• Published 14th Apr 2024
  • 320 Views, 3 Comments

Broken bridge to Chaos - LindenDragon

After Discord is accidentally hit with one of Twilight's magic experiments, his connection to Chaos is permanently severed. He now has to get accustomed to life without a core part of his being.

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The news was something she never thought she'd hear, despite all they've been through prior.

There was an accident, enough to hospitalize and gravely injure Discord.

Discord, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, almost died.

She had to see him. They had barely gotten him stable, and who knew if it would last.

It took a day’s travel, but she made it to Canterlot castle, going straight to the special medical wing they have there. Twilight was waiting for her, ridden with guilt and grief, hunched over books and papers, surrounded by flasks and other alchemy equipment.

Her heart sank when Twilight explained what happened. Twilight had been conducting experiments with Harmony magic and Grogar’s bell. Discord wasn’t even supposed to be there, he just popped in at the worst possible time.

But the worst part was only coming. The spell had taken away his Chaos magic.

“Can’t you give it back? Or will he need time to recover?” she’d asked.

Twilight shook her head solemnly “It’s not that Fluttershy. I wish it was but… his magic wasn’t taken, it’s gone. He gained his magic through the connection he has with his dimension, but I think the spell caused a resonance that severed that connection- permanently.”

“So he’s… fully without magic now, forever?”
Fluttershy knew he basically became like everypony else, those without magic anyway, but she knew his magic was part of who he was, something he’d lived with his whole life.

She still needed to see him. Twilight had warned her it wasn't pretty. She had told her they had to put him into stasis and a coma to slowly recover. When she finally saw him, he lay there in a glass-encased quarantine room, unmoving and hooked up to all manners of machines and fluid bags. She expected that much, but she also saw that his fur, feathers and scales had started to fall off or change color by the time she got here. She thought he was falling apart. According to what Twilight told her, had they not stabilized him, he would have. However, one thing that stood out even amongst all that was the yellow and black vortex-like mark on his right shoulder- the place the spell hit him.

She decided to stay in canterlot for the time being, having already relayed her duties onto someone else.

Then, his body coverings started to grow back, but different. His manticore paw was a darker brown, and there were bald patches beginning to scale over. The doctors’ theory was that his body was attempting to “balance itself out”. When the spell took his magic, it had created micro-lesions throughout his entire body. It was explained that it was somewhat like he was dehydrated, except here, they had to slowly accustom his body to fill in the gaps physically rather than with magic.

One day, she came by to visit, only to see he was missing his horns. The nurse had to calm her down and tell her the only reason they had fallen was because new ones were growing in. And sure enough, she soon saw two small yet identical horns emerging from his skull. It was somehow both relieving and frightening.

He woke up a few days after that. The doctors said he was healthy enough to be woken up, and Twilight had assured her that in recent years, spells have been developed that kept a creature’s mind in check and allowed them to regain their bearings and movement within minutes of waking up from a coma. At least that would make Discord’s transition into his new life less frightening.

She always knew it would be hard, but the moment he opened his eyes to show white sclera, the full weight of how different things would be from now on sunk in.

He didn’t take the news well. She expected that much, but she didn’t expect him to cower like a cornered animal and to even be able to bolt out of the room before anyone could act, ripping out his IV in the process.

She immediately went after him, calling out his name, worried he would hurt himself, bleed out or suffer permanent damage to his body. His injury was bad enough to leave a light blood trail, but at least they could use that to find him quickly. They found him passed out right in front of his stained glass mural. He looked so small, in every sense of the word.

After the medics bandaged his talons and carried him back to his room, she asked to stay with him as he woke back up. She should have known crowding him wasn’t a good idea. They agreed as long as she made sure the IV wasn’t ripped out again and he wouldn’t run again.

He woke up about an hour after, and Fluttershy hoped that he remembered what happened prior, that he doesn’t have to go through this realization twice.

She watched as his confusion morphed to a blank look as the realization dawned on him. He stared at his claws, then slowly lifted them to feel his head, lightly rubbing at the small newly sprouted horns. Every passing moment, his sorrow became more and more apparent the more his situation sunk in. His expression then became one of grief and uncertainty as he finally turned to face her. Even though she’d braced herself for this, she felt a pang in her chest at the fear and pain in his eyes. Fluttershy leaned closer, inviting rather than initiating contact this time. In stiff movements, he gingerly rested his head on top of hers as they held each other. For a few seconds it’s silent, until she heard and felt his breath hitch, then again and again. She felt his tears soak into her coat, and she’d have said he was crying rivers, had it not been for the fact he actually would have done that if he still could. Then again he wouldn’t be crying if that was the case.

She held him for as long as he needed, even after he’d calmed down, exhausted from crying and limp in her hold.

The doctor checked in sometime after, beginning to explain Discord’s condition in more detail and how to live with it. It was mostly how others lived, those who did not have chaos itself flowing through them, making them able to ignore all the needs their body should have, but it would be a big adjustment for him. He had been treating his body like a plastic toy and only eating out of enjoyment for years.

She kept note of everything for him. He didn’t seem all there yet. However one thing snapped him out of his stupor for a bit.

“If your condition doesn’t worsen, you can go home in a few days.” the doctor had said, and Fluttershy heard Discord gasp beside her.

“Home, my dimension- I can’t go back there anymore.” Discord uttered, gripping his face. Fluttershy’s chest twisted at the words. He was right, that dimension wasn’t just his source of power, it was his home, the place where all his possessions were, where his house was, where some of their tea parties were held.

That was all gone now, and he had nowhere else to go.

Fluttershy swallows the lump in her throat. “…You can stay with me for now, like when we first tried to reform you” she offers. “We’ll figure something out, we’ll get you someplace to call your own.” she avoids saying it will be a new home, she cannot make that promise.

Discord silently nodded, his talons squeezing her hoof, his mind obviously still stuck thinking about all he’d lost.

The next few days were spent with more checkups and Discord adjusting to everything. Actually eating food all the way, eating a proper diet in the first place, getting used to the new limits of his body. Fluttershy could tell it was uncomfortable and foreign to him, but at least he found it in himself to try to mask it with annoyed comments occasionally.

Fluttershy reluctantly went back to Ponyville a week after Discord woke up. Twilight and him both wanted to continue conducting experiments and research ways to regain access and connection to the Chaos realm.

“I’ll be good as new soon, Fluttershy.” Discord had assured her, but even then, his optimism seemed less than genuine,
his smile the barest bit tense.

She saw Discord at the next council of friendship two weeks later. Twilight had explained before she saw him that her further research yielded no new leads to a solution. Just as they had feared, finding a solution could be a long time away, or even never. Because of this, a new house on the outskirts of Ponyville, somewhat near Fluttershy’s, was already being built for him, and he’ll have an unconditional monthly allowance to live on as compensation, but that he’d be staying with her for the time being if the offer was still on the table.

Discord was waiting for her in front of the throne room. His beard had regrown somewhat, as did his new horns, looking like something between his deer antler and goat horn. He looked tired, and she knew it wasn’t just from the experiments. As they were entering the throne room, she also noted he’s walking on all fours. He in turn noted her observation. “Walking on just my hind legs without my magic for long isn’t good for me, I’ve found.” he states, barely audible and devoid of emotion.

“Oh, that makes sense.” She’d only now realized how many health issues the way his body was built could bring in the future. With his body as asymmetrical as it is, even with the attempted balance it went through during the coma, he’s bound to get weight distribution-related problems at the very least.

The rest of the Council of friendship was there too, all giving Fluttershy, Discord and Twilight sad and occasionally nervous glances. Twilight herself was tense whenever she addressed Fluttershy or Discord, guilt flashing through her expression whenever her eyes landed on the draconequus.

Discord did not say a word at the meeting. No jokes, no quips, no gags, no props, nothing. It was like he wasn’t even there. She knew he had no powers and likely wasn’t in the mood for anything he was still capable of anyway, but it was jarring nonetheless. It was wrong.

Once the council ended the meeting, Twilight had arranged for a carriage to bring Fluttershy and Discord back to Ponyville. The only thing deposited into it was a small saddle bag with the symbol Discord had once told her meant entropy. Unless he’d gotten himself some new belongings, she knew the bag only contained medical supplies. She made a note to ask Rarity or even Pinkie to organize a shopping trip later on.

He remained quiet throughout the entire entire trip. Fluttershy had tried talking about whatever she could think of- her animals, how to potentially furnish and decorate his new house, but Discord only gave short and vague answers, absentmindedly looking at the sky and landscape. She herself went quiet soon as well, silently leaning against him and hoping it brought him at least some comfort.

Once they were back at the cottage, Discord simply stood in the living room, unsure of what to do next. This was wrong, he’d always be doing something, anything, even if it made no sense, just to fill the silence with chaos, just for the sake of always doing something, as if in perpetual motion.

“Do you want to do something before we go to bed?” she suggests lamely.

He blinked, and she caught his paw twitch. “No, I’m tired.” he finally answers, and Fluttershy just knows how much it pains him to say and fully mean it, that he’s tired, that he can’t do anything and everything anymore.

“You can sleep on the couch. Call me over if you need anything.” she tells him, handing him a spare blanket and pillow. He just took them wordlessly. “We’ll discuss things tomorrow. We’ll figure this out together” she assures him in an attempt to get him to say anything, show any emotion.

Discord just nodded, going straight to his temporary bed on the couch. He lies down slowly, letting out a tired sigh as he settles into the cushions.

She gives him one last look before retiring to her own room, “Goodnight Discord.”

“Goodnight.” came the quiet, listless response that made Fluttershy’s heart shudder. This was wrong, it was wrong for him to be like that. But… they’d both have to get used to it.

Author's Note:

Time for Fluttershy's pov. I finally got the introductory chapters over with.