• Published 14th Mar 2024
  • 430 Views, 23 Comments

BEDLAM - Gormless Wheaton

A defeated villain from another world is granted a chance at redemption. Certainly he won't take advantage of this.

  • ...

Chapter 8

The doors were pulled open, allowing me ingress and I stepped out of my chambers with a sweep of my flowing red cape. God, it was good to be King.

I strode down the halls of Canterlot Castle basking in the tinted sunlight that streamed through the stained glass and in the gratifying sight of pony, diamond dog, and minotaur guards and maids saluting or bowing as I passed. Even the rhythmic clank of Tempest's shoes against the marble floor as she marched beside me was a thrill to hear.

Because, just like everything else in this kingdom, she was at my command. Though, that did remind me.

"Once I wrap up, we need to see how effective and comfortable adamantine is for your horn," I looked down at her and she met my eyes, the metal and gemstone prosthetic horn I'd built for her reflecting the sunlight brilliantly. I smirked. "The unicorns say the stuff conducts magic great, so since the minotaurs sent a few tons as tribute, I figure it couldn't hurt to see how it does for you." She smiled and nodded.

"Yes sir, as you wish." We continued on until arriving at our destination: a large set of double doors with a pair of minotaur guards on either side. They saluted and then pulled the doors open for me, revealing a study with walls and carpet colored a dark blue and bookshelves reaching from the floor to the ceiling. At the center of it all was a fluffy chaise lounge sofa next to a long desk on which sat several stacks of papers and folders. And on the sofa itself sat the alicorn national treasure herself.

She was lying with her back turned to me. I beamed and turned to Tempest.

"See you in the workshop?" I offered. She nodded, bowed, and left the room. The doors were shut behind her, leaving Twilight and I alone. I hummed happily and made my way to Twilight. "So!"

She didn't respond, only shuffled and curled tight. I gave her a bemused look. "Hey."

"Why'd you do it, Eddy?"


"Why'd you do it? I trusted you. I gave you a chance," she took a breath and let it out in a heavy sob. "Why?"

"I-" I shuddered as she began wailing. "Hey! I- You.." I clutched my head and stumbled back, tripping over my feet as I did. I was caught by magic.

"Luckily for you, I am sworn to defend all who dream." I whimpered and looked up to see Luna staring at me with an unamused look. She snapped her wings out and the room blurred before fading completely. The sounds of Twilight's cries faded last. I took a few breaths and then Luna let me hit the ground. "You're welcome." I stared ahead as she turned to leave, but then grit my teeth.

"Hey!" I rose to my feet and turned to scowl at her. She looked back at me with a raised eyebrow. "What's the big idea?"

"By dispelling your nightmare?"

"By giving me a nightmare." She narrowed her eyes and turned to face me.

"Careful what you accuse, Bedlam. Especially when you know so little about the dreamscape," she scoffed. "Though, you barely know your own psyche, so I suppose your ignorance could be excused."

"Excuse you?"

She rolled her eyes and spoke with a long-suffering sigh. "Like it or not, Bedlam, what you've just witnessed is what your subconscious has picked up on. Reality. Not the perverse little paradise you've envisioned since you went mad."


She was suddenly in my face. "You really believe you could burn her kingdom down around her, spoil everything she's worked to defend, and all you'd get out of it is a gwumpy wittle pony who pouts at you?" She spat. "If you destroy her home, you destroy her. And some small part of your already small brain has finally begun to pick up on that."

She loosed a chilling cackle. "Maybe leaving villains to waste with their thoughts in Tartarus does have some effect?"

"What are-"

She snorted and shook her head. "Stars above! Come with me." Before I could retort, I was dragged forward by her magic. We raced along a black void, passing by numerous little white orbs. "It's been chronic since you arrived."

"What has?" We came to a stop next to an orb that was glowing red. Luna forcefully stood me up and thrust it at me. Looking closely, I saw an image of Twilight with chains around her pulling her back. She was reaching for-

"The same dream every night since you arrived, Bedlam."

Twilight was reaching for me as I casually strolled further and further into a raging inferno. Then, suddenly, the orb cracked and burst.

"Ah, she's jolted herself awake again." I clutched my hand over my mouth and shuddered. Luna hummed and slapped my back with her wing. "You see? This is what you do to her." I turned to glare at her, but she rolled her eyes.

"I don't know what you were like before you went mad, but I know you at least cared about her, and to some extent you still do. You dream about having her at your side enough to suggest such. So! Some advice," I was pulled close to her and she grabbed my temples with her wings and glared daggers into me. "Give it up. If you truly love her, you cannot continue as you have. Embrace the opportunity she's offered wholeheartedly. Or you will never have her." She pursed her lips and huffed.

"Or you could just make another mechanical copy of her to be," she grimaced. "Whatever it is you expect her to be." Her wings flexed and then snapped out. The instant they did, I shivered and blinked.

I was awake in my cot, back in my cell.

"HEYAHAGH!" Eustace cried as the boar-man was hurled across the room by the force Rainbow and Applejack had smashed into him with. I watched him crash into one of the power crystals, which shattered and lit him up like a Christmas tree. The lights above us flickered and for a brief moment the low drone of the factory went silent.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "Eustace, you told me you knew how to use that arm I built you," I directed the drone that was providing me a video feed of everything to hover over him. "Were you lying just to impress me?"

He lay smoking and twitching for a moment before looking up at me. "hOeuugh.." He declared, letting a mouthful of smoke escape before passing out.

I sighed and leaned back in my seat before turning the camera to face Twilight and the others. "You know when I started expansion, I was expecting resistance from local defenders to be what stifled me. Not the ineptitude of my own administrators."

"Give it up, Bedlam!" Twilight demanded as she and her friends lined up. "We're taking Griffinstone back!"

Rainbow stamped her hoof. "Yeah! Unless you wanna come out and fight us yourself!"

I laughed. "Not physically possible, I'm afraid! As much as I'd love to see you face to face after, what, two years? Three? At this moment, I'm over fifty miles away."

"Fifty miles?" Starlight huffed.

"That's right! Part of the purpose of this factory was not only to gather materials but also to test the range of my new tower design! I'm sure you noticed it. It and the one at the facility I'm currently speaking to you from allow me to broadcast my controlling signal to all my animunculi within their ranges, as well as communicate like I'm currently doing."

"You've sure been busy," Twilight groused.

"You don't know the half of it. Jury and I have been working on something truly amazing! Here," I flipped a switch and projected an image of my project: a large, crystalline, orb, pulsing with magic. "This alchemically and magically manufactured gemstone will soon be the controlling brain of my entire operation. Allowing me to efficiently organize all my facilities, machines, and soldiers as well as rapidly pinpoint and respond to any alerts, attacks, fires, anything that upsets our workflow."

"Creepy," Pinkie hummed. Twilight meanwhile was looking much closer at the projection.

"Why does this look familiar.."

"Probably because I based its design on the Crystal Heart, which is also where its name comes from: The Crystal Mind," I chortled. The girls gasped and Twilight recoiled.

"Based on.. You're kidding!" She laughed. "Bedlam, just cause it's a big magic stone, doesn't mean it has anything to do with-"

"Oh, it's so much more than that, Twilight. When I say I based it on the Crystal Heart, you should know how serious I am," the projection began to spin, displaying all the facets of the stone. "While the Crystal Heart takes in love and turns it into energy, the Crystal Mind takes in information and turns it into action. There won't be any delay between an alert and one of my machines responding. The instant one facility falls, every other facility will pick up the slack and any nearby soldiers or machines capable of responding will immediately zero in on the fallen factory."

She looked back at the projection and considered my words. "An entire army working as one cohesive unit like cells in the body," I hummed as her ear twitched. "And you? Just an infection to be surrounded and neutralized." I uttered a low laugh as her ears flopped back.

"Dear Celestia," she gasped. The rest seemed to get the picture as well if the nervous glances they shared were any indication.

"Doesn't have to be that way though," I added. They looked up at my drone. "There is, after all, still one key feature missing from my creation."

They steeled themselves and Twilight huffed. "And what's that?"

"You." She recoiled.


"You're gonna try to steal Twilight's BRAIN?!" Pinkie squealed. She stamped her hooves and bared her teeth. "Not on my watch Buster!"

Ignoring her, I continued. "Twilight, you and your friends have all worked so hard to keep Equestria safe and peaceful, but for all your efforts, have you really made any headway? Can you honestly say you've ensured anything close to a lasting peace?"


"I can. The Southlands were full of warlords, villains, and criminals all vying for control and drastically decreasing the quality of life for everyone. Then I came alone," my drone rotated to focus on my unconscious administrator. "Eustace over there, for instance, lost his arm fighting some petty war for some petty duke or other. His homeland hasn't known stability for three generations."

My drone spun back and hovered into Twilight's face. "But it knows stability now! Because I came in and put an end to their noble's squabbling!"

Rainbow zipped up and punched the drone away. "Hey! We might have the occasional villain or monster running around, but Equestria's plenty stable!" She scowled. "And it's guys like you that ruin that."

I laughed as my drone stabilized itself. "I've seen plenty of the 'stability' your country has! Sure, you might not have constant wars or anything like that, but you have a much more insidious nest of vipers lurking, don't you?" She tilted her head and I smiled. "Neighsay and his ilk. All of whom are a symptom of a much greater problem with pony-kind."

I leaned forward in my seat and leaned on my desk. "Twilight, you and your friends are certainly an exception. You actually stand up to your problems, and try to find solutions. If you can manage it, you even try to find the best solution for both sides. That's why the Elements chose you! That's why I need you! Because you're exceptional!"

She frowned. "Compared to?"

"The rest of Ponykind, of course. I realized it years ago just before I left. It's why Stygian was so quick to return to the herd. Even Celestia isn't exempt!"

She huffed and stamped her hoof. "From what Bedlam?"

"Ponies, all of them save you and your friends, are just frightened little herd animals, pretending to be something larger than what they really are," Twilight scowled while her friends recoiled and their jaws dropped. "Now, playing pretend is fine, except they've secured power for themselves. They can affect the world. And when you mix fear and power, people get hurt."

Twilight glared straight into my camera while her friends shared a look before doing the same. "People like you and me have a responsibility! We have to course-correct those around us to keep them from hurting each other because of their silly little fears," I stood from my seat and kicked my seat back. "So, I'll ask you plainly."

I hit a switch and swept my arms out as my form was projected right before them. "Girls! Won't you help me save the world?"

They glared at me in silence for a minute, and then Twilight closed her eyes and growled a sigh. "I'm so sorry, Eddy," she opened her eyes, revealing them to be full of a fiery determined light. "But the answer is no."

"Hey, Twilight! I'm back," I called as I entered the front door.

"Eddy, come to the library," Twilight yelled back. I hummed a tune as I made my way there, but cut myself off when I entered and saw Celestia and the rest of the girls waiting for me next to a table.

"Hey," I greeted. Twilight regarded me sadly, while her friends looked anxiously between me and Celestia, who fixed me with a severe look.

"Edward Bedford, we need to talk," she said firmly and pulled a seat out. I hesitated and looked around before nodding slowly.

"Alright?" I made my way to the chair and sat. Celestia looked off to the side for a moment before turning to me.

"Where have you been today, Edward?"

I shrugged. "Out with Jury at the lake."

She raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yeah. We've been going there a lot and-"

"Yes, I'm aware you've been spending time together," she narrowed her eyes. "But I think we both know it hasn't been at the lake." I flinched and looked at Twilight and the rest before back at Celestia.


She sighed and frowned. "Don't play games, Edward, this is serious. Much more serious than you realize."

I frowned right back. "What is?"

"Edward Bedford, you promised me you wouldn't build any more golems," she scowled. "But you and I both know that's exactly what you and Jury-rig have been up to."

My jaw dropped. "Wha.."

"Do not," she firmly spat. I clamped my mouth shut.

My mind was racing. "How does she.."

"Oh, Eddy," Twilight sighed. I looked over at her and she fixed me with a sad frown. "Why didn't you just wait? Celestia said she was working on making it legal for you!"


"Do you know what could have happened if I wasn't the one to discover this?" I shivered and met Celestia's eyes. "If one of Neighsay's cronies caught you? The political nightmare this would cause in Canterlot for me? To say nothing of the fact they'd easily be able to go around me to have you arrested!"

I narrowed my eyes. "How did you discover this?"

"That's not important Edward! You-"

I stood up and met her eyes. "Were you spying on me?" She recoiled and my jaw dropped. "You were spying on me!" I took a step back.

She studied me for a moment and hummed. "I have many undercover operatives throughout Equestria, Edward, including in Ponyville. Considering the recent news I had to deliver to you, I was concerned for your well-being."

"So you had them spy on me."


I shook my hand. "No! It's fine! We both fucked up, it's whatever!" I smiled, pulled the seat to me, and sat down. She frowned at me and I folded my arms. "So, what now? You gonna arrest me?" I started tapping my foot.

She glared into my eyes for a minute. "Your notebook, Edward," I tilted my head to the side. "The one you keep all your research in. You will give it up to me as part of your promise to refrain from this practice."

Her frown turned sad. Pitying. "At least until I have done as I promised I would." My eye twitched.

I stared at her for a minute before sighing and hanging my head. "It's under my mattress," she furrowed her brow and I shrugged. "Look, I wasn't lying. We were just at the lake today, taking a break. We've made a lot of... Whatever, it's under my mattress."

She considered me for a moment before nodding and turning to the girls. "Applejack, could you please go fetch it?"

Applejack looked between us and nodded. "Sure thing. Back in a sec." She trotted out of the room, leaving us all in silence for a few minutes. I sighed hard.

"Please understand, Edward," I looked up at Celestia. She now wore a sad smile. "I'm only trying to help."

I smiled back. "Yeah, just like you helped me get home," I all but whispered.

She flinched. "Pardon?"

"Nothing. Hey," I stood up and sighed. "Jury and I had a bunch of lemonade at the lake, so, you mind if I?" I gestured to the door. Celestia studied me for a moment before humming and nodding. I smiled and bowed, before slipping out the door.

I leaned back on the dusty old throne, just staring at the ruins around me. The crude blasting talisman Jury and I'd whipped up had frightened off anything that tried to stop me, and I already knew no ponies came this far into the Everfree. So, for the time being, the Castle of Two Sisters, I think it was called, was my home.

I pulled my notebook from my pocket and leafed through its contents, specifically the very end and my most recent development with Jury. A flying animunculus, using propellors to keep itself afloat, just like those drones back home. Would've been great to actually build, but that probably wasn't going to happen now.

I moaned and leaned forward, my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. "What the fuck did I do?" It was too late to go back. On the spur of the moment, I ruined everything. Forever.

I locked my fingers over my eyes to try and keep the tears in. It didn't work.

I don't know how long I was asleep, but it was pitch dark outside when I came to. I was still sitting on the throne and leaned forward with a groan to crack my back. As I did, I saw a glimmer in the ground outside through one of the smashed-in walls.

After pondering it for a moment, I finally got up and walked over to it. Bending down to get a better look, I saw it was a small cluster of gems that the moon had just barely managed to light up. Digging them up with my hands, I looked over the clearing all around the castle and hummed. There was plenty of wood just lying around. I pulled my notebook out and flipped through it.

My wooden animunculus shuddered and shook before standing up and looking at me. "Stomp your right foot if you can hear me," I ordered. It did as asked. "Good. Follow me."

I led it outside and pointed at all the loose wood still lying around. "Start picking all those sticks and things up and pile them inside. Understand?" It stomped its foot. I nodded and snapped my fingers. "Show me." I watched it do a few cycles of collecting wood and bringing it inside before I was satisfied and started digging up gems by hand.

"Understand?" It nodded. "Show me." It picked up a gem and considered it for a moment before taking the sharp stone I gave it and carefully etching in some runes just like I'd shown it. Once it was done, it set it down gently and began work on another one with different runes.

The sun was high above the castle now. If I clocked it right, eight hours had passed.

Eight hours and some change was all it took for my operation to become self-replicating and self-sufficient. I had golems hauling in food for me, golems digging up gems, golems prepping gems, golems pulling down branches, golems prepping other golems, and initially golems teaching other golems. We'd reached numbers I was happy with by hour six, so I'd taken the teachers aside and repurposed them to start exploring the castle for any books on magic. They adapted perfectly, though some got stuck in a few pits and traps and were completely confused about how to get out.

I could fix that later, for now, I was thrilled.

Wood wasn't the best, but this was just the start. Just the prototype. If I can scale up and work on digging up ore, I could look into smelting, maybe even with magic. Maybe start working with stone to have nonflammable forge-workers.

It's just a matter of planning. Hell, if I got ahold of Jury and brought her in, who knows what we could pull off?

This can work. I can make something wonderful. Something no one's ever seen before.

Maybe more than that. I could turn this little clearing into a proper village. Fuck that! I could make a whole city! A state. A COUNTRY. A WORLD. For me.

For me and only me. Me and everyone else has to make adjustments to accommodate ME. Then I'D decide who can and can't practice magic. Then I'D decide who works and who doesn't. THEN I'D decide who gets left alone with their thoughts. Then I


I can


I leaned back on my throne with a smile. "Well, how about that?" I chuckled at the melody suddenly filling the room all around me. "I think I feel a song coming on."

Author's Note: