• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 843 Views, 11 Comments

A Suite For Two - Runic Script

Vinyl bought a very special pair of costumes

  • ...

Shiny Squeaky Swirly

“Hey Tavi, look at this! They’re finally here!”

Octavia sighed and lowered her bow, looking past the neck of her cello. “What is finally here, Vinyl?” She raised an eyebrow at the way her friend and housemate was prancing into the room, carrying a box in her magic. “Is that why you’ve been waiting at the front door for the mailmare all week?”

“It sure is! If you knew what was in here, you’d have been waiting for it all week too.” Vinyl pranced in place for a moment before setting down the box, peeling off the tape with surprising care and dedication.

“I’m surprised you’re not just taking a knife to it, if you’re that excited.” Octavia sighed and walked over, staying at a few steps distance just in case as she watched.

“That’s because I don’t want to risk damaging the contents!” Vinyl ripped open the top of the box as soon as the tape was off, reaching inside. “I mean, can you imagine leaving a scratch on this beauty?”

Octavia slowly raised an eyebrow. “Vinyl, that seems to be a rubber mask of your face. Why did you order a rubber mask of your own face?”

“I didn’t just order a rubber mask of my face, Tavi, come on! I also ordered one of yours!” Vinyl grinned as she pulled a second mask out of the box.

“Amazingly, that information somehow fails to reassure me. I daresay I have more concerns now than I had before knowing that.” Octavia sighed and rubbed the bridge of her muzzle. “Why did you order masks-” She looked at the box again. “Nevermind that, why did you order what appears to be full body rubber suits of the both of us?”

“For Nightmare Night! That way we can both dress up at each other!” Vinyl smiled innocently at her, still holding the masks.

“Vinyl. It is March.

“For the Germane Carnival Season then! Come on, Tavi, it was a once-in-a-lifetime deal, I couldn’t just not buy them, no matter if they’re out of season!”

“You could have at least asked me before you went and got a rubber facsimile of me! I don’t even want to know if that thing has the right measurements because I don’t want to acknowledge that you gave out my measurements to a random stranger!” Octavia stomped her hoof, glaring.

“I’m sure they just made a very good guess, ahahah…” Vinyl grinned nervously, trying to keep the box between them before realizing that these costumes were actually more valuable than her life and quickly stepping in front of them. “Anyway! There’s no returns or refunds, so the least we can do is try them on, right?”

She smiled, holding out one of the masks. Octavia simply stared at her with a raised eyebrow.

“...I’ll, uhh… I’ll let you pick the music for the rest of the day?” Her smile wobbled a little. “Two days? I, uhm… gah! Alright, you can pick the music for the whole next week! That’s my last offer!”

Octavia blinked, slowly taking the offered mask. “Wow, the last time you were this desperate for something you wanted to drag me to the Dragonlands to see Macklemare perform with dragon pyrotechnics.” She looked down at the piece of shiny white rubber, with an electric blue mane and a rubber version of Vinyl’s favorite purple shapes integrated in place of the usual eye holes such a mask would have.

“I-I’m not… Don’t call it desperate, you make it sound so embarrassing!” Vinyl whined and pouted, shaking out the grey and black mask in her own hooves to get the rubber smell out. “I just spent a lot of money on these because they looked really cool, and I don’t want to have to put them back in a box and leave them to gather dust somewhere before I even got to try them out.”

“I know, I know…” Octavia sighed and followed her friend’s example, stretching out the neck hole a little to test it. “You still owe me a week of my music though, just for the absolutely atrocious bed mane this will give me.” She stared down at the mask for a few seconds longer before taking a deep breath, holding it as she started to pull the mask over her head, tugging and pulling as it slowly slipped into position.

She was about to ask how Vinyl was going to fit the other mask over her horn, since it seemed made for an earth pony, but an odd shimmer distracted her. She frowned and squinted, tilting her head back and forth to watch an odd wavy pattern flash across the transparent purple rubber shades that covered the mask’s eye holes. At first she was concerned that whoever sold to her friend had used cheap materials or foregone quality control, but the longer she watched the pattern, the more did they seem too intentional to be a simple flaw in the production process. She was so distracted trying to feel out the full pattern on the lenses that she completely missed when an odd buzzing started to play in her ears, only noticing when she closed her eyes to try and rest them for a moment, just to find the odd sound echoing in her ears and jumbling her thoughts whenever she tried to focus. She blinked and shook her head in an attempt to clear it, but all it did was make her wobble and nearly fall over as she got even dizzier for a moment.

“...yl? Vinyl, are you feeling alright?”

Octavia blinked and tried to focus on the smooth, gentle voice with a hint of concern, squinting through her shades to see a familiar grey face right in front of hers. She yelped and stumbled a step back in surprise, falling onto her butt and sending the room spinning for a moment before she managed to focus on the grey earth pony with a shiny pink bowtie looking down at her in amusement.

“W-whu…?” She blinked dumbly at the other pony, head spinning and her voice sounding odd to her own ears. Or maybe that was just the persistent buzzing she still couldn’t shake off?

“I asked if you were alright, Vinyl. You looked a little out of it there.” The other pony was smiling oddly at her, or maybe she was just imagining things…?

“No, I’m al…” She cleared her throat, her voice sounding strangely rough… or did it? “I’m alright. Sorry, I was just feeling a little dizzy there. Must’ve partied a bit harder than I thought last night. You know that won’t keep me down for long, though.”

Vinyl looked up at Tavi, her lips quirking into a cocky smirk by instinct before she even thought about it. It was true, her head was already feeling better again and the room barely moved at all anymore.

Tavi smirked back with an expression that looked a little odd on her, like she was laughing at a joke Vinyl wasn’t in on. “Oh, that’s good to hear. I was a little worried there. Perhaps you’ll feel better once you’ve put on the rest of your suit?” She glanced down at Vinyl’s hooves meaningfully.

Vinyl blinked and glanced down in confusion, looking at her soft grey hooves and clean soft grey fur in surprise. She opened her mouth to say something when another wave of dizziness hit her, making her struggle to stay upright as the buzzing in her ears got louder. She gasped and shook her head, blinking rapidly and shrugging off whatever she’d been about to ask until the dizzy spell subsided again, leaving her panting softly as she got back up on wobbly legs.

“You alright there, Vinyl?” Tavi was already by her side, steadying her with a smirk smile as she helped her over to the box.

“Uh-huh… All good, a little dizziness like that won’t keep me down.” Vinyl chuckled a little awkwardly as she reached into the box and pulled out a large white and blue parcel of rubber, unfolding it into what looked like a deflated pony sans head. She didn’t give it a second thought, smiling dreamily as she zipped open the back and stepped into the legs, giving Tavi a grateful smile as her friend helped align the tail with her magic hooves. Contorting a little to reach back to her tail with her own hoof, she slowly pulled up the zipper, letting out a soft moan as the suit shifted and tightened bit by bit until it fused to the shiny white of her neck, the zipper left as a tiny white bump hidden underneath her shaggy blue rubber mane.

She blinked one last time, smirking as the last bit of dizziness disappeared and shifting into a pose. “Aww yeah! DJ PON-3 is back and better than ever!” She grinned and pranced in place, taking a few different poses that made her body squeak and sqrk. After a minute or so she paused, raising an eyebrow at Tavi who seemed oddly engaged in watching her pose, instead of rolling her eyes or making a snobby comment like usual. “You’re weirdly quiet, Tavi. Do I have something on my face?”

Tavi blinked before smirking smiling at her antics. “Oh no, nothing like that. I was just waiting for you to be done with all that since you won that bet and get to pick the music for the rest of the week now. But do go on, watching you pose quietly is definitely preferable to listening to your noise blasting through the whole house.”

Vinyl blinked before gasping and pointing an accusatory hoof at her friend. “You sneak! No way are you going to get anything less than a full week of my very best tracks for that! You can watch me shake my shiny rubber butt to the beat instead of just to the squeak!” She cackled and ran off towards her turntables, freezing in confusion for a moment as she tried to make sense of all the buttons and levers before remembering how everything worked. “Yeesh, I must be even more out of it than I thought, what did I do last night? Aww well, no more delays!” She slammed her hooves on the controls and queued up the first playlist, cranking up the volume until the walls were bouncing to the beat.

Looking over her turntables at Tavi she paused, confused at the lack of annoyance and mild artistic disdain that the earth pony usually showed whenever she was forced to listen to Vinyl’s music for any longer periods of time. A short buzz in her ears made that observation slip away from her without a second thought, though. She had more important things to think about, like how she was going to get to pick the music for the entire next week! She was going to spend as much time home with Tavi as she could, blasting dubstep through the house as loudly as their soundproofing could take, dancing and posing and pressing her shiny rubber body against Tavi’s shiny rubber body until they passed out in a heap.

She giggled and moaned at the thought, bouncing and shaking her flanks to the music, grinning as she found Tavi enthusiastically dancing her shiny grey treble-butt off right next to her. See, even a fussy prissy cellist like her totally couldn’t resist the heat of the beat and the wub of the dub. That was totally objective proof that dubstep was the best music. Tavi should just stop trying to get one over her, Vinyl was obviously too smart and clever and awesome and shiny and rubbery and squeaky and sqrky and-

Vinyl gasped and tackled Tavi to the floor, blanking out for the next few hours as she got lost in the shine and the swirls and the bass and the buzz.

Author's Note:

Everyone thank the ponysuits server for motivating me to write again, both on this and two other short WIPs.

If this story does particularly well I might write a bonus chapter for the reverse situation (Octavia ordering the suits to prank Vinyl), but don't hold me to it.

Comments ( 11 )

Nice story dude, great job, glade to see someone also liking SuperDerpyBot's art work. Keep it up.

Glad to see you back. Here's hoping for more excellent work

Oooh I like this! Big fan of ponies embodying each other :) I only wish it was longer, I was kinda hoping the Tavi suit would have the reverse effect on Vinyl :twistnerd:

What do you do when you want to go out as your friend, but you still need a you around? Just use a mind manipulating suit on them, so they think they’re you, then galivant as them all you like of course.

This was both a fun and enjoyable read going down an unexpected path. Hopefully 'Vinyl' can show off more of her amazing tunes to the unusually into it 'Octavia'.

While I confess I was hoping for the second chapter of "April Foal", this story makes for a pretty nice consolation prize. I'll be looking forward for your two other stories as well.

“Vinyl. It is March. ”

Hey at least it’s not something for Heartswarming

Very well written, but I'm a bit confused as to what the exact effects of the furtight bodysuits are.

They're tight and shiny~

11919716 That's all nice and good, but it doesn't explain the headaches, confusion and loss of memory.

They're hypno-goggles. I did mention the swirls and tag hypnosis in the story description.

11919884 Ah, that makes sense.

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