• Published 29th Mar 2024
  • 440 Views, 101 Comments

My little Dragon Ball: FuyuMori - Tundricwolf

An ancient Alicorn roams the land with her adopted Saiyan son/student. After being on their own for many years, the two slowly begin to build a new group of family and friends

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Ch 9: A Deceptive Past

A few minutes after Applebloom took Arctic away, the others were calmly walking towards Ponyville. The Element Bearers were all behind Glacious, Zecora, and Tree Hugger.

“Well,” whispered Twilight, “that takes care of Arctic. What do we do about the others?”

“Oh, oh, oh! Can I take Tree Hugger with me? I wanna learn what flavor cake is her favorite.” Pinkie said as she bounced up and down.

“Well, ah suppose that’s okay. Just gotta keep her distracted for the rest of the day, okay Pinkie?” Said Applejack.

“Okie Dokie Lokie!” Said pinkie as she charged up to Tree Hugger, scaring the poor mare to death before dragging her off to Sugarcube Corner.

Zecora, seeing her adopted daughter get snatched by the excited pink mare, gave chase.

“But my daughter down, you!” Zecora said as she sped her way towards Pinkie with a confused and sorta scared Tree Hugger.

“Dang. That Zecora’s pretty fast.” Said Rainbow with a slight smirk, having been impressed by the zebra mare’s speed.

“Well, while Pinkie’s doing that, I should be on my way home. I must sketch my design for Arctic’s new outfit. I even have some idea’s for the others.” Rarity said as her mind begun racing with ideas and her heart racing at the idea of making new outfits, especially for Arctic.

“Alright then. Guess we’ll have to deal with her then.” Rainbow said glancing over to Glacious.

“I don’t envy you. She looks quite intimidating.” Rarity said as she shuddered looking at the massive Pegasus mare. “Well, I’m off. I’ll see you all later tonight.”

The girls all waved as Rarity made her way to her boutique eager to start sketching her designs.

“So, what exactly are we gonna do?” Asked Fluttershy, nervously looking over to Glacious.

“Maybe, we should talk to her. Take this chance to get to know about her.” Applejack suggested.

“Not a bad idea. And maybe we can learn more about Arctic too.” Twilight said. Her eyes shimmering with the idea of getting to learn about a new creature.

Quickly trotting up to Glacious, the four mare got her attention.

“Excuse me, Miss…” Twilight said before trailing off.

It was then she realized that she and the others, with the exception of Applejack, didn’t know her name. Picking up on this Glacious chuckled softly.

“Glacious, my young mare.” Glacious said in a motherly tone.

Twilight awkwardly smiled.

“Right. Thank you.” Twilight said.

“Young mare, what pray tell what are your names?” Glacious asked looking to the four mares.

“Oh, I’m Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight said with a small smile.

“Names Rainbow Dash. Fastest flyer in all of Equus!” Rainbow said with a broad cocky smile.

“Um, I’m Fluttershy Miss Glacious.” Said Fluttershy in a soft barely audible tone.

“Ah’m Applejack. Nice tah meet yah.” Said Applejack, tipping her hat a bit.

“Ah, so you’re the sister of young Applebloom?” Glacious asked.

“Yeah. She’s talked about me to y’all?” Applejack asked.

“Oh yes. She’s told us all how great a big sister you are and how much she looks up to you.” Glacious said.

This made Applejack smile. She knew her littler sister looked up to her, but to hear that she had been speaking so highly of her made her happier than ever.

“Miss Glacious,” Interjected Twilight, “We were wondering if we could talk with you? We were wanting to learn more about you.”

This kinda caught Glacious off guard, but she kept her composure. Seems to her, after learning how badly they messed up, they want to know her story. Get to know her on a more personal level. Glacious agreed and she walked with the four mares to Golden Oak Library.

The library was a bit shocking to Glacious. Homes like this were quite common for unicorns many years back. But nowadays, homes like this are extremely rare to come by. So seeing one here surprised her.

“So, young ones, what do you want to know about me?” Asked Glacious as she laid down after getting inside.

“How about how you got to be so big?” Blurted out Rainbow. This earned a glare from Twilight and Applejack.

“What? We were all thinking it.” Rainbow said defending herself.

Glacious chuckled before responding, “My size is due to my heritage. My great grandfather was a rather big Griffon. I inherited my size from him.”

“That makes sense,” Twilight said. “Griffons are a species that has rather large kin.”

Glacious sighed internally. She couldn’t let slip that she was an Alicorn. From what she’s gathered, many ponies seem to freak out at the sight of them. It’s because of this she tries to stay away from other ponies.

“So, can we learn about yer past? Everything we thought we knew was just us jumping to conclusions. We wanna really get to know yah.” Applejack said.

Glacious paused. She knew she couldn’t tell the truth, so she came up with a story that mixed the truth and lies.

“Very well. I suppose I should start from the beginning.” Glacious said.

“Years ago, I was born to a not so great family. My father was never around and my mother wasn’t the best mother around. She would always treat me like I was worthless. Made me feel unwanted. There was only one saving grace for me. My elder sister.”

This hit the four mares hard. They had no idea this was what the mare they had been blindly labeling a monster had been through. For Applejack, it was a toss up. She could feel something was up with the story. She had a feeling the mare before her was lying, but at the same time felt she was telling the truth. She held mixed emotions. Suspicion, sadness, even a bit of anger.

Of course this was a lie. There was only one truth to Glacious’ statement. The fact she had a sister.

“My sister was always there for me. No matter what. I looked to her like my guardian angel. Always there to protect me. Til the day she betrayed me. One day, she had obtained a significant amount of power. She began to grow cocky and power hungry. This made me feel uneasy around her, but I still looked up to her. Then one day, she ditched me. Claimed I was weak and was holding her back from realizing her true potential. I told her I could get stronger and wouldn’t hold her back. This then led to a fight between us. She beat me within an inch of my life and left me for dead. After that, I crawled myself away. Left my home, left my family. I needed to get away and improve my power. I had a feeling I would see my sister again. And I knew I would have to fight her once again.”

Applejack, sensing that this was true, began to grow upset. Hearing that Glacious sister pretty much turned on her, beat her up and left her for dead? It pissed her off. The others had a similar reaction to this. Rainbow was upset. Up until then, she was still a bit suspicious of Glacious and the others. But after hearing this and seeing how genuine Glacious was being shattered that suspicion and made her feel upset with herself for feeling that way and upset at Glacious’ sister.

Fluttershy, in a bit of a rare display, was also a bit angry. Although she was mostly saddened. She could tell that Glacious was extremely hurt by what her sister had done. The pain she saw in Glacious’ eyes made her heart ache.

Twilight was similar. Saddened and angry. But she was also surprised. She remembered the story of Queen’s Celestia and Luna. The incident with Nightmare Moon. Glacious’ story felt similar to that, though it seems things have yet to get to such an extent as the Royal Sisters.

Glacious was trapped in her mind for a second. It felt odd to her telling her story to these mares. While a good small chunk of it was false, everything involving her sister was true. She knew she would have to fight her sister one day, whenever they meet again. She also prayed her son would stay out of it. She couldn’t bare to see her son hurt or possibly killed by her sister, his aunt. She sighed and began again.

“After that, I roamed the land all on my own. No friends, no family, I was completely alone. That is, till Arctic came into my life. A small baby all on his own. So, I took him in. I adopted him and he became my son. Soon, I wasn’t alone anymore. I had my son with me, by my side for years. Eventually he did come to ask why it was we never went around other ponies. I tried to tell him why, but he didn’t listen. Over the years he tried to interact with other ponies, holding out hope he could be accepted. Every time he was shunned and chased away. I suppose what happened with you all would’ve been the last straw. His hope would’ve died out, if it wasn’t for Zecora, Tree Hugger, and to a greater extent, young Applebloom.”

The girls were saddened by this. Applejack especially. She felt worse than ever. Those two had been through a lot and for them to pile on? It hurt the family oriented mare. Especially know how badly she spoke of them. She desperately wanted to just drop down and apologize on the spot. Though she felt no apology she could ever come up with would suffice.

“That sounds so sad and so sweet.” Said Fluttershy to herself, tears building up. “I didn’t know you both have been through so much.”

Applejack walked over to Glacious and bowed her head.

“Ah know there’s nothin’ I can do to ever atone for what ah’ve done, but ah still wanted to apologize.”

Then, Twilight stepped up. Followed by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

“I would like to apologize as well. We never should’ve done what we did. We can only hope you can forgive us.” Twilight said.

“Yeah. What we did was super uncool.” Rainbow said.

“Could you ever forgive us Miss Glacious?” Asked Fluttershy.

Glacious smiled. She could see how remorseful they all were, especially Applejack. And after hearing them all apologize, she pulled them all into a small hug.

“I can see how remorseful you all are and that you’re up to something to make it up to us.” Glacious said with a small smirk.

This made the girls freeze. They didn’t know that she knew they were planning to make things up to them.

“And for that, I forgive you all. And knowing my son, he will forgive you as well.” Glacious said.

This made the four mares sigh in relief. While most of them were glad, Applejack was still feeling a bit guilty. Afterwards, the mares all started talking with each other. They all told stories and jokes, even Rainbow was pretty much ranting about how amazing the Wonderbolts were when she found out Glacious didn’t know what the Wonderbolts even were. Time flew by and soon it was time. After exiting the library, Rainbow flew off to retrieve Arctic and the Crusaders. Before long, the party would begin.