• Published 26th Feb 2024
  • 264 Views, 27 Comments

Griffon The Brush Off - TheKing2001

One of Rainbow Dash's friends comes to visit, causing chaos through the town and angering multiple townsponies.

  • ...

Well, That Happened

Dinky swung back and forth on the swing set as Ruby, Noi and Rumble all three were building a game of Jenga next to her as Dinky idly watched. Dinky admittedly didn’t really care for Jenga, too boring in her opinion. Dinky watched Noi pull out a block as the tower started leaning.

“Damn hooves!” Noi snarled as the tower collapsed and slammed a hoof on the ground hard enough to crack the ground. “Must be freaking nice to be a unicorn and wings. You can use those to place the blocks gently. Better than earth pony hooves.”

“Language Noi!” Cheerilee called out as she turned a page of her book.

“Sorry Miss Cheerilee!” Noi called back as Rumble snickered. “Shut it Rumble.”

“Oh but of course,” Rumble mocked as he picked up the blocks again. “Earth ponies are kinda cool, not gonna lie. Sure, flying is cool and all but earth ponies are stronger.”

“They can make things grow,” Ruby added as she examined the Jenga box. “Mom and Aunt Junebug can work wonders with their hooves. Don’t even get me started on Aunt Cherry, Cheerilee and the flower trio.”

“Must be nice to be related to Miss Cheerilee. Bet she gives ya all the answers,” Noi commented as she flopped on her back.

“Not even remotely close. She’s harder on me than anything else,” Ruby scoffed as she rolled her eyes. “Mommy and her sisters seem to be on iffy ground, kinda like they’re always walking on glass around each other. Junebug or mom often take me out of the house whenever the three started arguing.”

“Damn,” Rumble said as he fluttered his wings a bit.


“Sorry Miss Cheerilee!”

“Anyway, what’s it like having two moms?” Dinky asked Ruby as the unicorn jumped off the swing and landed next to her.

“Oh it’s good. Minuette is pretty nice, super serious about always being on time and never late. I haven’t seen mommy this way in a long time,” Ruby answered as she idly built another tower. “Next topic.”

“Where’s Button Mash?” Noi asked as she lifted her head barely.

“Oh you mean your boyfriend?” Ruby asked with a smirk.

“He’s not my boyfriend,” Noi corrected instantly and shoved her face into the dirt to hide her blush.

“And the sky is purple. Anyway, I think I saw him talking to Sweetie Belle,” Ruby said and pointed over to the slide.

“What?” Noi snapped as she shot up. “Oh, I’m going to kill that annoying upstart. That little brat of a unicorn, wannabe pop star.”

“Oh boy now you’ve gone and done it,” Rumble muttered under his breath as Noi galloped off with a furious expression.

“What about you Rumble?” Ruby asked as she sat up straighter. “Anypony you interested in?”

“Keep this a secret,” Rumble started as the two nodded, making a zipping motion over their lips. “But it’s Lily. You know, Roseluck and Daisy’s sister? She’s actually really awesome, pretty and nice.”

“O-oh,” Ruby said as her face fell and she looked down. “Gotcha. Isn’t that illegal though?”

“I don’t know. Love is love, right?”

“That sounds like a bad excuse from adults to make it right,” Dinky said as she pointed a hoof.

“Eh. Anyway, recess is almost over. I’ll see you two at lunch,” Rumble said as the two waved, watching the colt fly across the yard.

“Colts are stupid,” Ruby muttered as she kicked the blocks. Dinky watched as she shoved the blocks back into the container and sighed.

“Got that right. We still on for milkshakes later?”


“What in Equestria is that thing?” Noi asked as she pointed a Gilda walking down the street.

“Mom said it’s a griffon. Friend of Rainbow’s,” Dinky answered as she picked the cherry off her shake. “I was told she’s kinda rude and to stay away. Apparently she was treating Pinkie poorly or well, according to Pinkie that is.”

“Huh. Never thought I’d see the day somepony didn’t like Pinkie,” Button Mash mused as he yawned.

“Tired?” Noi asked as she took his Gameboy and set it on the center of the table.

“Up late playing video games. I tell you, Maretendo is like an abusive freaking step mom with how they treat their consoles,” Button grumbled as he reached for the Gameboy and Noi smacked his hoof away. “Hey!”

“You can play with it later when you talk to me and the others for awhile. Primarily me,” Noi said as Ruby and Rumble rolled their eyes.

“Fine, fine. Talk about what?”

“I don’t think he knows,” Rumble muttered and Ruby raised an eyebrow.

“I can think of somepony else who doesn’t know when somepony likes them,” Ruby commented casually under her breath as she stuck the straw in her mouth.

“Easy,” Dinky told her fellow unicorn as Ruby nodded. “Anyway, so we should come up with a name for our group.”

“Cutie mark crusaders?” Pipsqueak suggested as Noi shook her head.

“That’s taken by Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.”

“Sweetie Belle is pretty cool,” Button said as Noi smacked the back of his head and he winced. “Ow! What was that for?”

“For opening your mouth I think,” Rumble said as he smirked. “Anyway, none of us have our cutie marks so how about the cutie markless crusaders?”


Button and Pipsqueak blinked as the fillies raised their eyebrows.

“That was the worst thing you’ve ever said,” Button said flatly as he sighed. “How about uh we’re fur real? Because we have fur and all?”

They all stared at him as Button turned red and he shrugged.

“I like it,” Noi announced as Pipsqueak stared at her.

“You only like it because he suggested it.”

“Shut up Pipsqueak!”

Ruby stifled a groan as she looked away. While she did love Noi like a sister, the earth pony could get on her nerves like no pony she has ever met.

“Ponies I see too often?” Pipsqueak suggested. “I mean, it’s funny and a bit true. I see you at school, I see you all after school, I see Ruby at home because she and Button are my neighbors.”

“I think it’s pretty good,” Ruby said after a moment. “I don’t see anypony else making suggestions. So far we got we’re fur real which was down right awful, cutie markless crusaders which is borderline copyright infringement-”

“What’s that?” Noi asked as Ruby shrugged.

“No clue but mom said it’s like theft I think. Anyway, we also have ponies I see too often which is my personal favorite because it’s a bit accurate.”

“Ooh what about the pipsqueaks?” Pipsqueak suggested as everypony stared at him flatly. “What?”

“All in favor of not picking that name, raise a hoof,” Ruby said and all the others hooves shot up in the air as Pipsqueak crossed his hooves. “Maybe one where it’s not your name with an added letter.”

“Fine. Anypony got straws?” Pipsqueak asked as Pinkie tossed some straws onto the table as she trotted past. “Well that was uh convenient?”

“It’s Pinkie Pie. Don’t question it,” Dinky said as they all nodded. “Trust me, it’s gonna keep you sane.”

“Damn right,” Ruby nodded as she froze and stared at the frowning teacher in front of her.


“Does Miss Cheerilee have an alarm that tells her when I curse?” Ruby muttered as they all watched Cheerilee trot away.

“We sleep on name ideas later and meet at lunch. Deal?” Button Mash said as he reached for his Gameboy and Noi sighed as she hoofed it to him. “Yes thank you!”

“Yeah yeah you can make it to me later with dinner,” Noi said as she twisted her mane around her hoof.

“Uh why?”

Noi slammed her head on the table as she cursed into it repeatedly.

“What’s with her?” Button Mash asked as Rumble and Pipsqueak both gave him looks.

“Nothing!” Dinky said hastily as Noi lifted her head and continued drinking her shake. “I have to head home. Thanks for paying for me Pipsqueak.”

“Anytime Dinky.”

“I have a question,” Ruby said as she stared at Silverspeed across the desk. “Mommy trusts you after you and Sunset helped her in Canterlot so I need advice. Let’s say your friend really likes somepony but the pony she likes is incredibly oblivious. How exactly do I go about telling the pony my friend likes that she likes him?”

“Well uh,” Silverspeed started as she scratched the back of her neck. “I’m not really the best one to talk to this about. My love life hasn’t necessarily been the best either. Does your mom know you’re here?”

“Well no but-”

“You should probably head on home. It’s getting late kid. Need me to walk you home?” Silverspeed offered as Ruby shook her head.

“No thanks. I live next door so I’m fine. Thanks for trying to help at least,” Ruby sighed as she stood up and started to leave.

“For what it’s worth, I think your friend is lucky to have you as a friend. Maybe talk to your friend and see what she wants you to do. Sometimes the best thing is to let her speak for herself. When push comes to shove, only she will know what’s best,” Silverspeed said as Ruby nodded. “Maybe ask Derpy. She’s good at these things.”

Silverspeed trotted to the window and watched as Ruby trotted to the house next door and opened it, disappearing inside. Silverspeed originally was going to turn the filly away primarily because it was past office hours but well, Derpy had convinced her to hear her out before the mailmare had to go home to her own daughters.

Silverspeed left the window and trotted up the stairs to her room where Sunset was passed out on the left side as Silverspeed paused. She still didn’t entirely expect Sunset to continue sleeping with her. Sure, she still had her nightmares and all but Silverspeed had figured Sunset would get tired after the first week.

“She looks peaceful, does she not?” Princess Luna asked and Silverspeed jumped. “Sorry. We did not mean to scare you.”

“You’re okay Princess Luna. Just didn’t expect to see you tonight. How can I help you?”

“We see your dreams and they do worry us,” Luna said as Silverspeed sat down. “You think you’ve done wrong.”

“I killed somepony. Of course I did something wrong.”

“Technically not,” Luna corrected as Silverspeed gave her a flat look. “Celestia was taken by well, us. Those deer took our niece and her friends. You did what you had to do and frankly, the fact you feel guilty is good. If you didn’t feel guilty we’d be more concerned.”

“I guess so,” Silverspeed sighed as she glanced at her helmet sitting on her nightstand. “What’s that?”

Princess Luna levitated a paper in front of her and Silverspeed picked it up curiously as Luna waited.

“It’s a pardon,” Luna answered finally. “From Tia and I. You’re cleared of all wrong doing. You were doing your job and keeping Sunset safe. Like you were ordered.”

“Thank you. It means a lot,” Silverspeed admitted as she wiped her eyes and Luna levitated it to the desk. “Is this a dream or are you actually here?”

“That is for you to decide,” Luna smirked as her horn glowed. “We must be going now. Goodbye for now.”

“Goodbye princess,” Silverspeed bowed her head slightly and looked away as Luna disappeared with a pop.

“Who was that?” Sunset asked as she rubbed her eyes and Silverspeed yawned as she laid next to the mare.

“Just a friend helping me out. Now go back to sleep.”

“Mhh okay.”

Silverspeed yawned again as she hesitantly flung a foreleg over Sunset and closed her eyes.

“Goodnight Sunset,” Silverspeed muttered as Sunset snored quietly. “Heh, looks like she was out of it. Must be nice to be able to fall asleep that fast. Wish that was a skill I had as a filly.”

Silverspeed pressed her muzzle into Sunset’s mane and passed out.

Author's Note:

Noi is the daughter of Golden Harvest and is easily irritable when she sees something she doesn't like or somepony, primarily Diamond Tiara. Noi currently has no cutie mark alongside her friends Dinky, Rumble, Pipsqueak Button Mash, Liza and Ruby. She is one of the original members of Dinky's friend group and often needs to be calmed down by the unicorn or Rumble when she gets angry. Currently at odds with Sweetie Belle over who gets claim over Button Mash. Noi enjoys spending time with her friends or reading a book, primarily mystery novels she steals from her mom's book case. Noi often gets suspended from school for fighting, often Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon when Noi decides the earth ponies have annoyed her enough, to her mother's anger. Noi often gets angry when seeing ponies she cares about mistreated, often scaring away other potential friends and classmates which only serves to make her angrier and sad.

Motto: Anger gets me going better than any other thing else.

Status: Alive.

Abilities: Noi is a capable earth pony filly who is quite strong after constantly helping her mom in their rows of carrot fields. She is good at making plants grow along with her mom.

Allies: Golden Harvest (Carrot Top), Berry Punch, Ruby, Liza, Cotton Cloudy, Pipsqueak, Dinky, Rumble, Silverspeed, Shoeshine, Trixie, Roseluck, Derpy, Sparkler, Sunset, Lyra, Bon Bon, Cheerilee, Cherry Berry, Junebug, Luna.

Enemies: Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon (formerly), Tirek, Discord, Nightmare Moon(formerly), Chrysalis, Storm King.

Weaknesses: Her anger issues often scare ponies away, leaving her upset till Cotton Cloudy or Dinky helps her.

Ruby is the unicorn daughter of Berry Punch and Minuette. Ruby is often called Pinchy by her friends and mom. Ruby is a friendly filly who often helps make juice with her family members, opting to use her hooves like her earth pony relatives instead of magic like normal unicorns. Ruby is a member of Dinky's friend group and is one of the original members alongside Rumble and Noi. Ruby often gets annoyed at Noi over her random comments, often having to break up fights between Noi and Diamond Tiara. Currently trying to go out with Rumble.

Motto: When the going gets tough, the tough get moving.

Status: Alive.

Abilities: Ruby is physically very strong due to her earth pony heritage, almost strong enough to rival Noi and Pipsqueak. Ruby is smart and can identify different berries and drinks by simply sniffing them.

Allies: Dinky, Pipsqueak, Noi, Rumble, Button Mash, Berry, Minuette, Silverspeed, Shoeshine, Trixie, Roseluck, Derpy, Sparkler, Sunset, Carrot Top, Cherry Berry, Cheerilee, Junebug, Lyra, Luna, Silver Spoon, Cotton Cloudy, Screw Loose.

Enemies: Diamond Tiara, Nightmare Moon (formerly), Tirek, Discord, Chrysalis, Storm King, Blueblood.

Weaknesses: Ruby often has to defend her mom Berry Punch from her more ruder classmates, often leaving her upset. She sometimes can react aggressively if pushed hard enough which makes most ponies wary of her.

Well, there's a tornado on the ground and I'm listening to the sirens go off. Chapter updates will be delivered if I lose power.