coup by Ferdinand a few years ago was the closest the empires government had come to collapsing. The army’s loyalty had been put in serious question after that as enquires were launched. The regent had gone about totally reworking the command structure after that, rumours even spread of decimations in the army.

Not that Blueblood was averse to decimations, he’d carried out a couple himself. The distinct difference was that his decimations didn’t end in death. Soldiers in a squad would select one of their number and each hit the decimated soldier three times with a stick before they’d return to duty, no one died. He didn’t do it often or on a large scale, but he couldn’t deny that it had occurred.

The Griffonian captain abruptly stopped and entered a door off to the side of the corridor. Letting Blueblood in first, the captain said something in Hertzlandic out the door before closing it. As the door closed, the Equestrian saw a pair of PanzerGrenadiers take positions outside the door. The vaunted mechanised infantry stood at attention, automatic weapons leagues ahead of any other resting at their sides.

Stepping into the ambassadors room, Blueblood was surprised by what lay before him. The room was surprisingly bare and lacked much of the pomp and décor of most other Griffon rooms. There were no ornate decorations, no panelled wood walls or orange decor. It had a few padded chairs and a desk, said desk being covered with various picture frames all facing the other way. It was a humble abode of an ambassador who rarely got visitors.

Taking a seat in front of the desk, Blueblood peered his head around to look at some of the pictures. One was obviously a portrait of the Kaiser, but the rest were focused on a female Griffon standing with various other griffs younger than her and a single male griffon around her age. He’d hazard a guess that they were her family. Looking down at a golden nameplate, he read the name ‘Ambassador Emily Müller’.

Gulping down his nerves, Blueblood reflected on how stupid this plan actually was. He suspected the chances of the Reich saying yes was low, but it was a slim chance they had to take. If Cadance hadn’t agreed, then he’d feel filthy and deceitful being here and attempting to negotiate in bad faith. But she had agreed, they truly were desperate.

The door clicked behind Blueblood, who swivelled his head to see captain Scharnhorst opening the door for the ambassador, she matched the individual from the pictures almost perfectly. She stood about average height with brown and white feathers puffing around her neck, dull claws tipped her paws as she strode into the room. Blueblood noticed how she appeared physically tired; her eyelids sagged like they’d just been torn from a peaceful sleep. She had the regular brown and white feather colourations of Hertzlandic griffons, although they were slightly speckled with black feathers. She wore a white shirt hidden under a black jacket and trousers, the top button was undone as she desperately tried to tie a tie.

Blueblood stood up and extended a hoof to the ambassador “Ambassador Müller, thank you for seeing me at this time.”

She clasped his hoof slightly too tightly in her paw and shook it quite vigorously “oh it’s…” she yawned midway through and tried to hide it by coughing “it’s no issue.” The griffon circled the desk and started to sit down “I must warn you that the Griffonian empire is in no ways obligated to discuss peace terms with the Changeling Queendom.”

Blueblood waved his hoofs dismissively, some poor pony had obviously tried this before “oh don’t worry about that, I’m here to discuss a private matter.”

The griffon let out a sigh of relief, “of course, now what would that matter be?”

The pony gulped down the bile building up in his throat, he had to hope that they’d hear him out before laughing him out of the room “asylum.” Müllers face contorted to one of surprise as her beak opened to say something, the shuffling from somewhere back in the room told Blueblood that Scharnhorst had reacted as well “hear me out before saying anything ok?”

After a moment of silent deliberation in which her beak opened and closed several times, the ambassador shut it and nodded. Knowing they’d at least hear him out, Blueblood started his plea. “It’s not for me, I’m here to ask that my young niece, Princess Flurry Heart be given asylum in the griffon empire. We’re losing this war with the Changelings, they’re going to win, and I want to make sure that my niece doesn’t die fighting like I intend to. She’s not even 10 years old and is caught up in a war she has no part in, I don’t want her to grow up in a world where she may have to fight for her life. When the Heer storms the crystal empire, I have no doubt that she’ll be whisked underground and used as a figurehead for some resistance, or trained to use her alicorn powers as a living weapon.”

Blueblood steadied himself, trying not to get too caught up in the moment. He had to stay concise and convince them to accept his proposal. This was a carefully crafted plan, it was almost absurd to think that she was arguably safest with an ally of Chrysalis than her own people. Perhaps the world had gone mad, or he was just an idiot. Well, he was an idiot and a bastard, but hopefully not mad.

“Hippogriphia is fighting on and off wars it might not win, the River Federation just sucks in general and is on the verge of being invaded by Hellinqui. If Flurry Heart becomes a Griffonian citizen and lives in the Reich, a place safe from war and where you and Chrysalis can keep an eye on her. Call the Changeling ambassador if you want, I’m sure they’ll agree.” Blueblood explained. It was a semi sensible idea, if the changelings know exactly where Flurry was, then they probably wouldn’t care or worry about her trying to overthrow them.

The griffon ambassador looked at Blueblood, then rubbed her eyes with talons. She sighed “captain, get me and our guest something alcoholic with caffeine in it. Tell Lieutenant Claudian to secure the compound and make sure the Equestrians aren’t tapping our phone lines.” Ambassador Müller shifted her wings and captain Scharnhorst quietly stepped out of the room “that makes a lot of sense you know. The changeling attaché has confessed that they’re not entirely sure what to do with the crystal princess post-war. Having her in the Reich would help boost legitimacy for the occupation post war and remove a major threat to Cheysalis rule. Before I commit to anything, I need to talk to my superiors in Griffenheim, this is something big.”

“By all means. Remember that this cannot leak though, Celestia may bar her from leaving the country if it gets out.” Blueblood warned.

The griffon picked up a phone from her desk and started to dial “don’t worry, I fully understand what the political ramifications of this meeting are.”

The phone started to ring as silence descended upon the room. After a few seconds, she began to speak in Hertzlandic “secure line, imperial palace in Griffenheim.”

“Hold, connecting you to the next relay.” A Griffon voice replied. The Reich had secretly laid relay stations across equestria for untapped communications, it was the best they could do.

After a few more moments, she was connected to the next station. Station after station they made their way across the continent, until they finally crossed into Griffonia and the palace. It took nearly 20 minutes to get the line all the way there, it ran through some 15 relay stations on the way there.

Arriving at the Imperial palace, a griffon picked up the line “Imperial palace.”

“Ambassador Müller in Equestria, I need to speak to the Regent immediately.” She explained in brief.

“The Regent is sleeping at the moment.” The operator droned.

“Then wake him.” Müller snapped, getting increasingly annoyed.

“Ambassador, the Regent has given strict orders not to be woken unless it is an emergency.” The griffon on the other end lazily drawled.

“Then fire me. This is an emergency and I need to speak to the Regent immediately.” She seethed, the griffon on the other end of the line didn’t seem to take the request seriously.

After a moment of silence, the griffon on the other end snorted in derision. She could imagine a stupid grin on their beak as he crossed wires “fine, your funeral.”

There was an audible thunk on the other end of the line followed by a slight buzzing sound. The line turned silent for a few seconds before it started to ring. It rung once, then it rung twice, then three times. Then the distinct thump as someone picked it up. The realisation that she was about to talk with the most powerful griffon alive hit her all at once, her nerves started to fray.

Looking across the room, Müller cast a glance at the other two occupants of the room. Marshal Blueblood held a glass of Griffonian rum in his magic while in quiet conversation with captain Scharnhorst who’d returned with their drinks. She’d tuned in and out of their hushed tones every now and then, they were mainly discussing military tactics. Although they had recently slipped into a discussion on the rise and merits of supremacism in the Griffonian empire.

It was strange to learn that Blueblood was actually a supporter of the TTP party. They were officially classified as a non-alignment party, but were definitely supremacist leaning. It was quite confusing to think that someone in the royal family wouldn’t be a harmonic supporter and supported the near opposite faction. Then again, Prince Blueblood did have the quite the past reputation of being an arrogant bastard. Now it was mainly focused on him being heartless and a butcherer.

“Whoever’s just woken me up, you’d better have a good reason.” A gruff voice said. Müller looked around for a second, confused by the interruption of her thoughts.

Oh yeah, and just phoned the regent of the empire. “Archon Eros, I’m deeply apologetic to have awoke you. This is ambassador Müller calling from the embassy in Equestria.” From across the room, Scharnhorst looked over. Blueblood also recognised the name and change in tone, the two respectfully hushed their conversation. Müller couldn’t even hear them, only knowing the conversation was still going on through the movement of their lips and beak.

“Ambassador, make it quick.” The gruff voice of the Archon said. There was also a shallow and well masked rasp in the back of the Archons beak.

It was well known that Archon Eros was one of the oldest living griffons. While it hidden very well, his ageing body was showing many of the typical ailments of age. He’d always been known as a griff of robust health, but a select few knew of his deterioration health. Doctor’s orders were almost certainly the reason he was in bed at the moment, it was nearly midday in Griffonia after-all.

The young Kaiser was still some 8 years from a full taking the full mantel of ruling the empire, so Eros would have to pray that his health wouldn’t give out in that time. If the Archon passed away, they may honestly descend into another civil war trying to decide the next regent. If Müller had to place a bet however, Field Marshal Elias Bronzetail was the most likely candidate. He was a popular figure without leanings to the mobility or clergy, the perfect compromise.

Enough musing about politics, it was time to talk politics “I’ve been visited by Prince and Field Marshal BlueBlood today. He’s come to me with a proposition which I believe I should run by you in person.”

“Ambassador let me be clear, if you tell me they want us to act as intermediaries then you’re out of a job. Otherwise, please continue.” The Archon sighed. At the start of the conflict, she’d phoned back many times saying that the Equestrians were again asking for them mediate. It had become very annoying for everygriff involved, apparently it had even gone up to the Archon.

“No your eminence, he’s come here to discuss a private matter for the crystal royal family.” Müller explained, best not to jump right in and go slowly. “He’s made it very clear to me that the deal he wishes to make must not leak, especially to the rest of the UPF and Equestrian princesses.”

“How exciting, shady deals with the enemy behind the backs of their precious princesses.” The Archon mirthlessly chuckled.

Deciding now was the moment to strike, Müller unleashed the truth. “He’s here to ask that Princess Flurry heart be granted asylum in the Reich.”

After a few seconds of silence, there was a rustling on the line. The distinct sound of the movement of bedsheets and feathers. Then the Archon shouted at someone on his end “Get the Kaiser!”

Ah of course, they’d need the Kaisers approval. Despite being the regent of the empire, a select few things would still require their Kaisers personal seal. Giving asylum to the crown princess of a foreign empire would certainly classify as one of those things. With it being pushed straight to the Kaiser and Archon, the document would probably be ready within the hour.

“Make the deal ambassador.” The Archon said suddenly “I’ll draft up a document for the Kaiser to sign so we can legally grant her asylum. Due to the civil war, we have an abundance of titles without holders. Tell the Prince that Flurry Heart can be made Princess of the Strawberry Dutchy and live as a Griffonian citizen and noble under the personal protection of the Kaiser. Ask him when to expect her.”

“Yes your grace. Marshal, the Regent has agreed. Before we discuss terms, how is she getting to Griffonia and on what date?” Müller asked Blueblood.

The pony turned his head slightly and chewed the inside of his cheek obviously debating it. Boats were slow and the Equestrian navy could easily stop them once they realised what was going on going on. Changeling submarines may also still be operating in the area despite fuel problems, they couldn’t risk the ship being sunk.

“The Reich recently annexed Skyfall, we can fly from the Village up North to Skyfall. It’s the closest point of contact between our continents not controlled by communists.” Blueblood replied. “We can make a stop on Reich controlled Haukland for fuel. She’ll set off a month today, that should give us enough time to make a believable excuse for her departure.”

“Good good.” The archon muttered over the phone; he could evidently hear the Marshal “Tell him we’ll be ready. The Kaiser and I will travel to Skyfall to meet her in person. Ambassador, there’s a plane due to arrive for a personnel change in two days’ time, hand whatever document you produce over to the pilot. Ask them ‘did you see the game last night.’ If they reply ‘yeah I won 50 marks on that game.’ Then hand it over. The pilot will also give you our official statement for when the time comes.”

“Of course your grace.” Müller replied evenly.

“Phone me tomorrow with the details. And well done.” The archon roughly demanded.

As Müller was about to reply, she heard the line buzz as he hung up. Slowly removing the phone from her ear, she placed it back down and sighed. In a private way, Müller was ecstatic for Flurry heart. She was a mother herself and understood the desire to keep your child safe, she also understood how hard it must have been to need conceive sending them away to a foreign country knowing you would probably never see them again.

“As you may have been able to guess, the Regent has accepted your proposal. She’ll be made Princess of the Strawberry Duchy and considered under the Kaisers personal protection. The Kaiser and Regent will meet her in person upon her arrival in Skyfall. All we need to do now is negotiate the terms.” Müller said calmly as she pulled out a pen and paper to start making notes.

Marshal Blueblood seemed to have no obvious visible reaction. But Müller was trained to spot small changes in demeanours, it made moods easier to pick up on. Blueblood’s reaction was same as all other unicorns. His magical grip on the drink he held loosened slightly, only noticeable by the slight change in pitch coming from it.

His stoicism was commendable however. He approached the desk and sat in front of her, obviously preparing for a long stint of negotiations. It would seem that any notions of getting some sleep had disappeared, now there was no hope. All-nighters came semi regularly in this job, not that it made the prospect anymore appealing.

“I’d like to start by transferring my entire family wealth over to Flurry Heart in the Reich.” Blueblood began.

“How would this transfer take place? Getting funds in and out of Equestria is going to be difficult at this time.” Ambassador Müller asked. Smuggling money out of country probably wasn’t the easiest thing to do in a war.

“My family’s wealth is stored on a privately owned island in the middle of the pacific. Due to centuries of secrecy and bribery, it doesn’t appear on any maps. The island is guarded by my own personal division of troops and holds the entire Blueblood family wealth. I’ll give you the location and contact my men there. It can be considered Princess Flurry’s wealth from now on.” Blueblood explained. His family’s wealth wasn’t something that he’d trust just anyone with, a full division of his house troops was the bare minimum he’d consider guarding it with.

His house troops were ponies who’s families had sworn allegiance and served it for centuries. They were the last remnant of the old Equestrian military system, the leftover from an age when each royal and noble house levied its own troops and standing forces. The Blueblood house was the last one to still field its own troops, they made a useful personal guard. While he’d rolled most of them into the command structure of the regular army for the war, he kept a single one abroad protecting his vast wealth.

“And how much is there exactly?” Müller inquired, taking notes.

Glancing around and making sure Scharnhorst was looking the other way as he prepared their drinks. Blueblood slid a piece of paper over to himself. Picking up and pencil, he scribbled a number on it and slid it towards the griffon on the other side of the table. As the head of the Blueblood house (and only one still alive), he didn’t have to consult anypony else on giving it away.

Adjusting her glasses, Müller picked the paper up and lazily glanced down at the number written down. Her eyes widened as everything other than the number seemed to fade into nothingness. Her mind just couldn’t comprehend it, there was no way the number was real, it just couldn’t be. Her beak opened and closed several times, trying to form words.

“Before you ask, remember that my family has been the right hoof of the Alicorn diarchy for more than 1000 years.” Blueblood reminded, almost too casually.

Müller was still in total shock, she just couldn’t believe it. “But…this is more than Flowerenia and Skyfall combined!” She said, slightly too loudly.

“They owe me money actually, thanks for reminding me.” Blueblood hummed. “Anyway, onto the next point then?”

Author's Note:

So the italics are speaking in Hertzlandic, probably should have established a precedent for that at some point.

Also, my brain juices started flowing and decided to add another chapter after this. I had an idea I just couldn't not write down (It involves Blueblood getting a date). Something that I should also make clear is that I'm treating Blueblood like a family name (surname), I've decided that his first name is Davian, named after Davian Thule from Dawn of war Dark Crusade.

I'd also like to give special thanks to Ryanair for delaying my flight back to the UK from Italy, it gave me a couple of hours to kill in which I got through the meat of this. My flight was delayed for, and I'm quoting here, 'Delayed due to a delay'.

Literally no timeframe for the next chapter, I mostly type these out on while on a bus, so that makes the schedule a bit unpredictable. I'm always hanging around in the comments if anyone had questions or wants to complain, so feel free to do whatever idk.