• Published 8th Apr 2024
  • 163 Views, 2 Comments

a world of corruption. - _-LeXx-_

in a world where nothing is as it seems, the mafia reign and nowhere is safe. starlight glimmer doesnt know what she's getting herself into when she agrees to become the apprentice of twilight sparkle, a doctor rumored to be insane...

  • ...

After,like 1 year - Starlight

It had been like one year since Starlight had started working for Twilight. She was now thoroughly accustomed to the way Twilight worked. she knew just what to do in most situations. Except now. When Twilight burst into her room, a manic grin on her face, Starlight just knew shit was about to get real.
"STARLIGHT!!! ROAD TRIP!!!!!" Twilight exclaimed in the tone of someone trying to sell something shitty as good.
"Wha- where?" Starlight had long since learned not to question Twilight- she always made sense in a sick, twisted kind of way.
"We're going to blitz's place!"

Spike started growling.
"Whoa, is he ok?" Starlight knew spike was the most well trained dog she'd ever met, him growling without Twilight's orders to was drastically out of character.
"He's fine, right boy?" Twilight forced those words through her gritted teeth, only letting them escape for Starlight's benefit.
"Twilight. I know you're lying." Starlight deadpanned.
"Fine, you wanna know the truth?"
"If I didn't, would I ask??" Starlight rubbed the bridge of her nose in frustration.
"The sass, god if I didn't know better I'd think you were my boss!" Twilight smiled while speaking but Starlight heard the loosely veiled threat in her tone. She was curious, but valued her life more than this answer.
"Never mind, lets just go..." Starlight said in a resigned tone.

Twilight hummed in approval, then quickly scribbled down a note on a scrap of paper she pulled from her pocket, folded it up, and handed it to her. With a questioning glance, Starlight took the paper and began to unfold it before being abruptly stopped by a lilac hand waving aggressively.
"WHOA, what do you think you're doing???" Twilight interrupted her and refolded the paper hurriedly. "This is super top secret!"
Starlight shrugged. I probably wouldn't even wanna know, knowing Twilight...
"well, I've put the address on you're GPS, soooo.... have fun byeeeee!"Twilight rushed through the last few words and pushed Starlight out of the door.

Jeez, what the fuck is her problem? Starlight sighed, Twilight was the definition of an enigma, she'd probably never know anything about her. Not that she wanted to. Some mysteries were better left unsolved. Staring down at the directions given on her phone she was quick to mute the insistently screeching voice of the GPS, like seriously, you could make it at least a bit human, it wasn't that difficult. It was one of the things that ticked Starlight off, the others being: people who don't flush public toilets, people who push in queues, bats, cats, long division, short division, Pythagoras's theorem- basically a lot of stuff. Still in a bad mood from thinking about all of this, Starlight began the long drive to Cloudsdale, one of the sleaziest places outside of Canterlot, the only 'clouds' there were made of charring smog emitted by the mundane workers at the countless factories.

She soon arrived at her destination, the luxurious penthouse apartment of one 'rainbow dash'. She recognised the name from Twilight's initial introduction to the cmc, so tried to recall what that annoying mad scientist had said. ehh.... she's an assassin- wait, no she's the best assassin. anddd.... she's probably boning the bar chick! Still wary, as the information she had was...uninformative at best, shitty at worst.
Pressing the doorbell, Starlight waited with bated breath, this place was so contrasting to most houses in Canterlot- or Cloudsdale for that matter, far more luxurious than the hovel she herself had grown up in. I guess crime pays she thought to herself while mentally preparing for a brattish, snobby, psychopath. Boy was she in for a treat.

The door was yanked open, with much more force than necessary, Starlight could hear the hinges buckling and protesting to the fingerless-gloved hand resting on the handle.
"Who the fuck are you?" She drawled, staring at Starlight like she was more worthless than long divis- damn it glimmer, stop thinking about long division! She chastised herself in her mind.
"Uh... my name's Starlig-"
"I don't fucking care what your name is - just tell my why you're at my door before I shoot you!" The prismatic haired woman was beginning to get on Starlight's nerves, but Rainbow dash was armed- and Starlight wanted to survive this encounter.
"I was sent by Midnight." Starlight used her boss's code name as she choked the words through gritted teeth. This seemed to get a reaction from her, but certainly not a positive one, as she saw the careless features on the sky blue face shift to utter contempt. oh shit, what the fuck did Twilight do to her? Starlight questioned until her eyes travelled past the frown to Rainbow Dash's neck, a wicked scar of dark navy ran up it. Surely she didn't- Starlight tried to reassure herself until a harsh voice cut her thoughts like a hot cleaver in butter.
"Yeah, she did this. You've probably figured this out by now, but that woman is a fucking psycho."
"h-how?" Starlight regretted the words as soon as they left her lips, Damn it Glimmer, you're really fucked this time, she'll absolutely kill you- you probably wont even have a body left to bury...
"Chill. I ain't gonna hurt you. Knowing that sadistic bitch, she probably wants me to though."
Relief flooded Starlight and she was just happy she wasn't going to die. But she still had questions.
"How did that...happen?" she gestured to Rainbow's throat, hoping beyond hopes that she wouldn't be killed for insolence.
"It's...a long story, but if you really wanna know...you'd better come inside and sit down cuz i sure as fuck ain't explaining this shit at the door."
Starlight paused to consider this, if she did this she could die, but on the other hand, she might learn some lore about the walking enigma who called herself Twilight.

She walked in.

Author's Note:

yes twi's nickname "rink" is based on twinkle sprinkle bc i love round trips vids on yt