• Published 25th Feb 2024
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Video Game Journeys: Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time - CrashGuy41

The Rainbooms continue their journey with Crash Bandicoot to find Sunset.

  • ...

Blast to the Past

At the Rift Generator, Tawna was having a very difficult time against two N. Tropys. One was bad enough for her, but going up against two managed to be even more difficult than she had thought.

"What's the matter, hero? Couldn't solo this one?" the female N. Tropy mocked as she held Tawna between the prongs of her tuning fork.

Just then, they all heard a familiar voice call out to them.


From out of a Quantum Rift jumped Crash, Coco, Dingodile, and Cortex. They were ready to help Tawna beat both of the N. Tropys. Just then, another Quantum Rift appeared and Twilight and her friends emerged, safe from harm, with Pinkie now back in her normal everyday attire.

"You guys! You're alright!"

"Of course we are. Although, we did have a little help," Pinkie said.

"Help? Help from who?"

"I dunno. Call it fate or maybe just a coincidence."

"Well, look who finally decided to show up," the female N. Tropy said smugly. "The last time I killed her friends, her screams were exquisite."

"I knew it!" Applejack exclaimed. "That's why you lied to us back in Salty Wharf, isn't it? It's 'cause you saw Crash and Coco die right in front of you!"

"It's true. It's because my N. Tropy murdered them in cold blood," Tawna strained.

"You monster!" Fluttershy growled.

"Well now, I do believe that instead of killing them on the spot, how about we make this fun?" N. Tropy suggested. "Give them a sporting chance?"

The female N. Tropy was intrigued by his suggestion and released Tawna from her tuning fork, throwing her in front of Crash and Coco.

"Let's see what you mongrels can do as a pack," the female N. Tropy dared.

Both N. Tropys then slammed their tuning forks into the ground. This created a huge burst of energy that went towards everyone. To their surprise, however, the Rainbooms were still in the same area with them.

"Impossible!" N. Tropy gasped.

"How are you seven brats still with us right now?" the female N. Tropy snarled.

"Because our magic keeps us protected from life-threatening powers such as yours!" Sunset said in determination. "Try as you might, you won't be able to stop us from defeating you and destroying that Rift Generator!"

Suddenly, a huge bright light emitted from all seven of them and everyone started emitting laser beams that fired at the Rift Generator. While all of this was happening, Crash, Coco and the others managed to find their way back after being transported somewhere else from the energy blast.

"Woah!" Crash exclaimed.

"No kidding," Coco said in awe.

The beams hit the Rift Generator, which caused a shockwave that sent both N. Tropys flying towards the machine like a couple of magnets.

"Curse you--!" N. Tropy groaned as he slid off.

"Equestria Girls," the female N. Tropy said as she did the same.

After that was over, the girls returned to normal and saw what had just happened.

"Did we win?" Fluttershy asked.

"I think so," Sunset confirmed.

"YES! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE BEAT THE BAD GUYS!" Pinkie squealed as she jumped up and down.

Crash was so happy that he taunted the N. Tropys by dancing in their faces.

Cortex smugly walked up to N. Tropy and started to mock him.

"What's the matter? Unable to handle the simplest of tasks?" he mocked. "I no longer have need for our--"

Before he could continue, however, a Quantum Rift opened up behind both of the N. Tropys. From it emerged a male warrior-like figure unlike anyone had seen before. He wore armor that was both black and blood red. His helmet had four spikes poking out from the top and his visor emitted a blood red aura. He had a flowing cape that was as red as Sunset's hair. The insignia on his chest resembled the head of a dragon. He also had a sword that was sheathed in the scabbard on his back.

It was hard to explain, but there was just something about him that gave off a menacing vibe.

"W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-Who is that?" Fluttershy shivered.

"I don't know, but he manages to creep me out," Rainbow responded.

"What do you want, Algomak?" N. Tropy growled.

The figure known as Algomak lifted both N. Tropys up with his hands by their necks, then stared intently at the Rainbooms. His presence alone was enough to make Pinkie start shaking uncontrollably. Algomak then set his gaze back towards the N. Tropys.

"Master wishes to see you," he said slowly.

Algomak slowly turned towards the Quantum Rift he came through and started walking towards it. After taking a few steps, he stopped to look back at the Rainbooms again. After about a minute of looking at them, he stepped into the Quantum Rift, which closed behind him. As soon as he left, Pinkie abruptly stopped shaking and nearly lost her balance. Luckily, Twilight caught her just before she hit the floor.

"Pinkie! Are you alright?" Twilight asked.

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I don't know, Twilight," Pinkie stammered as she held her head. "I've never had my Pinkie Sense go off like that before."

"Whoever that man was, he was sure scary," Fluttershy whimpered.

"No doubt," Applejack agreed.

"Well, let's not worry about him now," Kupuna-Wa said. "Come on, boys. Let's plug up these holes in our world!"

Lani-Loki, Akano and Ika-Ika all nodded and joined Kupuna-Wa around the Rift Generator. All of them focused their power, then spun around the generator, creating gold bolts of energy that closed all of the Quantum Rifts in the world. At least, the world that they were in, anyways. After their work was done, the four masks stopped spinning, as they were now exhausted from using up a lot of their power.

"Y'know, not that being stuck isn't fun, but how the heck are we supposed to get home, now?" Rainbow asked sternly.

"Right! Now that we've mended things, we can take you anywhere, anywhen... after we rest. For now, I can only get us as far as the culinary capital of the universe: Neon City!"

"Culinary capital of the universe?!" Pinkie asked, licking her lips. "Count me in!"

Lani-Loli opened a Quantum Rift that allowed everyone to go to the place called Neon City. It turns out that even masks have to eat, as well. As strange as that may sound.

"Mmm... nachos," Akano said hungrily.

Everyone headed through the Quantum Rift and proceed to the Sn@xx Dimension 3023, where Neon City was located. One look at Neon City and everyone could tell that they were definitely somewhere in the future. The look of the place managed to amaze them.

"Woah!" Crash exclaimed.

"You said it, Crash," Coco agreed.

"This! Is! So! Totally! Awesome!" Rainbow squealed.

"So much beauty! I think I've just had a huge spark inspiration for a new line of fashion for my outfits!" Rarity squealed. "I've got to see what it'll look like once we get home from this adventure!"

For once, Rarity, I highly agree with you," Applejack said. "This place just speaks for itself."

"Not to mention that the technology here is so far advanced!" Twilight squealed.

She had a huge cheshire-like grin on her face.

"We can meet with the others after we've explored," Aku Aku said. "Now, which way to the food trucks?"

"Oh, I hope they some delicious sweets!" Pinkie said, barely able to contain her excitement.

Meanwhile, in an area that was covered in complete red, both of the N. Tropys were brought towards a red throne by Algomak.

"Let us go, you ungrateful brute!" N. Tropy snarled.

Algomak tossed the N. Tropys onto the floor right in front of the throne. On it was the shadowy figure from before.

"Master, why have you summoned us?"

The figure was silent for a moment. After about two minutes of awkward silence, the figure finally spoke in the same electronic voice from before.

"So, it seems you have failed in keeping the Rift Generator open?" it said.

"Master, please. It wasn't our fault."

"Silence! I am well aware that you were beaten by those seven brats you have encountered before, N. Tropy. Despite your abrupt failure, I would say that it is only a minor inconvenience."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that, thanks to you, some of my minions were able to pass through a few of the Quantum Rifts that you and your counterpart generated around Bermugula's orbit. And for that, I very much pleased."

"Well, that's a relief," the female N. Tropy sighed.

"HOWEVER! That doesn't excuse the fact that you lost to a group of adolescent brats! I should exterminate the both of you where you stand. But because of your efforts allowing my minions to pass through some of the rifts, I'll let you live... for now."

The figure struck its staff, signaling for Algomak to come to their side.

"Ready yourself for the Medieval world, Algomak. If my predictions are correct, we won't be needing to follow those girls into the next world they go into."

"Why do you say that, master?" Algomak asked.

"Simple, Algomak. There is already an enemy, three enemies, in fact, that are already in that world that those brats have faced before. Let's let them have some fun with them, shall we?"

"As you wish, master,"

"You may go now,"

Algomak descended from the throne and the figure let out a laugh so evil that it caused both N. Tropys to let out nervous chuckles. The laugh ended up echoing throughout the throne room as the figure continued to cackle in delight.

Back in Neon City, Crash, Coco and the others were voicing their opinions on the food that they just ate.

"That Shnurgle shank was killer!" Tawna said.

"Ugh! Strewth! Who cooked it?!" Dingodile complained. "Heat was too high. S'why it was all rubbery inside. subpar grill marks, too."

"Really? I thought it was absolutely fine," Rarity said. "However, my favorite has to be the soufflé. It was absolutely delightful."

"I loved the banana split they had," Pinkie said, licking her lips.

"I liked the pickled wumpa leaves," Coco said.

While they were all talking, no one seemed to notice that Cortex was once again hatching another evil plan.

"Cortex, you CAD! Why did you not see it before?" he asked himself.

He then pulled out his laser gun and kidnapped Kupuna-Wa.


"Catch me if you can, Twilight Sprinkle!"

Cortex then ran off, holding Kupuna-Wa like a child with a balloon on a nearby blimp.

"How the hell are we going to follow him now?!" Rainbow asked.

Just then, a Quantum Rift opened behind them and they heard the same voice that brought them to this world in the first place.

"Quickly. The seven of you must go through this portal," the voice said. "Let the bandicoots follow Cortex aboard that blimp. The game must play out like it should or else the digital world could be doomed to collapse."

"You two, follow Cortex aboard that blimp! We'll meet up with you when we can!" Twilight said as she and her friends went through the rift.

Crash and Coco obeyed by having both Tawna and Dingodile give them a boost towards the blimp.

"Give him hell!" Tawna shouted.

Later, Crash and Coco made their way back in time to the year, 1996. It was when Crash was first created. Eventually, they met up with the Rainbooms, who were just in time to witness past and future Cortex argue over Crash's creation.

"Why won't I listen to me?" Cortex sighed as he ended his hologram message.

"Maybe because you're too stubborn to realize it!" Twilight snarled.

Twilight then looked around and saw that they were in the exact place where she entered: Cortex Castle. Upon inspection, however, she realized that her past self was nowhere to be found.

"Where am I in the past?"

"I must confess that due to circumstances beyond your control, that your intervening does not technically exist in the past," the voice said.

"But why?"

"Because it was actually by someone else's hand that made Crash into what he is today. You must stop Cortex in order to find out who it was."

"Got it. Come on, you guys. Let's go stop Cortex once and for all!"

Everyone made their way through the Castle until they finally came face-to-face with the present-day Cortex, who had his past self locked in a cage.

"Do you have any idea how stubborn I used to be?!" Cortex asked.

"Yes," everyone said bluntly, except for Crash, who just nodded his head.

"Cortex, if you're thinking of stopping yourself, you can think again! Because we're going to stop you from stopping yourself once and for all!" Twilight shouted.

Using her geode's magic, Twilight yanked Kupuna-Wa back to her side from Cortex's machine and donned the outfit again.

"Come on, everyone! Let's show Cortex what it really means to work together as a team!"

As if on cue, both Applejack and Pinkie donned their outfits from the masks again, while the others readied themselves in fighting stances.

During the fight, Cortex harnessed the dark matter ability of Akano and tried to use it against his opponents. Using Akano's power, the machine spun around like mad as Cortex fired deadly lasers at them. Applejack then noticed a device that was sticking out from the floor. It was phased out in one area, giving her the perfect opportunity to use Lani-Loli's power.

"PHASE!" she yelled.

The word activated the platform, allowing it to be visible. She then slammed down on the device, which shocked Cortex's machine. After that, Pinkie looked up and saw another similar-looking device on the ceiling and decided to flip gravity in order to activate it. After doing so, she slammed down on it, which once again, shocked Cortex's giant machine.

"Stop that!" Cortex pleaded.

There were two more devices sticking out from the floor. Twilight knew they had to activate them, but the lasers were moving too fast for her to safely jump over. As Pinkie descended back onto the arena, Twilight decided that she had no other choice.

"TIME SLOW!" Twilight shouted.

The command slowed down time just long enough for Twilight to slam down on one of the square-shaped devices. With one remaining, Crash decided to take the risk and slam down on it himself. The impact from the device shocked Cortex's machine once again. Desperate to get rid of his opposition, Cortex called for four of his lab assistants to take care of things.

Unfortunately, he didn't count on the others kicking them into his machine. After doing so four times, the shock ejected Cortex out of the machine, causing him to land in front of everyone. As he wallowed in defeat, the machine ended up exploding due to an overload. The resulting explosion caused some wooden crates above him to fall down and hit him on the head. Once the last crate hit him, Cortex collapsed from getting hit so many times.

"Oohh! That's gotta hurt!" Pinkie cringed.

After the battle was over, Applejack, Pinkie and Twilight were relieved of the masks' powers as Crash lowered the past Cortex down onto the floor via a lever. Happy that his future self had been beaten, the past Cortex celebrated, then ran into his lab to get the past Crash ready for the Cortex Vortex.

Everyone watched as past Cortex and N. Brio got Crash's past self ready for the Cortex Vortex. Unfortunately for everyone, though, Crash leaned his arm against the exact switch that Twilight pressed when the Rainbooms first arrived in the world. As expected, the same result happened, again.

"Explains a lot," Coco sighed as she cracked a smile.

Just then, a Quantum Rift opened up behind the Rainbooms and the same voice from before was heard.

"You have done well, Rainbooms. You helped this video game world get its proper ending," the voice said. "And for that, I am grateful. Because this world has seen the ending that it was meant to have, you are finally allowed to go home."

"We can go home?!" Rainbow squealed.

"Yes. But be aware that there will be other video game worlds that will also need your help someday. And when the time comes to journey into the gamingverse again, I will send one of my messengers to let you know."

"How will we know who this messenger is?" Twilight asked.

"You will know when the time comes. For now, you all deserve to return to your own dimension for a well-deserved rest."

"I heartily agree. This hold adventure in this world has really taken its toll on my stress levels," Rarity said.

Before walking through the rift, however, Twilight walked over to Coco and gave her a big hug.

"I'm going to miss you," she said as tears trickled down her face.

"Me too, Twilight," Coco said.

As they let go of each other, Twilight reached into one of her pockets and pulled out a blue flower hairpin.

"Here, take this. This used to be mine when I was little. It's a little something to remember me by."

Coco took the hairpin and smiled at Twilight.

"I'll never forget our time together, Coco. Ever."

Twilight then turned away and walked towards the Quantum Rift. As soon as all of the Rainbooms were through, the rift disappeared. Unbeknownst to them, Cortex attempted to follow, but was stopped by Akano. The Quantum Masks decided to banish him at what they called the end of the universe. It turned out to be similar to a tropical island, where Cortex could finally be alone and at peace. Or... so it seemed.

Author's Note:

The shadowy cloaked figure is an OC of Dragonknife5, whereas Algomak is my own creation. I didn't make the art, though. I'll admit this, I'm not good at drawing, or creating art in general.

I simply found a good-looking image online and thought that it would look really good for an antagonist.