• Published 2nd Mar 2024
  • 291 Views, 11 Comments

Bob The Builder: A Train a Fixin - Big Imagination E

The Canterlot City train station is broken! Who can fix it? Bob The Builder! Can they fix it? YES THEY CAN!!

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Final Step: Building the Rooms and Decorating

Back with Travis he continued rolling into town and found the hardware store. He politely asked the man if he can get some equipment for the train station that's being rebuilt. He had no problem helping and called his co workers to get all necessary equipment that he needs. After an hour or two Travis got the equipment and rolled out of town and back to the train station. Bob and his crew finished the signs and saw Travis.

"Hey Travis! Were glad you're here. We just got finished with the signs. Now were all ready to build the rooms." Bob smiled.

"Ok Bob. Just carefully get all the equipment and you can get started. And we'll help you if you need anything." Travis replied.

Bob nodded and opened the trailer up. He climbed in and carefully carried out all the equipment and placed it down on the ground. Now since there were three rooms to fill Bob figured he should start with the waiting room first. So he went in the empty space and build some chairs and added some light in so they won't sit in the dark. And he even added a speaker in the right corner so the passengers can hear what trains are arriving. Finally he painted the walls to make it look nice and not bland. After all that he smiled in satisfaction.

"Ok. Waiting room done. Now there's just two more rooms left to build. I better get the control room ready." Bob said.

But before he could he heard his phone go off and he answered it.

"Hello? Oh hi Sunset. Yes the train station is almost finished. Just the last few rooms I gotta build in and I'll be done in no time." Bob replied. "Oh? You and your friends are coming in a few hours after you finish packing? Ok well like I said I'll be done in no time after I get the last two rooms done. Ok see you soon."

He hung up and went back to work. He carried some other equipment and wires and went to the empty room on the left. This was gonna be the control room. Now he knew darn well that every station needs a control room as it serves as a central space where a large physical facility or physically dispersed service can be monitored and controlled. Central control rooms came into general use in factories during the 1920s. Anyways Bob began reading an instruction book on how to put the controls together. He had to wear safety goggles and gloves as well as a welding helmet in case he needed to wield something. After 2 hours of electrical building he finished the control room and stepped out wiping the sweat off his head.

"Whew! Ok. Two rooms down and only one left. The arcade room. But first I need a coffee break. I'm A little tuckered out." Bob said.

So he sat down next to Scoop and took out a coffee holder and poured some in a cup. He drank it and relaxed a bit. Yes even the handyest man around needs a little break every once a while. And after building those two rooms he definitely earned a break. Then after 30 minutes Bob accidentally fell asleep and Scoop needed to wake him up.

"Hey Bob. Wake up." Scoop said.

Bob stirred and yawned as he got up.

"Sorry Scoop. I fell asleep. Anyways lemme get back in the train station and build the final room." Bob said.

So when Bob was fully awake he grabbed the final pieces of equipment and headed in the last empty space. He then got started on placing the arcade machines where they should go and even decided to place a jukebox on the right side so they'll listen to some music. Bob even added a mural on the wall. And with the help of his long time friend/partner Wendy he didn't have trouble painting the room. See back then Bob did have trouble painting but luckily his friend Wendy showed him the ropes. Soon enough after a few minutes the final room was complete and Bob smiled as he stepped out to let the paint dry. He smiled seeing that the train station is finally all done.

"Well team. Great job! We fixed the train station! And we managed to make it better than before." Bob said.

"Yeah Bob. Now the Rainbooms can get to where they need to go." Travis said.

At the same time they saw Vinyl Scratch coming here. "Hey Travis. Wow! That station looks amazing! Oh wait til Twilight and her friends see this!"

"They will be so happy to see this." Muck stated.

"Hey Vinyl? Since there's an arcade in the station now think we should plan a party?" Travis asked.

"Uh yeah! Let's plan a special party for them so that way they'll get a kick out of it before the leave for their vacation in Maretopia!" Vinyl agreed.

"A party sounds like a great idea! Let's get it set up and surprise the Rainbooms!" Bob added.

Everyone agreed and they all band together and headed into town one more time to pick up some party supplies. This will be the best party they have ever seen.

Author's Note:

The train station is all fixed!! Now get ready for the final chapter with all of them at the party!