• Published 7th Apr 2024
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G5 Adventures in Barney's Great Adventure: The Movie - ponydog127

In their latest Unity Quest, the Mane 6 meet Barney the purple dinosaur and some brand-new friends, and they must use the power of their imagination to save a rare, magical egg from getting into Allura’s greedy paws.

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Saving the Egg and Sending Allura Packing

After encouraging their friends into never giving up in their rescue mission, the Mane 6 re-explained everything they knew about Allura, and it was time to discuss what they were going to do next. “Okay-- we’ll be the first line of defense to stop Allura, since we have the most experience,” Zipp said, causing the other Mane 6 members to nod before she turned to the kirin sitting beside the Night Lights. “Gentle Rain?”

“I’ll be the next line of defense,” Gentle Rain spoke up, “just in case Allura proves to be too much.”

“Great,” Sunny nodded before turning to the dragons. “Bat, Ripper and Noir?”

“With our imagination shields and our plasma blasts,” Bat said, “we’ll be the last line of defense, giving Barney and the kids enough time to get the egg and get back to the farm before the next rings light up.”

“But… didn’t you say that Allura is REALLY powerful?” Abby asked nervously. “What if you guys get hurt?”

“Don’t worry about us, Abby-- we know how to make her tick, and we’re sure that with a little dose of cutie mark magic,” Misty reassured, “we’re sure to send her and Twitch running with their tails between their legs.”

“But promise us that you guys will be safe too,” Sunny said to the others with a serious expression. “If things go wrong, it could get dangerous.”

“Cross our hearts and hope to…” Cody began to say, but upon realizing what came next, chuckled nervously. “Well, you get the idea.”

This prompted a few laughs from the group before Barney noticed some rays of sunshine alongside the drops of rain. “Hey, look! A sun shower!”

“This way, we can still go out and look for the egg!” Zipp smiled. “It’s genius, really.”

The ponies got out their portable umbrella hats while Barney handed out umbrellas to Cody, Abby and Marcella before he got one for himself, keeping Gentle Rain and the baby Night Lights under the umbrellas as they walked out of the tent to continue the search.

Marcella looked around, unsure herself on where to start. “So, where do we go next?”

“Well… I’m not sure yet,” Hitch admitted, “but… I have a feeling that its probably closer than we think.”

“Come on,” Cody urged, “let’s find the egg!”

“Excuse me, bub,” called a man walking on extremely large stilts. “I heard about your little problem. Just what is it you're looking for?”

“Well,” said Barney, “it’s a really big egg, and…”

“About this big?” the stilt-walker displayed the size the egg was. “Yeah!” Bat nodded. “Have you seen it?”

“I think I saw something like that. Let me see.”

The stilt-walker got out a huge pair of binoculars and pointed them in a specific direction before spotting the egg from up where he was. “Yep. There it is.”

“Huh? Where?” everyone looked around, but didn’t see anything. “Clear over that way!” the stilt-walker pointed in that direction. “By the balloons!”

“Thank you so much!”


“Thanks for your help!”

“Come on, guys!”

Everyone ran out of the carnival in the direction of the balloons. “Hurry!” Sunny cried out. “We still may be able to catch it!”


It took quite a bit of running, but after leaving the circus, the group climbed up a large hill, where the balloons could be seen on the other side... and they were just taking off! “The balloons!” Abby shouted before the group began to shout as loud as they could to get the pilots’ attention.



“Come back!”

“Help, please!”

“One of you has our egg!”

“Guys, I see the egg!” Zipp said, getting her visor out and focusing on the balloon that had the egg in a cage. Suddenly, the egg’s fourth ring began to glow a bright golden yellow color, causing her to gasp. “That’s ring number four! Only one more to go!”

“Come back! Come back!”

“Please, stop!”


“Oh, you can't take our egg! Come back! Oh…”

However, the balloons were getting too far away for anyone in the balloons to hear them. “Oh, it’s no use!” Pipp sighed. “They’re too far away for us to fly and catch up to them!”

“But if we can’t catch up to them,” Noir said, “then we’ll never get the egg back in time! Allura could get to it before us and we’d never be able to stop her!”

Cody tried to think of a solution that could get them to the balloons at a much faster rate, and when he saw a nearby tree trunk that could fit everyone, he got an idea. “Yes we will. It's gonna take some imagination,” he said before walking off. “Right, Barney?”

“Uh…” Barney waited a moment, realizing what Cody just said. “Right! Uh… yes!”

“Wait,” Pipp said, “what did he just say?!”

Cody began to remove the vines and sticks from the tree trunk and sat down on it just as the others approached, still a little confused and bewildered. “Cody,” said Marcella, “it may be some of Izzy’s glitter essence getting to me, but did you really just say imagination?”

“Well, yeah,” Cody said casually, “it's been kind of an unusual day, okay? Now, I think you should all climb aboard.”

“...should we?” Ripper looked up toward the Mane 6 with nervousness and suspicion. “Well, any chance to stop Allura is one we should take,” Sunny said, “so we need to trust Cody on this. Come on, guys.”

“Okay,” Marcella shrugged, but did as asked, “all aboard the tree trunk.”

Everyone sat upon the tree trunk, just before Cody told them all his idea. “We're gonna pretend that this is the fastest, coolest airplane in the whole world.”

“You think a tree trunk can fly?” Marcella asked bluntly. “Well, it’s the best thing I’ve thought of so far,” Bat told her friends, “so we’ve gotta try!”

“Okay,” Abby shrugged, “I will.”

“Here goes nothing…” Hitch said nervously before closing his eyes. “Prepare for takeoff, captain!” Barney said with a little salute, just before everyone closed their eyes and began to make-believe the tree as an airplane.

To some, it may seem like a crazy idea, but it was their last chance to beat Allura, so they had to take it with everything they had.

Even Cody was really trying hard. “Flying should be easy,” he said to himself. “It’s kid stuff!”

As they began to imagine the trunk moving, suddenly, it felt as if the log was slowly moving forward. “Come on!” Cody exclaimed. “Faster!” Ripper told the log as it moved forward more. “We can do this!” Marcella cried. “We can!”

“And to make sure this works,” said Zipp, “a little cutie mark magic!”

The Mane 6’s cutie marks sent out magic that wrapped around the log, turning it into the very airplane that they were imagining, and sending it rocketing off into the sky! “WHOOO-HOOOOOO!!!” Izzy cheered alongside her friends. “I’M THE QUEEN OF THE WOOOOOORLD!!!”

Cody chuckled as he manuvered the stick he was sitting in front of around, moving the plane just a bit. “Yes!”

“Wait a second,” Gentle Rain spoke from the back. “Cody, do you even know HOW to fly an airplane?”

“Uh…” Cody immediately realized the kirin was right. “No, I-I don’t!”

Everyone screamed and held on for dear life when Cody moved the controller around to avoid several balloons, even making a loop-de-loop after they got done passing the balloons ahead of them.

After Cody got the plane steady again, Misty groaned dizzily and tried to keep from puking. “Nice flying, Cody…”

“I could have done that with my eyes closed,” Cody said casually. “In fact… I did!”

“Ooh…” Bat whimpered, her paws covering her eyes. “Not making me feel any better!”

As he scanned the skies, Ripper noticed Allura leaping from balloon to balloon with Twitch on her back, getting closer to the balloon with the egg, causing him to immediately gasp. “Allura and Twitch! Twelve o’clock!”

“Really?” Noir asked his brother. “It’s 5:43 in the afternoon!”

“No!” Ripper groaned. “They’re right over there!”

“We have to figure out how to stall her until we can get the egg!” Gentle Rain exclaimed. “This is where Sunny and her friends come in!”

“Luckily, I managed to imagine some jetpacks out of some old backpacks for us flightless ponies!” Izzy said, passing them out. “Just in case we needed to take to the skies for some reason.”

“Izzy, these are perfect!” Misty beamed. “Cody, keep this thing flying toward the egg and we’ll keep Allura distracted!”

“Please be careful, guys!” Abby begged. “We don’t want anything bad happening to you!”

“Don’t worry-- we’ll be back to you guys before you know it!” Sunny promised before the group of pony friends flew off with their jetpacks and wings.


“Soon, Twitch, very soon, I might add,” Allura told her rabbit minion as she leapt from balloon to balloon, sights set on the egg, “that egg, and then, all worlds that I come across will be mine! AND NO PONY CAN STOP ME NOW!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

As she prepared to leap to the next balloon, which was two leaps away from the balloon carrying the egg, Hitch and Sunny slammed into her, causing her to tumble, but luckily, she was able to flap her wings before she and Twitch fell too far. “You know, Allura,” Zipp said, “you should really count your chickens before they hatch, otherwise you’ll be hit straight on with eggs!”

“Lucky for you, I’m not hungry for ponies today,” Allura sneered, landing on a balloon. “But I am hoping for an egg!”

But before she could leap any closer, Misty, Pipp and Izzy blocked her path, causing her and Twitch to grow more frustrated by the minute. “Move out of my way, you pests!”

“Not until you’re no longer a threat to Equestria or any other world!” Zipp said boldly, but when Allura leapt at her, she flew out of the way, causing Allura to growl and start a fight with the ponies, hopefully giving Barney and the others enough time to get the egg before she noticed.


At the same time, the pilot of the balloon holding the egg was minding his own business when he thought he heard shouting coming from nearby.

It wasn't any of the other pilots... so who else could it have been?

When he looked through his telescope, he saw that Barney, the kids, Gentle Rain and the Night Lights were approaching and calling out to him. “That's a splendid ship you're flying!”

“Well, thank you for the compliment,” said Gentle Rain, “but I think you might have our egg!”

However, the pilot seemed a bit confused. “Egg? What egg? Where?”

“Hanging off your balloon!” Abby shouted back. “Ah, that's my new ballast I just picked up,” the pilot told them. “Gotta keep the old ship steady, you know.”

“Uh, yes, but somehow, our egg got mixed up with your ballast!” Ripper exclaimed before turning to Noir. “What’s a ballast?”

“I have no idea,” Noir whispered, “but we don’t have time to find out!”

“See, I traveled all over the world, collecting things,” the pilot then told the group. “This is the most beautiful egg I have ever seen. But if it's yours, you better have it back.”

“Oh, thank you for being so understanding!” Gentle Rain smiled in relief. “Anytime, madam,” the pilot tipped his hat. “Just position your aircraft beneath mine!”

“Aye aye!” Bat saluted before tilting the joystick a bit to steer the plane. And once they were under it, the pilot let the bottom of the cage that the egg was in drop, letting the egg fall and the balloon rise. “GOOD LUCK!!”

“Oh no!” Abby and Marcella cried at once. “He let it go too soon!”

“Cody, dive as fast as you can and get under it!” Gentle Rain shouted. “Go!”

Cody slammed the joystick down, prompting the plane to go down twice as fast as when they originally started flying in order to get the egg in time. “I’m gonna break the sound barrier!!

I’M GONNA USE MY LUUUUUNCH!!!” Bat screamed in terror. “That’s it!” Barney shouted. “Faster!”

Eventually, they were able to get into the right position, allowing Abby to catch the egg, safe and sound. “I got it!”

“Way to go, Abby!” Ripper cried. “We did it!”

“Cody!” Marcella cried to Cody, who was looking back instead of forward. “The plane!”

Cody grabbed the joystick as the others let out terrified screams, but the joystick was stuck in that position and wouldn’t move! “IT WON’T PULL UP!!!”

With the group moving down toward the ground at a terrifying amount of speed, they could only hope the ponies defeated Allura and were coming to save them as they screamed.


Allura and Twitch continued to fight the ponies above the balloons, but the ponies had the comparative advantage, due to there being more of them... well, at least until Misty heard the terrified screams of their friends plummeting toward the ground, causing her to gasp. “Sunny! Barney and the others are in trouble!”

“We have to save them!” Hitch cried out. “We will,” Zipp spoke, “but first, Allura and Twitch deserve a wild spin of their own!”

“Ponies!” Sunny cried. “Whirlwind formation!”

The Mane 6 began to spin around and around Allura as fast as they could, causing a large whirlwind of their cutie mark magic to form, twisting Allura and Twitch around quite a bit until a few moments later, when Sunny declared, “Okay, ponies! Let ‘em fly!”

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” Allura and Twitch shrieked together as they were shot out of the stopping whirlwind, toward the ground… right into the same pond that they fell into earlier. “Now that Allura’s out of the way, we need to hurry!” Sunny told the others as they flew after the plane. “We need to save our friends and the egg before they’re killed!”