• Published 22nd Mar 2024
  • 1,002 Views, 7 Comments

Why is there a pony in my bed? - Zlaggi

Usually when you wake up in your bed, you don't expect a pony staring at you

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Chapter 1 A pony in my bed

Anon, full name anonymous. Is a security guard at a huge grocery store near his apartment. His life is pretty monotonous but its his life. It does get boring quite often but he hasn't done much to change it. Its a good thing that he won't need to do anything for it to change, just how he likes it.

A groan escapes anons throat as he fiddles with his keys. He quickly fishes them out of his pocket and inserts it into his front door. The key slides into the lock smoothly but when he tries to turn it the key won't budge.

"God dammit. Fucking door. Open the fuck up." He grumbled under his breath. "All I want is to grab a fucking beer and have some pizza. Is that really too much to ask?"

With a few more minutes of fiddling with the lock and yanking at the door handle, it opens. The sight that greets him inside is horrendous. Dirty clothes strewn all across the floor of his living room, empty cans of beer completely covered the surface of his small dining table and empty pizza boxes were stacked up on each other.

His apartment consists of three rooms, the living room, bedroom and a singular bathroom. It wasn't much but it was home.

Anon kicked off his shoes and left them near the front door. He then went straight for his kitchen where his eyes locked onto the greatest invention of mankind, the fridge.

A small hint of a smile creeped up on his lips as he opened it, only to nearly instantly fall to a frown as he gazed at the insides of his precious cold friend.

The only thing that stared back at him was a singular half empty ketchup bottle.

"Shit. I knew I forgot something. No fucking beer. Great. Just absolutely peachy." Anon groaned as he shut the door to his fridge.

He pulled out his phone and checked the time. It was near midnight, his late shift today seemed almost unbearably long.

Anon pinched the bridge of his nose in slight frustration. "I should just go to bed."

He left his keys upon the kitchen counter and slowly shambled his way to the bathroom, where he quickly brushed his teeth. The man staring at him in the mirror had short brown hair, brown eyes, a bit of scruff on his chin and small bags under his eyes that told to the whole world how his sleeping schedule looked like.

He ran his fingers through his hair making the already slightly messy hairstyle more of a birds nest.

With a sigh he turned his attention away from the mirror and walked into his bedroom. He didn't even bother taking any of his clothes off, he simply stopped at the foot of his bed and flopped face first into it. His face impacting his pillow. It had just the right amount of softness while also being firm enough to be comfortable.

"I can't wait to repeat the same day again tomorrow." Anon crumbled sarcastically into his pillow.

And there he stayed until his room was filled with the sound of quiet snoring.


His bed was warm, unnaturally warm. It usually didn't feel this relaxing, but whatever was the cause of this just felt too good for him to open his eyes and check. A slightly fuzzy, warm and pleasant smelling thing rested in his arms. He sure didn't remember his pillow being this comfortable to hold.

He pulled it closer to his chest and breathed in deep through his nose. He noticed the scent of flowers hanging in the air, or was it coming off from his pillow? Strange, he didn't remember applying any kind of perfume on his bed, or burning scented candles.

He froze for a moment, his brain trying to come to a conclusion as to why he smelt flowers in his bed. Then he noticed something very weird. The thing he was holding seemed to be heating up, and was it moving slightly?

This made the breath catch in anons throat, what was he holding? Suddenly he really didn't want to open his eyes.

Another movement, was the thing breathing? Did a stray animal somehow brake into his apartment? No that couldn't be. None of his neighbors had any animals and this felt too big to be a flying creature that somehow broke through his second story window.

His heart rate fastened as his brain tried to come to a reasonable conclusion of what he was currently sharing his bed with.

'I have to open my eyes. What if its something normal like a dog? What if its some kind of monster? No that can't be it. It just has to be my pillow that is somehow too warm.' Anons thoughts wrestled in his mind, screaming at him to open his eyes and see what he was holding, yet a part of him was scared to do so.

'Fuck it, here goes nothing. Please don't be a flesh eating monster, or an angry dog.' He slowly opened his eyes, what greeted him was two giant and terrified light blue eyes that stared right at him, a small portion of what seems like pink hair slightly obscured one of the eyes.

"Holy shit!" Anon scrambled away from the creature, clumsily backing away until he accidentally fell off his bed, taking half of the blanket with him.

Anon groaned in pain as he rubbed the back of his head. Somewhere in the middle of the fall he had closed his eyes, now that he opened them again, he could see the head of the once absolutely terrified creature looking at him over the edge of his bed in what seemed concern. Its adorable huge eyes stared into his. The first thing he noticed was that the creature in front of him had a very expressive face, as if it could understand what was going on.

He slowly stood up from his very deadly fall and rubbed his head. As he stood up he noticed that the creature backed away slightly as he rose to his full height.

His gaze then drifted to the pony currently lying in his bed.

Now that he could take a full look at it he couldn't help but think of how cute looking this little thing was. It had a slightly curly pink mane that it used to partially hide it's face, yellow fur covered the whole thing except for the small picture of three butterflies that were located on its thighs and these hugely adorable eyes. His gaze then drifted to one odd thing that he noticed, the wings.

'Wait what the hell is a pegasus out of all the the mythological beings doing in my bed?'

It hid half of its face behind its slightly curly pink mane, one eye shyly looking at him. It didn't look as terrified as before, now it looked to be very shy instead.

"Uhm. Hi?" He waved at the pony. She looked away and hid further in her mane.

He sighed and crossed his arms. "Now, how did you get here?" He asked the question mostly to himself, he certainly didn't expect a response of any kind.

A small squeak emanated from the yellow and pink pony, the squeak almost sounded like words. But that couldn't be it, right?

"What?" He dumbly replied, this in turn was followed with another squeak, but this time it sounded a lot more like it was talking.

Anon squinted his eyes and slightly leaned towards the pony. "Did you just say something?"

This time what followed wasn't just a squeak, but words. Actual spoken words coming from a mythical animal only known in fiction.

"I- I don't know." A whisper escaped her lips, it was a very soothing and kind voice that could calm even the most angry of people.

Anons jaw opened wide as he simply stared at the now evidently known female pony that currently was laying on his mattress, on his bed, on a Friday morning.

"You can talk?!"

Author's Note:

Sentences that look like 'this' is anon thinking. "These" are him talking. Just to clarify to anyone who didn't pick up on it.